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a guest
Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. sub get{
  3. system('curl http://'.$server.'');
  4. }
  5. sub menu{
  6. print '
  7. =======================================
  8. | Termux Chatt Room| 5ul777h0n6h05t |
  9. | By SlthnIkhwnsyh | LolzC0de Security|
  10. | Thanks To : El Diablo : H3llboy |
  11. =======================================
  12. ';
  13. }
  14. menux:
  15. menu;
  16. print "[1] Create Server\n[2] Join Server\n[3] Exit\nCommand : ";
  17. $cmd=<STDIN>;
  18. chomp $cmd;
  19. if($cmd eq 1){
  20. $index='<?php $x=file_get_contents("log");echo $x;?>';
  21. $serverphp='<?php $date=date("d/m/Y");$clock=date("H:i:s");if(file_exists($_FILES["x"]["name"])){$x=file_get_contents($_FILES["x"]["tmp_name"]);$fh=fopen("log","a");fwrite($fh,"[$date | $clock] $x");fclose($fh);}else{@copy($_FILES["x"]["tmp_name"],$_FILES["x"]["name"]);}?>';
  22. print "Upload this files to your web server!\n\nindex.php :\n$index\n\nserver.php :\n$serverphp\n\nBack to menu?(y/n)";
  23. $cmd2=<STDIN>;
  24. chomp $cmd2;
  25. if($cmd2 eq "y"){
  26. system('clear');
  27. goto menux;
  28. }
  29. } elsif($cmd eq "2") {
  30. print 'Server : http://';
  31. $server=<STDIN>;
  32. chomp $server;
  33. print 'What is your name? : ';
  34. $name=<STDIN>;
  35. chomp $name;
  36. if($name){
  37. system('clear');
  38. print "\nWelcome to chat room, $name\n";
  39. open(FH, '>', "log");
  40. print FH "$name";
  41. print FH " joined ";
  42. print FH "to chat room\n";
  43. close(FH);
  44. system('curl -X POST -F x=@log http://'.$server.'/server.php');
  45. com:
  46. get;
  47. print "-> ";
  48. my $command=<STDIN>;
  49. chomp $command;
  50. if($command eq "r"){
  51. system('clear');
  52. goto com;
  53. } elsif(!$command) {
  54. system('clear');
  55. goto com;
  56. } elsif($command) {
  57. open(FH, '>', "log");
  58. print FH "$name";
  59. print FH " : ";
  60. print FH "$command\n";
  61. close(FH);
  62. system('curl -X POST -F x=@log http://'.$server.'/server.php');
  63. goto com;
  64. }
  65. }
  66. }
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