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hyprload install log

a guest
May 26th, 2023
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  1. [1/7] Cloning hyprload to /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/src
  2. Déjà à jour.
  3. [2/7] Cloned hyprload source to /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/src
  4. [3/7] Setting up hyprland source in /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  5. Vous n'êtes actuellement sur aucune branche.
  6. Veuillez spécifier une branche avec laquelle fusionner.
  7. Référez-vous à git-pull(1) pour de plus amples détails.
  9. git pull <distant> <branche>
  11. M subprojects/wlroots
  12. HEAD est maintenant sur f27873a6 ver: bump to 0.25.0
  13. [4/7] Set up hyprland source in /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland at commit f27873a6f06dc2f87600edb890f3c38298bfb55f
  14. [5/7] Setting up hyprland plugin environment
  15. make : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland »
  16. cd subprojects/udis86 && cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -S . -B ./build -G Ninja && cmake --build ./build --config Release --target all -j`nproc 2>/dev/null || getconf NPROCESSORS_CONF`
  17. Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
  18. -- Configuring done (0.0s)
  19. -- Generating done (0.0s)
  20. -- Build files have been written to: /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland/subprojects/udis86/build
  21. ninja: no work to do.
  22. /usr/bin/make fixwlr
  23. make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland »
  24. sed -E -i -e 's/(soversion = 12)([^032]|$)/soversion = 12032/g' subprojects/wlroots/
  25. rm -rf ./subprojects/wlroots/build
  26. make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland »
  27. meson setup subprojects/wlroots/build subprojects/wlroots --prefix=/usr/local --buildtype=release -Dwerror=false -Dexamples=false
  28. The Meson build system
  29. Version: 1.1.1
  30. Source dir: /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland/subprojects/wlroots
  31. Build dir: /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland/subprojects/wlroots/build
  32. Build type: native build
  33. Project name: wlroots
  34. Project version: 0.17.0-dev
  35. C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 13.1.1 "cc (GCC) 13.1.1 20230429")
  36. C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.40.0
  37. Host machine cpu family: x86_64
  38. Host machine cpu: x86_64
  39. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wundef: YES
  40. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wlogical-op: YES
  41. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES
  42. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES
  43. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES
  44. Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES
  45. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES
  46. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wimplicit-fallthrough=2: YES
  47. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wendif-labels: YES
  48. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-aliasing=2: YES
  49. Compiler for C supports arguments -Woverflow: YES
  50. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES
  51. Compiler for C supports arguments -Walloca: YES
  52. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-braces: YES
  53. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-field-initializers: YES
  54. Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-parameter: YES
  55. Compiler for C supports arguments -fmacro-prefix-map=/prefix/to/hide=: YES
  56. Found pkg-config: /usr/sbin/pkg-config (1.8.1)
  57. Run-time dependency wayland-server found: YES 1.22.0
  58. Run-time dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.115
  59. Run-time dependency xkbcommon found: YES 1.5.0
  60. Run-time dependency pixman-1 found: YES 0.42.2
  61. Library m found: YES
  62. Library rt found: YES
  63. Run-time dependency wayland-protocols found: YES 1.31
  64. Found pkg-config: /usr/sbin/pkg-config (1.8.1)
  65. Build-time dependency wayland-scanner found: YES 1.22.0
  66. Program /usr/bin/wayland-scanner found: YES (/usr/bin/wayland-scanner)
  67. Has header "linux/dma-buf.h" : YES
  68. Run-time dependency egl found: YES 1.5
  69. Run-time dependency gbm found: YES 23.1.0
  70. Run-time dependency glesv2 found: YES 3.2
  71. Program ./ found: YES (/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland/subprojects/wlroots/render/gles2/shaders/./
  72. Run-time dependency vulkan found: YES 1.3.245
  73. Check usable header "vulkan/vulkan.h" with dependency vulkan: YES
  74. Program glslangValidator found: YES (/usr/sbin/glslangValidator)
  75. Dependency pixman-1 found: YES 0.42.2 (cached)
  76. Dependency gbm found: YES 23.1.0 (cached)
  77. Checking for function "gbm_bo_get_fd_for_plane" with dependency gbm: YES
  78. Run-time dependency libudev found: YES 253
  79. Run-time dependency libseat found: YES 0.7.0
  80. Build-time dependency hwdata found: YES 0.370
  81. Run-time dependency libdisplay-info found: YES 0.1.1
  82. Run-time dependency libliftoff found: YES 0.4.1
  83. Run-time dependency libinput found: YES 1.23.0
  84. Run-time dependency xcb found: YES 1.15
  85. Run-time dependency xcb-dri3 found: YES 1.15
  86. Run-time dependency xcb-present found: YES 1.15
  87. Run-time dependency xcb-render found: YES 1.15
  88. Run-time dependency xcb-renderutil found: YES 0.3.10
  89. Run-time dependency xcb-shm found: YES 1.15
  90. Run-time dependency xcb-xfixes found: YES 1.15
  91. Run-time dependency xcb-xinput found: YES 1.15
  92. Run-time dependency wayland-client found: YES 1.22.0
  93. Run-time dependency xwayland found: YES 23.1.1
  94. Dependency xcb found: YES 1.15 (cached)
  95. Run-time dependency xcb-composite found: YES 1.15
  96. Run-time dependency xcb-ewmh found: YES 0.4.2
  97. Run-time dependency xcb-icccm found: YES 0.4.2
  98. Dependency xcb-render found: YES 1.15 (cached)
  99. Run-time dependency xcb-res found: YES 1.15
  100. Dependency xcb-xfixes found: YES 1.15 (cached)
  101. Run-time dependency xcb-errors found: YES 1.0.1
  102. Checking for function "xcb_xfixes_set_client_disconnect_mode" with dependencies xcb, xcb-composite, xcb-ewmh, xcb-icccm, xcb-render, xcb-res, xcb-xfixes, xcb-errors: YES
  103. Configuring config.h using configuration
  104. Configuring version.h using configuration
  105. Configuring config.h using configuration
  106. Build targets in project: 130
  108. wlroots 0.17.0-dev
  110. drm-backend : YES
  111. x11-backend : YES
  112. libinput-backend: YES
  113. xwayland : YES
  114. gles2-renderer : YES
  115. vulkan-renderer : YES
  116. gbm-allocator : YES
  117. session : YES
  118. xcb-errors : YES
  119. egl : YES
  120. libliftoff : YES
  122. User defined options
  123. buildtype : release
  124. prefix : /usr/local
  125. werror : false
  126. examples : false
  128. Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/sbin/ninja
  129. ninja -C subprojects/wlroots/build/
  130. ninja: Entering directory `subprojects/wlroots/build/'
  131. [308/308] Linking target
  132. cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -S . -B ./build -G Ninja
  133. Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
  134. -- Gathering git info
  135. fatal : propriétaire douteux détecté dans le dépôt à '/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland'
  136. Pour ajouter une exception pour ce dépôt, lancez :
  138. git config --global --add /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  139. fatal : propriétaire douteux détecté dans le dépôt à '/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland'
  140. Pour ajouter une exception pour ce dépôt, lancez :
  142. git config --global --add /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  143. fatal : propriétaire douteux détecté dans le dépôt à '/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland'
  144. Pour ajouter une exception pour ce dépôt, lancez :
  146. git config --global --add /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  147. fatal : propriétaire douteux détecté dans le dépôt à '/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland'
  148. Pour ajouter une exception pour ce dépôt, lancez :
  150. git config --global --add /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  151. fatal : propriétaire douteux détecté dans le dépôt à '/home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland'
  152. Pour ajouter une exception pour ce dépôt, lancez :
  154. git config --global --add /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland
  155. -- Found WaylandScanner at /usr/sbin/wayland-scanner
  156. -- Found wayland-protocols at //usr/share/wayland-protocols
  157. -- Configuring Hyprland in Release with CMake
  158. -- Checking deps...
  159. -- XWAYLAND Enabled (NO_XWAYLAND not defined) checking deps...
  160. -- SYSTEMD support is requested (NO_SYSTEMD not defined) checking deps...
  161. -- Setting link libraries
  162. -- Configuring done (0.1s)
  163. -- Generating done (0.0s)
  164. -- Build files have been written to: /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland/build
  165. mkdir -p /usr/local/include/hyprland
  166. mkdir -p /usr/local/include/hyprland/protocols
  167. mkdir -p /usr/local/include/hyprland/wlroots
  168. mkdir -p /usr/local/share/pkgconfig
  169. find src -name '*.h*' -print0 | cpio --quiet -0dump /usr/local/include/hyprland
  170. cd subprojects/wlroots/include && find . -name '*.h*' -print0 | cpio --quiet -0dump /usr/local/include/hyprland/wlroots && cd ../../..
  171. cp ./protocols/*-protocol.h /usr/local/include/hyprland/protocols
  172. cp ./build/hyprland.pc /usr/local/share/pkgconfig
  173. if [ -d /usr/share/pkgconfig ]; then cp ./build/hyprland.pc /usr/share/pkgconfig 2>/dev/null || true; fi
  174. make : on quitte le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/hyprland »
  175. [6/7] Installing hyprload
  176. make : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/src »
  177. Hyprland headers found.
  178. Building with XWayland support.
  179. g++ -c -o obj/HyprloadConfig.o src/HyprloadConfig.cpp -g -fPIC --no-gnu-unique -std=c++23 `pkg-config --cflags pixman-1 libdrm hyprland` -Iinclude -DWLR_USE_UNSTABLE
  180. Dans le fichier inclus depuis include/HyprloadConfig.hpp:2,
  181. depuis src/HyprloadConfig.cpp:3:
  182. include/globals.hpp:2: attention: « WLR_USE_UNSTABLE » redéfini
  183. 2 | #define WLR_USE_UNSTABLE
  184. |
  185. <ligne-de-commande>: note: ceci est l'emplacement d’une précédente définition
  186. Dans le fichier inclus depuis /usr/local/include/hyprland/src/includes.hpp:85,
  187. depuis /usr/local/include/hyprland/src/defines.hpp:1,
  188. depuis /usr/local/include/hyprland/src/helpers/Monitor.hpp:3,
  189. depuis include/Hyprload.hpp:18,
  190. depuis src/HyprloadConfig.cpp:4:
  191. /usr/local/include/hyprland/wlroots/wlr/render/egl.h:19:10: erreur fatale: wlr/config.h : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
  192. 19 | #include <wlr/config.h>
  193. | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  194. compilation terminée.
  195. make: *** [Makefile:62: obj/HyprloadConfig.o] Error 1
  196. make : on quitte le répertoire « /home/username/.local/share/hyprload/src »
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