Guest User


a guest
Jan 21st, 2019
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text 3.88 KB | None | 0 0
  1. raw 367:*: { halt }
  2. raw 367:*: { halt }
  3. raw 368:*: { halt }
  4. raw 441:*: { halt }
  5. raw 478:*: { halt }
  6. raw 482:*: { halt }
  7. raw 401:*: { halt }
  8. on ^*:ban:#: { halt }
  9. on ^*:unban:#: { halt }
  10. on ^*:join:#: { haltdef | if ($nick == $me) { if (%autoop != $null) { timer $+ $chan 1 3 msg birc op #flood 123456 | halt } } | else { if ($var($+(%,JoinPart,$nick,$chan),1).value >= 3) && ($me isop $chan) { $k(#,$nick,join-part/3x) | halt } } }
  11. on *:kick:#: { if ($nick == %botnick) { .window @Kicker | .echo @kicker 14,1( 7 [ 15 %kira 7 ] 14) - your kick nick - $knick - from channel- # - reason - $1- - | .inc -u30e %kira 1 | .timer-kiraan 1 15 set %kira 1 } }
  12. on ^*:ban:#: { haltdef | if ($nick == $me) { window -e @Banned | echo @Banned --> (:: B anned::mask:: $+ $banmask $+ ::) } }
  14. on @^*:text:*:#:$iif($nick !isreg #,.return,$iif($game($1-),.signal -n cc # $nick $ifmatch)) | .halt
  15. on @^*:notice:*:#:$iif($nick !isreg #,.return,$iif($game($1-),.signal -n cc # $nick $ifmatch)) | .halt
  16. on @^*:action:*:#:$iif($nick !isreg #,.return,$iif($game($1-),.signal -n cc # $nick $ifmatch)) | .halt
  17. on @*:ctcpreply:*:$iif($nick !isreg #,.return,.signal -n cc # $nick ctcpreply) | .halt
  18. ctcp @**:*:$iif($nick !isreg #,.return,.signal -n cc # $nick ctcp) | .halt
  19. alias game {
  20. if ($regex($1-,/[[:cntrl:]]/g) > 49) .return Colour's
  21. elseif ($regex($1-,/[A-Z]/g) > 49) .return Shift's
  22. elseif ($regex($1-,/[0-9]/g) > 49) .return Digit's
  23. elseif ($regex($1-,/[[:punct:]]/g) > 49) .return Symbol's
  24. elseif ($regex($1-,/[ $+ $chr(174) $+ ]/g) > 49) .return Ascii's
  25. elseif ($regex($1-,/[ $+ $chr(160) $+ ]/g) > 49) .return Blank's
  26. elseif ($regex($1-,/./g) > 199) .return Long
  27. elseif ($regex($1-,/\b(shit|babi|dick|puki|fuck)\b/Si)) .return Swear's
  28. elseif ($regex($remove($strip($1-),$chr(40),$chr(41)),/(?:^|(\40|\240))((http+(:|s:)\/\/\S*)|((www\.{1})+(.*)+(\.{1})+(\w{2,3}) \S*)|#[^\40]\S*)/Si)) .return Spam's
  29. .hinc -u15m repeat [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] $hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32) 1 | $iif($hget(repeat [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ],$hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32)) == 3,.return Repeat's)
  30. .hinc -u15m special [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $nick ] ] $hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32) 1 | $iif($hget(special [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $nick ] ],$hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32)) > 3,.return Speacial's)
  31. .hinc -u10m text [ $+ [ # ] ] $address($nick,3) 1 | $iif($hget(text [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$address($nick,3)) == 5,.return Row's)
  32. else .halt
  33. }
  34. on *:signal:cc: {
  35. .updatenl
  36. if ($2 ison $1) {
  37. .hinc -mu15m kickas $1 1 | .hadd -u5m suck shit $wildtokcs($1-2,*,1,46)
  38. if ($hget(kickas,$1) isnum 1-21) {
  39. $eval(kick $hget(suck,shit)) ™ 15 $2  ‡ 14,1+ 10,1×11x10× 14,1+ 15 $3- 14,1+ 10,1×11x10× 14,1+ 15M15ïstàke 14,1+ 10,1×11x10× 14,1+ ‡ ™ | .hadd -u1m $1 $+($2,!*@*banned*) | .timerx -mq 1 100000 .scon -a .mode $1 $+(-b+,$str(b,$hget($1,*).item)) $ibl($1,$ibl($1,0))m$hget($1,1).item $hget($1,2).item $hget($1,3).item $hget($1,4).item $hget($1,5).item $hget($1,6).item $hget($1,7).item $hget($1,8).item $hget($1,9).item $hget($1,10).item $hget($1,11).item | .return
  40. }
  41. hadd -m hnick $+($1,.,$2,.,$3)
  42. if ($hget(kickas,$1) == 52) {
  43. .set %a 1
  44. .timerdc 1 4 calc
  45. }
  46. }
  47. halt
  48. }
  49. alias delay {
  50. if ($2 ison $1) {
  51. kick $1 $2 10,1×11x10× $2 10,1×11x10× 15Your Suspect at $1 15 $3 12«» 15Mistake 12«»
  52. .timer 1 1 calc
  53. }
  54. .halt
  55. }
  56. alias calc {
  57. :stats
  58. if (%a == $hget(hnick,0).item) goto end
  59. var %b = $gettok($hget(hnick,%a).item,1,46)
  60. var %c = $gettok($hget(hnick,%a).item,2,46)
  61. var %d = $gettok($hget(hnick,%a).item,3,46)
  62. if (%c ison %b) {
  63. inc %a 1
  64. delay %b %c %d
  65. }
  66. inc %a 1
  67. goto stats
  68. :end
  69. hfree
  70. .unset %a
  71. }
  72. alias hfree {
  73. if ($hget(hnick,0).item != $null) {
  74. .hfree hnick
  75. }
  76. }
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