

Sep 26th, 2015
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  1. 22:26 Destinox McGuffies, an alrght place toeat inside most people, mainly noneMetas, are all staring at Destinox, the red flawless hair, the long robotic legs, the weird device on his face, and of course Green skin, Alien. And he was counting coins he found to get a soda. "67, 68, man I wished you guys took Credits. 69, 70! There you go, $1.70. One small Dr Pepper please."
  2. 22:33 *** Bud is now known as Casefield
  3. 22:44 Casefield The cashier accepts the funds with an odd look at Destinox. "Uh, alright sir. We keep our drinks in the back room over there, keeps them fresher." said the young burger peddler, pointing at an unmarked door towards the back of the building.
  4. 22:45 Destinox "I would say weird, but alien planet, what ya gonna do." Desti walked to the door not expecting a thing
  5. 22:48 Casefield Beyond the door was a simple, poorly lit room that reeked of mold and sawdust. Several simple storage crates lined the room as a drink cooler sat in the middle of it all very innocently. Within the drink cooler could be seen a single ice cold Dr. Pepper in a bottle that almost beckoned Destinox towards it.
  6. 22:52 Destinox "Ah...Hmm, starting to get a funny feeling...ooh, alright I see. Interesting way to do it." He grabbed the sode, reading whats in it and then scanning the soda with his wrist to make sure it isn't poison to him. Altered or otherwise "Good, nothing that will kill me." He open the sode, pouring a big swig into the thing on his face after the top opened
  7. 22:53 Destinox "hmm, not bad."
  8. 22:57 Casefield As Destinox enjoyed his drink the entire room started rumbling before giving a light force that might knock the unprepared off-balance.
  9. 23:05 Destinox Desti nearly fell, almost spilling his drink and whats in his breathing apparatus. "Ow, great. Why does no one ever just ask?"
  10. 23:09 Casefield No sooner had Destinox uttered those words did several of the crates erupt, five well armored and armed men sporting blue-orange fatigues burst from the shipping crates, along with a single man in a well tailored suit who stepped closer to the alien. "We are asking. We're just making sure every answer is yes. Won't you come with us?"
  11. 23:12 Destinox He grabbed the Stargun and Plasma Staff he carried, dropping them on the ground, kicking both away. "Yes, yes. But..."
  12. 23:12 Destinox "Do all you just wait in Mcguffies for something like this to happen?"
  13. 23:19 Casefield The suited man gestured at the weapons on the ground, signaling for the masked trooper beside him to collect them. "Only an outsider would be so bold as to order a small Dr. Pepper." he said, flashing a smile. "Make yourself comfortable, this trip will take time, unless you'd prefer to sleep it off..that can be arranged." he finished, motioning to the trooper
  14. 23:19 Casefield behind Destinox who had an odd looking device aimed at the alien.
  15. 23:24 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  16. 23:25 Destinox "It was all I colud afford. And yes, sleeping won't be that bad, just don't dissect me. Happens more then I like to mention"
  17. 23:30 Casefield The trooper behind Destinox chirped up into his headset. "Gunslinger Actual to Central. Target contained, returning to base...yes Commander, target pacified.". He ended this sentence by firing the device, sending a sudden burst of electrical energy into Destinox's nervous system with the intention of knocking him out.
  18. 23:35 Destinox He twitched, and fell right over, knocked out
  19. 23:42 Casefield A long, uneventful trip followed. The troopers stayed in their exact positions without moving a single muscle as the suited man enjoyed an iced latte. Truly a fine example of loyalty and discipline within the ranks....Destinox would find himself within a mildly comfortable chair in a concrete room the next time he awakens.
  20. 23:42 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  21. 23:44 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  22. 23:44 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  23. 23:52 Destinox slowly woke up "mm, computer I told you not to wake me up during hyper...sleep. Oh yeah, forgot this was going on..."
  24. 00:06 Casefield The door opened to the room as the suited man strolled in and had a seat opposite the table with Destinox. In this light the man's face could be seen clearly, revealing old scars and a set of pale blue eyes among an aged face. "Glad you could join us. I'm going to ask some questions, please answer as you see fit...What is your name?"
  25. 00:10 Destinox "In your language, Destinox"
  26. 00:13 Casefield "Destinox? Alright, got it. Next question. Why are you here?"
  27. 00:15 Destinox "I'm sent by the council to find another alien, shapeshifer, should take me awhile"
  28. 00:17 Casefield The suited man started recording information on his clipboard, his face remained neutral. "A Shapeshifter huh? Tell me more about this..
  29. 00:17 Casefield "
  30. 00:21 Destinox "Called Ullg, normally a great big grey blob with an red spot or 'eye' on his body. Apperently knows some information the Council needs bad. I too the job cause I know finding him will take awhile, so its almost like a vacation. Just gotta lay low and find him, later rather then sooner"
  31. 00:26 Casefield "A shapeshifter. What is this information he carries, and why is this.."Council" after it. Who exactly is this "Council" anyway?" The suited man was scribbling non-stop into the paper on the clipboard.
  32. 00:33 Destinox "Not sure what the shifter knows, or why the council neds to know it. As for the council itself, a few planets all decided to band together to help better the universe, I'm a hunter while say, The Emola go recruit planets and people"
  33. 00:42 Casefield The suited man stared at Destinox a moment, his face showing surprise as the scars on his face scrunched up. "This just gets better and better. I'll ask for a detailed report on those..others..later on. For now, I'll keep it simple. Is this Council only sending you here, and do they intend to send others? Do you have an operational site here already?"
  34. 00:46 Destinox "This is a low level planet, at least the Coucil thinks so. If I do call back up it'll still take a bit in Hyper Space to get here. The closes to an operational site is my ship. Its a small one, nothing that can bring down a city"
  35. 00:54 Casefield "Hrm. So let me get it straight. You're a hunter for the Council. Chasing a shapeshifter with vital information that this Council wants. This Council has complete control, and alliances in it. And you want to operate on this planet to track your target." The man says, crossing a leg and leaning back in his seat with a questioning gaze.
  36. 01:00 Destinox "...Yyeah, thats prety much all of it. If you're worried about the Council, they know not all plantes are ready. From what I've seen, not sure if there are any other aliens here. Am I your first puplic alien?"
  37. 01:00 Destinox planets*
  38. 01:05 Casefield "That's confidential information. I can tell you we've had experiences with outsiders besides you in our past, however. We called them The Greys, 'public alien' is not a term we'd like to hear."
  39. 01:10 Destinox "...You're kidding me? Grayys? I've only ever seen, one two tops. Kept saying this planet managed to 'fuck them up' but no one got the planets name because they all ignore them. Annoying brats"
  40. 01:16 Casefield "Hrm. They came for a war and received one...Now onto other matters. We'd like to know where this shapeshifter may be hiding, along with its weaknesses."
  41. 01:19 Destinox "I'd like to know that too, eye might by a weakspot. He'll sta low but will probably stay in Neon. Make a life for himself, a family man can be trusted more"
  42. 01:28 Casefield The suited man scowled at that, and jotted something down on the clipboard. "Will he? Hrm. Did you have any leads on him before your capture? We'll require this information."
  43. 18:36 Destinox "Thats the problem with Shape Shifers, any leads can be whiped away by a change of face. It'll probably be awhile before I come close to finding him"
  44. 18:37 Casefield "You're telling me your orders are to find a shapeshifter, but you have no ways of actually finding him? What exactly was your plan, and how much of a time strain are you under for this 'Council'?"
  45. 18:40 Destinox "I took this job cause I knew it would take awhile, but sooner or later he'll mess up. This city is chaotic, he'll get hit, and won't die, spla into a wall, get cut in half, hell maybe something magical, what ever that is, will happen"
  46. 18:42 Casefield "So you're winging it? Hrm..." The man scribbled a crudely drawn picture of a cat onto the clipboard, not that Destinox could see. "What dangers does it present?"
  47. 18:49 Destinox "Not sure, hes in hiding so I'll doubt he'll steal or get the wrong persons attention. As a shapeshifer he can do some damage, appear like someone important, kill as that person in the open, then the real one is in jail. He can change into a companies boss, and run it into the ground. He can't copy powers, only the look of people. So if someone just went...
  48. 18:50 Destinox Crazy, might be him trying to do some out of the way damage"
  49. 18:58 Casefield "Huh. So what happens if you happen to catch this thing? Will you simply leave and report about us to your council?"
  50. 19:02 Destinox "I'll arrest him, get the info, and go back to the HomeShip. You guys are just trying to protect your planet, A strange Alien shows up, and you want to know why. I've been through this before, yes I'll have to include this in my report, but I wont say your dangerous to the Council. People trying to protect their home"
  51. 19:03 Leagues walks into the room abruptly, and slams the door shut behind him. He's wearing a labcoat and surgical gloves, and most noticible of all is his helmet. His breathing could be heard, deep and somewhat menacing. He quietly turned his head to Destinox and stared for a few seconds.
  52. 19:04 Leagues "Then I suggest you change your god damn mind quickly. Dangerous isn't the beginning of what you're getting if you cross us..." His voice was somewhat artificial. muzzled by his helmet.
  53. 19:05 Casefield The suited man quickly sat upright. "CO!."
  54. 19:07 Leagues "At we finally found him?" He walks closer to the table, eyeing Destinox.
  55. 19:08 Destinox "I didn't know I was hard to find."
  56. 19:09 Leagues "I didn't ask you a damn thing, did I? Our 'methods' of getting you secured were longer than you might think..."
  57. 19:09 Casefield "Aye, sir. The Commander was right about the Dr. Pepper." he said, lowering himself back into a relaxed position.
  58. 19:09 Leagues "Of course he was...that man is a case. But if he doesn't get the job done...haha."
  59. 19:09 Destinox "You know you could of just asked. I woulda gone with no fight"
  60. 19:10 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as MGFYaway
  61. 19:11 Leagues slams his hands into the table. "As you can see, we don't negotiate with foreigners...We kidnap them..."
  62. 19:11 Leagues " /Then/ we negotiate with them..."
  63. 19:11 Destinox "Really? That, well dumb"
  64. 19:12 Destinox "Who will negotiate with someone who just kidnapped them? You're lucky I'm not a first timer"
  65. 19:12 Casefield "Refusal is...common, amongst outsiders."
  66. 19:12 Leagues "We don't run risks, alien. Casefield! What do we know about the subject so far?"
  67. 19:13 Casefield "I've recorded everything here, Sir. He's been very cooperative with our questioning." He said, passing the information and cat drawing filled clipboard to Leagues.
  68. 19:16 Leagues reads over the information. "Nice...I headed over from the lab as soon as I heard we got him. We were...running some tests." He looks at Destinox ever so slightly as he mentions tests. "You're drawing has improved Casefield...."
  69. 19:20 Casefield "Thank you, Sir!. Our new friend here has been a well of information, some of this stuff is quite interesting. I'll make a full report for the Commander after this."
  70. 19:21 Destinox "Are you guys going to keep my stuff?"
  71. 19:23 Leagues nods approvingly, walking towards the alien. He sits on the table, in front of him. "That's classified...So tell me, you're handling this case shapeshifter case, huh?"
  72. 19:24 Destinox "Yes, I am. I would like it to stay that way"
  73. 19:25 Leagues fiddles with a pen, "And you're absolutely sure of this...?"
  74. 19:25 Leagues "Handling these types is hard to many as you claim....I can imagine...."
  75. 19:26 Casefield watches between his CO and Destinox.
  76. 19:26 Destinox "I know, but its my mission and I'm going to finish it. It will take awhile, but I'll capture him"
  77. 19:29 Leagues slams the pen into the table, "Oh I'd fucking be sure of myself too, if I was some fucking Space Bounty Hunter! Having fun on my planet, taking your sweet ass time, huh?"
  78. 19:30 Destinox "Yes"
  79. 19:31 Destinox "Not like the Council is here to force me to hurry up"
  80. 19:34 Leagues "They sure as fuck aren't. That's why we're fucking here. We can't rust you for shit! And if your higher ups think they can just disregard us all, then send one of their ugly, slit faced, compound eyes looking, agents to do their dirty work, then they have another fucking thing coming."
  81. 19:35 Leagues "I'm not expert on shapeshifters like /you/ are but I sure as fuck can imagine the kind of trouble they'd be. You say you have this handled and whatnot, but I refuse to take your word for it."
  82. 19:36 Casefield "From the intel gained from him, not even he has a way of knowing who this shapeshifter may be, Sir."
  83. 19:37 Leagues "Is that so! Haha! Well then. There's over 7 billion native people on this big blue planet, and I'm not gonna risk you slitting one of their throats looking for this perp."
  84. 19:37 Leagues "You catching where I'm going with this?"
  85. 19:39 Destinox "Look, I'm jut going to wait until he messes up, it'll happen. This planet doesn't have to fear me. I have a job but I won't just kill for no reason. I've seen the fear that could cost"
  86. 19:39 *** MGFYaway is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  87. 19:40 Leagues "Define 'messes up.'"
  88. 19:42 Destinox "Get hit into a wall, cut in half, he can look like people.but not injuries, under the skin is a grey mess"
  89. 19:43 Casefield "You were picked up within Neon City. Would that imply the creature is in the area?"
  90. 19:44 Destinox Thats where his ship supposedly landed"
  91. 19:47 Leagues pulls the pen from the table, scribbling whatever he deems important. "Great...So tell me, just hw easy fo you think it is to single out a single person's paper cut in a city full of several millions of the strangest beings this planet's seen?" He chuckles, "Until we've seen your ugly mug that is..."
  92. 19:50 Destinox "I dont think its easy. Its not. That means it'll take a long time to find him"
  93. 19:52 Destinox "Imagine if you could, a different planet, different people, different customs. All the fantasic things you never heard of or tried, but you only stay for a few days, doing nothing but looking. Then its back to the white void and a home you're tired off"
  94. 19:53 Destinox "I joined the Council to explore the universe, and I'm going to do just that, no matter what you, or anyone else says"
  95. 19:55 Casefield places a hand his suit pocket's panic button. Seems this conversation might take a turn. "You'll have to realize our customs are very, very different."
  96. 19:56 Leagues grabs his squeezes the pen in his hands until it snaps in has and throws the checklist right back to Casefield. "You little shit....You think you can walk into my fucking planet, under orders from some council who has little time to say hi to us in any way, then start a fucking vacation here, thinking you're under the radar, just cuz you fucking feel like it!"
  97. 19:56 Destinox "Yes"
  98. 19:58 Leagues slams his fist on the wall. "You have a lot of fucking must think you're a ton of hot shit..."
  99. 20:00 Destinox "You should, as they say here, 'take a chill pill."
  100. 20:02 Destinox "I'm just trying to have fun here. This planet doesn't seem the type to get attention by other aliens"
  101. 20:03 Casefield "For good reason."
  102. 20:03 Destinox "you guys beat the Grayys, dont get to full of yourself"
  103. 20:04 Leagues backs away a bit and shakes his head. "You sound like a fucking child. 'Oh I'll just do whatever I want. They can't stop me.' And you're right. We're not. You're not gonna stop doing what you came here to do. How long do you think this search and destroy mission is gonna be?"
  104. 20:04 Leagues "Give me your honest estimation"
  105. 20:04 Destinox "Few months, at the least"
  106. 20:05 Leagues "That wasn't a number"
  107. 20:05 Destinox "I, havent learned you unit of time?"
  108. 20:06 Leagues "Then I guess it's just a coincidence you know what a month is."
  109. 20:07 Destinox "look, I don't know because I'm not going to be wasting my time looking. I'm going to have fun, meet people, theres already a doll I've took a liking too"
  110. 20:09 Leagues "That's what you think. I'm giving you 3 months. Casefield, write this down."
  111. 20:09 Casefield readies his pen to the clipboard. "Aye."
  112. 20:09 Destinox "No, I'm not"
  113. 20:10 Leagues "Oh yes you are. And /if/ you don't know how long a month is, you'll be reminded every 2 weeks by our staff, when they come in for a report on your mission."
  114. 20:11 Destinox "No, you're not getting any reports. This time I went peacefully. Next time, I wont drop my gun"
  115. 20:11 Destinox "Speaking of that, I'll need it back
  116. 20:11 Destinox "I dont ike the idea of you guys experimenting on it"
  117. 20:12 Leagues "Like I said, that's what you fucking think. If by three months, you haven't come up with anything convincing, we're either sending you off this rock ourselves..."
  118. 20:12 Leagues "Or we're putting you down."
  119. 20:12 Casefield scribbles intensely into the clipboard.
  120. 20:12 Leagues "You can choose to put up a fight or not. You've been warned."
  121. 20:12 Destinox stands up. His robotc legs making him look much taller"
  122. 20:13 Leagues looks up to him, "Have something to say?"
  123. 20:13 Destinox "Two things."
  124. 20:14 Destinox "You're not getting any reports from me, no matter what you say."
  125. 20:15 Destinox "And while I gave you my toys, I didn't give you this" He points to the thing on his wrist
  126. 20:16 Destinox Universal translator, and away from ship controls"
  127. 20:17 Leagues "It's awfully cute...The latest fashion trend? Up their in the final fronteir?"
  128. 20:18 Destinox presses a few bottons on it. "Before I go, anything besides the Grayys come here? And dont give me the 'classified' nonsense. I might actually know what it is"
  129. 20:20 Leagues "Mighty cute of you to think we'd be letting you off so easily...But before you go, we have something for you to examine."
  130. 20:20 Leagues "Casefield. Bring it in."
  131. 20:24 Casefield "Right away." he said, getting up from his seat and exiting through the door, returning moments later with a simple wheeled cart containing several odd metallic shell bits and electronics ontop of it. Along with two blue-orange fatigued troopers.
  132. 20:24 Destinox "Probably some space junk or...or..."
  133. 20:25 Leagues "Or?"
  134. 20:25 Leagues pulls another pen out of his lab coat and fiddles with it.
  135. 20:26 Destinox He quickly runs up to it. The care free attitude gone, now replaced with fear. He stares deeply into the sliver metal. "This, this isn't right"
  136. 20:27 Destinox "Comence scan" The wrist device scans the metal, after a minute it is finished. Desti looking at the results. "No...Nononono. Was it found like this. Just the scraps?"
  137. 20:30 Leagues "Well like any good organization intending to understand the unknown, and point a gun at it if necessary, we've had out scientists cut it up."
  138. 20:30 Casefield resumes his clipboard scribbling. "It was destroyed by first response military and civilian assistance before we came to possess it."
  139. 20:30 Leagues "We found it as some sort of shell."
  140. 20:31 Destinox "Any pictures, descriptions of it?"
  141. 20:34 Destinox "Was it alive?"
  142. 20:34 Leagues "Casefield? Bring in any documentation of the incident."
  143. 20:34 Leagues "He seems worried."
  144. 20:35 Leagues "We've acquired pictures of this strange machine from out Military Defense Forces. As well as taking a few pictures of out own..."
  145. 20:35 Leagues "Those involved in bringing down this thing, however, have not been confronted yet. But they sure as hell will be."
  146. 20:38 *** Mcee joined #covenger_rp
  147. 20:39 Casefield pressed a hand to his earpiece. "Send in the asset."
  148. 20:44 Mcee After a few Mcee walked in, he was short and young, dirty blond hair. Joined the Military about a year back and is now fighting aliens, speaking of them, he was unsurprisingly shocked at the site of Destinox. "T-they really are green. O-OH!" He salutes Casefield and Leagues. "Mcee reporting for duty sir"
  149. 20:45 Destinox "You, what did you see, any details or a name?"
  150. 20:45 Leagues "Answer all his questions."
  151. 20:48 Casefield prepared to write down any additional information.
  152. 20:49 Mcee "U-uh. Well, when we got there the Meteor was a giant silver ball, no dents or burn marks, flawless. It somehow sent a signal to any Metahumans. Two from Xenon came and two freelance. Roxanne, The Haze, Breakdown, and Elise. They investigated the ball, and after I suggested it, Breakdown tried to touch the Ball, it well...
  153. 20:50 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  154. 20:50 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  155. 20:52 Mcee Opened, not down the middle, the Ball was some sort of Shell. It has a giant red eye, we left to let the Metas deal with it, but I remember the name, Purifier"
  156. 20:53 Destinox slammed his fist on the table. "Great, just Great. A Purifier. I just wanted to spend some time having fun but NO, now I gotta deal with them"
  157. 20:56 Casefield The two troopers in the back of the room tensed for a moment, obviously hyped for the small chance to get to shoot at an alien. "Purifiers?" asked Casefield
  158. 20:58 Leagues "Looks like the UN isn't paying us for nothing anymore..."
  159. 20:59 Destinox "Purifiers, giant cyborgs that kill anyhing not pure. Metas are a prime target"
  160. 20:59 Mcee "Metas? but, we haven't made it out the solar system"
  161. 20:59 Leagues "Not yet, soldier...."
  162. 21:01 Destinox "You think this is the only planet with Metas? Metahuman yes, But they exist everywhere. I myself am one...A city like Neon, they'll bring in a full mother ship"
  163. 21:01 Destinox "How big was the one you fought?"
  164. 21:01 Leagues "Oh? A meta, huh? And what's your ability?"
  165. 21:02 Destinox taps his foot "take a guess"
  166. 21:02 Mcee "W-we didn't fight, but the meteor was about 40 feet"
  167. 21:02 Destinox "It was a low level scout, smallest class"
  168. 21:03 Mcee "THAT was the Smallest?"
  169. 21:04 Leagues walks to Mcee. "You have anything else to spill to this guy? Anything. Anything at all?"
  170. 21:05 Mcee "The uh, Metas named the planet DickPunch, if that means anything"
  171. 21:06 Destinox "Great, now I have a nights worth of paperwork to do"
  172. 21:06 Leagues "...Anything other than that, soldier?"
  173. 21:06 Mcee "No sir"
  174. 21:07 Leagues "Then you better make your way out. Your gun will be in the mail by tomorrow. Hehe...You're gonna need it soon...."
  175. 21:07 Mcee "T-thank you sir"
  176. 21:08 Mcee Mcee leaves
  177. 21:08 *** Mcee quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  178. 21:08 Leagues looks at Destinox, "As for you. You have anything else you feel you need to tell us?"
  179. 21:08 Destinox "For one I dont think your primitive guns would do anything to them"
  180. 21:09 Destinox "Speaking of guns, still want that back"
  181. 21:09 Leagues "You'll get your toys back...stop complaining. We just wanted information."
  182. 21:10 Destinox "And a Purifier Mother ship should be here in I'd say, a month. HyperSpace may be Faster then Ligh but it still takes time"
  183. 21:10 Leagues "Then I have, one more question for you..."
  184. 21:10 Leagues balls up his fist
  185. 21:11 Leagues "Will you be willing to assist in the event of whatever the hell you're talking about coming over here?"
  186. 21:12 Destinox "Oh no, I'll let them kill you all. What kind of question is that"
  187. 21:13 Casefield hesitates on writing 'sarcasm' or not next to that line on his clipboard.
  188. 21:15 Leagues "Then we're done here...Casefield. Gather his things and send him on his way."
  189. 21:15 Leagues "Oh, and about that deal."
  190. 21:15 Destinox "Still not doing it"
  191. 21:15 Leagues "I never said I gave a fuck what answer you chose."
  192. 21:15 Destinox "So I can make stuff up now?"
  193. 21:16 Casefield exited the room with a salute.
  194. 21:17 Leagues walked out the room, grabbing Casefield by the shoulder and lowering his mouth to his ear, whispering, "I don't want this asshole to know his way back here. Knock him out. AGAIN."
  195. 21:19 Destinox "So, guessing you're going to knock me out again? Can't let an Alien know where an Anti-Alien base is"
  196. 21:20 Leagues "You've been through the process. You'll cooperate, no? We have no more business with you at the moment."
  197. 21:20 Casefield "Right away. And sir, the Commander has asked for a debriefing from you in fifteen minutes." he said, walking further into the base before pressing into his earpiece. "Gunslinger 1-1, put him to sleep."
  198. 21:21 Destinox "Few times. Just remember the whole shock thing wont work for all Aliens"
  199. 21:21 Leagues readies to leave. "Was nice meeting you, alien. And don't think we're so under prepared."
  200. 21:21 Leagues "Oh, and if it's any consolation..."
  201. 21:22 Leagues "We /did/ dissect you."
  202. 21:22 Casefield Gunslinger 1-1, a trooper guarding the back of the room with his comrade, discharged his weapon, the same electro-shock device originally used to knock Destinox into a sleep with arcing electricity. It was aimed on Destinox.
  203. 21:23 Leagues leaves, laughing as he walked down the metal corridor, his muffled laugh echoing back into the room far after he left.
  204. 21:23 Destinox "Really? Now I'm definitely staying *SHOCK ZAP SHOCK* h-here"
  205. 21:28 Destinox A few hours later, Destinox woke up in the back ally of the Mcguffies. "uhhg...couldn't even put me in a nice place, how does any alien work for them"
  208. 21:56 Breard Far off within the depths of the PARSEC base could be found the office of one Commander Breard. It was an odd thing to see anybody personally invited to enter it besides the current Heads of Staff and the very rare UN Inspectors that might come by to check progress per dollar. Today however it would have a guest. The office itself was nothing much to look at.
  209. 21:56 Breard Two simple, yet comfortable seats on either end of the desk littered with paperwork and computing supplies. A standard of PARSEC's logo hung upon the wall, and several photos of various people lined the wall in out-of-frame pictures that stood out upon the grey steel. In this room sat Breard himself.
  210. 21:57 Breard With a push of the intercom's switch on the desk he opened the channel for audio around the base. "Squaddie Indy. You are requested in the Commander's office." he announced and waited.
  211. 22:02 Indy was right at the door within a rather short amount of time, the door opening before the Rhodesian woman. The pictures sure as hell didn't lie. The entire left side of her face- hell, body- was covered in intricate lightning scars that had set into the skin after several strikes, one of her eyes grayed over from the damage. Surviving that it was pretty...
  212. 22:02 Indy ...clear why she walked with a degree of confidence.
  213. 22:02 Indy "You called for me, Commander?"
  214. 22:06 Breard pulled up several manila folders and placed them upon his desk. "Yes. Have a seat, I've some things I'd like to discuss with you." he said. His lack of much facial experessings was made up for with his calm, yet commanding tone of voice.
  215. 22:08 *** Sylum is now known as Destinox
  216. 22:09 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  217. 22:09 Indy took to her seat, putting out her hands together on the desk while she kept her eyes focused on the Commander, hinting that she still had some semblance of sight in the left eye. Enough for depth perception at the least.
  218. 22:18 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  219. 22:21 Breard "I've been through your files thoroughly. From what I've read, your injuries did not slow you in your work with Chimera, despite having such an intense injury repeated time after time." he spoke, staring with eyes that could not be seen under his brows before starting again. "Would you say that you are still capable of intense work to this day?"
  220. 22:24 --- Destinox is away (Anyone needs me say my name)
  221. 22:24 Indy "Yes. The injuries did little to deter me other than impairing my ability to drive, and recently thanks to some medical benefits that were leftover I've gotten some treatments to lessen the issues. In a year or so I might get my left eye all the way back."
  222. 22:26 Indy "I managed to reach the highest level of one of the commando squads back in Chimera even with the lightning strikes. I won't be a liability, Commander."
  223. 22:28 Indy spoke with what resembled an English or Australian accent, although it had its own inflection that set it apart just enough to be noticeable.
  224. 22:30 Breard slid one of the folders over to Indy. It was labeled as 'Past employment'. "I am aware. You're skilled in many fields if these reports are correct, but I'd like to know...Why did you accept a transfer with PARSEC?"
  225. 22:34 Indy "I was about on my way out of there as it was. Don't get me wrong, they make damn good soldiers from the buffers that get higher up, but there wasn't much left for me to do and dealing with metas isn't something I exactly cherish."
  226. 22:36 Indy "Figured I might get more done with this. If there's something coming out there I'd rather be ready to put my skills to use instead of meandering around Neon when shit goes down."
  227. 22:40 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  228. 22:42 *** Eridana quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  229. 22:44 Breard "I see. It sounds like you have your priorities in order, as I'd expect. Your training here will be different than what you were used to. Metahumans are not our concern, but you may well see things that you will not forget. You will fight things far beyond what you've ever seen. Does this worry you?" he asked, his tone flat.
  230. 22:49 Indy "Frankly, no. I've been surprised a lot in my life. Seen a lot of things most people don't see. I don't see any reason to stop now, especially if I can do some good with it."
  231. 22:54 Leagues barged into the office, "Then you better look forward to the next month, soldier." He slams all the recorded information from his previous interrogation on Breard's desk and salutes. "Sir!"
  232. 22:55 Breard "That's very good. After reviewing your skills, and hearing those words I've deci-" he suddenly stopped mid-sentence at the interruption. "CO. At ease. Tell me what all of this is and why it is on my desk before I even get the chance to read this file." he said, reaching for the file.
  233. 22:56 Leagues "Sir, the Dr. Pepper worked. And it yielded all kinds of results."
  234. 22:58 Indy "Oh dear."
  235. 22:58 Leagues was breathing rather hard, his helmet was fogging up.
  236. 22:59 Leagues "That....That slimy eel bastard."
  237. 23:00 Leagues "It was a pleasure cutting him open...."
  238. 23:00 Leagues still had the scalpels in his lab coat.
  239. 23:01 --- Destinox is back
  240. 23:02 Breard popped open the folder and began reading intently. Probably. You can't actually tell. "Hrm, as expected. I want a team of field agents on this Destinox undercover. Prepare another team to search for odd happenings within Neon City and have medical records of the past three months sent to me from every hospital in that area.
  241. 23:02 Breard Now. There had better be something more important in this report that warrents an interruption."
  242. 23:06 Leagues "Already ahead of you sir. He thought he'd walk out of this facility Scott free....But that' behind me! Us! T-There's something more...."
  243. 23:06 Leagues "That machine remains we picked up..."
  244. 23:06 Leagues "He had info on it. Very useful info"
  245. 23:06 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  246. 23:10 Leagues "There's more if it apparently."
  247. 23:11 Leagues "And they're all very well capable of decimating Neon City in groups if the power of that so called 'Scout' is anything to worry about."
  248. 23:11 Breard "I see that. A month before some probable activity.." he closed the folder. "Squaddie, you'll have to pardon that interruption. I've decided to reassign you. From this point on you'll be referred to as 'Specialist', you'll be the first member of a new task force. An incoming threat needs to be seen to."
  249. 23:13 Indy immediately got into the swing of things. "Whats the threat?"
  250. 23:13 Leagues settles down with his panicked breathing, talking to himself a bit, "Purifiers...."
  251. 23:17 Breard "An alien machine race known as the Purifiers apparently. The culprit of a recent attack in Neon City. You may have heard information regarding it...Do we know what they want? Any potential weaknesses to exploit? They don't look the diplomatic type judging by their 'Scout'."
  252. 23:22 Indy "Well, shit- Anything on that front?" Indy looked over to Leagues
  253. 23:23 Leagues loks at Indy, "This city was deemed impure. " He points a scalpel at Indy. "So we're gonna have you shoot them enough times to think otherwise."
  254. 23:23 Leagues "We have a month."
  255. 23:30 Breard cupped his hands on his desk and leaned forward. "That means we have the advantage of being able to prepare. Continue world surveillance for now, and double the PT schedule. See if the labs can reformat the shell from the Scout into anything useful." he said, directed at Leagues. "I want task-force Ghost re-established. Specialist Indy will take the first
  256. 23:30 Breard role. Inform me of any other potential candidates for this squad. We'll need full infantry might in the coming days, and I assume the Specialist has no problems with her new role."
  257. 23:30 Indy "I think that I have my work pretty clear ahead of me."
  258. 23:32 Leagues salutes one more time, "Sir! I'll get right on it." He turns to leave. "Get ready rookie. You came during the best time for this organization." He walks out of the office.
  259. 23:33 Breard "If you've no questions then you are dismissed, Specialist. I suggest you rest and prepare for new orders soon." his tone of voice never changed throughout the conversation.
  260. 23:37 Indy "I'll get to work, Commander" Indy replied before getting right up.
  261. 23:42 Breard shot a quick salute before returning to his paperwork.
  265. 00:14 Purifier-Prime Thousands of light years away, The Purifier Prime sat on his throne, the center of the mother ship. Staring out to the impure universe
  266. 00:15 Purifier slow walked up to The Prime, his own size being dwarfed by the massive scale of his king. He could be stepped on and the king wouldn't know
  267. 00:15 Purifier >MY LORD
  268. 00:17 Purifier-Prime The king doesn't speak, or even look at his warrior
  270. 00:19 Purifier >AN OLD MODEL LANDED ON A PLANET
  271. 00:20 Purifier-Prime "...So?"
  272. 00:22 Purifier >ITS SCANNER SHOWS ONE CITY...
  273. 00:22 Purifier-Prime "Speak my Son"
  275. 00:26 Purifier-Prime The king sat up, walking towards the main viewing grid, stepping on the Purifier who gave him the message and not even noticing
  276. 00:26 Purifier-Prime "What is the name of this planet?"
  277. 00:27 Purifier A different Purifier walked up behind him
  279. 00:30 Purifier >MOST SAY DIFFERENTLY. EARTH
  280. 00:31 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  281. 00:31 Purifier-Prime "Earth...Who were the ones who destroyed my son?"
  282. 00:32 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  283. 00:32 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  285. 00:37 Purifier-Prime "Do we have their names?"
  286. 00:38 Purifier >YES MY FATHER
  289. 00:41 Purifier-Prime "A Vulgas-Cal, and a Veka. Prepare to enter hyper space"
  290. 00:41 Purifier-Prime He walked back to his thrown, once again stepping and killing the Purifier who told him this
  291. 00:42 Purifier-Prime "This Earth shall be purified. How long shall it take to get there"
  292. 00:43 Purifier Another different Purifier came to answer him
  293. 00:43 Purifier >TWO WEEKS
  294. 00:44 Purifier-Prime "The universe shall be pure"
  295. 00:44 Purifier >THE UNIVERSE SHALL BE PURED
  296. 00:44 Purifier >THE UNIVERSE SHALL BE PURED
  297. 00:44 Purifier >THE UNIVERSE SHALL BE PURED
  298. 00:44 Purifier >THE UNIVERSE SHALL BE PURED
  299. 00:45 Purifier-Prime Hundreds of his childeren sang as they entered the white Void
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