
Blowing Bubbles [WiP]

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. I present to you a short story featuring our favourite bum-burglar that we love to hate.
  2. Warning: There will be clop.
  4. >Blowing Bubbles
  5. >|A Brief Introduction|
  7. >It is said that on Earth, the Gods play dice with the fates of Men. But this is not Earth, and our story does not concern Men, for the most part. Visualise an empty starscape before us, punctuated by the occasional pinprick of a distant sun. Let the camera of the mind’s eye move slowly forward until we see, suspended in the inky blackness, a blue-green orb, not unlike Earth. But this is decidedly not Earth, although at present, it contains at least one of its bizarre creatures…
  9. >Let us zoom in closer until what was once a marble becomes a full-size planet, complete with a pocket-size sun and moon. Further still, and the patches of green resolve into definite land masses, and the patches of blue into oceans filled with wonders and terrors that no man should wont of. Further still, and the land masses and oceans give way to a country, with a greenness that implies that whenever this is, an Industrial Revolution is very much at the back of the occupants’ minds. Further still, and the country becomes a town, a street, a bar…
  11. >The bar itself was of the kind found down an alley, known only to a certain kind of clientele. Which is to say, they probably wouldn’t know what the word ‘clientele’ meant, not that that would stop them from caving your head in for calling them that. Imagine, if you will, a dark and dangerous room*, with even darker and more dangerous recesses where the ‘clientele’ would conduct their dealings in privacy. A room where conversations are held in hushed tones and the faint chink of gold through burlap punctuates the murmur and slurping of watered-down beer.
  13. >*This also has the added effect of allowing anyone inside to clearly see any newcomers, or potential threats quite clearly, whilst the late entry would only see pitch black, until their eyes adjusted a while later. Handy for those who would otherwise wish to remain unseen, who could then slip out the back in the intervening seconds.
  15. >|Enter the Nomad|
  16. >It is into this warren that our so-called Hero now steps, fresh with the sweat from the noon-day sun on his back, and is immediately riddled with the gaze of several pairs of saucer-sized eyes, before they slowly return to their illicit dealings. The Barkeep has already drawn his usual order, and the Nomad settles onto a stool clearly designed for someone or something maybe half his size, but this only has the effect of making the out-of-scale man seem even larger in the gloom. A hooded figure approaches hesitantly, but thinks better of it before scurrying away to some dark recess.
  18. >After a while, he leaves and strides down the street with the gait of someone who has had perhaps a bit too much to drink, but knows very well what he intends to do next, which usually involves more drinking … but not today. Today, he has a mission. He turns at the crossroads near the outskirts of town, retrieves his pack from the branches of a nearby tree and heads north towards the next village where he will find what he seeks, or so he hopes.
  20. >The road is dusty and long, and fraught with surprisingly few perils for a creature of his squishiness, but they are soon dispelled back into the forest from whence they came with the aid of a trusty walking stick. After a while, the Nomad rests against a tree, eats a small meal of fish and bread, then dozes - He will set out again at daybreak.
  22. >|The Baker Presides|
  23. >In the bakery a few hours walk from where the Nomad rests, we see a kitchen piled high with pie tins, muffin pans, cupcake trays and other metal implements that look as though they should be in a torture chamber, were it not for the fact that they are currently being washed by what appears to be a small, magenta horse of the cartoon variety. As time passes, the pile dwindles as the pony goes about his work, his hindquarters swaying to the melody passing from his mouth. Once completed, he then goes about the prep for the next days baking, mixing up batches of dough in vast metal tureens which are then impregnated with various flavourings and aromas.
  25. >The tune varies as he works, his feet doing a happy jig as he trots about the kitchen, appearing to levitate at times, but this would obviously be a trick of the light as no sane universe would permit such perverse warping of logic. His limbs stretch as though they are made of silly putty to reach ingredients from cupboards on the far side of the room, but again, this must be regarded as no more than swamp gas released from a weather balloon, trapped in a thermal pocket which then reflected the light from Venus*. Finishing his tasks for the night, our current focus drifts upstairs and takes a brief shower, before plonking heavily into bed with the satisfaction of a job well done.
  27. >*Venus being several million light-years away and not at all inclined to shine on our little planet at the time, but this is beside the point.
  29. >Let the camera of the minds eye drift slowly upwards through the ceiling, until we regard a town at night, a few streetlights illuminating patches on the ground. Further still, we see the town dwindle to a glowing speck, and darker patches flit across the nightscape occasionally, as if on some sort of business. A few of them seem to rest on clouds for a few brief moments, before resuming their travel. One in particular stays for a while above the sleeping town, as if to safeguard the occupants in their slumber, before it too flits away, perhaps with other duties to attend to.
  31. >|A Plan is Formed|
  32. >At dawn, the Nomad wakes, performs his morning ablutions in the forest behind the camp, has a long theological debate with himself where he decides that no, he is not in fact a bear, breakfasts briefly on last night’s scraps, then opens his map. After planning a route to avoid some of the more deadly hazards that strew his route, he hoists his backpack onto his shoulders and with trusty walking stick in hand, sets out. Destination: Ponyville.
  34. ~~
  37. >As the Nomad enters the outskirts of town, some mares stroll past him, one of them giving him a sly wink*. After all, the Nomad had been here before and had acquired a … reputation of sorts. That had been a very fun weekend. Anyway, the final destination was in sight -- What looked like a child’s idea of a gingerbread house, topped by a tower of muffins. The plan was simple -- pop in for a coffee and a pastry, then pick up a few things at the market before catching the evening train to Appleloosa before continuing on towards Neighbraska.
  38. >*No, not /that/ sort of a wink**. Yes, I can hear you whispering to each other at the back, you sick bastards.
  39. >**See ‘Anatomy of a Mare’
  41. >Upon entering ‘Sugarcube Corner’, or so the sign on the outside said, it was obvious that the architect that built this place had continued the fairytale décor on the inside too. Candycane pillars held up the roof, the internal-organ-pink and vomit-yellow colour scheme with painted images of sweets and gingerbread men covered the walls and ceiling, and every flat surface was either covered in doilies or cupcakes, for some reason. To the Nomad, it looked as if he pressed himself against the wall, he would stick to it like some ancient beast trying to free itself from a tar pit. Regardless of this, he headed towards the counter that barely reached his mid-thigh. There was a small service bell, which he tapped twice.
  43. >“Comingggg…”, a voice from the back room floats. Then a pink pony emerges from the kitchen, approaches the counter and looks up… and up… and up. A small ‘o’ appears on his face, slightly darker than the surrounding skin.
  44. >”Good afternoon” says the Nomad, with a smile full of teeth. “Could I please have…” but is interrupted by a stream of babble from behind the counter. To the untrained ear (of which the Nomad had two) it sounded a lot like “Hithereandwelcometosugarcubecorneri’mbubbleberrywowyou’rehugeareyougoingtoeatmeihopenotbecausethatwouldhurtwouldn’titimeaniveneverbeeneatenbeforesoiwouldn’tknowbutcanweatleastbefreinds?” The Nomad stood there, trying to process the wall of sound that had assaulted his eardrums, then thought for a moment before replying;
  45. >”The thought had crossed my mind. But right now I could devour a muffin and a cup of coffee if you would be so kind…” Sadly for the Nomad, this had the unintended effect of producing another barrage of sound, rather than a tray of food.
  46. >”Whenyousaythethoughthadcrossedyourminddoyoumeanyouweregoingtoeatmeoryouwerentorthatyou’reactuallyreallycrossbutdon’tworryiknowtheperfectthingforsomeonewho’scross -- icecream!itssocoolandmeltythatitsguaranteedtomakeanyonestopbeingcrosswithitsdeliciousyummyness!”
  47. >”Just the muffin and coffee is fine, thanks. And could you slow down a bit? I’m having difficulty understanding you”.
  48. >Bubble Berry takes a huge breath before responding an a normal tone;
  49. >”Sure, no problem. Just take a table and I’ll be right with you”. With a smile, he trots off to the back, and the Nomad wanders over to a table that barely comes up to his mid-thigh. Disregarding the tiny chair, he sits cross-legged on the floor and leans against the wall. Noises somewhat akin so a steam engine can be heard in the background, along with muffled swearing, and occasionally something being hit with a hammer. A few moments later the noise stops, and true to his word, Bubble Berry steps out of the back room with a tray firmly grasped in his mouth. Balanced on it are two cups of coffee, and two muffins. The Nomad looks over and with an inward groan realises what is about to happen.
  50. >|In which we discover The Author cannot into dialogue|
  51. >Contrary to the Nomad’s initial apprehension, the conversation covered such topics as Human diet, how long his legs were, what name he would call a cat, if he had one, and his favourite type of pie. As this goes on, the sun slips lower and lower in the sky, with both Bubble and the Nomad completely loosing track of time. As the conversation progressed, Bubble began to lean closer and closer to the Nomad, before getting a whiff of his stench.
  52. >”Umm, I don’t mean to be rude, but youkindasmellreallybad … Wait, I know, you can use my shower! I’ve got all sorts of shampoo and soap and bubble bath and”
  53. >At this point, the Nomad held up his hand, before looking down at his travelstained robes with a grimace. Perhaps he could use a shower after all.
  54. “Sure, if it isn’t too much trouble. Also, do you know somewhere I can get my clothes washed? They’re kinda grubby…”
  55. >All the response Bubble gives is a short nod, before trotting away up some stairs that the casual observer would have sworn just blinked into existence. However, the Nomad was a man who had lived in magical horse land for a while, and this sort of thing no longer phased him. Following the pony up, he had ample time to observe the delicious rump presented to his face, the tail idly swishing, and everything swaying slightly more than one would expect. Oh, the things he would do to
  56. >“Weeere heeere” was all that was needed to snap him out of his private theatre, revealing a tiny bathroom tiled in varying shades of pink, adorned with a myriad of bottles. The Nomad graciously nods his head, and slips inside the door.
  57. >A steaming stream of water blasts the Nomad on the back of his neck, his robes slumped in a pile next to the door. He rummages around the various lotions, creams and soaps, before choosing a bottle entitled ‘Mrs. Miggs Berry flavoured shampoo and bodywash - with secret ingredient!’ and dousing himself with the contents. A raspberry aroma drifts up through his nose as he lathers away many days-worth of travel. He turns, intending to replace the luxurious lotion, but encounters something else - Bubble is standing wide-eyed at the muscular frame before him, running his wide eyes over the curves, before coming to rest at navel level. His already wide eyes go even wider.
  58. “Like something you see?” asked the Nomad, rinsing his long hair in the stream of water cascading from the showerhead.
  59. >”I…I…ummm…I j-just wanted…” His eyes desperately search the room for something that isn’t the Nomad’s inviting form. “CLOTHES!” he finishes loudly, before scooping up the offending pile of garments before scooting out the door, but not before taking a last wistful look.
  60. >The Nomad chuckles to himself, before resuming his grooming duties. He exits the shower, and dries himself with a small towel from a pile. This one has a pattern of liquorice allsorts on it. Having completed step two of the ‘Triple S’ scheme, he moves onto step three, deftly removing the small beard he has accumulated. Having no other clothes to put on, he exits the bathroom wearing only the small towel around his midriff.
  61. >|Here comes the Clop|
  62. [spoiler]and then they fucked[/spoiler]
  63. It should be noted at this point that although Humans and Equines are not biologically compatible, they are at least physically compatible. At its most base level, this means that Tab A will usually fit into Slot B, although Slot B will not eject, say, a satyr abomination some nine months later.
  64. The sight that greeted the Nomad as he exited the bathroom was, he would recollect later, one of the most alluring and attractive he had seen in his many years. Sprawled out on his bed in a seductive pose, was Bubble, who looked the Nomad up and down before fixing him with a sultry glance.
  65. “I thought we could … fool around a bit. I saw you checking me out on the way up here, and I have to say, you’re quite easy on the eyes yourself, handsome”.
  66. Slightly taken aback, the Nomad’s brain spits out the emergency response it reserved for these sort of situations. “Thanks, y-you too.”
  67. “Get over here and kiss me, silly! Don’t just stand there”.
  68. The Nomad complies, and climbs onto the bed, his large frame leaving his feet sticking off the end. After a few hesitant starts, they lock lips, tongues wrestling with fury, each trying to assert oral dominance over the other. After a while, Bubble comes up for air, before diving back into the fray.
  70. [This is the part I never got around to writing.]
  72. As the Nomad brings Bubble to orgasm, he lets out a shrill screech. Suddenly, the door to the bedroom slams open.
  73. “Aroowtsoopri!..aooh”. Both the Nomad and Bubble slowly turn their heads towards the intruder, revealing Mrs. Cake brandishing a wooden spoon, easily three feet long, in her mouth. Still inside Bubble, the Nomad opens his lips;
  74. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that?”
  75. The spoon falls to the floor with a dull thud, strings of saliva still connecting it to her mouth. She mutters something about being happy for Bubble finding someone, and departs with a rosy blush on her cheeks, closing the door behind her. The Nomad leans down until Bubble can feel the breath on the back of his neck, causing him to shiver in delight.
  76. “Well, shall we continue?”
  77. Ponies perhaps taking a late-night stroll, or those staggering home from The Plough and Apple would later tell stories about the cacophony of strange noises interrupting the stillness of the night, punctuated by phrases such as “Kiss me, I’m Irish”, and “Let’s make another cake!”
  78. High above Ponyville, a dark figure detaches itself from a cloud and, silhouetted against the deep blue nights sky, slowly flaps its way into the distance. If you looked closely, you could almost see the glimmer of a faint smile…
  80. The End
  81. >|Epilogue|
  82. >Somewhere outside Neighbraska, the Nomad feels a stirring in his loins. It had been a long time since he had had a sleepless night, and a distant memory pops into his mind unbidden. On a whim, the Nomad pauses, and looks at the city walls, tantalisingly close. He stands there for a moment, before seemingly coming to some sort of decision. He turns, and trots off back down the path he came by.
  83. [spoiler]Sadly, he was eaten by a roving pack of timberwolves on the outskirts of the Everfree before he had another slice of Pie, because he was a gigantic raging faggot.[/spoiler]
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