
File 08: Floor 3's main area

Sep 15th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. [NOTE: These first three blocks are the same on all five floors. We should take care to be consistent with these]
  3. [Also starting with this file, I've added some keys inside <angled brackets>. From here, I notice there are a fair number of dialogues that logically and contextually go together, but don't come sequentially in the ROM. So you can always search for these angled brackets to find related bits of dialogue]
  5. バトルしますか?
  6. はい
  7. いいえ
  8. Want to battle?
  9. Yes
  10. No
  12. この ダ-クゲ-トの むこうに
  13. ダ-クマスタ-がいます
  14. The Dark Master is behind this Dark Gate.
  16. ようこそ!
  17. スタ-チップを とびらの あなに
  18. はめてください...
  19. Welcome!
  20. Please place your Star Chips into the slots on this door.
  22. ===================================================
  24. [Talking to Imori - creepy classmate of Yugi's who researches the occult and knows about the power of the Millennium Puzzle. In the manga, he wanted to win the Puzzle and become the "Guardian of Darkness". He's kind of an anti-social dick that was willing to kill people to get the dark power of the Puzzle.]
  25. [First time]
  26. ......きみ もうひとりの
  27. ゆうぎくんだろ? しっているよ...
  28. せんねんパズルを てにして
  29. ヤミの ちからを えた...
  30. そうだろう? ゆうぎくん
  31. ボクは ちかったんだ
  32. キミを たおして
  33. ボクが かわりに ヤミのばんにんに
  34. なるってね!!
  35. いくぞっ ゆうぎ!!
  36. You're the "other Yugi", right? I knew it... [TN: Yami Yugi is called "the other me/the other Yugi" in the early-to-mid Japanese anime/manga]
  37. When you touched the Millennium Puzzle, you gained the powers of darkness...
  38. Isn't that right, Yugi?
  39. I swore I would beat you to become the Guardian of Darkness instead of you! [TN: A reference to one of his lines from the manga]
  40. Let's go, Yugi!
  42. [After battling him once]
  43. ゆうぎ!!
  44. ヤミのばんにんの ざをかけて
  45. ボクと もういちど バトルだ!!
  46. Yugi!
  47. Battle with me one more time for the role of Guardian of Darkness!
  49. [NOTE: His win and loss text is identical to the win and loss text on floor 2]
  51. [Whenever beat him]
  52. く... まけた...!!
  53. Tch... I lost!
  55. [Whenever you lose to him]
  56. ハハハハ やったぞ-!
  57. ゆうぎを たおしたんだ-!!
  58. Hahahaha! Awesome!
  59. I beat Yugi!
  61. ===================================================
  63. [Talking to Nezumi - cowardly rude traitorous snitch from the manga]
  64. [First time]
  65. ケッ きょうは さんざんだよ...
  66. きょうりゅう MCばっかの
  67. ヤツに コテンパンに されちまったよ
  68. スタ-チップ 1まいから
  69. また やりなおしだ
  70. ......オレと しょうぶするかい?
  71. Keh, today's a disaster...
  72. I got annihilated by a guy using only dinosaur MC's.
  73. I have to start over from 1 Star Chip...
  74. ...Want to try facing me?
  76. [After battling him once]
  77. また バトル するのかよ?
  78. もう スキに してくれ!!
  79. Want to battle again?
  80. Suit yourself!
  82. [NOTE: His win and loss text is identical to the win and loss text on floor 1]
  84. [Whenever you beat him]
  85. フン
  86. MCなんか みたくもない!!
  87. Hmph. I don't even want to see any MC!
  89. [Whenever you lose to him]
  90. オレに かてないんじゃ
  91. ゆうしょうなんて むりだよ...
  92. If you can't beat me, you'll never be victorious...
  94. ===================================================
  96. [Talking to Kujirada - a pretty rude classmate of Yugi's who is a bit arrogant. He appears only in a really surreal chapter where everyone's super into Tamagotchi-like digital pets, he happens to get a really rare one, and the rare pet hypnotizes him into linking with other digital pets so the rare pet can eat them... Retro Yu-Gi-Oh! was absolutely A Thing.]
  97. [TN: Note that, both in game and in the manga, he uses "boku-sama" as his pronoun. Boku is a fairly polite humble pronoun, while "sama" is a haughty arrogant one, so using them together is silly and weird. For context, Lancer from Deltarune is the only other character I can find easily who uses "boku-sama". So he's at that level of maturity.]
  98. [First time]
  99. ゆうぎ!
  100. ボクさまの モンスタ-を
  101. はいけんしたいか-?
  102. ボクさまだけの きょうりょくな
  103. モンスタ-をさぁ-!!
  104. ケケケ しょうぶだ-!
  105. Yugi! You want to see my monsters?
  106. Only I have monsters that are this powerful! [TN: Not 100% confident on this, it's "Me, only's, powerful monsters" and then "Saa-" which I can't find a good translation for...]
  107. [TN: Also for context, his monsters are the two arms of Exodia - super rare, but among the weakest monsters in the game when not combined with the other pieces of Exodia]
  108. Hehehe, let's play!
  110. [After battling him once]
  111. ケケケ
  112. そんなに ボクさまの
  113. モンスタ-が きにいったのか?
  114. なんどでも はいけんさせてやるぞ-!
  115. Hehehe
  116. You liked my monsters that much?
  117. I'll let you see them anytime!
  119. [Kujirada, if you win]
  120. あ... あれ? ボクさまの
  121. モンスタ-が まけたの!?
  122. H-huh? My monsters lost!?
  124. [Kujirada, if you lose]
  125. ククク...
  126. かった かった...
  127. Heh heh...
  128. I won, I won...
  130. ===================================================
  132. <Bonz>
  134. [Talking to Bonz - A creepy guy working as Bandit Keith's underling. He uses zombie monsters and doesn't play fair - in his first appearance, he and his fellow henchmen kidnap Joey and force him into an all-or-nothing duel in an arena that boosts zombie monsters. In his second appearance, they ambush duelists in a graveyard while dressed as zombies to scare people into leaving their tournament stuff beyond.]
  135. オイ オマエ
  136. バトルを してやるゾ!
  137. MCを だしな!!
  138. Oi, let's battle! Take out your MC's!
  140. [Yami Yugi responds]
  141. ...いいだろう あいてになるぜ!
  142. ...Fine, I'll take you on!
  144. [Bonz responds]
  145. あ! まさか ゆうぎってヤツか!?
  146. しまった... や やめとこうかなぁ...
  147. オレじゃあ かてねえかも...
  148. Ah! It can't be, you're that Yugi guy!?
  149. Oh no... S-should I stop... [TN: Like, "should I surrender?", etc]
  150. I might not be able to beat him...
  152. [Yami Yugi responds]
  153. どうした こしぬけヤロウ?
  154. オマエも デュエリストの
  155. はしくれなら かかってこいよ
  156. Are you a coward?
  157. If you're even a third-rate duelist, you'll face me!
  159. [Bonz responds]
  160. あぁ-!? なんだとぉ!
  161. そこまでいうなら オマエは さぞかし
  162. ゆうきが あるんだろうな!?
  163. よぉし... オレが とくいな
  164. フィ-ルドでの
  165. ハンディマッチだ!
  166. オマエに うける どきょうが
  167. あるのかぁ!?
  168. Ah!? What the hell! [TN: This isn't like "Sure, what the hell", it's more like "What the hell did you just say!?"]
  169. If you're that insistent, then you really are Yugi? [TN: Not 100% on this, but fairly confident it's in that general vein]
  170. Okay... Then it's going to be a handicap match with a field that benefits me! [TN: Literally like, "a handicap match on a field of my forte/strong point". Unlike most battles on this floor, like 90% of the field against Bonz is wasteland tiles, which power up his monsters]
  171. Are you brave enough to accept that!?
  173. [Yugi responds]
  174. フフ... うけてたつぜ!
  175. バトル かいしだ!!
  176. Heh heh... I accept!
  177. Let's start the battle!
  179. ===================================================
  181. <Bonz>
  183. [Dialogue if you win against Bonz]
  184. くそ--!
  185. あにきと いっしょなら
  186. オマエなんかに まけなかったのにィ!
  187. Shit...
  188. If I was with Boss, I wouldn't have lost to you! [TN: The word is "aniki", like "big brother" or the leader of a gang or the like. But in the English anime, they translate it as "Boss" when Bonz uses it]
  190. [Yugi responds]
  191. あにき?
  192. "Boss"?
  194. [Bonz responds]
  195. フフフ! おぼえておけ!!
  196. いつか あにきが オレの
  197. かたきを うってくれるゾォォ!!
  198. Hahaha! Remember this!
  199. Someday, boss will avenge me! [TN: Literally like "Someday, boss will get my revenge!"]
  201. ===================================================
  203. <Random NPC battle dialogue>
  205. [These paragraphs are all different random NPC's you can battle]
  207. 『しんかカプセル』を つかうと
  208. しんかする モンスタ-が いるんだね
  209. ビックリしたよ!
  210. There are monsters that evolve when you use an Evolution Capsule.
  211. It surprised me!
  213. [TN: This NPC is a girl. All others in this block are boys]
  214. くろい ふくそうの
  215. あやしい ひとたちが うろついて
  216. いるのよ... なんだか こわいわ...
  217. There are suspicious people in black clothes loitering around... [TN: This is reference to two mandatory battles on floor 4 and 5 - you have to fight these thugs working for Kaiba, and it's game over if you lose to either of them. They notably wearing black, but not black suits. Their names are "The Ventriloquist of the Dead" and "Panik", if you want to look them up]
  218. It's... kind of scary...
  220. しえんこうかを うまく つかえば
  221. つよい モンスタ-も 1ぴきなら
  222. こわくないよね!
  223. If you use Support Power well, even strong monsters aren't scary if they're alone! [TN: Support Power being the attack/accuracy bonus you get if you attack an enemy threatened by 2+ of your MC -- tl;dr flanking]
  225. フフフ... もうちょっとで ボクも
  226. ダ-クマスタ-に ちょうせん
  227. できるぞ!!
  228. Heh heh... Just a bit more and I'll be able to challenge the Dark Master too!
  230. [TN: This NPC is standing in front of a special Capsule Machine that drops much rarer and stronger monsters than others]
  231. レアモンスタ-の ためなら
  232. スタ-チップなんて おしくないぞ!
  233. エイ! エイ!!
  234. If it's for rare monsters, even Star Chips are expendable! [TN: "Even Star Chips aren't precious/too good to use"]
  235. Yay! Yay!
  237. ===================================================
  239. [NOTE: The intro/outro to the MC Help Counter lady's dialogue is the same on all floors. We should be consistent with how we translate that]
  240. [Also note that some of her responses are identical to those on floor 2, so we should be consistent with those answers as well]
  242. [MC Help Counter lady]
  243. こちらは
  244. 『MCそうだんカウンタ-』
  245. です
  246. MCについて
  247. わからないことが あったら
  248. なんでも きいてね!
  249. This is the MC Advice Counter.
  250. If there's anything you don't understand about MC, ask me! [TN: Same dialogue as on F1]
  252. なにか ききたいこと ある?
  253. ききたい
  254. やめる
  255. 『このフロアについて』
  256. 『ワンポイントアドバイス』
  257. つぎのしつもん
  258. 『けいけんちについて』
  259. 『とくしゅまほうってなに?』
  260. つぎのしつもん
  261. 『フィ-ルドこうかってなに?』
  262. 『しえんこうかってなに?』
  263. つぎのしつもん
  264. 『ぞくせいってなに?』
  265. やめる
  266. Is there anything you want to ask about?
  267. Ask
  268. Stop
  269. "About this floor"
  270. "Pro tip" [TN: Literally "one point advice". Could also just mean hint/tip/advice, translate this however it makes the most sense]
  271. Next questions
  272. "About experience"
  273. "What's special magic?" [TN: Rare support moves that replace your monster's attack sometimes when using a Skill Capsule]
  274. Next questions
  275. "What's Field Power?"
  276. "What's Support Power?" [TN: Bonus ATK + accuracy for flanking, basically. If an enemy is in the attack range of 2+ of your MC, you get a bonus when attacking that enemy]
  277. Next questions
  278. "What are attributes?"
  279. Stop
  281. わからないことが あったら
  282. いつでも きいてね!
  283. If there's anything you don't understand, ask me anytime!
  285. [TN: This is a reference to the fact that you get an ATK + ACC bonus if your monster is attacking from a tile that matches the monster's attribute. On this floor, and in the Monster World RPG of this floor especially, most of the tiles in battle will be Wasteland tiles, powering up Wasteland-attribute monsters]
  286. このフロアの モンスタ-ワ-ルドは
  287. 『あれち』フィ-ルドが メインです
  288. 『あれち』ぞくせいの MCを
  289. もっていくと ゆうりに せんとうが
  290. できるでしょう
  291. たいかいも なかばに
  292. さしかかりました
  293. これからが ほんばんですよ!
  294. The main Monster World of this floor is a Wasteland field.
  295. Wasteland-attribute MC are more favourable in battle. [TN: Might be something more like "If you bring Wasteland-attribute MC to battle, you're in a better position", or the like]
  296. You've reached the middle of the tournament.
  297. From now on is the crucial moment!
  299. MCの 『こうげきはんい』には
  300. わざの しゅるいに おうじて
  301. それぞれ とくちょうが あります
  302. 『だげき』は じぶんの ちかくに
  303. こうげきはんいが あるので
  304. せっきんせんが とくいです
  305. 『ざんげき』は こうげきはんいが
  306. よこに ひろいので
  307. とおくから こうげき できます
  308. 『かえん』は まえほうこうに たいし
  309. ぜつだいな ちからを はっきします
  310. ほかにも さまざまな タイプがあり
  311. これらを うまく つかいわけるのが
  312. せんりゃくの ポイントです
  313. An MC's attack range depends on their type of skill.
  314. Each has its own advantages.
  315. Since a "strike" skill's range is the area around you, they're best for close combat.
  316. Since a "slash" skill's range is horizontal, they can attack from a far distance.
  317. Since a "flame" skill's range is forwards, they display an overwhelming power.
  318. There are various other types too.
  319. The point of strategy is to use these well.
  320. [TN: This is baffling to me... So what I think this is doing is just suggesting that a lot of skills like "punch", "kick", "Mogley Punch", etc. have a short range around the MC, so these could all be considered "strike skills". These attacks would obviously be best for close combat, since they won't hit at a distance]
  321. [Some like "gale cut", "greatsword", "shortsword", etc. hit two tiles to the left and right of the MC, so these could all be considered "slash skills". These might be valuable since you don't need to be directly adjacent to the target.]
  322. [So like, I guess it's not really giving much helpful advice? Just telling you to consider the range of your attack, to recognize that other attacks will have similar/identical ranges, and to consider how you can effectively use attacks of that range?]
  324. せんとうで かくとくする
  325. けいけんちは じぶんのレベルが
  326. たかいほど すくなくなります
  327. 1ばん レベルのたかい MCが
  328. きじゅんに なっているので レベルの
  329. ひくいMCを そだてたいときは
  330. そだてたい MCだけを せんとうに
  331. さんかさせると よいでしょう
  332. After you win in battle, your experience level goes up.
  333. [TN: Can't translate this next line perfectly, but the rough idea of it is "Because the experience you gain is based on the highest level MC you send into battle, make sure to only send the low level MC you want to train".]
  334. [Basically, when grinding, if you just use a bunch of level 1 MC, you would get a lot of XP. If you use a bunch of level 1 MC and one level 6 MC, you get the same XP as if you just sent a bunch of level 6 MC.]
  336. [TN: There are four special magic attacks that some monsters get. For example, Dark Magician has a normal attack, but if you use a Skill Capsule on him, his attack instead becomes the magic Spellbinding Circle. He can no longer deal damage by attacking, but instead his attack does special things to its target.]
  337. [The magic attacks are Healing (heal an ally), Spellbinding Circle (decrease the target's ATK for the rest of the battle), Eye of Illusion (the target takes damage based on their own ATK strength), and Swords of Revealing Light (the target cannot move or attack for two turns)]
  338. MCのなかには とくしゅまほうを
  339. つかえる しゅるいも います
  340. 『ヒ-リング』は みかたのMCの
  341. HPを すこし かいふくさせます
  342. 『ペンタグラムのじゅばく』は
  343. てきの こうげきりょくを さげます
  344. 『げんわくのまなこ』は
  345. てきを こんらんさせ じめつさせます
  346. 『ひかりのごふうけん』は
  347. 2タ-ンのあいだ てきの こうどうを
  348. ふうじることが できます
  349. これらの とくしゅまほうを
  350. うまく つかえば
  351. せんとうが ゆうりに なります
  352. Among MC's, there are some that can use special magic.
  353. "Healing" slightly recovers an allied MC's HP.
  354. "Spellbinding Circle" lowers an enemy's attack strength.
  355. "Eye of Illusion" confuses the enemy and causes them to attack themselves. [TN: Literally "causes self-destruction]
  356. "Swords of Revealing Light" stops the enemy from acting for 2 turns.
  357. If used well, these special magics will make battles more favourable.
  359. バトルで そのMCが
  360. とくいなフィ-ルドに たつと
  361. こうげきが パワ-アップします
  362. たとえば そうげんの ぞくせいをもつ
  363. MCが そうげんフィ-ルドで
  364. こうげきを すると
  365. フィ-ルドパワ-を えて
  366. めいちゅうりつと こうげきりょくが
  367. いちじてきに アップします
  368. これを『フィ-ルドこうか』
  369. と いいます
  370. In battle, if your MC is in a certain field, their attack powers up.
  371. For example, if a grasslands-attribute MC is in a grasslands field when they attack, their accuracy and strength goes up.
  372. This is "Field Power".
  374. [TN: Flanking - if Monster X is in a position where right now it could be hit by either Enemy Monster A or by Enemy Monster B, then the enemy gets an ATK + ACC bonus for threatening you with two monsters at once]
  375. バトルで じぶんの こうげきはんいと
  376. みかたの こうげきはんいが
  377. かさなっている ばあい
  378. いちじてきに めいちゅうりつと
  379. こうげきりょくを アップさせて
  380. こうげき することが できます
  381. これを なかまの『しえんこうか』
  382. と いいます
  383. MCは それぞれ ことなった
  384. 『ぞくせい』を もっています
  385. In battle, when your attack range and an ally's attack range overlap, your accuracy and strength goes up when attacking. [TN: This is a kinda literal translation, but doesn't really explain it well, I don't think. This could be reworded for clarity]
  386. This is "Support Power".
  388. MCどうしの ぞくせいの
  389. あいしょうによって
  390. あたえる ダメ-ジに さがつきます
  391. たとえば 『もり』ぞくせいは
  392. 『そうげん』ぞくせいに たいして
  393. つよいので バトルでは
  394. 『もり』ぞくせいの MCは
  395. 『そうげん』ぞくせいの MCに
  396. おおく ダメ-ジを あたえられます
  397. Each MC has an attribute they do extra damage to. [TN: Each attribute is strong against 1 or more other attributes]
  398. For example, forest-attribute MC are strong in battle against grasslands-attribute MC.
  399. Forest-attribute MC do extra damage to grasslands-attribute MC.
  400. [TN: The above dialogue box is very repetitious, saying the same thing twice basically. We can pare that down as needed]
  402. ===================================================
  404. <Random NPC battle dialogue>
  406. とくしゅまほうを うまく つかえば
  407. レベルのたかい MCだって
  408. たおせるんだ!
  409. If you use special magic well, you can even beat high level MC!
  411. ===================================================
  413. [Dummy text]
  414. ダミ-
  415. ダミ-
  416. ダミ-
  417. ダミ-
  418. ダミ-
  419. ダミ-
  420. ダミ-
  421. ダミ-
  423. ===================================================
  425. [Note: All of the below are the same as all of the other floors. We should be consistent.]
  427. カプセルマシンだ!
  428. スタ-チップを 1まい いれますか?
  429. はい
  430. いいえ
  431. It's a Capsule Machine!
  432. Insert a Star Chip?
  433. Yes
  434. No
  436. [Use Capsule Machine with max capsules]
  437. これいじょう MCを もてない!
  438. いらない MCを
  439. せいりしてから こよう!
  440. I can't hold any more MC than this!
  441. Trash unwanted MC, then come back!
  443. [Use Capsule Machine]
  444. {var}の
  445. カプセルを てにいれた!!
  446. Got a X Capsule!
  448. [Use Capsule Machine with only 1 Star Chip]
  449. ...スタ-チップが 1まいしかない
  450. この1まいを つかうと
  451. バトルが できなくなる!!
  452. ...You only have 1 Star Chip.
  453. If you use this 1, you won't be able to battle!
  455. エレベ-タ-がある
  456. なんかいに いきますか?
  457. 1F 2F
  458. なんかいに いきますか?
  459. 1F 2F 3F
  460. なんかいに いきますか?
  461. 1F 2F 3F
  462. 4F
  463. なんかいに いきますか?
  464. 1F 2F 3F
  465. 4F 5F
  466. Where would you like to go?
  468. もうすこし このフロアに いよう...
  469. Let's stay on this floor for a little longer...
  471. [Examine the Dark Gate to the boss room]
  472. このおくに ダ-クマスタ-がいる...
  473. とびらの セキュリティロックは
  474. みぎのはしらにある...
  475. There's a Dark Master inside here.
  476. The door's security lock is on the right side...
  478. ダ-クマスタ-ル-ムへの
  479. とびらがある...
  480. This is the door to the Dark Master's room...
  482. ダ-クマスタ-ル-ムへ いきますか?
  483. はい
  484. いいえ
  485. Enter the Dark Master's room?
  486. Yes
  487. No
  489. スタ-チップを はめこみますか?
  490. はい
  491. いいえ
  492. Insert a Star Chip?
  493. Yes
  494. No
  496. スタ-チップを はめこんだ!
  497. とびらをひらくには スタ-チップが
  498. あと {var}まい ひつようだ...
  499. Inserted a Star Chip!
  500. You need X more Star Chips to open the door...
  502. ===================================================
  504. [NOTE: Again, lots of these are identical to the other floors (Juice vending machine, plant). Aim for consistency]
  506. [Examine vending machine]
  507. ジュ-スの はんばいきがある
  508. It's a juice vending machine.
  510. おかねをいれて ジュ-スをかった!
  511. ...ゴク ......ゴク
  512. フゥ... おいしかった!
  513. You buy some juice with your money.
  514. *Glug glug*...
  515. Ahhh... Delicious!
  517. [Examine the vending machine twice in a row]
  518. ジュ-スは さっき のんだばかりだ!
  519. I just drank juice! [TN: As in, "I don't need any more, I just had some!"]
  521. [Examine plant]
  522. かんようしょくぶつだ!
  523. It's a houseplant!
  525. ===================================================
  527. メダルゲ-ムが
  528. おいてある!
  529. It's a medal game! [TN: Not common outside of Japan, but that's what they're called. Check Wikipedia for reference - it's basically the Japanese equivalent of western arcade games that dispense tickets when you win]
  531. メダルゲ-ムの なかには
  532. メダルが たくさん
  533. しきつめられている
  534. There are a lot of medals piled up inside the medal game.
  536. ポ-カ-ゲ-ムが
  537. ならんでいる...
  538. Poker games are lined up...
  540. パチンコが ならんでいる
  541. Pachinko machines are lined up.
  543. ===================================================
  545. <Bonz>
  547. [Dialogue if you lose against Bonz]
  548. やった!
  549. ゆうぎを たおしたゾ!!
  550. あにきに ほうこくだ!
  551. Awesome!
  552. I beat Yugi!
  553. I've go to tell Boss!
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