
Thread bumpers

May 9th, 2012
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  1. >Be anon.
  2. >Grow a bitchen' beard.
  3. >suddenly fluttershy with massive beard.
  4. >"I see you spend a lot of time with your beard."
  5. >youdontsay.
  6. "it's a part of my face flutters."
  7. >"it's not your fetish?"
  8. >tell her no.
  9. >sad flutters is sad.
  10. >invite her in to shave it off.
  11. >once inside you pick her up and throw her out your window.
  12. >today is a regular day.
  14. >At Rarity's Boutique.
  15. >Gettin' clothes cuz you a filthy pig.
  16. >Wear the same shirt twice in a row and Rarity just has to make you some clothes.
  17. >She brings them out.
  18. >Put them on.
  19. >They smell nice.
  20. >Get dizzy.
  21. >Pass out.
  22. >wake up naked with Rarity washing you.
  23. >lolwut.
  24. >She laughs at you, then she makes deh sexies with you.
  25. >You are now in a relationship with Rarity.
  26. >Today was a plesant day.
  28. >Twilight invented a new spell today!
  29. >Correction, she Found a new spell.
  30. >You watch as she casts it.
  31. >During the cast she yells, "Meteor Impact!"
  32. >Did she just..?
  33. >Try to warn her not to cast it.
  34. >Too late.
  35. >A meteor destroys Ponyville.
  36. >Survive because of magic resistance.
  37. >Everypone is dead.
  38. >You now hate anime AND video games.
  39. >Today is a bad day.
  40. >Fucking Twilight Splatter.
  42. >Day Mxyzptlk in Equestria.
  43. >Bitches had internet when you got here.
  44. >So like any friendless jerk-off, you have it all.
  45. >Tech-wise.
  46. >You are bored today, and with no friends, you check up on 4hoove.
  47. >Someones spamming the threads on the "My Dramatic Human" Board.
  48. >The name is "Flutterfuckyouall"
  49. >Walk out of house.
  50. >Go to fluttershy's.
  51. >Knock.
  52. >She opens the door.
  53. "Spamming threads isn't my fetish."
  54. >Grab her.
  55. >Throw her through a window back into her house.
  56. >Today was a tiring day.
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