Guest User


a guest
Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. $lang['adduser'] = "Użytkownik %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s) jest nieznany -> dodano do bazy danych.";
  2. $lang['alrup'] = "Już zaktualizowałeś swoją bazę danych!";
  3. $lang['changedbid'] = "User %s (unique Client-ID: %s) got a new TeamSpeak Client-database-ID (%s). Update the old Client-database-ID (%s) and reset collected times!";
  4. $lang['crawl'] = "Scan for connected user and count the activity...";
  5. $lang['clean'] = "Scan for clients, which have to delete...";
  6. $lang['cleanc'] = "clean clients";
  7. $lang['cleancdesc'] = "With this function the old clients in the Ranksystem gets deleted.<br><br>To this end, the Ranksystem sychronized with the TeamSpeak database. Clients, which does not exist in TeamSpeak will be deleted from the Ranksystem.<br><br>This function is only enabled when the 'Slowmode' is deactivated!<br><br><br>For automatic adjustment of the TeamSpeak database the ClientCleaner can be used:<br>";
  8. $lang['cleandel'] = "There were %s clients deleted out of the Ranksystem database, cause they were no longer exist in the TeamSpeak database.";
  9. $lang['cleanno'] = "There were nothing to delete...";
  10. $lang['cleanp'] = "clean period";
  11. $lang['cleanpdesc'] = "Set a time that has to elapse before the 'clean clients' runs next.<br><br>Set a time in seconds.<br><br>Recommended is once a day, cause the client cleaning needs much time for bigger databases.";
  12. $lang['cleanrs'] = "Clients in the Ranksystem database: %s";
  13. $lang['cleants'] = "Clients found in the TeamSpeak database: %s (of %s)";
  14. $lang['days'] = "days";
  15. $lang['dbconerr'] = "Failed to connect to MySQL-Database: ";
  16. $lang['delcldgrpif'] = "Error by removing the knowledge for servergroups: %s";
  17. $lang['delcldgrpsc'] = "Knowledge about servergroups for %s User successfully removed.";
  18. $lang['delclientsif'] = "%s Clients deleted out of the Ranksystem database!";
  19. $lang['delclientssc'] = "%s Clients successfully deleted out of the Ranksystem database!";
  20. $lang['errlogin'] = "Username and/or password are incorrect! Try again...";
  21. $lang['error'] = "Error ";
  22. $lang['errremgrp'] = "Error by removing user with unique Client-ID %s out of the servergroup with servergroup-database-ID %s!";
  23. $lang['errremdb'] = "Error by removing user with unique Client-ID % out of the Ranksystem database!";
  24. $lang['errsel'] = "Error by choosing the selections with<br>selected client: %s<br>option 'delete clients': %s<br>option 'sum. online time': %s";
  25. $lang['errukwn'] = "Unkown error happens!";
  26. $lang['errupcount'] = "Error by renewing the summary online time of %s by user with the unique Client-ID %s";
  27. $lang['firstuse'] = "Seems to be the first run. Start logging the Userhistory...";
  28. $lang['highest'] = "highest rank reached";
  29. $lang['instdb'] = "Install database:";
  30. $lang['instdberr'] = "Error by creating the database: ";
  31. $lang['instdbsubm'] = "Create database";
  32. $lang['instdbsuc'] = "Database %s successfully created.";
  33. $lang['insttb'] = "Install Tables:";
  34. $lang['insttberr'] = "Error by creating table: ";
  35. $lang['insttbsuc'] = "Table %s successfully created.";
  36. $lang['isntwicfg'] = "Can't save the database configuration! Please edit the 'other/dbconfig.php' with a chmod 0777 and try again after.";
  37. $lang['isntwichm'] = "Please edit the 'other/dbconfig.php', and the folders 'avatars/', 'icons/' and 'logs/' with the needed permissions. Therefore edit the chmod to 0777. After it try again (reload the page).";
  38. $lang['isntwidb'] = "Enter your database settings:";
  39. $lang['isntwidberr'] = "Please check, if you filled out all fields and the values are correctly!";
  40. $lang['isntwidbhost'] = "DB Hostaddress:";
  41. $lang['isntwidbhostdesc'] = "Database server address<br>(IP or DNS)";
  42. $lang['isntwidbmsg'] = "Database error: ";
  43. $lang['isntwidbname'] = "DB Name:";
  44. $lang['isntwidbnamedesc'] = "Name of database";
  45. $lang['isntwidbpass'] = "DB Password:";
  46. $lang['isntwidbpassdesc'] = "Password to access the database";
  47. $lang['isntwidbtype'] = "DB Type:";
  48. $lang['isntwidbtypedesc'] = "Database type<br><br>You have to install the needed PDO Driver.<br>For more informations look at requirements on";
  49. $lang['isntwidbusr'] = "DB User:";
  50. $lang['isntwidbusrdesc'] = "User to access the database";
  51. $lang['isntwidel'] = "Please delete the file 'install.php' and all 'update_x-xx.php' files from your webserver and open the %s to config the Ranksystem!";
  52. $lang['isntwiusr'] = "User for the webinterface successfully created.";
  53. $lang['isntwiusrcr'] = "create access";
  54. $lang['isntwiusrdesc'] = "Enter an username and password for access the webinterface. With the webinterface you can configurate the ranksytem.";
  55. $lang['isntwiusrh'] = "Access - Webinterface";
  56. $lang['listacsg'] = "actual servergroup";
  57. $lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID";
  58. $lang['listexgrp'] = "Will not conside for the Ranksystem (servergroup exception).";
  59. $lang['listexuid'] = "Will not conside for the Ranksystem (client exception).";
  60. $lang['listip'] = "IP address";
  61. $lang['listnick'] = "Clientname";
  62. $lang['listnxsg'] = "next servergroup";
  63. $lang['listnxup'] = "next rank up";
  64. $lang['listrank'] = "rank";
  65. $lang['listseen'] = "last seen";
  66. $lang['listsuma'] = "sum. active time";
  67. $lang['listsumi'] = "sum. idle time";
  68. $lang['listsumo'] = "sum. online time";
  69. $lang['listtime'] = "%s day(s), %s hour(s), %s min., %s sec.";
  70. $lang['listuid'] = "unique Client-ID";
  71. $lang['new'] = "new";
  72. $lang['nocount'] = "User %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s) is a query-user or is several times online (only first connection counts) -> this will not count!";
  73. $lang['noentry'] = "No entries found..";
  74. $lang['pass'] = "Password: ";
  75. $lang['queryname'] = "First Botname already in use. Try with second Botname...";
  76. $lang['sccrmcld'] = "User with unique Client-ID %s successfull removed out of the Ranksystem database.";
  77. $lang['sccupcount'] = "User with the unique Client-ID %s successfull overwritten with a summary online time of %s.";
  78. $lang['setontime'] = "sum. online time";
  79. $lang['setontimedesc'] = "Enter a new summary online time, which should be set to the previous selected clients. With this gets the old summary online overwritten.<br><br>The entered summary online time will be considered for the rank up.";
  80. $lang['sgrpadd'] = "Grant servergroup %s to user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s).";
  81. $lang['sgrprerr'] = "It happened a problem with the servergroup of the user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s)!";
  82. $lang['sgrprm'] = "Removed servergroup %s from user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s).";
  83. $lang['sitegen'] = "Site generated in %s seconds with %s clients.";
  84. $lang['sitegenl'] = "Site generated in %s seconds with %s clients (thereof %s displayed; %s affected by exception rules; %s in highest rank).";
  85. $lang['stix0001'] = "Server Statistics";
  86. $lang['stix0002'] = "Total Users";
  87. $lang['stix0003'] = "View Details";
  88. $lang['stix0004'] = "Online Time / Total";
  89. $lang['stix0005'] = "View Top Of All Time";
  90. $lang['stix0006'] = "View Top Of The Month";
  91. $lang['stix0007'] = "View Top Of The Week";
  92. $lang['stix0008'] = "Server Usage";
  93. $lang['stix0009'] = "In The Last 7 Days";
  94. $lang['stix0010'] = "In The Last 30 Days";
  95. $lang['stix0011'] = "In The Last 24 Hours";
  96. $lang['stix0012'] = "select period";
  97. $lang['stix0013'] = "Last Day";
  98. $lang['stix0014'] = "Last Week";
  99. $lang['stix0015'] = "Last Month";
  100. $lang['stix0016'] = "Client Active / Inactive Time";
  101. $lang['stix0017'] = "Client Versions";
  102. $lang['stix0018'] = "Client Nationalities";
  103. $lang['stix0019'] = "Client Platforms";
  104. $lang['stix0020'] = "Current Statistics";
  105. $lang['stix0021'] = "Requested Information";
  106. $lang['stix0022'] = "Result";
  107. $lang['stix0023'] = "Server Status";
  108. $lang['stix0024'] = "Online";
  109. $lang['stix0025'] = "Offline";
  110. $lang['stix0026'] = "Clients (Online / Max)";
  111. $lang['stix0027'] = "Amount Of Channels";
  112. $lang['stix0028'] = "Average Server Ping";
  113. $lang['stix0029'] = "Total Bytes Received";
  114. $lang['stix0030'] = "Total Bytes Sent";
  115. $lang['stix0031'] = "Server Uptime";
  116. $lang['stix0032'] = "before offline:";
  117. $lang['stix0033'] = "<span id=\"days\">00</span> Days, <span id=\"hours\">00</span> Hours, <span id=\"minutes\">00</span> Mins, <span id=\"seconds\">00</span> Secs";
  118. $lang['stix0034'] = "Average Packet Loss";
  119. $lang['stix0035'] = "Overall Statistics";
  120. $lang['stix0036'] = "Server Name";
  121. $lang['stix0037'] = "Server Address (Host Address : Port)";
  122. $lang['stix0038'] = "Server Password";
  123. $lang['stix0039'] = "No (Server is Public)";
  124. $lang['stix0040'] = "Yes (Server Is Private)";
  125. $lang['stix0041'] = "Server ID";
  126. $lang['stix0042'] = "Server Platform";
  127. $lang['stix0043'] = "Server Version";
  128. $lang['stix0044'] = "Server Creation Date (dd/mm/yyyy)";
  129. $lang['stix0045'] = "Report To Server List";
  130. $lang['stix0046'] = "Activated";
  131. $lang['stix0047'] = "Not Activated";
  132. $lang['stix0048'] = "not enough data yet...";
  133. $lang['stix0049'] = "Online Time / Last Month";
  134. $lang['stix0050'] = "Online Time / Last Week";
  135. $lang['stmy0001'] = "My Statistics";
  136. $lang['stmy0002'] = "Rank";
  137. $lang['stmy0003'] = "Database ID:";
  138. $lang['stmy0004'] = "Unique ID:";
  139. $lang['stmy0005'] = "Total Connections To The Server:";
  140. $lang['stmy0006'] = "Start Date For Statistics:";
  141. $lang['stmy0007'] = "Total Online Time:";
  142. $lang['stmy0008'] = "Online Time Last 7 Days:";
  143. $lang['stmy0009'] = "Online Time Last 30 Days:";
  144. $lang['stmy0010'] = "Achievements Completed:";
  145. $lang['stmy0011'] = "Time Achievement Progress";
  146. $lang['stmy0012'] = "Time: Legendary";
  147. $lang['stmy0013'] = "Because You Have A Online Time Of %s hours.";
  148. $lang['stmy0014'] = "Progress Completed";
  149. $lang['stmy0015'] = "Time: Gold";
  150. $lang['stmy0016'] = "% Completed For Legendary";
  151. $lang['stmy0017'] = "Time: Silver";
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