
>tfw serverbanned for two months

Mar 23rd, 2014
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  1. 19:13:34 - EVENT :: Global moderator auto (auto) has entered the room
  2. 19:13:40 - (Beanie) - Huh.
  3. 19:14:02 - (Beanie) - Hellloooo?
  4. 19:14:03 - auto: I have seen you abusing the "grayer and grayer" glitch again
  5. 19:14:10 - auto: So I wanna let you know that you are not welcome here anymore
  6. 19:14:14 - (Beanie) - No wait.
  7. 19:14:15 - (Beanie) - I didn't do that.
  8. 19:14:18 - (Beanie) - What even?
  9. 19:14:35 - (Beanie) - When did I do that?
  10. 19:14:41 - auto: Today
  11. 19:14:49 - (Beanie) - What time?
  12. 19:15:03 - auto: Does that even matter?
  13. 19:15:11 - (Beanie) - It does, because I don't recall doing that.
  14. 19:15:25 - auto: Would you depend on what time I say?
  15. 19:16:00 - (Beanie) - Yes of course, because I haven't been on from 12PM till 6PM.
  16. 19:16:10 - auto: What do you do here? You don't draw, you only troll, you are just here to give me a headache
  17. 19:16:33 - (Beanie) - But I didn't abuse that glitch.
  18. 19:16:36 - auto: Everytime I check your bans there are more and more
  19. 19:16:58 - (Beanie) - But I don't even get banned anymore.
  20. 19:17:07 - (Beanie) - Though I am banned off nlobby4 for some mysterious reason.
  21. 19:17:21 - auto: You get banned from every room actually
  22. 19:17:26 - auto: From planet mainly
  23. 19:17:32 - auto: But also from nlobby4, misc...
  24. 19:18:17 - (Beanie) - I don't know. I have a dynamic IP and I turn off my router before I go to sleep.
  25. 19:18:28 - (Beanie) - Plus if I actually got banned and evaded it, a mod would at least tell me.
  26. 19:19:32 - auto: You have been banned from pretty much every room
  27. 19:19:45 - auto: What do you here? I have never seen you draw
  28. 19:19:49 - auto: You are a troll
  29. 19:19:55 - auto: Just that
  30. 19:20:35 - (Beanie) - I don't draw that much, and same can be said to most other users.
  31. 19:20:51 - (Beanie) - Plus I don't really need to draw stuff to get on flockmod.
  32. 19:21:11 - auto: I just wanna know the reason why you connect almost everyday
  33. 19:21:20 - auto: They at least join a room and talk to their friends
  34. 19:21:34 - auto: but what abhout you? you just join planet and troll
  35. 19:21:37 - auto: That's all you do
  36. 19:21:54 - (Beanie) - So do I, I talk to friends on here.
  37. 19:22:00 - (Beanie) - I know almost everyone already.
  38. 19:22:12 - (Beanie) - Plus I haven't trolled planet in a long time.
  39. 19:22:25 - auto: Well, not anymore though.
  40. 19:22:32 - auto: Have fun somewhere else
  41. 19:22:35 - (Beanie) - Any planet mod can tell you I haven't trolled in a long time.
  42. 19:24:50 - auto: Your last ban in planet is 2 weeks old
  43. 19:26:48 - auto: Anyway, I checked the bans of your latest ips and I got 135 results
  44. 19:27:31 - (Beanie) - I think that's impossible.
  45. 19:27:43 - (Beanie) - I don't think I even got banned a hundred times during my whole stay on flockmod.
  46. 19:27:53 - auto: Some are old though
  47. 19:28:00 - auto: Back then when planet was omegle
  48. 19:28:19 - (Beanie) - Well, I do recall several bans when planet was omegle. But that was around May or June.
  49. 19:28:21 - auto: But that proves you have been trolling flockmod for such a long time
  50. 19:29:55 - (Beanie) - Well, things changed.
  51. 19:30:02 - (Beanie) - I do recall getting banned back when Planet was Omegle.
  52. 19:30:04 - auto: When? Last week?
  53. 19:30:09 - auto: i don't think so
  54. 19:30:17 - auto: I've already taken the decision
  55. 19:30:41 - (Beanie) - And what's the decision?
  56. 19:31:18 - auto: You are now serverbanned for two months, if I ever see you before June 1st I will extend the ban and/or consider permabanning you.
  57. 19:31:53 - (Beanie) - But why so out of the blue?
  58. 19:31:59 - (Beanie) - Why did you just decide to ban me suddenly?
  59. 19:32:12 - (Beanie) - What did I do wrong that made you suddenly want to ban me?
  60. 19:33:20 - auto: 1) Because I know you are a troll. 2) I have received several complains 3) When I checked my logs, I saw you have been trolling every single room for such a long time
  61. 19:34:29 - (Beanie) - What complaints even?
  62. 19:35:49 - auto: Some moderators and room owners complained
  63. 19:36:07 - auto: From nlobby, from planet, from misc...
  64. 19:36:58 - auto: Anyway, I'm busy. If you really wanna change, you have two months to change and to prove you have changed.
  65. 19:37:04 - (Beanie) - That doesn't really make any sense, though.
  66. 19:37:11 - auto: If you connect before June 1st (I will be checking my logs) I will understand you don't want to change
  67. 19:37:52 - (Beanie) - That's just not fair.
  68. 19:37:57 - (Beanie) - There are other trolls out there.
  69. 19:38:01 - (Beanie) - Do they get serverbanned too?
  70. 19:38:20 - (Beanie) - That's just bullshit.
  71. 19:38:21 - auto: You are not the first troll I serverban
  72. 19:38:24 - auto: Of course I do
  73. 19:38:43 - (Beanie) - Yeah, I heard you serverbanned BronyKiller.
  74. 19:38:46 - auto: If you know any troll that deserves a serverban, let me know
  75. 19:38:58 - (Beanie) - But still, those complaints you talk about make no sense.
  76. 19:39:10 - (Beanie) - I'm pretty sure E never talks with anyone anyway.
  77. 19:39:24 - auto: We talk through Skype
  78. 19:39:28 - (Beanie) - I used to be a mod in nlobby4, nobody there would complain about me.
  79. 19:39:42 - auto: They complained, beleive me.
  80. 19:39:58 - auto: I didn't ban you from nlobby4
  81. 19:40:00 - auto: They did.
  82. 19:40:24 - (Beanie) - But I was banned off nlobby4 as a joke.
  83. 19:40:25 - auto: And misc mods banned you at least 3 or 4 times and you have been "accidentally" avoiding all of them
  84. 19:40:40 - auto: Some of the bans were permabans
  85. 19:41:14 - (Beanie) - Well, why don't you just ban me off misc instead?
  86. 19:41:24 - auto: No you didn't, the person that you banned reported you to me.
  87. 19:41:36 - (Beanie) - Also, do you keep track of unbans?
  88. 19:41:37 - auto: Because it's not a local issue
  89. 19:41:46 - auto: You have been trolling every single room
  90. 19:41:54 - (Beanie) - Do you keep track of unbans?
  91. 19:41:58 - auto: You are a "global troll" and therefore you deserve a "global ban"
  92. 19:42:37 - (Beanie) - Well, it is true I get banned, but still, I get unbanned.
  93. 19:42:38 - auto: Yes, if they unban it won't show on my logs
  94. 19:42:55 - (Beanie) - Oh, if they don't show in your logs, how'd you see bans from May/June?
  95. 19:43:02 - auto: If they "unban"
  96. 19:43:04 - auto: not if it expires
  97. 19:43:32 - (Beanie) - Well, I always get unbanned from nlobby4.
  98. 19:43:40 - (Beanie) - The nlobby4 bans don't count.
  99. 19:44:27 - auto: Anyway, I'm busy and I already told you what I wanted to tell you.
  100. 19:45:18 - (Beanie) - Well, I was also busy when you cut me off.
  101. 19:45:23 - (Beanie) - I was talking to Maka when you cut me off.
  102. 19:45:36 - (Beanie) - I don't even troll now as much as I used to.
  103. 19:45:40 - auto: You better add her on skype or something
  104. 19:46:01 - auto: You will have a new chance on June 1st
  105. 19:46:36 - auto: And not trolling as much as you used means nothing for me
  106. 19:46:38 - (Beanie) - But you said I would be serverbanned for two months.
  107. 19:46:43 - (Beanie) - That's two months and a week.
  108. 19:47:04 - auto: Yes, two months and a week
  109. 19:48:24 - auto: See you on June. Bye
  110. 19:48:27 - EVENT :: Global moderator auto (auto) has left the room
  111. 20:35:17 - EVENT :: Global moderator auto (auto) has entered the room
  112. 20:36:47 - auto: You there?
  113. 20:39:29 - (Beanie) - Yes.
  114. 20:39:30 - (Beanie) - Hello.
  115. 20:39:33 - (Beanie) - You needed me?
  116. 20:40:15 - auto: I will adjust the expire date.
  117. 20:40:22 - auto: It won't be June 1st, it will be May 1st
  118. 20:40:28 - (Beanie) - Oh, thank you so much.
  119. 20:40:51 - auto: Okay, see you.
  120. 20:40:56 - EVENT :: Global moderator auto (auto) has left the room
  121. Mar 28
  122. 22:16:26 - (auto to Anonymous4): I have extender your serverban. And if you keep avoding it i will consider permabanning you.
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