
School Yard Shorts: CMC's day off

Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. Cheerilee was thick, plump and heavy; sitting in her shower she tapped her forehooves against her belly chub, making it jiggle. Grabbing soap and lathering up her hooves Cheerilee stroked, rubbed and cleaned her body from mane to tail, marveling on how her students were so well behaved as fat on her flanks. Dried off, teaching materials gathered and saddlebag loaded on her soft haunches, Cheerilee set off for the Schoolhouse just as dawn crested the hills of Ponyville.
  3. Carrying around a heavy teacher’s bag was not easy, much less so when five of your nine students were weighing you down, Cheerilee found herself growing hungry from the effort. Passing Sugarcube Corner it was still dark, the owners probably tending to their little foals still before setting up shop; unfortunately that meant Cheerilee would have to wait...maybe she would make one of her students -
  5. “No, Cheerilee. Gotta make sure at least one of them graduate this year, layoff girl,” Cheerilee scolded herself.
  7. The mare’s stomach disagreed, of course, gurgling softly. Cheerilee cheered up, perhaps there was something to snack, a student’s forgotten stash or something. Keeping her pace and trotting across the Ponyville streets, Cheerilee made her way to the schoolhouse and gave pause when she saw the door was already unlocked. Thinking for a moment, Cheerilee recalled locking the doors to the school and the worst case scenario budded into her mind of an intruder.
  9. “Oh stop, Cheerilee, you are just remembering wrong, you forgot to-” Cheerilee mumbled to herself before that budding full bloomed into worst nightmare when a clatter came from the presentation hall.
  11. It wasn’t until she heard a familiar squeak did Cheerilee take a deep breath of relief. It was Sweetie Belle and the other two voices were, Cheerilee surmised, was the other two crusaders Applebloom and Scootaloo. Closing the door gently Cheerilee went to her classroom and set her saddlebag next to her desk.
  13. “Why are the girls here so early?” Cheerilee said aloud
  15. The only answer was the groan of hunger from her stomach. Cheerilee sighed and pressed a hoof into her belly before stroking it quiet. A crash and a cry echoed through the school. Worried that those three had hurt themselves Cheerilee got up and made her way to the presentation hall only to stop short of the door when it opened and Sweetie Belle came stumbling out, forehooves grasping, eyes shut and covered from mane to tail in gold dust.
  17. “Don’t worry girls, I’ll be right back with some wet towels!” Sweetie Belle called
  19. Peering into the door, Cheerilee saw the other two crusaders were in much the same position, rubbing their eyes clear in the middle of a huge mess of glittering gold dust; Cheerilee wondered how these three could get ahold of such huge quantities of Sugarcube Corner gold dust. The stuff sold it as an edible decoration for their sweets and treats, but you normally couldn’t buy it. Cheerilee stepped just out of reach of Sweetie Belle’s grasping hooves and letting the filly touch the wall, it was clear that her presence was not yet detected; until her stomach let out a low rumble.
  21. “Huh? Is someone there?” Sweetie Belle asked, trying in vain to remove the obstruction from her eyes “Hello?”
  23. Cheerilee stayed quiet, wrapping a hoof around her stomach as if the gesture would silence it too. One more couldn’t hurt, right? Following the little filly, Cheerilee was impressed when Sweetie Belle felt her way to the restroom and walked in. Keeping close Cheerilee shifted her rotund body through the door just as it closed, watching Sweetie Belle run her hoof on the wall and round the corner to the little fillies room.
  25. “Let’s see, where is the paper towels,” Sweetie Belle said aloud, her hoof tracing her over the restroom stall doors “Stall….stall...stall… So if this side is the bathrooms, then the otherside,”
  27. Sweetie belle extended her other hoof and groped until she came into contact with the sinks and then began backtracking towards the entrance. Cheerilee simply stood in front of the paper towels and opened her mouth wide, letting her tongue hang out at about eye level with Sweetie Belle. Sure enough Sweetie Belle’s hoof hit home.
  29. “Ah! Awesome!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, her voice cracking adorably.
  31. Sweetie Belle held Cheerilee’s tongue in her hoof and began wiping her face clean with the soft wet thing. The taste was amazing, the little fillies coat tasted like the sweetest bubble gum and the sugary gold dust was it’s wrapper; Cheerilee could feel the drool running down her chin already.
  33. “Wait…” Sweetie Belle stopped, “Why is this paper towel wet already?”
  35. Pulling her face away, her vision mostly restored Sweetie Belle got a good look down a warm, wet, steamy maw before everything went dark when Cheerilee engulfed her head and the front part of her forehoof. Sweetie Belle cried out and tried to push back, her free forehoof pushing against her teacher’s lips. Cheerilee ran her tongue over Sweetie’s face, getting a good taste of the sort of treat she was in for before wrapping a free hoof around Sweetie Belle’s flanks pushing her forward in as she swallowed, the little filly’s head making a noisy bulge in her throat.
  37. Sweetie Belle didn’t give up, still pushing with all her might with her free hoof but getting few results; the best result was her horn when it hit just the right spot and set Cheerilee’s gag reflex off, causing the convulsion to spit her spit covered head back into her maw. Sweetie Belle concentrated with her horn, the magic light lighting the jaws and giving her another clear look down the black, pulsing abyss that was trying to swallow her up. Cheerilee felt Sweetie Belle's magic tugging at her lips, trying to pry them open so she could escape.
  39. Cheerilee smirked, an idea popping into her head. Using both hooves she tilted her head back and lifted the rest of Sweetie Belle up above her head, and took a deep breath, relaxing before all at once letting Sweetie Belle push with her hooves, pull with her magic and Cheerilee popping her slavering jaws open and letting gravity drop the entire front half of the fill into her throat. A brief squeal echoed off the restroom walls before Cheerilee clamped her lips down and muffling the struggling filly. Cheerilee couldn’t get a firm grasp on those wiggling hind legs, instead placing one hoof on the belly of the filly and the other holding her flanks, she fed Sweetie Belle into her mouth while her tongue darted out to lick and taste that impeccably sweet flavor of sugar coated bubblegum.
  41. Cheerilee’s lips wrapped around those plush flanks and tipping her head back once more and swallowing a few more times the wriggling mass in her throat became a wriggling mass in her padded middle. Patting her belly and letting out a burp, Cheerilee didn’t feel full...not yet anyways. Drawing a few rolls of paper towels and wetting them down in the sink Cheerilee went to the presentation hall where Scootaloo and Applebloom were.
  43. The filly’s didn’t seem to be making progress, the stuff may have been sugar but it stuck to everything like glitter. Opening the door and letting it close behind her Cheerilee walked up to Applebloom and draped a wet paper towel over the crusaders head.
  45. “Oh! Thanks Sweetie Belle, we were wondering ‘bout you,” Applebloom said, taking the wet paper towel off her head and wiping her face and eyes.
  47. Cheerilee kept silent, going behind Applebloom and sampling her next meal with a long sloppy slurp up the back of the Filly, the taste of sweet glitter dust and salt, probably from her hard work, complementing each other's flavor on the teaching mares tongue.
  49. “Ew, Sweetie Belle, don’t lick me,” Applebloom scolded, her eyes clearer but still squinting through the dust before gasping and adding “Did ya’ll just put my hoof into your mouth?”
  51. “Gross, you know Applebloom works on a farm right?” Scootaloo said “Where’s my paper towel by the way?”
  53. “Hey! I’m clean and tidy before I come to school every day Scoots, just ‘cause farm work is dirty doesn’t mean I am” Applebloom exclaimed at Scootaloo,
  55. Cheerilee said nothing, instead she picked up Applebloom’s other hind hoof and put it alongside the other in her mouth before swallowing those tasty little hooves and creeping up to those sturdy apple thighs. Applebloom was confused, if Sweetie Belle was licking her hooves what was she doing now? Her hind legs felt warm and wet, something soft was probing and running over her coat. As odd of a feeling as it was, when the warmth took her thighs in it felt kinda nice, the tightness and undulating movement almost feeling massage like against her muscles.
  57. “Whatever your doing Sweetie Belle, keep it up. Gosh that feels good,” Applebloom said, pushing back and getting her little rump in between Cheerilee’s lips.
  58. Cheerilee loved a proactive student and licking those toned cheeks clean of sugar and salt set about claiming the little filly’s softest part, her hips. Applebloom giggled and then burst into a fit of laughter when Cheerilee started to slobber all over the filly’s belly licking and squishing what little fat could be found on Applebloom.
  60. “Sweetie Belle! Stop! Stop! I’m ticklish there!” Applebloom exclaimed pushing her hooves down to try and push whatever was tickling her away.
  62. Cheerilee stopped and with little movement from her tongue got her tasting in as she gulped down the rest of Applebloom’s toned midriff, letting that sweet and salty coat slide past her lips over her tongue and down her hungry gullet. Applebloom was feeling hot, her body encased in heat from her back hooves all the way up to just under her fore legs, bringing the towel away her brilliant bright eyes popped open.
  64. “Alright Sweetie B-” Applebloom’s voice failed her, seeing herself fully swallowed up in the maw of her teacher “M-Miss Ch-Cheerilee?! What’re ya’ll doin to me?”
  66. Cheerilee only replied with a thick swallow, before turning to face Scootaloo, still blindly walking around the room. In just a few gulps Applebloom saw the teeth of her teacher entering her vision, the sound of heavy breathing in her ears.
  68. “Scootaloo! Help me! Miss Cheerilee, she’s-” Applebloom said before Cheerilee’s mouth gently shut around the little filly leaving only her forehooves outside.
  70. While Cheerilee took her time finishing off her second helping Scootaloo was darting around confused, “What? Miss Cheerilee is here? I thought she wouldn’t show up for another hour? Is she mad about the mess we made? Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom? Where are you girls, seriously, I’m scared here!”
  72. Cheerilee took a long slurp of those hooves and in one swallow another crusader was struggling in Cheerilee’s now ponderous gut. Cheerilee felt full she felt like she wouldn’t have to eat the rest of the year; but these fillies were so tasty, could she possibly fit one more? It was difficult to walk with such a stuffed belly but Cheerilee managed to get into Scootaloo’s blind panic causing the little filly to run head first into the fleshy sac gurgling away her two best friends.
  74. “Whoa whoa, Scootaloo. Slow down dear, what’s the rush?” Cheerilee said, trying to sound innocent.
  76. “Miss Cheerilee! I got gold sugar dust in my eyes and I can’t see and Sweetie Belle won’t answer me and Applebloom was yelling for help-” Scootaloo said, her voice cracking with fear.
  78. Cheerilee scooped up the pegasus and hugged her “It’s okay, it’s okay. Take a few breaths and calm down, nothing to stress about. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are in class right now, I came to get you and bring you back myself,” Cheerilee lied through her teeth, setting the little pegasus down “Now come along, hold my hoof and I will guide you,”
  80. Scootaloo took a few deep breaths to calm down, her heart rate falling as Cheerilee guided her down the hallway to her classroom. Inside Cheerilee guided student and her sagging gut to the desk and put Scootaloo’s hoof on the desk.
  82. “We are at my desk Scootaloo,” Cheerilee said before moving the filly’s hoof to her squirming belly “Use this to get up on it”
  84. Scootaloo took a second to rub whatever was squirming underneath her hooves, not knowing what it was she stepped on it hearing what sounded like a yelp before she jumped up onto the desk.
  86. “What was that?” Scootaloo asked
  88. “Oh, uh...nothing! Nothing at all!” Cheerilee lied, “Now just sit down and hold out your hooves, We’ll take care of you,”
  90. Scootaloo did as told and Cheerilee just could not stop herself and licked those tasty little hooves all the way up, equal parts delighted and surprised by a the tart taste under the sugar. Cheerilee clasped her lips around a those little filly forelegs and refuse to let go, if anypony came in they were gonna get a front row seat to her devouring one of her students. Leaning forward and using the two crusaders already softening in her gurgling gut as a beanbag of sorts Cheerilee opened her mouth wide and used a forehoof to guide Scootaloo’s head in.
  92. “Where did you get the warm towel Miss CHeerilee? Feels nice,” Scootaloo commented, unawares that in just a few minutes she was gonna be a meal.
  94. Offering no resistance, the filly put her head in to Cheerilee’s jaws alongside her forelegs. Cheerilee hummed happily, she hadn’t had a student this co-operative since Sunny Daze; remembering how that little filly’s barbecue sauce slathered body tasted made Cheerilee’s eyes roll up and her mouth water anew, wetting the entrance for Scootaloo who had already pressed her spit covered hooves into her teacher’s gullet.
  96. Cheerilee swallowed, but kept her mouth open seeing no reason to close it if Scootaloo was going to make no attempt to escape; in another few quick gulps Scootaloo’s head was pulled into Cheerilee’s squishy maw and still the filly showed no sign of stopping. Scootaloo used her hind leg’s to push herself forward, little wings buzzing for the little extra thrust and Cheerilee could not swallow fast enough to accommodate the way Scootaloo was packing herself down Cheerilee’s throat. Fighting her urge to gag and pull back, it didn’t help any when Scootaloo’s wings disappeared into Cheerilee’s mouth and their buzzing tickled the roof of her mouth. Tears gathered at Cheerilee’s eyes, swallowing as often as could as her throat bulged a little bigger each time that little filly pushed forward.
  98. Rest only came when Scootaloo’s back hooves left the desk and kicked a little, trying to find support. Wrapping her lips around the little filly’s hips, Cheerilee took the reigns from here, grasping both of those little flanks and, in time her swallows, dragged the filly down to her stomach. Scootaloo’s tail was soon the only thing left, Cheerilee snapping her jaws around it, playfully imitating a snake as she felt the mass in her throat slide down till it added to the mass in her gut.
  100. If Cheerilee was full before, she was so stuffed it hurt, though the squirming from the CMC were somewhat soothing as she barely make out that the other two were updating their friend as to what just happened and now all three struggled like mad. The surface of her belly shaking and shifting as the filly’s probed all around for a way to escape.
  102. “Don’t know why you three are struggling so much, you are providing a great-,” Cheerilee started before belching and feeling a small dry heave almost take her from her overstuffed middle.
  104. Sitting there, unable to move due to a tasty crusader meal, Cheerilee wouldn’t be able to teach like this; more importantly, in one gluttonous action she had reduced her student body to only one filly, Silver Spoon. Cheerilee felt bad for a moment, before another burp brought up all the flavors of the three girls in one after dinner taste. Leaning forward and putting her head on the desk Cheerilee patted and rubbed her still noisy middle, the crusaders calling for help as loud as they could.
  106. Silver Spoon never showed up to class, the school house may as well have been closed that day leaving it’s lone teacher as the only occupant. Cheerilee sighed happily as those three settled down, their cries going quiet and their squirms just leaving a buzzing feeling as they were digested together and would probably end up as ass fat together.
  108. “That’ll do Crusader’s,” Cheerilee mumbled.
  110. It wasn’t until after the school day had ended that Cheerilee found out that Silver Spoon had come down with hay fever. Instead of loading down the filly with homework on lessons she didn’t even teach, Cheerilee simply went home, her gut visibly smaller but wider from the addition of three little fillies, and relaxed the rest of night.
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