
Through Eternity

Apr 10th, 2012
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  1. >Be the sick fluffy abuser
  2. >Spiteful universe sends an invincible, immortal fluffy pony to taunt you
  3. >you cast it's body into a block of molten glass up to it's neck and hurl it off a boat over an oceanic subduction zone.
  4. >you live to the age of 93 before dying of natural causes because uploading is still too expensive for the common man.
  5. >Fluffy pony waits, alone for 30,000 years on the seafloor before being subducted into the earth's mantle.
  6. >800 million years later, it is spewed forth from a volcano on the pacific rim to an unrecognizable world devoid of human life
  7. >It witnesses the rise and fall of countless new animal and plant species, many of which attempted in vain to eat it.
  8. >after several billion years, the sun engulfs the earth, and fluffy pony bathes in nuclear fire, unscathed.
  9. >A few hundred million years later, the sun sheds it's outer layers and becomes a dwarf star.
  10. >Fluffy pony drifts alone through the cold blackness of space.
  11. >The stars blink out one by one. Over time, they stop being replaced by new ones.
  12. >after about 10^100 years, the universe has reached thermal equilibrium, save for fluffy pony
  13. >It is absolutely alone in the near perfect darkness of a dead universe.
  14. >All neutrons decay to protons and electrons.
  15. >All protons decay to positrons and pions
  16. >The pions decay to gamma rays and the positrons annihilate with electrons.
  17. >there is nothing left but fluffy pony, a broken husk of a creature.
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