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a guest
Nov 17th, 2018
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text 66.47 KB | None | 0 0
  1. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `openconfnew` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;
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  3. -- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 5.7.17, for macos10.12 (x86_64)
  4. --
  5. -- Host: localhost Database: openconfnew
  6. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  7. -- Server version 5.6.38
  12. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
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  18. /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;
  20. --
  21. -- Table structure for table `acceptance`
  22. --
  24. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `acceptance`;
  25. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  26. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  27. CREATE TABLE `acceptance` (
  28. `value` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
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  30. `publish` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
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  32. `accepted` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  33. PRIMARY KEY (`value`),
  34. KEY `publish` (`publish`),
  35. KEY `accepted` (`accepted`)
  36. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  37. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  39. --
  40. -- Dumping data for table `acceptance`
  41. --
  43. LOCK TABLES `acceptance` WRITE;
  44. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acceptance` DISABLE KEYS */;
  45. INSERT INTO `acceptance` VALUES ('Accept','aaffaa',1,'Papers',1),('Reject','ffcccc',0,'',0);
  46. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acceptance` ENABLE KEYS */;
  49. --
  50. -- Table structure for table `author`
  51. --
  53. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `author`;
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  55. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  56. CREATE TABLE `author` (
  57. `paperid` mediumint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  58. `position` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  59. `name_last` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  60. `name_first` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  61. `position_title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  62. `department` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  63. `organization` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  64. `country` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  65. `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
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  67. `suffix` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  68. `address` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  69. `address2` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  70. `city` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  71. `spc` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
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  73. `phone` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  74. `url` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
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  81. `biography` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  82. `orcid` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  83. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`,`position`),
  84. KEY `organization` (`organization`),
  85. KEY `email` (`email`)
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  87. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  89. --
  90. -- Dumping data for table `author`
  91. --
  93. LOCK TABLES `author` WRITE;
  94. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `author` DISABLE KEYS */;
  96. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `author` ENABLE KEYS */;
  99. --
  100. -- Table structure for table `config`
  101. --
  103. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `config`;
  104. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  105. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  106. CREATE TABLE `config` (
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  108. `setting` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  109. `value` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  110. `name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  111. `description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  112. `parse` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  113. PRIMARY KEY (`setting`),
  114. KEY `module` (`module`)
  115. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  116. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  118. --
  119. -- Dumping data for table `config`
  120. --
  122. LOCK TABLES `config` WRITE;
  123. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` DISABLE KEYS */;
  124. INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('captcha','MOD_CAPTCHA_private_key','6LfJJHYUAAAAAF-beSec8qkCemO5evYbAU063FcG','Private Key','reCAPTCHA private key',0),('captcha','MOD_CAPTCHA_public_key','6LfJJHYUAAAAADqDY2qUNufFjdAmKaIsmlvci8FA','Public Key','reCAPTCHA public key',0),('filetype','MOD_FILETYPE_allow_rtfforword','1','Accept RTF for Word Doc','Permit RTF MS Word docs',0),('filetype','MOD_FILETYPE_chairoverride','1','Skip Check if Chair','Skips file format check if Chair uploading',0),('OC','OC_advocateReadPapers','1','Allow Adv. to View All Submissions','Allow advocates to read all submitted submissions',0),('OC','OC_advocateSeeAuthors','0','Allow Adv. See Authors?','Allow advocates to see submission authors',0),('OC','OC_advocateSeeDecision','0','Allow Adv. See Decision','Allow advocates to see acceptance decision',0),('OC','OC_advocateSeeOtherReviews','0','Allow Adv. to See All Reviews','Allow advocates to see reviews of non-assigned submissions',0),('OC','OC_allowConflictOverride','0','Allow Conflict Override','Allow Chair to override conflict settings when making manual assignments. This will also determine whether advocate/reviewers see listings in conflict.',0),('OC','OC_allowEmailConflict','0','Allow Email Conflict','Allow a submission author and reviewer to have the same email address',0),('OC','OC_allowOrgConflict','0','Allow Organization Conflict','Allow a submission author and reviewer to have the same organization name',0),('OC','OC_authorOneContact','0','Set Author 1 as Contact','Auto set Author 1 as contact author and hide Contact ID field (1=Yes, 0=No (default)',0),('OC','OC_authorSeePendingSubReviews','0','Display Reviews to Author if Sub. Decision Pending','Allow authors to see reviews when checking status if submission decision is pending',0),('OC','OC_authorsMax','20','Max. Authors','Maximum number of authors allowed per submission',0),('OC','OC_authorsMinDisplay','3','Min. Authors','Minimum number of authors to display on submission form',0),('OC','OC_authorsRequiredData','0','Authors Required Data','Author(s) for whom required sub. form fields must be filled in (0=All, 1=First, 2=Contact)',0),('OC','OC_authorViewSubIfEditClosed','0','View Sub. if Edit Closed','Allow author to view submission if editing is closed (1=Yes, 0=No (default)',0),('OC','OC_chair_pwd','$2y$10$/cGrh6flqJt0mYQYRqlzMen06xcIRr5h1h/83rmU8o3vylqtPeCNO','Chair Password','Chair Password',0),('OC','OC_chair_uname','ahmadatconnecme','Chair Username','Chair Login name',0),('OC','OC_chairChangePassword','1','Allow Chair Change Pwd','Allow Chair to change password?',0),('OC','OC_chairFailedSignIn','','Chair Failed Sign Ins','for internal use',0),('OC','OC_chairMFA','','Chair Multi-Factor Authentication','Enter email address to receive authentication code or leave blank to disable',0),('OC','OC_chairMFAcode','','Chair MFA Code','for internal use',0),('OC','OC_chairPasswordForgot','1','Display Chair Pwd Forgot','Display Chair Sign In Password \"i forgot it\"?',0),('OC','OC_ChairTimeout','60','Chair Timeout','Chair session timeout in minutes or enter 0 for no timeout. Note: subject to server PHP settings.',0),('OC','OC_chairUsernameForgot','1','Enable Chair Get Username','Display Chair Sign In Username \"i forgot it\"?',0),('OC','OC_committeeFooter','','Committee Footer','Notice to appear at the bottom of the main committee page',0),('OC','OC_confirmmail','','Confirm Email','Receives a copy of confirmation emails sent to authors and reviewers (e.g., submissions, edits, signups) - see Email Notification below. A comma-delimited list of address (without spaces) is permitted.',0),('OC','OC_confName','MEA-ATP','Event Short Name','Event abbreviated name, primarily used in email from and subject lines. Quotes not permitted.',0),('OC','OC_confNameFull','Middle East and Africa ATP','Event Full Name','Event name used on Web pages and in email messages',0),('OC','OC_confURL','','Event URL','Event Web page',0),('OC','OC_dataDir','data/','Data Directory','Directory for data files offset from openconf/ or full path, include trailing slash (/)',0),('OC','OC_editAcceptedOnly','0','Edit Accepted Only','Restrict Edit Submission to accepted submissions only (1=Accepted only, 0=All)',0),('OC','OC_emailAuthorOnUpload','0','Email Author on Upload','Emails the author when a file is uploaded',0),('OC','OC_emailAuthorRecipients','0','Author Email Recipients','Author(s) to receive notices and Chair emails (0: contact only, 1: all)',0),('OC','OC_emailWrap','70','Email Wrap','Number of characters at which to wrap email lines - only used when displaying a preview message via chair/email.php',0),('OC','OC_extar','ppt,pptx,docx,pdf','File Formats','File formats to accept (select at least one). Use FileType module to verify file is in the proper format',0),('OC','OC_fileLimit','','File Limit','File upload size limit in MB',0),('OC','OC_footerFile','footer.php','Footer File','File containing the footer section of OpenConf pages',0),('OC','OC_friendlyURLs','0','Friendly URLs','Friendly URLs are more easily indexed by search engines. Only limited parts of OpenConf make use of this option, and it requires RewriteEngine. Use this feature carefully (still under development).',0),('OC','OC_googleAnalytics','','Google Analytics','Google Analytics code snippet for tracking access. Must begin with script tag',0),('OC','OC_headerFile','header.php','Header File','File containing the header section of OpenConf pages',0),('OC','OC_headerImage','','Header Image','Full web address for an image to be displayed in place of conference name atop pages',0),('OC','OC_hideCmtFields','fs_personal:orcid','Hide Cmt. Profile Form Fields','Comma-delimited list of committee profile form fields to not display (e.g., fieldset:field,fieldset:field,fieldset:field). Overridden by Custom Forms module if used.',0),('OC','OC_hideRevFields','','Hide Rev. Form Fields','Comma-delimited list of review form fields to not display (e.g., field1,field2,field3). Overridden by Custom Forms module if used.',0),('OC','OC_hideSubFields','fs_general:type,fs_general:student,fs_authors:honorific,fs_authors:suffix,fs_authors:position_title,fs_authors:department,fs_authors:address,fs_authors:address2,fs_authors:city,fs_authors:spc,fs_authors:postcode,fs_authors:phone,fs_authors:url,fs_authors:facebook,fs_authors:google,fs_authors:twitter,fs_authors:linkedin,fs_authors:presenter,fs_authors:biography,fs_authors:orcid,fs_authors:photo,fs_content:file','Hide Sub. Form Fields','Comma-delimited list of submission form fields to not display (e.g., fieldset:field,fieldset:field,fieldset:field). Overridden by Custom Forms module if used.',0),('OC','OC_homePageNotice','','Home Page Notice','Notice appearing atop OpenConf home page',0),('OC','OC_includeReferenceSearchLinks','0','Include Reference Service Links','Include reference service links on committee abstract page (1=Yes, 0=No)',0),('OC','OC_keycode_program','pckey','Program Cmt. Keycode','Keycode for signing up as a program committee member. May enter a comma-delimited list (no spaces).',0),('OC','OC_keycode_reviewer','revkey','Reviewer Keycode','Keycode for signing up as a reviewer committee member. May enter a comma-delimited list (no spaces).',0),('OC','OC_localeDefault','en','Default Locale','Default locale for initial display',0),('OC','OC_locales','en','Available Locales','Locales available for user to choose between',0),('OC','OC_logSQL','0','Log DB Update SQL','Log the SQL statements used to update database',0),('OC','OC_mailCopyLast','0','Forward Last Bulk Email','Forwards to the Confirm Email address a copy of the last bulk email sent',0),('OC','OC_mailHeaders','From: \"$OC_confName\" <$OC_pcemail>\r\nReply-To: $OC_pcemail\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/OpenConf','Mail Headers','Headers sent to PHP mail() function',1),('OC','OC_mailParams','','Mail Parameters','Parameters sent to PHP mail() function',1),('OC','OC_mailUTF8','1','Encode Mail for UTF-8','Sends out encoded messages supporting UTF-8',0),('OC','OC_minReviewersPerPaper','3','Reviewers per Submission','Default minimum number used when auto assigning reviewers to submissions',0),('OC','OC_multipleCommitteeTopics','1','Multiple Cmt. Topics','Allow multiple topics to be selected by committee members (or just one)',0),('OC','OC_multipleSubmissionTopics','1','Multiple Sub. Topics','Allow multiple submission topics to be selected (or just one). Overridden by Custom Forms module.',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorEdit','1','Notify of Sub. Edit','Notify when a submission is edited (updated)',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorEmailPapers','0','Notify Sub. Requested','Notify when list of submissions requested',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorReset','0','Notify Author Pwd Reset','Notify when author resets password',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorSubmit','1','Notify Submission','Notify when a submission is made',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorUpload','1','Notify File Uploaded','Notify when a file is uploaded',0),('OC','OC_notifyAuthorWithdraw','1','Notify Sub. Withdrawn','Notify when a submission is withdrawn',0),('OC','OC_notifyIncludeIP','0','Include IP','Include IP address in email notices',0),('OC','OC_notifyReviewerEmailUsername','0','Notify Rev. Email Username','Notify when committee member requests username be emailed',0),('OC','OC_notifyReviewerProfileUpdate','0','Notify Rev. Profile Update','Notify when a committee member updates profile',0),('OC','OC_notifyReviewerReset','0','Notify Reviewer Pwd Reset','Notify when a committee member resets their password',0),('OC','OC_notifyReviewerSignup','1','Notify Reviewer Sign Up','Notify when a committee member signs up for an account',0),('OC','OC_paperAdvocates','1','Use Sub. Advocates','Indicates whether submission advocate functionality is to be used',0),('OC','OC_paperDir','$OC_dataDir$papers/','File Directory','Directory where files are stored for review - offset from openconf/[dir]/',1),('OC','OC_paperSubNote','','Submission Notice','Notice appearing atop submission page',0),('OC','OC_pcemail','','Chair Email','Used as the general contact email, including the From header for outgoing messages, and in case of errors or other follow-up. Although a comma-delimited list of addresses (without spaces) is permitted, this is not recommended as many mail servers will reject messages coming from multiple addresses.',0),('OC','OC_privacy_banner_options','{\"display\":0,\"message\":\"This website uses cookies to offer you a better user experience. By using this website, you agree to the placement of these cookies.\",\"dismiss\":\"Accept\",\"link\":\"\",\"href\":\"\"}','Cookie Banner Options','JSON-encoded list of attributes (display, message, dismiss, link)',0),('OC','OC_privacy_display','1','Privacy Policy Link Display','Whether and where to display a Privacy Policy Link (0: none, 1: menu, 2: page footer).',0),('OC','OC_privacy_link','','Privacy Policy Web Address','Full web address to privacy policy on remote site. Leave blank to use built-in privacy template.',0),('OC','OC_programSignUpNotice','','Adv. Sign Up Notice','Notice to appear atop program committee sign up page',0),('OC','OC_queueEmails','1','Queue Emails','Queues emails for delivery, storing each in the database',0),('OC','OC_requiredField','','Required Field','Required field designator - experimental',0),('OC','OC_reviewerCompleteBeforeSAR','1','Require Rev. Complete Own First','Only allow reviewer to see reviews of assigned submissions if own is complete',0),('OC','OC_reviewerReadPapers','1','Allow Rev. View All Submissions','Allow reviewers to read all submittions',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeAdvocate','1','Allow Rev. See Advocate','Allow reviewers to see submission advocate',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeAssignedReviews','0','Allow Rev. See Assigned Reviews','Allow reviewers to see other\'s review of assigned submissions',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeAuthors','1','Allow Rev. See Authors','Allow reviewers to see submission authors (i.e., non-blind reviews)',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeDecision','1','Allow Rev. See Decision','Allow reviewers to see acceptance decision',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviewers','1','Allow Rev. See Other Rev. Info','Allow reviewers to see each other\'s information',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviews','0','Allow Rev. to See All Reviews','Allow reviewer to see reviews of non-assigned submissions',0),('OC','OC_reviewerSignUpNotice','','Rev. Sign Up Notice','Notice to appear atop reviewer sign up page',0),('OC','OC_ReviewerTimeout','60','Reviewer Timeout','Reviewer session timeout in minutes or enter 0 for no timeout. Note: subject to server PHP settings.',0),('OC','OC_reviewerUnassignReviews','0','Allow Rev. to Unassign Own Reviews','Allow reviewer to unassign review and delete review data',0),('OC','OC_subBackupEmail','','Sub. Backup Email','Submission Backup Address - will get a submission\'s SQL statements',0),('OC','OC_subConfirmNotice','<p><strong>Thank you for your submission. Your submission ID number is [:sid:]. Please write this number down and include it in any communications with us.</strong></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>Below is the information submitted. We have also emailed a copy to the submission contact. If you notice any problems or do <em>not</em> receive the email within 24 hours, please contact us.</strong></p>\r\n\r\n<p>[:formfields:]</p>','Sub. Confirm Notice','Notice displayed on Make Submission confirmation page. Variables: [:sid:] = submission ID, [:formfields:] = form fields',0),('OC','OC_subtypes','Paper','Sub. Types','Internal Use Only',0),('OC','OC_timeZone','UTC','Time Zone','Default time zone for use by OpenConf',0),('OC','OC_topicDisplayAlpha','0','Display Topics Alphabetically','Display topics on submission and committee sign up forms alphabetically',0),('OC','OC_version','6.81','OpenConf Version','Current OpenConf software version, manual modification discouraged',0),('OC','OC_versionLatest','6.81','Latest Version','Latest version of software - used for update notification',0),('OC','OC_wordForAuthor','Author','Word for Author','English word to be used for Author (e.g., Author, Presenter, Applicant) -- must pluralize with s at the end',0),('OC','OC_wordForChair','Chair','Word for Chair','English word to be used for Chair (e.g., Chair, Administrator, Editor)',0);
  125. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` ENABLE KEYS */;
  128. --
  129. -- Table structure for table `conflict`
  130. --
  132. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `conflict`;
  133. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  134. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  135. CREATE TABLE `conflict` (
  136. `paperid` mediumint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  137. `reviewerid` mediumint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  138. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`,`reviewerid`)
  139. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  140. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  142. --
  143. -- Dumping data for table `conflict`
  144. --
  146. LOCK TABLES `conflict` WRITE;
  147. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `conflict` DISABLE KEYS */;
  148. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `conflict` ENABLE KEYS */;
  151. --
  152. -- Table structure for table `email_queue`
  153. --
  155. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `email_queue`;
  156. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  157. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  158. CREATE TABLE `email_queue` (
  159. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  160. `queued` datetime NOT NULL,
  161. `sent` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  162. `tries` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  163. `to` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  164. `subject` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  165. `body` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  166. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  167. KEY `queued` (`queued`),
  168. KEY `sent` (`sent`)
  169. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  170. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  172. --
  173. -- Dumping data for table `email_queue`
  174. --
  176. LOCK TABLES `email_queue` WRITE;
  177. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `email_queue` DISABLE KEYS */;
  178. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `email_queue` ENABLE KEYS */;
  181. --
  182. -- Table structure for table `log`
  183. --
  185. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `log`;
  186. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  187. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  188. CREATE TABLE `log` (
  189. `logid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  190. `datetime` datetime NOT NULL,
  191. `entry` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  192. `type` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'sql',
  193. `extra` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  194. PRIMARY KEY (`logid`),
  195. KEY `type` (`type`)
  196. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=46 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  197. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  199. --
  200. -- Dumping data for table `log`
  201. --
  203. LOCK TABLES `log` WRITE;
  204. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `log` DISABLE KEYS */;
  205. INSERT INTO `log` VALUES (1,'2018-10-21 19:25:25','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(2,'2018-10-21 19:28:12','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(3,'2018-10-21 19:33:43','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(4,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','New Submission opened','status',NULL),(5,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','Edit Submission opened','status',NULL),(6,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','Withdraw Submission opened','status',NULL),(7,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','Upload File opened','status',NULL),(8,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','View File opened','status',NULL),(9,'2018-10-21 19:34:05','Check Status opened','status',NULL),(10,'2018-10-21 19:35:11','Submission ID 1 made. Title: test','submission',NULL),(11,'2018-10-21 19:46:13','Submission ID 2 made. Title: hekmat test ','submission',NULL),(12,'2018-10-21 19:57:27','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(13,'2018-10-21 20:01:36','Submission ID 1 file upload','submission',NULL),(14,'2018-10-21 20:12:49','Submission ID 2 file upload','submission',NULL),(15,'2018-10-21 20:13:28','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(16,'2018-10-21 20:36:21','Submission ID 3 made. Title: hekmat test2 ','submission',NULL),(17,'2018-10-21 20:37:08','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(18,'2018-10-21 20:37:22','Submission ID 1 deleted. Title: test','submission',NULL),(19,'2018-10-21 20:37:22','Submission ID 2 deleted. Title: hekmat test','submission',NULL),(20,'2018-10-21 20:37:22','Submission ID 3 deleted. Title: hekmat test2','submission',NULL),(21,'2018-10-22 16:23:39','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(22,'2018-11-01 13:12:17','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(23,'2018-11-06 12:26:32','Submission ID 1 made. Title: Test by Ahmad','submission',NULL),(24,'2018-11-09 16:14:10','Submission ID 2 made. Title: Emerging models of automatically generating test content are fundamentally tranforming test development as we know it today','submission',NULL),(25,'2018-11-09 16:24:38','Submission ID 3 made. Title: Character Education: Designing and Assessing for Change','submission',NULL),(26,'2018-11-09 16:46:32','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(27,'2018-11-13 08:35:08','Submission ID 4 made. Title: المعايير الامنية في تطبيق الاختبارات','submission',NULL),(28,'2018-11-15 11:37:15','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(29,'2018-11-15 11:45:22','Review Cmt. Sign In opened','status',NULL),(30,'2018-11-15 11:45:22','Reviewing opened','status',NULL),(31,'2018-11-15 11:45:22','Program Cmt. Sign In opened','status',NULL),(32,'2018-11-15 11:45:22','Advocating opened','status',NULL),(33,'2018-11-15 11:50:43','Review Cmt. Sign Up opened','status',NULL),(34,'2018-11-15 13:06:26','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(35,'2018-11-16 21:33:33','Chair sign in from','signin',NULL),(36,'2018-11-17 19:13:05','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=1, `recommendation`=\'1\', `category`=\'1\', `value`=\'1\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'Yes\', `length`=\'Yes\', `clarity`=\'1\', `Significance`=\'1\', `Alignment`=\'1\', `Breadth`=\'1\', `Innovative`=\'1\', `difference`=\'1\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'F\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(37,'2018-11-17 19:15:09','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=1, `recommendation`=\'1\', `category`=\'3\', `value`=\'4\', `familiar`=\'High\', `bpcandidate`=\'Yes\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=NULL, `Significance`=NULL, `Alignment`=NULL, `Breadth`=NULL, `Innovative`=NULL, `difference`=\'1\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'F\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(38,'2018-11-17 19:15:38','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=3, `recommendation`=\'3\', `category`=\'1\', `value`=\'4\', `familiar`=NULL, `bpcandidate`=\'No\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=\'3\', `Significance`=\'2\', `Alignment`=\'2\', `Breadth`=\'3\', `Innovative`=\'1\', `difference`=\'1\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(39,'2018-11-17 19:16:31','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=4, `recommendation`=\'4\', `category`=\'3\', `value`=\'3\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'No\', `length`=\'Unsure\', `clarity`=\'1\', `Significance`=\'1\', `Alignment`=\'2\', `Breadth`=\'2\', `Innovative`=\'3\', `difference`=\'2\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(40,'2018-11-17 19:18:41','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=1, `recommendation`=\'1\', `category`=\'4\', `value`=\'1\', `familiar`=\'Low\', `bpcandidate`=\'No\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=NULL, `Significance`=NULL, `Alignment`=NULL, `Breadth`=NULL, `Innovative`=NULL, `difference`=\'2\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(41,'2018-11-17 19:24:15','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=2, `recommendation`=\'2\', `category`=\'2\', `value`=\'2\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'Yes\', `length`=\'Yes\', `clarity`=\'2\', `Significance`=\'2\', `Alignment`=\'3\', `Breadth`=\'2\', `Innovative`=\'3\', `difference`=\'3\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(42,'2018-11-17 19:41:05','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=1, `recommendation`=\'1\', `category`=\'2\', `value`=\'4\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'No\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=NULL, `Significance`=NULL, `Alignment`=NULL, `Breadth`=NULL, `Innovative`=NULL, `difference`=\'3\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(43,'2018-11-17 19:48:40','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=1, `recommendation`=\'1\', `category`=\'2\', `value`=\'4\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'No\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=NULL, `Significance`=NULL, `Alignment`=NULL, `Breadth`=NULL, `Innovative`=NULL, `difference`=\'3\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(44,'2018-11-17 19:49:35','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=4, `recommendation`=\'4\', `category`=NULL, `value`=NULL, `familiar`=NULL, `bpcandidate`=NULL, `length`=NULL, `clarity`=NULL, `Significance`=NULL, `Alignment`=NULL, `Breadth`=NULL, `Innovative`=NULL, `difference`=NULL, `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\''),(45,'2018-11-17 20:01:45','UPDATE `paperreviewer` SET `updated`=\'2018-11-17\', `score`=4, `recommendation`=\'4\', `category`=\'3\', `value`=\'5\', `familiar`=\'Moderate\', `bpcandidate`=\'Unsure\', `length`=\'No\', `clarity`=\'2\', `Significance`=\'2\', `Alignment`=\'2\', `Breadth`=\'2\', `Innovative`=\'3\', `difference`=\'4\', `authorcomments`=NULL, `pccomments`=NULL, `completed`=\'T\' WHERE `paperid`=\'1\' AND `reviewerid`=\'1\'','sqlfail','Unknown column \'clarity\' in \'field list\'');
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  234. --
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  247. `type` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  248. `contactid` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  249. `altcontact` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  250. `submissiondate` date NOT NULL,
  251. `lastupdate` date DEFAULT NULL,
  252. `consent` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  253. `format` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  254. `keywords` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  255. `comments` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  256. `abstract` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  257. `pcnotes` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  258. `edittoken` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  259. `edittime` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
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  265. --
  266. -- Dumping data for table `paper`
  267. --
  269. LOCK TABLES `paper` WRITE;
  270. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paper` DISABLE KEYS */;
  271. INSERT INTO `paper` VALUES (1,NULL,'$2y$10$sxFHdlGEjJh0afAX0uG6SON.syhLK7G7XFUrbnRtOTZlQNbA9sEI2','Test by Ahmad',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,'2018-11-06','2018-11-06','I consent to the collection and use of my personal information, including receiving emails, for activities related to Middle East and Africa ATP. I have also obtained the consent of all other individuals whose information I provide. (2018-11-06 12:26:32 UTC)',NULL,'Test','test','Lorem Ipsum',NULL,NULL,NULL),(2,NULL,'$2y$10$KMJle29DBcpxJtJdZe7k2Owb6JXX1VDVWB/H1yYH0jMRiZzHnu3IW','Emerging models of automatically generating test content are fundamentally tranforming test development as we know it today',NULL,NULL,1,'-319-339-3061','2018-11-09','2018-11-09','I consent to the collection and use of my personal information, including receiving emails, for activities related to Middle East and Africa ATP. I have also obtained the consent of all other individuals whose information I provide. (2018-11-09 16:14:10 UTC)',NULL,'Automatic item generation; Item development; Technology-enhanced assessment, augmented intelligence, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, Holistic Framework',NULL,'The session will focus on the emergence of sophisticated techniques in Automatic item generation (AIG) where cognitive theories, computer technologies, and psychometric practices are being combined to transform the fundamentals of item development and testing. Two AIG methods; logical and feature, are used to combine technical expertise in item automation and content generation with subject-matter expertise (augmented intelligence) for the purpose of producing large numbers of high-quality, content-specific, contextually rich test content. A demonstration of how the ACT’s Holistic Framework is used as the basis of construct definition and how the constructs are structured in item models using these two methods will be a focus of the session. The resulting generation of specification driven, complex items designed to elicit evidence across many content areas will also be shared as part of this session.',NULL,NULL,NULL),(3,NULL,'$2y$10$sv16ylTabWtXVrf9yR6JGey9rNjQxg3zv74ZAv0n2t4UMy7tQUvIm','Character Education: Designing and Assessing for Change',NULL,NULL,1,'1--319-339-3061','2018-11-09','2018-11-09','I consent to the collection and use of my personal information, including receiving emails, for activities related to Middle East and Africa ATP. I have also obtained the consent of all other individuals whose information I provide. (2018-11-09 16:24:38 UTC)',NULL,'social emotional learning, character education, evidence centered design, innovative item types, curriculum, assessment',NULL,'There is growing consensus in the realm of public policy and in research in education, psychology, and economics that a number of factors outside of cognitive ability may be just as, or nearly as, important for educational, workplace and societal success in a global economy. A few examples include grit, tolerance, curiosity, teamwork, leadership, and resilience. Educators nearly universally believe in the value of social emotional learning skills; exemplified in Character Education curricula worldwide. The United Arab Emirates Moral Education Curriculum, an initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, exemplifies belief in the importance of these skills. \r\n\r\nIn this four pillared Moral Education curriculum, students are taught to develop the language, understanding and skills of moral thinking and reasoning (Character and Morality); look at how this moral thinking can be developed in the context of local communities (Individual and Community); develop character and moral thinking in the context of civic duty and responsibility (Civic Studies) and apply this moral thinking and reasoning to an understanding of inherited past and the shaping of the future (Cultural Studies). \r\nACT is working with the Crown Prince Palace in the United Arab Emirates to design, develop, and implement an assessment aligned to the Character Education curriculum. To develop an assessment that supports claims related to the effectiveness of Character Education curriculum implementation the design must utilize item designs that elicit evidence that strongly supports this claim. \r\nThe assessment design process starts with defining claims; second defining the knowledge, attitude, and behaviors ( KAB) from the curriculum, that will provide evidence to support the claims; third, defining student evidence models that capture evidence of student ability demonstrating the presence of these KABs; fourth developing the task models that will best elicit the student evidence; and fifth developing the rubrics/scoring criteria that will best evaluate the student task response. The session will focus on both the design of the curriculum itself as well as the assessment designed to measure its effectiveness. Curriculum and item examples will be shared as part of this session.',NULL,NULL,NULL),(4,NULL,'$2y$10$eMZOBhBuGrumw95ILQvGbehlv1lDn1StMOUIzkyUh64pbbfXwezV.','المعايير الامنية في تطبيق الاختبارات',NULL,NULL,1,' 00966114907103','2018-11-13','2018-11-13','I consent to the collection and use of my personal information, including receiving emails, for activities related to Middle East and Africa ATP. I have also obtained the consent of all other individuals whose information I provide. (2018-11-13 08:35:08 UTC)',NULL,'قياس اختبار معايير أمنية qiyas test Computer tests',NULL,'كان أول اختبار محوسب قبل نحو ست سنوات و كانت تطبق على فئة محددة في مناطق محددة و الان تم اختبار اكثر من 2,000,000 مستفيد حيث وصل عدد المختبرين سنوياً 800,000 مختبر وخلال هذه الفترة كنا نواجه تحديات لتطبيق الاختبار بشكل أوسع و بمعاير أمان عالية و هي ما تحقق لنا لأتمام هذا الإنجاز بشكل أمن و خالي من الأخطاء و على أعلى معاير الأمان',NULL,NULL,NULL);
  272. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paper` ENABLE KEYS */;
  275. --
  276. -- Table structure for table `paperadvocate`
  277. --
  279. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `paperadvocate`;
  280. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  281. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
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  286. `adv_comments` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  287. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`)
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  291. --
  292. -- Dumping data for table `paperadvocate`
  293. --
  295. LOCK TABLES `paperadvocate` WRITE;
  296. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paperadvocate` DISABLE KEYS */;
  297. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paperadvocate` ENABLE KEYS */;
  300. --
  301. -- Table structure for table `paperreviewer`
  302. --
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  312. `updated` date DEFAULT NULL,
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  315. `category` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
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  319. `length` enum('Yes','No','Unsure') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
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  324. `Significance` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  325. `Alignment` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  326. `Breadth` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  327. `Innovative` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  328. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`,`reviewerid`),
  329. KEY `completed` (`completed`)
  330. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  331. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  333. --
  334. -- Dumping data for table `paperreviewer`
  335. --
  337. LOCK TABLES `paperreviewer` WRITE;
  338. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paperreviewer` DISABLE KEYS */;
  339. INSERT INTO `paperreviewer` VALUES (1,1,'T','2018-11-15','2018-11-17',4,4,3,'5','Moderate','Unsure','No',4,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
  340. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `paperreviewer` ENABLE KEYS */;
  343. --
  344. -- Table structure for table `papersession`
  345. --
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  348. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
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  358. --
  359. -- Dumping data for table `papersession`
  360. --
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  363. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `papersession` DISABLE KEYS */;
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  365. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `papersession` ENABLE KEYS */;
  368. --
  369. -- Table structure for table `papertopic`
  370. --
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  374. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
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  377. `topicid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  378. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`,`topicid`)
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  380. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  382. --
  383. -- Dumping data for table `papertopic`
  384. --
  386. LOCK TABLES `papertopic` WRITE;
  387. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `papertopic` DISABLE KEYS */;
  388. INSERT INTO `papertopic` VALUES (1,1),(1,12),(2,1),(2,5),(2,7),(2,12),(3,1),(3,5),(3,6),(3,11),(4,1),(4,15);
  389. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `papertopic` ENABLE KEYS */;
  392. --
  393. -- Table structure for table `reviewer`
  394. --
  396. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reviewer`;
  397. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  398. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
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  403. `name_last` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  404. `name_first` varchar(60) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  405. `email` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  406. `orcid` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
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  408. `organization` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  409. `country` varchar(2) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  410. `telephone` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  411. `onprogramcommittee` enum('T','F') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F',
  412. `comments` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  413. `signupdate` date DEFAULT NULL,
  414. `lastupdate` date DEFAULT NULL,
  415. `lastsignin` date DEFAULT NULL,
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  417. PRIMARY KEY (`reviewerid`),
  418. KEY `onprogramcommittee` (`onprogramcommittee`),
  419. KEY `email` (`email`),
  420. KEY `organization` (`organization`)
  422. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  424. --
  425. -- Dumping data for table `reviewer`
  426. --
  428. LOCK TABLES `reviewer` WRITE;
  429. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reviewer` DISABLE KEYS */;
  430. INSERT INTO `reviewer` VALUES (1,'hekmat','$2y$10$2V2DyszC9e5hHC9izXl/neWXwZKlweaDUnPHrM.329oMmdKrQB7kC','abuzahrah','hekmat','',NULL,NULL,'test','JO','0790993442','F',NULL,'2018-11-15','2018-11-15','2018-11-17','I consent to the collection and use of my personal information, including receiving emails, for activities related to Middle East and Africa ATP. (2018-11-15 13:12:18 UTC)');
  431. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reviewer` ENABLE KEYS */;
  434. --
  435. -- Table structure for table `reviewertopic`
  436. --
  438. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reviewertopic`;
  439. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  440. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  441. CREATE TABLE `reviewertopic` (
  442. `reviewerid` mediumint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  443. `topicid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  444. PRIMARY KEY (`reviewerid`,`topicid`)
  445. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  446. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  448. --
  449. -- Dumping data for table `reviewertopic`
  450. --
  452. LOCK TABLES `reviewertopic` WRITE;
  453. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reviewertopic` DISABLE KEYS */;
  454. INSERT INTO `reviewertopic` VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(1,7),(1,8),(1,9),(1,10),(1,11),(1,12),(1,13),(1,14),(1,15),(1,16);
  455. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reviewertopic` ENABLE KEYS */;
  458. --
  459. -- Table structure for table `status`
  460. --
  462. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `status`;
  463. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  464. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  465. CREATE TABLE `status` (
  466. `module` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  467. `setting` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  468. `description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  469. `status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  470. `name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  471. `open` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  472. `close` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  473. `dependency` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  474. `order` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  475. PRIMARY KEY (`setting`),
  476. KEY `module` (`module`)
  477. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  478. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  480. --
  481. -- Dumping data for table `status`
  482. --
  484. LOCK TABLES `status` WRITE;
  485. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `status` DISABLE KEYS */;
  486. INSERT INTO `status` VALUES ('OC','OC_advocating_open',NULL,1,'Advocating',NULL,NULL,'OC_paperAdvocates',17),('OC','OC_edit_open',NULL,1,'Edit Submission',NULL,NULL,NULL,2),('OC','OC_pc_signin_open','If closed and Review Cmt. Sign In is open, Program Cmt. members may still sign in, however will not be able to advocate submissions even if Advocating is open',1,'Program Cmt. Sign In',NULL,NULL,'OC_paperAdvocates',16),('OC','OC_pc_signup_open',NULL,0,'Program Cmt. Sign Up',NULL,NULL,'OC_paperAdvocates',15),('OC','OC_rev_signin_open',NULL,1,'Review Cmt. Sign In',NULL,NULL,NULL,11),('OC','OC_rev_signup_open',NULL,1,'Review Cmt. Sign Up',NULL,NULL,NULL,10),('OC','OC_reviewing_open',NULL,1,'Reviewing',NULL,NULL,NULL,12),('OC','OC_status_open','When open, lets author check acceptance status and view reviewer comments (based on OC_authorSeePendingSubReviews)',1,'Check Status',NULL,NULL,NULL,6),('OC','OC_submissions_open',NULL,1,'New Submission',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),('OC','OC_upload_open',NULL,1,'Upload File',NULL,NULL,NULL,4),('OC','OC_view_file_open',NULL,1,'View File',NULL,NULL,NULL,5),('OC','OC_withdraw_open',NULL,1,'Withdraw Submission',NULL,NULL,NULL,3);
  487. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `status` ENABLE KEYS */;
  490. --
  491. -- Table structure for table `template`
  492. --
  494. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `template`;
  495. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  496. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  497. CREATE TABLE `template` (
  498. `templateid` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  499. `type` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'email',
  500. `module` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  501. `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  502. `subject` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  503. `body` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  504. `updated` date DEFAULT NULL,
  505. `variables` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  506. PRIMARY KEY (`templateid`),
  507. KEY `module` (`module`)
  508. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  509. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  511. --
  512. -- Dumping data for table `template`
  513. --
  515. LOCK TABLES `template` WRITE;
  516. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `template` DISABLE KEYS */;
  517. INSERT INTO `template` VALUES ('author-edit','notification','OC','Author - Edit Submission','Submission Update ID [:sid:]','[:fields:]',NULL,'{\"fields\":\"Fields\",\"sid\":\"Submission ID\"}'),('author-submit','notification','OC','Author - New Submission','Submission ID [:sid:]','Thank you for your submission to [:OC_confName:]. Below is a copy of the information submitted for your records.\n\n[:fields:]',NULL,'{\"fields\":\"Fields\",\"sid\":\"Submission ID\"}'),('author-upload','notification','OC','Author - File Upload','Submission ID [:sid:] file uploaded','Submission ID [:sid:] has been uploaded.\n\n[:error:]',NULL,'{\"sid\":\"Submission ID\",\"error\":\"Upload Error\"}'),('author-withdraw','notification','OC','Author - Withdraw Submission','Submission Withdraw - ID [:sid:]','The submission below has been withdrawn at the author\'s request. If you did not intend to withdraw the submission, please reply back.\n\n[:submission:]',NULL,'{\"sid\":\"Submission ID\",\"submission\":\"Submission ID/Title\"}'),('authors_accept','email','OC','Authors - Accepted Submission','[[:OC_confName:]] Your submission has been accepted!','On behalf of the [:OC_confNameFull:], I am pleased to inform you that your submission, titled\n\n[:title:]\n\nhas been accepted. \n\nWe have included the reviewers\' feedback at the end of this message.\n\nCongratulations,\n Program Committee, [:OC_confName:]\n [:OC_pcemail:]\n\n[:review-fields:]\n',NULL,NULL),('authors_nofile','email','OC','Authors - Missing File','[[:OC_confName:]] Missing File','Thank you again for submitting to the [:OC_confNameFull:]. Please note however that we have not yet received your file. At your earliest convenience, please upload your file so that we may begin the review process. \n\nYour file may be uploaded through the [:OC_confName:] OpenConf system accessible at our Web site: [:OC_confURL:] .\n\nSubmission ID: [:paperid:]\nSubmission Title: [:title:]\n\nThank you,\n Program Committee, [:OC_confName:]\n [:OC_pcemail:]\n',NULL,NULL),('authors_reject','email','OC','Authors - Rejected Submission','[[:OC_confName:]] Submission [:paperid:] declined','Dear Author,\n\nOn behalf of the [:OC_confNameFull:], I am sorry to inform you that your submission, titled \n\n[:title:]\n\nhas not been accepted. We received many excellent submissions this year, and were limited in the number we could accept.\n\nAt the end of this email you will find a set of comments from the submission reviewers. If you have questions about the comments, please contact the Chair.\n\nSincerely,\n Program Committee, [:OC_confName:]\n [:OC_pcemail:]\n\n[:review-fields:]\n',NULL,NULL),('chair-assign_advocates','notification','OC','Chair - Manual Advocate Assignment(s)','New Advocate Assignment(s)','New assignments have been made for you to advocate in the [:OC_confName:] OpenConf system:\n\n\n[:assignments:]\n\nThank you.',NULL,'{\"assignments\":\"New Assignments\",\"name_first\":\"First Name\",\"name_last\":\"Last Name\",\"name\":\"Full Name\",\"advocateid\":\"Advocate ID\",\"username\":\"Username\"}'),('chair-assign_reviews','notification','OC','Chair - Manual Review Assignment(s)','New Reviewer Assignment(s)','New assignments have been made for you to review in the [:OC_confName:] OpenConf system:\n\n\n[:assignments:]\n\nThank you.',NULL,'{\"assignments\":\"New Assignments\",\"name_first\":\"First Name\",\"name_last\":\"Last Name\",\"name\":\"Full Name\",\"reviewerid\":\"Reviewer ID\",\"username\":\"Username\"}'),('committee-review','notification','OC','Reviewer - Submit Review','Review of submission [:sid:]','Following is a copy of your review for submission number [:sid:] submitted to [:OC_confName:]. Note that you will receive this email even if an error occurred during submission.\n\n[:fields:]',NULL,'{\"fields\":\"Fields\",\"sid\":\"Submission ID\"}'),('committee-reviewunassign','notification','OC','Reviewer - Unassign Review','Review Unassigned [:sid:]-[:reviewerid:]','Reviewer [:name:] ([:reviewerid:]) has been unassigned from submission:\n\n[:sid:]. [:title:]',NULL,'{\"sid\":\"Submission ID\",\"title\":\"Submission Title\",\"reviewerid\":\"Reviewer ID\",\"username\":\"Reviewer Username\",\"name\":\"Reviewer Name\"}'),('committee-signup','notification','OC','Committee - New Signup','Committee Signup','Thank you for signing up for the [:OC_confName:] [:committee:]. Below is the information you provided. If you have any questions, please contact [:OC_pcemail:] or reply to this email.\n\n[:fields:]',NULL,'{\"committee\":\"Committee Type\",\"fields\":\"Fields\"}'),('committee-update','notification','OC','Committee - Profile Update','Committee Member Profile Updated','Your profile has been updated. The submitted information follows below:\n\n[:fields:]',NULL,'{\"fields\":\"Fields\"}'),('pc_assigned','email','OC','Program Committee - Submissions Assigned','[[:OC_confName:]] Submissions have been assigned to advocates','Now that the submission reviews have been completed, it is time to perform your advocate duties in preparation for the Program Committee meeting. Your duties include:\n\n1. Read all the reviews and be able to present the results of the review at the PC meeting.\n2. If the reviews are in conflict (for example, some saying Clear Accept, while others say Reject) then we ask that you read the submission (unless you already have) to form your own opinion.\n3. If you feel that the submission needs an additional review, let us know and we will try to obtain an additional review prior to the PC meeting.\n\nThank you again for supporting [:OC_confNameFull:].\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n[:OC_confURL:]\n',NULL,NULL),('pc_norecommendation','email','OC','Program Committee - Missing Recommendation','[[:OC_confName:]] Missing recommendation','Dear [:OC_confName:] Advocate,\n\nJust a reminder to complete your submission recommendations as soon as possible. We show that you have at least one submission assigned for which no recommendation has been provided.\n\nIn case you don\'t recall the instructions:\n\nYou will find the submissions assigned to you by going to [:OC_confURL:], selecting OpenConf, and signing in under Committee Members (functions are available to reset your user id and password if you\'ve forgotten them). This will display the list of submissions you have been assigned to review. Clicking on the submission title will bring up the online review form and clicking on the file symbol to the right of the submission title will bring up a copy of the file. You may reopen and modify or amend previously submitted reviews.\n\nThank you for your support of [:OC_confNameFull:].\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n[:OC_confURL:]\n',NULL,NULL),('privacy_policy','other','OC','Privacy Policy','','<p><strong>What information is being collected?</strong></p>\n\n<p>For anyone browsing our web site, our server records the page visited, IP address where the request came from, and if included the browser type and referring web page.</p>\n\n<p>If you choose to make a submission, become a reviewer or advocate, or serve as a discussant or session chair, we will request your name, email address, and affiliation, along with possibly other information as denoted when filling out the respective form for each role.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Who is collecting it?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Information is collected by the entity and/or activity named atop this page. You may contact us by using the Email menu link above.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How is it collected?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Information used in this system is collected through the forms provided (e.g., submission, account sign up), or automatically through our server logs (e.g., page visited, IP address).</p>\n\n<p><strong>Why is it being collected?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Information is being collected in relation to the activity named atop this page and your optional participation in this activity.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How will it be used?</strong></p>\n\n<p>The information automatically recorded by our server is used to troubleshoot issues and improve our service. Other information collected is used for evaluation, communication, and publishing related to the activity specified above.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Who will it be shared with?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Information collected is shared with the organizers of the above activity. A subset of information may also be shared with other participants in the activity (e.g., reviewers). Some of the information (e.g., name, affiliation) of accepted submitters and other participants may also be made publicly available to meet the goals of the activity.</p>\n\n<p>By virtue of the information being hosted on a server, the information is accessible to our hosting provider and subject to their privacy policy. Additional third-party providers may include: payment processor, plagiarism detection service, copyright processing service, reviewer credit service, publishing service.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How do I correct information or request its erasure?</strong></p>\n\n<p>In order to correct information, submitters and committee members may use the Edit Submission and Update Profile options respectively. If these do not apply to you, are no longer accessible, or you wish to request erasure of your data, use the Email menu link above to contact us. We ask that you contact us as erasure of the data may impact others on the system and the activity specified above, thus requiring manual intervention and notification on our part.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Are cookies or other trackers used?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Cookies are used to maintain language selection and allow you to remain logged into your account without having to keep re-entering credentials. Cookies are removed upon signing out of your account or exiting your browser.</p>',NULL,NULL),('reviewers_assigned','email','OC','Reviewers - Reviews Assigned','[[:OC_confName:]] Submissions have been assigned for review','Dear [:OC_confName:] Reviewer,\n\nThank you for signing up to review submissions submitted to [:OC_confName:]. It is now time for the review process to begin and submission assignments have been made. Using the username and password you created when you registered to be a reviewer, you will find the submissions assigned to you by going to [:OC_confURL:], selecting OpenConf, and signing in under Committee Members. This will display the list of submissions you have been assigned to review. Clicking on the submission title will bring up the online review form and clicking on the file symbol to the right of the submission title will bring up a copy of the file. You may reopen and modify or amend previously submitted reviews.\n\nIf you do not remember your username and password, features are available to let you reset them if you still remember the email address you specified when filling out the reviewer registration form.\n\nAs much as possible we tried to assign submissions that we think will interest you. We apologize in advance if you are not interested or knowledgeable about the topic areas you were assigned. If you will not be able to review a submission, please inform us IMMEDIATELY so we can reassign the submission to someone else.\n\nREMINDER: By reviewing unpublished submissions, you are accepting the ethical responsibility not to disclose their contents to anyone else.\n\nIf we assigned you your own submission or a submission for which you have a conflict of interest, let us know and we will reassign you!\n\nPlease complete these reviews as soon as possible. \n\nThanks again for helping make [:OC_confNameFull:] a success!\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n',NULL,NULL),('reviewers_nocomment','email','OC','Reviewers - Missing Author Comments','[[:OC_confName:]] Missing comments for authors','Please be sure to fill out the Comments for the Authors field in all reviews. We show that you have at least one review assigned for which you have not included any comments.\n\nIn case you don\'t recall the instructions:\n\nYou will find the submissions assigned to you by going to [:OC_confURL:], selecting OpenConf, and signing in under Committee Members (functions are available to reset your user id and password if you\'ve forgotten them). This will display the list of submissions you have been assigned to review. Clicking on the submission title will bring up the online review form and clicking on the file symbol to the right of the submission title will bring up a copy of the file. You may reopen and modify or amend previously submitted reviews.\n\nThank you for your support of [:OC_confNameFull:].\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n',NULL,NULL),('reviewers_noreview','email','OC','Reviewers - Missing Review','[[:OC_confName:]] Missing review','Just a reminder to complete your submission reviews as soon as possible. We show that you have at least one review assigned for which you have not indicated that it is completed or that is missing a recommendation.\n\nIn case you don\'t recall the instructions:\n\nYou will find the submissions assigned to you by going to [:OC_confURL:], selecting OpenConf, and signing in under Committee Members (functions are available to reset your user id and password if you\'ve forgotten them). This will display the list of submissions you have been assigned to review. Clicking on the submission title will bring up the online review form and clicking on the file symbol to the right of the submission title will bring up a copy of the file. You may reopen and modify or amend previously submitted reviews.\n\nThank you for your support of [:OC_confNameFull:].\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n',NULL,NULL),('reviewers_reminder','email','OC','Reviewers - Reminder','[[:OC_confName:]] Submissions have been assigned for review','Just a reminder to complete your submission reviews as soon as possible. For those who haven\'t started and don\'t recall the instructions:\n\nYou will find the submissions assigned to you by going to [:OC_confURL:], selecting OpenConf, and signing in under Committee Members (functions are available to reset your user id and password if you\'ve forgotten them). This will display the list of submissions you have been assigned to review. Clicking on the submission title will bring up the online review form and clicking on the file symbol to the right of the submission title will bring up a copy of the file. You may reopen and modify or amend previously submitted reviews.\n\nThank you for your support of [:OC_confNameFull:].\n\n[:OC_confName:] Program Chair\n[:OC_pcemail:]\n',NULL,NULL);
  518. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `template` ENABLE KEYS */;
  521. --
  522. -- Table structure for table `topic`
  523. --
  525. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `topic`;
  526. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  527. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  528. CREATE TABLE `topic` (
  529. `topicid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  530. `topicname` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  531. `short` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  532. PRIMARY KEY (`topicid`)
  533. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  534. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  536. --
  537. -- Dumping data for table `topic`
  538. --
  540. LOCK TABLES `topic` WRITE;
  541. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `topic` DISABLE KEYS */;
  542. INSERT INTO `topic` VALUES (1,'Conference Topic: Computer Based Testing','Computerbasedtest'),(2,'Conference Topic: Digital Humanities','DigHum'),(3,'Conference Topic: Online Learning Resources','OLR'),(4,'Conference Topic: Learning Management systems','LMS'),(5,'Conference Topic: Educational Technology and Globalization/ internationalization','International'),(6,'Conference Topic: Social and Emotional Learning and Technology','SEL'),(7,'Conference Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology','AI'),(8,'Conference Topic: Educational Technology in Special Needs','SpecialNeeds'),(9,'Conference Topic: Business of testing','Business of Testing'),(10,'Conference Topic: Gaming Technology in Education and Assessment','Gaming'),(11,'Conference Topic: Psychometrics','Psychometrics'),(12,'Session Type: Breakout Session','Breakout'),(13,'Session Type: Interactive Workshop','Workshop'),(14,'Session Type: Peas in a Pod','Peas'),(15,'Session Type: Snapshot Presentations','Snapshopt'),(16,'Session Type: Research Roundtable','Research');
  543. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `topic` ENABLE KEYS */;
  546. --
  547. -- Table structure for table `withdrawn`
  548. --
  550. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `withdrawn`;
  551. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  552. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  553. CREATE TABLE `withdrawn` (
  554. `paperid` mediumint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  555. `title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  556. `contact_author` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  557. `contact_email` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  558. `papersql` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  559. `authorsql` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  560. `topicsql` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
  561. `withdraw_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  562. `withdrawn_by` enum('Author','Chair') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  563. PRIMARY KEY (`paperid`)
  564. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  565. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  567. --
  568. -- Dumping data for table `withdrawn`
  569. --
  571. LOCK TABLES `withdrawn` WRITE;
  572. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `withdrawn` DISABLE KEYS */;
  573. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `withdrawn` ENABLE KEYS */;
  576. --
  577. -- Dumping events for database 'openconfnew'
  578. --
  580. --
  581. -- Dumping routines for database 'openconfnew'
  582. --
  583. /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */;
  585. /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
  591. /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;
  593. -- Dump completed on 2018-11-17 23:15:33
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