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- # Contributor: Connor Behan <>
- # Contributor: Rémy Oudompheng <>
- pkgname=macaulay2
- pkgver=19030.995c6fd8c
- pkgrel=1
- pkgdesc="Software system for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra"
- arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
- url=""
- license=('GPL')
- depends=('gcc-fortran' 'readline' 'gdbm' 'gc' 'mpir' 'mpfr' 'mpsolve-git' 'boost' 'lapack' 'cblas' 'eigen' 'ntl' 'scscp' 'singular-factory' 'frobby' 'flint' 'cddlib' 'glpk' 'gfan' 'gtest')
- makedepends=('git' 'unzip' 'emacs' 'texinfo')
- source=('git+')
- pkgver() {
- cd "${srcdir}"/M2
- echo `git rev-list --count master`.`git rev-parse --short master`
- }
- build() {
- cd "$srcdir"/M2/M2
- # Some provided examples will make M2 crash if the -q option is used.
- # Removing -q works, but it might require ~/.Macaulay2/init.m2 to be present.
- sed -i -e 's|GTEST_PATH="\$(BUILTLIBPATH)/include/gtest"|GTEST_PATH="/usr/src/googletest"|g'
- sed -i -e 's/IgnoreExampleErrors ?= false/IgnoreExampleErrors ?= true/' Macaulay2/packages/
- sed -i -e 's/ -q//' Macaulay2/packages/
- #M2 recommends to run make first, which runs autoconf and autoheader.
- make
- #autoreconf
- #now run configure and then make again
- ./configure "LIBS=-lcblas" --prefix=/usr \
- --libexecdir='${prefix}'/lib/Macaulay2 \
- --enable-shared --enable-download \
- --enable-frobby --enable-pari --disable-gfan
- make -j1
- }
- package() {
- cd "$srcdir"/M2/M2
- mkdir "$pkgdir"/usr
- # If we used DESTDIR instead, the submodules would create /var/abs/local/ within /var/abs/local/
- # We would also not get the utilities in /usr/lib/Macaulay2/Macaulay2/bin/
- make install prefix="$pkgdir"/usr
- cd "$pkgdir"/usr/share
- mv info info-mac
- mkdir info
- mv info-mac info/Macaulay2
- }
- md5sums=('SKIP')
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