

Nov 6th, 2016
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  1. [center][fimg=250,250][/fimg][/center]
  2. [divbox=#0d326e][center][img][/img][/center][/divbox][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section I - Personal Information]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Title: Mr/Ms/Mrs
  3. [b]02.[/b] Surname: Williams
  4. [b]03.[/b] Forename: Kathleen
  5. [b]04.[/b] Date of Birth: 24/01/1988
  6. [b]05.[/b] Gender (tick): [cb][/cb]Male [cbt][/cbt]Female
  7. [b]06.[/b] Race (tick): [cbt][/cbt]White [cb][/cb]Black [cb][/cb]Hispanic [cb][/cb]Asian [cb][/cb]Other
  9. [b]07.[/b] Country of Residence: United States of America
  10. [b]08.[/b] Country of Citizenship: United States of Amerca
  11. [b]09.[/b] Residence Address: Richman Street #550
  13. [b]10.[/b] Contact number: 3256584
  14. [b]11.[/b] Occupation: Unemployed
  15. [b]12.[/b] Employer: N/A
  17. [b]13.[/b] Do you possess valid driver license: [cbt][/cbt]Yes [cb][/cb]No
  18. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section II - Documentation]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Provide a scanned document of your identification card ((/stats)): [url=]ACCESS[/url]
  19. [b]02.[/b] Provide a scanned document of your valid licenses ((/licenses)): [url=]ACCESS[/url]
  20. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section III - BACKGROUND]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]0.1[/b] Have you been dismissed or did you resign?: Resignation
  21. [b]02.[/b] Previous Rank before Dismissal/Resignation: N/A
  22. [b]03.[/b] Reason for Dismissal/Resignation (link to thread if applicable): Personal Resignation
  23. [b]04.[/b] Date of Dismissal/Resignation: Unknown
  24. [b]05.[/b] Why do you want to return to the Los Santos Police Department?: I'd like to return to the Los Santos Police Department as I have been a police officer for quite a while. Personally this is the only work place I feel satisfied at and therefore I would like to reinstate back to the force.
  25. [b]06.[/b] Why should you be granted the opportunity to return to the Los Santos Police Department?: I should be granted the opportunity to return to the Los Santos Police Department as I have never broke any regulation, I have never been suspended, discharged or demoted. I have left the department honorably by sending in a personal resignation.
  26. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section IV - Contract]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr]I, [i]KATHLEEN WILLIAMS[/i], hereby sign this contract that vouches my agreement to the terms of using this official format and understand that upon writing this document everything that I have stated here is true and that I'm obligated to follow the rules and regulations of the entire Reinstatement Process that have been explained to me previously and that any attempt to cheat my way into the LSPD will result in the immediate denial of my application. I agree that the officer(s) reviewing my application withhold the right to deny it at any time for any reason they deem acceptable or necessary.
  27. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section V - Out of Character]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Forename:
  28. [b]02.[/b] Gender:
  29. [b]03.[/b] PR-RP Forum name:
  30. [b]04.[/b] In-game level:
  31. [b]05.[/b] Age:
  32. [b]06.[/b] Geographical location:
  33. [b]07.[/b] Time playing PR-RP:
  34. [b]08.[/b] Time playing SA-MP:
  35. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend]
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