Guest User


a guest
Oct 15th, 2020
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  1. <?php
  2. $O = array( 398, function($w4s) use (&$O)
  3. {
  4. $DV4 = 51;
  5. $IwR = array( );
  6. $O[1041]($DV4, $w4s, $IwR);
  7. if( $IwR["status"] == 0 && !$IwR["error"] )
  8. {
  9. $O[566]($DV4, $w4s, $IwR);
  10. }
  12. $O[1180]($DV4, $w4s, $IwR);
  13. return $IwR;
  14. }
  16. , function(&$Bid) use (&$O)
  17. {
  18. global $jm3;
  19. global $dOJ;
  20. global $E8m;
  21. global $Sdj;
  22. if( !$dOJ )
  23. {
  24. return NULL;
  25. }
  27. if( $jm3["startup_bonus"] == 0 )
  28. {
  29. return NULL;
  30. }
  32. $BOR = 1;
  33. if( $O[469]("22EFL5DRGEKDUVQDETQK") )
  34. {
  35. $oO3 = $O[832]("select username from hm2_users where id = " . intval($m1E));
  36. if( $oO3["username"] != "Bonus" )
  37. {
  38. $BOR = 0;
  39. }
  41. }
  43. if( $BOR )
  44. {
  45. $O[435]("insert into hm2_history set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec"] . ", amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", actual_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", type = " . "'" . "bonus" . "'" . ", date = now(), description = " . "'" . "Startup bonus" . "'");
  46. if( 0 < $jm3["startup_bonus_plan"] )
  47. {
  48. $O[435]("insert into hm2_history set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec"] . ", amount = -" . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", actual_amount = -" . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", type = " . "'" . "deposit" . "'" . ", date = now(), description = " . "'" . "Startup bonus invested" . "'");
  49. $O[435]("insert into hm2_deposits set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", type_id = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_plan"] . ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now(), dde = now(), status = " . "'" . "on" . "'" . ", amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", actual_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", init_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec"] . ", bonus_flag = 2");
  50. }
  52. if( $E8m )
  53. {
  54. for( $XXS = 2; $XXS < $Sdj + 2; $XXS++ )
  55. {
  56. if( 0 < $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] )
  57. {
  58. $O[435]("insert into hm2_history set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec" . $XXS] . ", amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", actual_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", type=" . "'" . "bonus" . "'" . ", date = now(), description = " . "'" . "Startup bonus" . "'");
  59. }
  61. if( 0 < $jm3["startup_bonus_plan" . $XXS] )
  62. {
  63. $O[435]("insert into hm2_history set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec" . $XXS] . ", amount = -" . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", actual_amount = -" . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", type=" . "'" . "deposit" . "'" . ", date = now(), description = " . "'" . "Startup bonus invested" . "'");
  64. $O[435]("insert into hm2_deposits set user_id = " . $Bid["user_id"] . ", type_id = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_plan" . $XXS] . ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now(), dde = now(), status = " . "'" . "on" . "'" . ", amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", actual_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus" . $XXS] . ", init_amount = " . $jm3["startup_bonus"] . ", ec = " . $jm3["startup_bonus_ec" . $XXS] . ", bonus_flag = 2");
  65. }
  67. }
  68. }
  70. }
  72. }
  74. , 14, function($RLX, $LEe) use (&$O)
  75. {
  76. global $jm3;
  77. global $Ld0;
  78. global $lwj;
  79. global $Dd7;
  80. global $R1X;
  81. $E4b = array( );
  82. $DV4 = $lwj[69]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  83. $RlI = $lwj[69];
  84. $RLX["main_account"] = $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  85. $dV9 = $LEe["amount"];
  86. $RLX["processing"] = "ethpr";
  87. $b9e = $LEe["description"];
  88. if( $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"] != $jm3["program_version"] )
  89. {
  90. $RLX["amount_usd"] = $LEe["converted_amount"];
  91. }
  92. else
  93. {
  94. $RLX["amount_usd"] = $LEe["amount"];
  95. }
  97. $BlD = 0;
  98. if( preg_match("/^0x[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}\$/", $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["account"], $L7J) )
  99. {
  100. $RLX["amount"] = $dV9;
  101. $ms8 = md5($Dd7["id"] . $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["password"]);
  102. $RLX["secret"] = $ms8;
  103. $RLX["postback_url"] = $jm3["site_url"] . "/index.php/status/postback/" . $RlI["id"] . "/";
  104. $b4s = $O[126]($RLX, 0);
  105. $b4s = $O[126]($RLX, 0);
  106. }
  107. else
  108. {
  109. $BlD = 1;
  110. }
  112. $Bw1 = 0;
  113. if( !is_array($b4s) )
  114. {
  115. $Bw1 = 1;
  116. $b4s = array( );
  117. $b4s["amount_to_invest"] = "";
  118. $b4s["wallet"] = "";
  119. }
  121. $dV9 = $LEe["amount"];
  122. $bwO = $b4s["wallet"];
  123. $O[479]("deposit", $LEe);
  124. $wS9 = array( );
  125. if( $Bw1 == 1 )
  126. {
  127. $lbO = "Getting address error " . (($BlD == 1 ? "(wrong address format) " : ""));
  128. }
  129. else
  130. {
  131. $eE0 = $Dd7["id"] . "_" . md5($Dd7["id"] . ":" . $jm3["license"] . ":" . $Dd7["password"]);
  132. $lbO = "<div class=\"btc_form btc" . $DV4 . "\" id=btc_form>";
  133. $lbO .= "Please send <b>" . $dV9 . " Ethereum</b> to <i><a href=\"ethereum:" . $bwO . "?amount=" . $dV9 . "&message=" . urlencode($b9e) . "\">" . $bwO . "</a></i><br>";
  134. $lbO .= "";
  135. $lbO .= "</div>";
  136. $lbO .= "<div id=placeforstatus></div>";
  137. $lbO .= "<iframe width=1 height=1 frameBorder=0 id=deposit_result_div src=\"index.php/status/postback/" . $RlI["id"] . "/get_status/1/wallet/" . $bwO . "/amount/" . $dV9 . "/token/" . $eE0 . "\"></iframe>";
  138. $O[479]("coin_payment_image", "<img src=\"" . $bwO . "\"/>");
  139. }
  141. $E4b["formHTML"] = $lbO;
  142. $E4b["ethaddr"] = $bwO;
  143. $E4b["ethddr"] = $bwO;
  144. $E4b["amount"] = $dV9;
  145. return $E4b;
  146. }
  148. , 123, function() use (&$O)
  149. {
  150. global $jm3;
  151. global $Vmw;
  152. global $lwj;
  153. global $j90;
  154. global $R1X;
  155. global $bsI;
  156. $DV4 = $lwj[68]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  157. $RlI = $lwj[68];
  158. $E4b = array( );
  159. $E4b["status"] = "error";
  160. if( $j90["sendids"] == 1 )
  161. {
  162. $mOx = json_decode(base64_decode($j90["data"]), 1);
  163. foreach( $mOx["records"] as $b3j )
  164. {
  165. $xEx = $b3j["txid"] . ":" . $b3j["wallet"];
  166. $X74 = $O[890]($xEx);
  167. $DRL = $O[832]("select count(*) as " . "'" . "cnt" . "'" . " from hm2_history where ec = 68 and hidden_batch = " . "'" . $X74 . "'");
  168. if( 0 < $DRL["cnt"] )
  169. {
  170. $E4b["status"] = "OK";
  171. return $E4b;
  172. }
  174. $bm6 = intval($b3j["user_id"]);
  175. $eO8 = $O[890]($b3j["txid"]);
  176. $Oow = intval($b3j["confirmations"]);
  177. $B0w = $O[890]($b3j["wallet"]);
  178. $IVl = sprintf("%0.8f", $b3j["tst_amount"]);
  179. $DXE = $O[832]("select * from hm2_coins_transactions where user_id = " . $bm6 . " and txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . " and wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . " and coin = " . "'" . "ltc_pr" . "'");
  180. if( 0 < $DXE["id"] )
  181. {
  182. $O[435]("update hm2_coins_transactions set coin = " . "'" . "ltc_pr" . "'" . ", user_id = " . $bm6 . ", confirmations = " . $Oow . ", txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . ", wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . ", amount = " . $IVl . ", ctime = now() where id = " . $DXE["id"]);
  183. }
  184. else
  185. {
  186. $O[435]("insert into hm2_coins_transactions set coin = " . "'" . "ltc_pr" . "'" . ", user_id = " . $bm6 . ", confirmations = " . $Oow . ", txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . ", wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . ", amount = " . $IVl . ", ctime = now()");
  187. }
  189. if( $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"] <= $b3j["confirmations"] )
  190. {
  191. $RLX["processing"] = "ltcpr";
  192. $RLX["wallet"] = $b3j["wallet"];
  193. $RLX["txid"] = $b3j["txid"];
  194. $RLX["secret"] = md5($b3j["user_id"] . $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["password"]);
  195. $RLX["license"] = $jm3["license"];
  196. $RLX["confirmations_for_create"] = $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"];
  197. $E4b = $O[126]($RLX, 1);
  198. $EeD = unserialize($E4b["pid"]);
  199. if( $EeD["secret"] == md5($EeD["userid"] . $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["password"]) )
  200. {
  201. $EeD["batch"] = $b3j["txid"];
  202. $EeD["account"] = "n/a";
  203. $xEx = $b3j["txid"] . ":" . $b3j["wallet"];
  204. $EeD["hidden_batch"] = $xEx;
  205. $mjV = "Add depo from postback" . serialize($EeD);
  206. $O[503]($mjV);
  207. $O[871]($RlI["id"], $EeD);
  208. $E4b["status"] = "OK";
  209. return $E4b;
  210. }
  212. }
  214. }
  215. $E4b["status"] = "ok";
  216. return $E4b;
  217. }
  218. else
  219. {
  220. if( $j90["get_status"] == 1 )
  221. {
  222. $B0w = $O[890]($j90["wallet"]);
  223. $lx4 = $O[435]("select * from hm2_coins_transactions where wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . " and ctime > now() - interval 2 hour and coin = " . "'" . "ltc_pr" . "'");
  224. $DR9 = 0;
  225. $IBB = array( );
  226. while( $DRL = $O[27]($lx4) )
  227. {
  228. $DR9 = 1;
  229. $X74 = $O[890]($DRL["txid"]);
  230. $R7d = "select count(id) as cnt, user_id from hm2_history where ec = 68 && type = " . "'" . "add_funds" . "'" . " && hidden_batch = " . "'" . $X74 . ":" . $B0w . "'";
  231. $sxi = $O[832]($R7d);
  232. $Ils = $sxi["cnt"];
  233. array_push($IBB, array( "txid" => $DRL["txid"], "confirmations" => $DRL["confirmations"], "tx_exists" => (0 < $Ils ? 1 : 0) ));
  234. }
  235. $O[479]("transactions", $IBB);
  236. $O[479]("deposit_added", $wEi);
  237. if( sizeof($IBB) == 0 )
  238. {
  239. $O[479]("no_transactions", 1);
  240. }
  242. $bsI = array( );
  243. $O[479]("ltc_confirmations", $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"]);
  244. $bsI["tmpl_postback"] = " <html> <head></head> <body onload=\"update_status_from_iframe()\"> <script language=javascript> {literal} function update_status_from_iframe() { window.parent.document.getElementById(\"placeforstatus\").innerHTML = document.documentElement.innerHTML; } {/literal} </script> {if \$no_transactions} <b>Order status:</b> Waiting for payment<Br> <script language=javascript> window.parent.document.getElementById(\"ltc_form\").style.display = \"\"; window.parent.document.getElementById(\"coin_payment_image\").style.display = \"\"; </script> {else} {if \$transactions} {* <script language=javascript> window.parent.document.getElementById(\"ltc_form\").style.display = \"none\"; window.parent.document.getElementById(\"coin_payment_image\").style.display = \"none\"; </script>*} <b>Order status:</b> Waiting for {\$ltc_confirmations} confirmations<br> {foreach from=\$transactions item=t} Payment: <a href={\$t.txid}/ target=_blank>{\$t.txid}</a> {if \$t.tx_exists}Deposit Created{else}( {\$t.confirmations} confirmations){/if}. <br> \r\n {/foreach} {/if} {if !\$transactions && \$deposit_added == 1} <b>Order status:</b> Deposit created txid: {\$processed_tx_id} {* <script language=javascript> setTimeout(' = \"{\$settings.site_url}/index.php?a=return_success\"; ', 2000); </script>*} {/if} {/if} <script language=javascript> setTimeout(\"location.reload()\", 30000); </script> </body></html> ";
  245. $O[479]("settings", $jm3);
  246. $O[71]("my:tmpl_postback");
  247. $IwR["error"] = "";
  248. return $IwR;
  249. }
  251. $IwR["error"] = "ok";
  252. return $IwR;
  253. }
  255. }
  257. , function($s1R) use (&$O)
  258. {
  259. global $jm3;
  260. global $Dl8;
  261. global $eOw;
  262. return $O[1033]($s1R, $Dl8, $eOw);
  263. }
  265. , function() use (&$O)
  266. {
  267. global $lwj;
  268. global $Dl8;
  269. global $jm3;
  270. $DV4 = 71;
  271. $VVV = $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  272. if( $Dl8[$VVV] )
  273. {
  274. $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"] = $Dl8[$VVV]["deposit"]["fiat"];
  275. }
  277. $w4s = $O[411]($DV4);
  278. $VVV = $w4s["account"];
  279. if( $Dl8[$VVV] )
  280. {
  281. $lwj[$DV4]["withdraw"]["fiat"] = $Dl8[$VVV]["withdraw"]["fiat"];
  282. }
  284. }
  286. , function($dI5) use (&$O)
  287. {
  288. $D33 = array( 9288 => ", date = now(), status = ", 6689 => "too_big_amount", 3439 => " and date > now() - interval ", 5589 => "select sum(actual_amount) as `sm` from hm2_deposits where status = ", 4935 => "uname = ", 1343 => " <form name=spend method=post action=\"\"> \r\n<input type=hidden name=user1 value=\"solidtrustpay_postback\"> <input type=hidden name=user3 value=\"", 7446 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_currency\" value=\"", 6214 => " and str = ", 9307 => "Nicaragua", 3998 => ")) as active_deposits_amount from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id and d.bonus_flag = 0 where u.ref in (", 3786 => "reg_fee_ref_enabled", 3609 => " and deposit_id = ", 2502 => "ps_reset_deposit", 476 => ".json", 3710 => "Djibouti", 2282 => "TT0HBIT98FJTOLH6W8RX" );
  289. return $D33[$dI5];
  290. }
  292. , function($m4d) use (&$O)
  293. {
  294. $lbd = array( 7446 => "deps", 2282 => "QFMB3LDHRRT94DMFKRV7", 3998 => "amount_to_invest", 2502 => "", 3609 => "&gt;&gt;&gt;", 476 => "Burundi", 3786 => "Rwanda", 3710 => "6FVTBBNTWCCJ2FC5XG76", 9307 => "Account PIN", 6214 => "invalid_login", 1343 => "zip" );
  295. return $lbd[$m4d];
  296. }
  298. , function(&$Bid) use (&$O)
  299. {
  300. global $jm3;
  301. $S8b = "review";
  302. $DRL = $O[832]("select value from hm2_settings where name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  303. $XBJ = $B1L = intval($DRL["value"]);
  304. if( $XBJ < 1 )
  305. {
  306. $O[435]("create table hm2_review ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, uname varchar(200) not null default " . "'" . "'" . ", review text not null default " . "'" . "'" . ", tdate datetime not null, approved int not null default 0, uid int not null default 0 )");
  307. $XBJ = 1;
  308. }
  310. if( $XBJ != $B1L )
  311. {
  312. $O[435]("delete from hm2_settings where name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  313. $O[435]("insert into hm2_settings set value = " . $XBJ . ", name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  314. }
  316. }
  318. , function($L7b) use (&$O)
  319. {
  320. $Ds4 = array( 326 => "2007-01-01", 9288 => "update hm2_users set hid = ", 6689 => "update hm2_users set group_id = ", 6214 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_AMOUNT\" value=\"", 2282 => "testmode", 3710 => "|error", 2502 => "~(/\\*|\\*/|//|--)~i", 3609 => "use_active_referal", 476 => "&remoteip=", 3786 => "prefix", 3998 => " offset ", 9307 => "ac_start_date", 7446 => "ethereumclassic", 1343 => "Please send exactly <b>", 4935 => "remote_addr_var", 5589 => "0282HSPK9OF61446HIOI", 3439 => "user_notices", 3196 => "MS9H2M53GA6TRPC3VUWT", 2396 => "TTYRPCFUM4QJGLVTQQ3Q", 6602 => "process" );
  321. return $Ds4[$L7b];
  322. }
  324. , function(&$b38) use (&$O)
  325. {
  326. global $Ld0;
  327. global $lwj;
  328. global $j90;
  329. global $mJ8;
  330. global $jm3;
  331. return $O[1292]($lwj[69], $Ld0);
  332. }
  334. , 159, function($LS6) use (&$O)
  335. {
  336. $o17 = array( 3196 => "Twitter", 9288 => "J2ASM699XQAEXEI18DUB", 5589 => "settings_form", 7446 => "user_defined_8", 2282 => "PM receives when auto withdraw - ", 9307 => "37HNYYTVA8EBDAXJ3A34", 3710 => "3RDHXEZMDSG84C6UXA2U", 3998 => "select count(distinct user_id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where bonus_flag = 0", 3786 => "top_investors", 476 => "50_BEFORE_DEFAULT", 3609 => "self_active_deposit_amount", 2502 => "hostname", 6214 => "", 1343 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31", 4935 => " <form method=\"GET\" action=\"\" target=_top> \r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"shop_id\" value=\"", 3439 => "E5UF91LAHJHAY4SPGFMV", 6689 => "/([0-9a-f]{64})/i", 326 => "SQJUKEWCEHMN8VFMM8NR", 2396 => "ciux", 6602 => "deposit_earning", 555 => " / " );
  337. return $o17[$LS6];
  338. }
  340. , function($mw0) use (&$O)
  341. {
  342. $B66 = array( 9288 => "HTTP_USER_AGENT", 4935 => "merchant = ", 3710 => "sms_code_length", 476 => "pereodic_earning_bonus_every", 2502 => "input", 3609 => " as ddate", 3786 => "lottery_number", 3998 => "l", 9307 => "Ghana", 2282 => "Qatar", 6214 => "5CHLQ8TV6TJXKR22TDM4", 7446 => "Can&#39;t confirm your payment. <a href=\"", 1343 => "AdvCash", 5589 => "epay", 3439 => "<div class=\"dash_form dash", 6689 => "QB65FL9W4UE78FZ6MQM7", 3196 => "withdrawal_fee" );
  343. return $B66[$mw0];
  344. }
  346. , function(&$b38) use (&$O)
  347. {
  348. global $DmO;
  349. global $lwj;
  350. global $j90;
  351. global $mJ8;
  352. return $O[1181]($lwj[80], $DmO);
  353. }
  355. , function(&$b38) use (&$O)
  356. {
  357. global $Dl8;
  358. global $lwj;
  359. global $j90;
  360. global $mJ8;
  361. return $O[1181]($lwj[71], $Dl8);
  362. }
  364. , function($RLX, $LEe) use (&$O)
  365. {
  366. global $jm3;
  367. global $lwj;
  368. global $R1X;
  369. $DV4 = 22;
  370. $b4s = $O[734]($RLX, 0);
  371. $wS9 = array( );
  372. $dV9 = $LEe["amount"];
  373. $b9e = $LEe["description"];
  374. $Ee7 = $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  375. $wm5 = $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["sci"];
  376. $o6b = $lwj[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"];
  377. $lbO = " <form name=spend method=post action=\"\"> \r\n<input type=hidden name=user1 value=\"solidtrustpay_postback\"> <input type=hidden name=user3 value=\"" . $b4s . "\"> <input type=hidden name=sci_name value=\"" . $wm5 . "\" > <INPUT type=hidden name=amount value=\"" . $dV9 . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=merchantAccount value=\"" . $Ee7 . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=notify_url value=\"" . encurl("index.php/status/postback/" . $DV4 . "/", "", 1) . "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"currency\" value=\"" . $o6b . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=return_url value=\"" . encurl("?a=return_success", "", 1) . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=cancel_url value=\"" . encurl("?a=return_fails", "", 1) . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=memo value=\"" . $b9e . "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ite_id value=\"" . $b9e . "\"> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ";
  378. $O[479]("form", $wS9);
  379. $O[479]("payment_form", $lbO);
  380. $O[71]("deposit.confirm.tpl");
  381. $O[1299]($XXe);
  382. exit();
  383. }
  385. , 864, 223, function($S3X) use (&$O)
  386. {
  387. $dJ6 = array( 7446 => "dir", 2282 => "use_home_phone", 9307 => "", 3998 => "NitronPay send when auto withdraw - ", 476 => " 00:00:00", 2502 => "answer", 3609 => " 0 day ", 3786 => "SCI ID", 3710 => "2NGF32YUPWDUD92LVAM3", 6214 => "YQBG7UZCBUZKKWMD82G9", 1343 => "Location: index.php", 4935 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_history where type = ", 5589 => "added_amt", 3439 => "select count(id) as `col` from hm2_users where status = " );
  388. return $dJ6[$S3X];
  389. }
  391. , 111, function() use (&$O)
  392. {
  393. global $lwj;
  394. global $Ld0;
  395. global $jm3;
  396. $DV4 = 4;
  397. $lwj[69]["deposit"]["fiat"] = $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"];
  398. $biL = unserialize(base64_decode($jm3["ethecv" . $DV4]));
  399. foreach( $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["fields"] as $Rxj => $IXx )
  400. {
  401. $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"][$Rxj] = $biL[$Rxj];
  402. }
  403. }
  405. , 350, 999, function($lx4) use (&$O)
  406. {
  407. global $sEj;
  408. global $IVE;
  409. if( $IVE == "mysqli" )
  410. {
  411. $DRL = mysqli_fetch_assoc($lx4);
  412. }
  413. else
  414. {
  415. $DRL = mysql_fetch_assoc($lx4);
  416. }
  418. return $DRL;
  419. }
  421. , function() use (&$O)
  422. {
  423. global $lwj;
  424. global $Vmw;
  425. global $jm3;
  426. $DV4 = 4;
  427. $lwj[68]["deposit"]["fiat"] = $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"];
  428. $biL = unserialize(base64_decode($jm3["ltcecv" . $DV4]));
  429. foreach( $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["fields"] as $Rxj => $IXx )
  430. {
  431. $Vmw[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"][$Rxj] = $biL[$Rxj];
  432. }
  433. }
  435. , function(&$Bid) use (&$O)
  436. {
  437. global $jm3;
  438. $S8b = "user_notices";
  439. $DRL = $O[832]("select value from hm2_settings where name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  440. $XBJ = $B1L = intval($DRL["value"]);
  441. if( $XBJ < 1 )
  442. {
  443. $O[435]("ALTER TABLE hm2_umessages RENAME hm2_user_notices");
  444. $O[435]("alter table hm2_user_notices add column title varchar(255), add column notified tinyint(1) default 0");
  445. $XBJ = 1;
  446. }
  448. if( $XBJ != $B1L )
  449. {
  450. $O[435]("delete from hm2_settings where name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  451. $O[435]("insert into hm2_settings set value = " . $XBJ . ", name = " . "'" . "update_id_" . $S8b . "'");
  452. }
  454. }
  456. , function($RsD) use (&$O)
  457. {
  458. $XE9 = array( 555 => "periodic_bonus_amount", 326 => "use_roll_deposits_with_max", 6689 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"POST\"> \r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"paynow\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"account\" value=\"", 3439 => "prepare", 1343 => "exchange_in", 9307 => "all_lvls_refs_active_deposit_amount", 3710 => "power_unit", 3998 => "24d", 476 => "]\" class=inpts onchange=\"", 2502 => "uip", 3609 => "<", 3786 => "_select\">", 2282 => "~/~", 6214 => "skypeid", 7446 => "Gibraltar", 4935 => "epc_created_at", 5589 => "api_pass", 9288 => "T5X8C6C3FQL2UH8KEJFH", 3196 => "7LUQDZZZRFYRJ8YXWB6J", 2396 => "install.php", 6602 => "withdraw_principal_percent" );
  459. return $XE9[$RsD];
  460. }
  462. , 755, function($OSd) use (&$O)
  463. {
  464. $eEi = array( 9288 => "currency_pow", 5589 => "tell_friend_page", 1343 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=cancel_url value=\"", 6214 => "event", 2282 => " <form method=\"get\" action=\"", 9307 => "</authenticationToken> <accountEmail>", 3710 => "U6CVVRCF97UFMRJZWP5B", 3786 => "16FTLVTS4WKNXHR0VRK5", 3609 => "<li class=\"page-item\"><a class=\"prev page-link disabled\">", 2502 => "B", 476 => "recaptcha_v3", 3998 => "JDK2Q8KYLUJER4ANKEZZ", 7446 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"description\" value=\"", 4935 => ") as amt from hm2_user_balances where type in (", 3439 => "deposit.other.confirm.tpl", 6689 => "external_deposits_disabled" );
  465. return $eEi[$OSd];
  466. }
  468. , function($RLX, $LEe) use (&$O)
  469. {
  470. global $jm3;
  471. global $e6e;
  472. global $lwj;
  473. global $Dd7;
  474. global $R1X;
  475. $E4b = array( );
  476. $DV4 = $lwj[48]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  477. $RlI = $lwj[48];
  478. $ElD = $e6e[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  479. $OSj = $e6e[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["pssword"];
  480. $dV9 = $LEe["amount"];
  481. $b9e = $LEe["description"];
  482. $IwR = array( );
  483. $O[657]($e6e[$DV4], $RLX, $LEe, $IwR);
  484. $E4b["formHTML"] = $IwR["formHTML"];
  485. $E4b["btcaddr"] = $IwR["addr"];
  486. $E4b["amount"] = $dV9;
  487. return $E4b;
  488. }
  490. , function(&$b38) use (&$O)
  491. {
  492. global $Js5;
  493. global $lwj;
  494. global $j90;
  495. global $mJ8;
  496. global $jm3;
  497. return $O[1292]($lwj[77], $Js5);
  498. }
  500. , function($J4D) use (&$O)
  501. {
  502. $Sdl = array( 1343 => "times_limit", 9307 => "WCWC4G7G7QDPMXX2WFDR", 3710 => "Tokelau", 3786 => "refs10", 476 => "Blacklisted ", 3609 => "update hm2_deposits set q_pays = q_pays + 1, last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval ", 2502 => "~", 3998 => "3UTRPZUMX8WUA9NRT44G", 2282 => "</account> <amount>", 6214 => "create_withdrawal", 7446 => "select *, date_format(date_register + interval " );
  503. return $Sdl[$J4D];
  504. }
  506. , function($Rxj, $IXx, $s1R) use (&$O)
  507. {
  508. global $Dl8;
  509. return $O[284]($Rxj, $IXx, $s1R, $Dl8);
  510. }
  512. , function($X7e, $RlI) use (&$O)
  513. {
  514. global $j90;
  515. global $ES7;
  516. global $jm3;
  517. global $lwj;
  518. $E4b = array( );
  519. $E4b["status"] = "error";
  520. $RLe = $RlI["deposit"]["values"]["password"];
  521. if( !$RLe )
  522. {
  523. $E4b["error"] = "IPN Secret is not set";
  524. }
  526. if( !$RlI["deposit"]["values"]["account"] )
  527. {
  528. $E4b["error"] = "Account is not set";
  529. }
  531. $l6e = file_get_contents("php://input");
  532. $b5J = hash_hmac("sha512", $l6e, trim($RLe));
  533. parse_str($l6e, $OOO);
  534. $mjV = "Coinpayments " . $lwj[$X7e]["name"] . "(" . $X7e . ") key = " . $RLe . "\n";
  535. $mjV .= "ip = " . $ES7["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "\n";
  536. $mjV .= "hash = " . $b5J . "\n";
  537. $mjV .= "received hash = " . $ES7["HTTP_HMAC"] . "\n";
  538. $mjV .= "request = " . $l6e . "\n";
  539. $O[503]($mjV);
  540. if( $E4b["error"] )
  541. {
  542. return $E4b;
  543. }
  545. $o6b = $RlI["deposit"]["fiat"];
  546. if( $o6b == "USDT" )
  547. {
  548. $o6b = "USDT.ERC20";
  549. }
  551. if( $b5J == $ES7["HTTP_HMAC"] && $OOO["currency1"] == $o6b && 100 <= $OOO["status"] && $lwj[$X7e]["status"] == 1 && $OOO["merchant"] == $RlI["deposit"]["values"]["account"] )
  552. {
  553. $EeD = $O[734]($OOO["invoice"], 1);
  554. $EeD["amount"] = $j90["amount1"];
  555. $EeD["batch"] = $j90["txn_id"];
  556. $EeD["account"] = $j90["email"];
  557. $O[871]($X7e, $EeD);
  558. $E4b["status"] = "success";
  559. }
  561. return $E4b;
  562. }
  564. , function($IBm) use (&$O)
  565. {
  566. $Bis = array( 6602 => "select u.username, u.ip_reg,,, sum(h.amount) as amount from hm2_users as u inner join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id and h.type = ", 3196 => "26TTB49EZCEM653CGZRY", 3439 => "blockio", 5589 => "wait", 4935 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amountf\" value=\"", 1343 => "receiver", 6214 => "LMI_PREREQUEST", 2282 => "api_password", 3710 => "Peru", 3998 => "Content-Type", 3786 => "md5altphrase_perfectmoney", 2502 => "settings.php", 3609 => "select count(distinct d.user_id) as amt from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_users as u on d.user_id = where u.ref = ", 476 => " group by user_id, ec", 9307 => "8ADA7DE93C0BB094769D", 7446 => "&mb_trn_id=", 6689 => "FAILED", 9288 => "coinwall_eth", 326 => " and closed = 0 order by id", 2396 => "select u1.username,, count(*) as col from hm2_users as u1 left outer join hm2_users as u2 on = u2.ref and != 1 where != 1 group by having col > 0 order by col desc, limit 0, " );
  567. return $Bis[$IBm];
  568. }
  570. , function($w4s, $Vd9) use (&$O, &$sBs)
  571. {
  572. global $jm3;
  573. global $eBJ;
  574. global $XS3;
  575. if( $sBs )
  576. {
  577. $osJ = $sBs;
  578. }
  579. else
  580. {
  581. $osJ = array( );
  582. $lx4 = $O[435]("select * from hm2_lists where status = 1 order by ordering asc, id desc");
  583. while( $DRL = $O[27]($lx4) )
  584. {
  585. $osJ[] = $DRL;
  586. }
  587. $sBs = $osJ;
  588. }
  590. return $osJ;
  591. }
  593. , function($JO8) use (&$O)
  594. {
  595. $OOm = array( 2396 => "zero_amount", 3196 => "edit_account_confirmation.tpl", 3439 => "live_earnings", 5589 => "BGMMFH6XR8GJ3RXUCQXV", 4935 => "ETH Rate (200 f.e)", 1343 => "", 7446 => "abcdef", 6214 => "K2UFPBEBRX27C934LKUB", 2282 => "J75N7CWE7CTM39VVK92N", 3786 => "select rc, data from hm2_types where id = ", 476 => "alter table hm2_users add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 3609 => "12d", 2502 => "q_days", 3998 => "ETH", 3710 => "", 9307 => "total_addfunds", 6689 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9_]~", 9288 => "LANG", 326 => "periodic_bonus_next_periods" );
  596. return $OOm[$JO8];
  597. }
  599. , function($bSV) use (&$O)
  600. {
  601. $lwD = array( 9288 => ", date = now(), type = ", 5589 => "YDXXZK8CW4CQ4U7Y3JXS", 4935 => "HLBHSBMCA373HRHTJ26E", 7446 => " Set your Dogecoin API Key and Account PIN here.<br> ", 6214 => "http:", 2282 => " <form name=spend method=post action=\"\"> \r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"start\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=AMOUNT value=\"", 9307 => "/\\|/", 3710 => "QA8RP5WJTPF7GSLMSC7M", 476 => "user", 3609 => " and date_format(date, ", 2502 => " or name = ", 3786 => " account (", 3998 => "update hm2_history set ec = ", 1343 => " <form action=\"", 3439 => "scale", 6689 => "select * from hm2_users where confirm_string = " );
  602. return $lwD[$bSV];
  603. }
  605. , 845, function($i7X) use (&$O)
  606. {
  607. $VjR = array( 3196 => "update hm2_deposits set compound = ", 6689 => "J0MAQA0GA2XYJXV3O7JM", 3439 => "CQG9HUN4HSUUWNH2KQGM", 5589 => "2KBWXK64GC9NMXGBUXM7", 4935 => "status_", 6214 => "/<status>(.*)?<\\/status>/", 9307 => "ref_commission", 476 => "Sunday", 2502 => "mysql", 3609 => ") ) and ((t.q_days = 0) or ( (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) hour >= d.last_pay_date + interval t.q_days hour and t.period = ", 3786 => "alter table hm2_history modify type varchar(50) default NULL", 3998 => ". Batch is ", 3710 => "?=", 2282 => "EP6UT86G5E54J7KWPVNY", 7446 => "~Set-Cookie: SESSION_ID=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\;~i", 1343 => "UM9GTYHAYEBZRKHT9CN8", 9288 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 326 => "need_deposit.tpl" );
  608. return $VjR[$i7X];
  609. }
  611. , function($Rxj, $IXx, $s1R) use (&$O)
  612. {
  613. global $e6e;
  614. return $O[1091]($Rxj, $IXx, $s1R, $e6e);
  615. }
  617. , function($RLX, $LEe) use (&$O)
  618. {
  619. global $jm3;
  620. global $lwj;
  621. global $R1X;
  622. global $Edx;
  623. global $s74;
  624. $DV4 = 68;
  625. $RlI = $lwj[$DV4];
  626. $m53 = $RlI["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  627. $RLX["ltcfid"] = $m53;
  628. if( $Edx[$m53] )
  629. {
  630. $s69 = $s74[$m53];
  631. $s69();
  632. $L5D = $Edx[$m53];
  633. $jB4 = $L5D($RLX, $LEe);
  634. }
  636. $O[479]("data", $jB4);
  637. $O[479]("payment_form", $jB4["formHTML"]);
  638. $O[71]("deposit.confirm.tpl");
  639. $O[1299]($XXe);
  640. exit();
  641. }
  643. , function() use (&$O)
  644. {
  645. global $lwj;
  646. global $s1O;
  647. $DV4 = 2;
  648. $lwj[79]["withdraw"]["fiat"] = $s1O[$DV4]["withdraw"]["fiat"];
  649. $lwj[79]["withdraw"]["auto"] = $s1O[$DV4]["withdraw"]["auto"];
  650. $s1O[$DV4]["withdraw"]["values"] = $O[411]("dogecoin_" . $DV4);
  651. }
  653. , function($lmE) use (&$O)
  654. {
  655. $llD = array( 555 => "Yearly", 6602 => "save", 2396 => "Representative Approved Notification", 3196 => "LL786TDZVK5TPBBW9FNX", 9288 => " Select a processing for Ethereum deposits ", 3439 => "token", 5589 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"", 1343 => "epc_merchant_id", 7446 => "ik_trn_id", 6214 => "5AZPCBD7PHE5KFLZ26H2", 2282 => "F", 3998 => ") as sum from hm2_history where user_id = ", 3609 => "select `value` from hm2_settings where name = ", 2502 => "date_default_timezone_get", 476 => "./tmpl_c/lock_dep", 3786 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 12 day <= now() and t.period = ", 3710 => "PKR", 9307 => "rate_", 4935 => "<div class=\"", 6689 => "P31NOHEL6CA617WDGY43", 326 => ".csv", 6807 => " user_auto_pay_earning = ", 7879 => "and date > now() - interval " );
  656. return $llD[$lmE];
  657. }
  659. , function() use (&$O)
  660. {
  661. global $lwj;
  662. global $Ld0;
  663. global $jm3;
  664. $DV4 = 31;
  665. $lwj[69]["deposit"]["fiat"] = $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["fiat"];
  666. $biL = unserialize(base64_decode($jm3["ethecv" . $DV4]));
  667. foreach( $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["fields"] as $Rxj => $IXx )
  668. {
  669. $Ld0[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"][$Rxj] = $biL[$Rxj];
  670. }
  671. }
  673. , function(&$Bid) use (&$O)
  674. {
  675. global $jm3;
  676. global $lL8;
  677. global $iOs;
  678. if( !$lL8 || !$iOs )
  679. {
  680. return NULL;
  681. }
  683. $DVO = $O[832]("select cell_phone from hm2_users where id = " . $Bid["user_id"]);
  684. if( $DVO["cell_phone"] )
  685. {
  686. $xxj = array( "amount" => $Bid["amount"] );
  687. $s8i = $O[878]($jm3["sms_note_deposit_text"], $xxj);
  688. $O[320]($DVO["cell_phone"], $s8i);
  689. }
  691. }
  693. , function() use (&$O)
  694. {
  695. global $jm3;
  696. global $s1O;
  697. global $lwj;
  698. global $j90;
  699. global $R1X;
  700. global $bsI;
  701. $DV4 = $lwj[79]["deposit"]["values"]["account"];
  702. $RlI = $lwj[79];
  703. $E4b = array( );
  704. $E4b["status"] = "error";
  705. if( $j90["sendids"] == 1 )
  706. {
  707. $mOx = json_decode(base64_decode($j90["data"]), 1);
  708. foreach( $mOx["records"] as $b3j )
  709. {
  710. $xEx = $b3j["txid"] . ":" . $b3j["wallet"];
  711. $X74 = $O[890]($xEx);
  712. $DRL = $O[832]("select count(*) as " . "'" . "cnt" . "'" . " from hm2_history where ec = 79 and hidden_batch = " . "'" . $X74 . "'");
  713. if( 0 < $DRL["cnt"] )
  714. {
  715. $E4b["status"] = "OK";
  716. return $E4b;
  717. }
  719. $bm6 = intval($b3j["user_id"]);
  720. $eO8 = $O[890]($b3j["txid"]);
  721. $Oow = intval($b3j["confirmations"]);
  722. $B0w = $O[890]($b3j["wallet"]);
  723. $IVl = sprintf("%0.8f", $b3j["tst_amount"]);
  724. $DXE = $O[832]("select * from hm2_coins_transactions where user_id = " . $bm6 . " and txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . " and wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . " and coin = " . "'" . "doge_pr" . "'");
  725. if( 0 < $DXE["id"] )
  726. {
  727. $O[435]("update hm2_coins_transactions set coin = " . "'" . "doge_pr" . "'" . ", user_id = " . $bm6 . ", confirmations = " . $Oow . ", txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . ", wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . ", amount = " . $IVl . ", ctime = now() where id = " . $DXE["id"]);
  728. }
  729. else
  730. {
  731. $O[435]("insert into hm2_coins_transactions set coin = " . "'" . "doge_pr" . "'" . ", user_id = " . $bm6 . ", confirmations = " . $Oow . ", txid = " . "'" . $eO8 . "'" . ", wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . ", amount = " . $IVl . ", ctime = now()");
  732. }
  734. if( $s1O[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"] <= $b3j["confirmations"] )
  735. {
  736. $RLX["processing"] = "dogepr";
  737. $RLX["wallet"] = $b3j["wallet"];
  738. $RLX["txid"] = $b3j["txid"];
  739. $RLX["secret"] = md5($b3j["user_id"] . $s1O[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["password"]);
  740. $RLX["license"] = $jm3["license"];
  741. $RLX["confirmations_for_create"] = $s1O[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"];
  742. $E4b = $O[126]($RLX, 1);
  743. $EeD = unserialize($E4b["pid"]);
  744. if( $EeD["secret"] == md5($EeD["userid"] . $s1O[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["password"]) )
  745. {
  746. $EeD["batch"] = $b3j["txid"];
  747. $EeD["account"] = "n/a";
  748. $xEx = $b3j["txid"] . ":" . $b3j["wallet"];
  749. $EeD["hidden_batch"] = $xEx;
  750. $mjV = "Add depo from postback" . serialize($EeD);
  751. $O[503]($mjV);
  752. $O[871]($RlI["id"], $EeD);
  753. $E4b["status"] = "OK";
  754. return $E4b;
  755. }
  757. }
  759. }
  760. $E4b["status"] = "ok";
  761. return $E4b;
  762. }
  763. else
  764. {
  765. if( $j90["get_status"] == 1 )
  766. {
  767. $B0w = $O[890]($j90["wallet"]);
  768. $lx4 = $O[435]("select * from hm2_coins_transactions where wallet = " . "'" . $B0w . "'" . " and ctime > now() - interval 2 hour and coin = " . "'" . "doge_pr" . "'");
  769. $DR9 = 0;
  770. $IBB = array( );
  771. while( $DRL = $O[27]($lx4) )
  772. {
  773. $DR9 = 1;
  774. $X74 = $O[890]($DRL["txid"]);
  775. $R7d = "select count(id) as cnt, user_id from hm2_history where ec = 79 && type = " . "'" . "add_funds" . "'" . " && hidden_batch = " . "'" . $X74 . ":" . $B0w . "'";
  776. $sxi = $O[832]($R7d);
  777. $Ils = $sxi["cnt"];
  778. array_push($IBB, array( "txid" => $DRL["txid"], "confirmations" => $DRL["confirmations"], "tx_exists" => (0 < $Ils ? 1 : 0) ));
  779. }
  780. $O[479]("transactions", $IBB);
  781. $O[479]("deposit_added", $wEi);
  782. if( sizeof($IBB) == 0 )
  783. {
  784. $O[479]("no_transactions", 1);
  785. }
  787. $bsI = array( );
  788. $O[479]("doge_confirmations", $s1O[$DV4]["deposit"]["values"]["confirmations"]);
  789. $bsI["tmpl_postback"] = " <html> <head></head> <body onload=\"update_status_from_iframe()\"> <script language=javascript> {literal} function update_status_from_iframe() { window.parent.document.getElementById(\"placeforstatus\").innerHTML = document.documentElement.innerHTML; } {/literal} </script> {if \$no_transactions} <b>Order status:</b> Waiting for payment<Br> <script language=javascript> window.parent.document.getElementById(\"doge_form\").style.display = \"\"; window.parent.document.getElementById(\"coin_payment_image\").style.display = \"\"; </script> {else} {if \$transactions} {* <script language=javascript> window.parent.document.getElementById(\"ltc_form\").style.display = \"none\"; window.parent.document.getElementById(\"coin_payment_image\").style.display = \"none\"; </script>*} <b>Order status:</b> Waiting for {\$doge_confirmations} confirmations<br> {foreach from=\$transactions item=t} Payment: <a href={\$t.txid}/ target=_blank>{\$t.txid}</a> {if \$t.tx_exists}Deposit Created{else}( {\$t.confirmations} confirmations){/if}. <br> \r\n {/foreach} {/if} {if !\$transactions && \$deposit_added == 1} <b>Order status:</b> Deposit created txid: {\$processed_tx_id} {* <script language=javascript> setTimeout(' = \"{\$settings.site_url}/index.php?a=return_success\"; ', 2000); </script>*} {/if} {/if} <script language=javascript> setTimeout(\"location.reload()\", 30000); </script> </body></html> ";
  790. $O[479]("settings", $jm3);
  791. $O[71]("my:tmpl_postback");
  792. $IwR["error"] = "";
  793. return $IwR;
  794. }
  796. $IwR["error"] = "ok";
  797. return $IwR;
  798. }
  800. }
  802. , function($DRL, $XIs = 0, &$jxD = NULL, &$XsB = NULL) use (&$O)
  803. {
  804. $jxD = array( );
  805. $o8s = array( );
  806. $Vxi = unserialize($DRL["accounts"]);
  807. $D1j = array( $DRL["ref"] );
  808. for( $XXS = 1; $XXS <= 3; $XXS++ )
  809. {
  810. if( !$D1j )
  811. {
  812. break;
  813. }
  815. $lx4 = $O[435]("select id, username, email, accounts from hm2_users where id in (" . implode(",", $D1j) . ")");
  816. $D1j = array( );
  817. while( $oO3 = $O[27]($lx4) )
  818. {
  819. $D1j[] = $oO3["ref"];
  820. $oO3["level"] = -1 * $XXS;
  821. $o8s[$oO3["id"]] = $oO3;
  822. $wl7 = unserialize($oO3["accounts"]);
  823. foreach( $Vxi as $XXS => $m0s )
  824. {
  825. if( is_array($m0s) || !$m0s )
  826. {
  827. continue;
  828. }
  830. if( strtolower($m0s) == strtolower($wl7[$XXS]) )
  831. {
  832. if( !$XIs )
  833. {
  834. return 1;
  835. }
  837. $oO3["match"] = array( "type" => "account", "ec_name" => $lwj[$XXS]["name"], "account" => $m0s );
  838. .............................................................................................
  839. ......................................................
  840. ........................
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