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Comment on "What Are Your Experiences With The Woods?"

a guest
Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. This isn't my story, but the events happened when I was about four years old and they made a big impact. An older couple, living just an hour north of us, invited eight of their friends and family over for a dinner party. It was, supposedly, a nice party- a neighbor remembers hearing raucous laughter late into the night. The partygoers ate, caught up, and eventually went home.
  2. Every single one of them was dead the next morning.
  3. As it turns out, the hostess had recently retired. Bored and suffering from too much time, she acquired a new hobby: mushroom picking. A coach went out with her the first few times until she was confident, and after that she was on her own. Her children, who were not in attendance, said that they'd eaten some of her harvests in the past but had never gotten sick. They blamed her coach for failing to prevent the accident but it wouldn't have mattered anyway- Deathcaps do not grow in the United States, normally. They had only recently been found in the area, and this woman was unlucky enough to stumble upon a patch, which she picked, cooked, and served to her dinner party, lethally poisoning all of them. It was an absolute tragedy, and it deeply scarred me to hear at such a young age.
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