
Lovecraft dies and he's a celebrity among Eldritch and Helsa is his biggest fan

Jan 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #542
  2. the person who made this(?):
  3. ----------
  4. Hey HHG I wrote a thing. Its just a quick thing so I'm not going to format it beyond this.
  5. Lovecraft Green
  7. Imagine you’re Lovecraft and your dyeing
  8. ah,
  9. You don't know what is going to happen.
  10. Part of you is terrified of the possibilities, you don't believe in heaven though.
  11. You’re relived that a possibility is that everything stops and you can dissipate into ether.
  13. Before you died your last thought was that you might see your beloved shard of night, niggerman, once more.
  14. Then you die.
  15. But things don't stop. You can feel yourself existing. Not with eyes or senses native to humans but with an odd awareness of yourself and entities around you, if there were any.
  17. Right now around you is void. Nothing of no color or substance.
  18. You freely exist for a short time. Contemplating this new space.
  19. But then a feeling, an entity begins approaching.
  20. It feels incomprehensibly far in this world without physical distances and yet it approaches rapidly.
  21. It's incomprehensibly large as well.
  22. A strange thing that your consciousness cannot or will not pierce or fully observe.
  23. Your worst fear is realized before you by an Eldritch Entity.
  25. As it gets closer, your mind begins piercing and comprehending shards and slivers of the Beast.
  26. A creeping madness begins to subsume you but without the luxury of a mind to break in order to protect you from these effects.
  27. A wave of reality, projected by the entity washes over you.
  28. Through its threshold you are birthed into a formless bubble into a micro reality filled entirely of its consciousness.
  29. -
  30. It feels like it is more than simple 3 dimensions, filled with no vacuum, no air, no negative space, only a writhing mass of body and tentacle and eyes. The whole reality was the shape of the Beast.
  31. its writhing mass slows as you enter and go deeper.
  32. Your form contorts to your perception of self, almost becoming you in fetal position over the course of minutes. During this time you passively observe with your awareness and rapidly developing brain the Beast.
  34. It begins to collapse and contract in on itself. retracting in every way, almost folding like origami.
  35. Smaller and smaller, leaving plenty of negative space around you.
  36. Time has no real meaning here, so the time between being incomprehensibly large to roughly the same size as you are is neither measurable or relevant. It felt like a short time.
  37. You unfold, a simple black suit adorning your otherwise plain figure.
  38. The beast continues to contort, becoming humanoid.
  39. -
  40. It produces the mind battering noise of Eldritch tongue that you are all too familiar with. Some of it you understand even.
  41. It is expressing an emotion, gratitude?
  42. Before you can speak with your newly formed mouth, your consciousness has projected your understanding to this beast.
  44. It contorts one last time and coalesces into a figure resembling a dangerous female.
  45. "Wow you actually understood me and your not crazy from seeing me. No mortal has ever done that before. I'm super excited to finally meet you Mr. Lovecraft. Your like our first and only prophet!"
  46. You are taken aback. Compliments? conversation? Social interaction is a thing that terrifies you just as much as many Eldritch Entities.
  48. T-thanks…
  49. You mutter, but your body feels familiar, as if you hadn't been out of it at all.
  50. Your unease is still rising.
  52. "Yeah, you were supposed to go to Purgatory for the pagan stuff but I pulled some strings. I figured you'd much rather stay with us! We prefer you stay with us anyways ha."
  53. You feel your head is acquiring worried wrinkles at a rate not possible in the material world. It feels like it is fractal at this point already.
  54. "Oh don't be like that. We're nice people, mostly. Just give us a chance"
  55. Your heart is sinking through your chest and will soon be puddling on the floor.
  56. "Calm down Mr. Lovecraft! or you'll fold in a dimension your kind isn't supposed too. Try to keep your cool inside my reality."
  57. From the non void reality surrounding you, a study of wood coalesces. Complete with air to breath and hot tea on a table beside you.
  59. Ok, entity, Miss? I will try to remain calm.
  60. You drink some tea. Its alright.
  62. "Such a gentleman~. Please, call me Helsa. Helsa Von Eldritch"
  63. You don't know what she means by gentleman.
  64. "You haven't screamed, or run, or cursed, or gone mad. You are accepting this reality, which is basically me, as it is. Nobody else does that"
  65. Apparently she can read your thoughts.
  66. "yes"
  67. Alright.
  68. -
  69. You sit and make surprising small chatter with the Helsa. She asks about your life and how you know eldritch. You inquire as to that which cannot be repeated and get an answer that cannot be said.
  71. You are solemn. This is happening. You are going to be taken to these entities span of existence, perhaps to be driven mad or to nonexistence when accidentally crushed by non corporeal entities large enough to have mass.
  72. "I told you it wont be like that Mr. Lovecraft! Here, I actually brought you a gift that can prove it."
  73. From her being, she produces a immaterial thing. its another earthly entity, you can feel it.
  74. It begins materializing itself. Its much smaller than you are.
  75. The more it you observe it with your spirit consciousness and your material eyes watch, it becomes more familiar.
  76. It's a cat.
  77. But not just any cat, its Niggerman. Your beloved friend. Your shard of night.
  78. It manifests in entirety. Taking a perfect form that you remember.
  79. It springs forth, and prowls before making its way to you. While you were watching and recognizing him, he had recognized you!
  80. Making a respectable show of cool detachment before laying on your lap.
  81. Immediately your senses and soul are eased.
  82. "Aww isn't that sweet. We've kept your cat happy and sane this whole time, you shouldn't have anything to worry about."
  83. You accept her words. Your cat is is perfect condition despite living with them for many years, they must know how to handle mortal souls and minds safely. Besides, apparently you’re resistant to their insanity.
  84. "Come on, lets go to my home, your new home now, I can't wait to tell everyone!"
  85. She whisks you and Niggerman away to the far off place, unknown to most mortals, where she comes from.
  86. For the first time, you are less afraid of these eldritch entities. And that's better than it was before.
  88. the end.
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