
new crystal any% route

Nov 6th, 2016
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  1. box names:
  2. 1. l 0 'v é N 5 'v 's
  3. 2. é v 6 'v f é R 5
  4. 3. f é w 6 p é é 6
  5. 4. é é 5 [pk] 'd
  7. route:
  8. - manip TID to (0x26db, 09947) or (0x26fb, 9979):
  9. - TID manip:
  10. - pick boy (this is a 20 minute speedrun pls)
  11. - set time to 3am (yolo strats: keep time at 10am)
  12. - name character MAT/one letter name (preset might be faster, not sure)
  13. - pick cyndaquil from left of the table (name one letter name)
  14. - fight L2 rattata or hoothoot
  15. - mr pokemon
  16. - back to cherrygrove
  17. - buy 21 antidotes
  18. - rival fight: leer x1, tackle spam (don't die)
  19. - back to prof elm's lab
  20. - name rival whatever (preset vs 1 char)
  21. - note: switch smokescreen and leer in battle
  22. - catch any pokemon
  23. - split exp on L3 rattata or hoothoot
  24. - yolo strat: swap sentret to the front
  25. - cyndaquil should have 233 exp
  26. - go to center
  27. - move pkmn w/o mail save
  28. - deposit cyndaquil
  29. - go to change box
  30. - save using change box, but reset so you'd get a corrupted nickname (note: bad clone messes up the setup, so don't get it)
  31. - upon reload, open the item menu and use the potion/antidote so it brings up the pokemon menu, but back out immediately
  32. - if the pokemon in the box has a corrupted nickname, withdraw it. else, try again
  33. - strat for new runners/runners not used to timing: just check the box immediately. if it hangs on a white screen, reset and follow the first bullet point. if you manage to get to the nickname screen, reset anyway and go to the first bullet point (weird stuff happens). otherwise, try again.
  34. - name boxes
  35. - pay close attention to box 2!
  36. - if you made a mistake and realized it after the reset, you do not need to save again after fixing the box names, but you will need to press A on cancel again.
  37. - move pkmn w/o mail save, then reset
  38. - note: if you move before looking at stats screen, you must reset.
  39. - open item menu, choose the toss submenu for antidotes, press down to move count to 21, but press b, then move cursor to cancel and press A
  40. - if you used the potion in battle, you will need to move to the balls pocket before pressing A on the cancel button
  41. - if you accidentally press use, or bring up the "Throw away n items?" dialogue, you must reset.
  42. - open the status screen of the corrupt nick pokemon (has ? as nick)
  43. - close status screen and exit menu (invisible sprites by sheer coincidence, unintentional)
  44. - walk to 2nd floor pkmn center, then go back
  45. - talk to red
  46. - win
  47. - force tyrant to do Y151
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