

Nov 19th, 2020
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  1. Irina towed from frost giant dragon Eliz­a­beth.
  2. „Do not kill him...... he also to rec­og­nize me...... he is not the in­jury that the devil......” Eliz­a­beth can­not at­tend to him­self re­cur­ring, open­ing both hands pro­tects be­fore the whole body is the wound Lan­caster body, looks at Mag sin­cere say­ing.
  3. Her body is shiv­er­ing, she is afraid...... is afraid them to kill her fa­ther.
  4. Dou­glas looks at Eliz­a­beth, looked at Mag, starts to speak but hes­i­tates.
  5. Lewis brow tight wrin­kle, has not spo­ken.
  6. Pre­vi­ously Eliz­a­beth ap­peared, Lan­caster in­deed had re­sponded, even from in the air falls di­rectly.
  7. But must say that he is not a devil, will not harm oth­ers again, is ac­tu­ally no one can con­clude.
  8. Cras­sus and Ju­lian look in the one side, sim­i­larly has not spo­ken.
  9. „Jon­nas, please help sup­pose array to sur­round him again to­gether, be­fore de­ter­min­ing him will again not be fas­ci­nated, can­not make him with­draw.” Mag said to­ward the Jon­nas re­quest.
  10. „Good.” Jon­nas nods.
  11. Seal Cthulhu per­haps is a dif­fi­cult mat­ter, ultra 10th Rank pow­er­house but who seal will not move, re­gard­ing Jon­nas is not a dif­fi­cult mat­ter.
  12. Be­fore arranged the seal array re­main­ing bits and pieces to take, then ac­cord­ing to the seal array path, was sup­pos­ing array of sim­ple ver­sion.
  13. The array ray shines, backs off bowl-shaped seal array to ap­pear, Lan­caster seal.
  14. Irina raises mage staff in hand, was Lan­caster ther­apy, stopped sev­eral frigid wounds blood.
  15. „Thanks, thank you.” Eliz­a­beth deeply bows to­ward Mag and Irina, on the face full is the sense of grat­i­tude.
  16. Al­though his fa­ther tem­porar­ily by seal, but this is ac­tu­ally also pro­tect­ing him.
  17. She be­lieves that the fa­ther can cer­tainly re­store the in­tel­li­gence, but be­fore then, he can­not cer­tainly make the in­jury in­no­cent be­hav­ior again, will oth­er­wise cer­tainly be treated as the dan­ger­ous el­e­ments to re­move.
  18. Mag nods, turns around to turn to­ward the head­quar­ters to walk.
  19. The war has won, just he re­ceived the mes­sage that Dawn sent , the R'lyeh cri­sis re­lieves, but that side At­lantis had/left the point to write, he must make Dex­ter first go back.
  20. But he also needs to call Chan­cel­lor var­i­ous races the per­son, holds a vic­tory cel­e­bra­tion meet­ing.
  21. Al­though he is not good at han­dling this mat­ter, but as the com­man­der-in-chief of al­lied armies, sol­diers who even if fight bravely for these valiant, he must act to say two.
  22. ......
  23. „Alex, epic leg­endary ex­is­tence, I think that Nolan con­ti­nent will re­mem­ber him for­ever.” Vicke can­not bear ex­press ad­mi­ra­tion.
  24. Be­fore the war starts, she thinks one­self and Dawn will play the sig­nif­i­cant role in this war, even prob­a­bly needs to re­quest the re­sources of first fleet.
  25. Has not thought......
  26. They bought a soy sauce.
  27. And the en­tire jour­ney sur­rounded a bat­tle loss com­pared with the as­ton­ish­ing war.
  28. The charm that the war de­ploys troops and forms lines, com­pletely re­veals in this mo­ment.
  29. But that mys­te­ri­ous man, is the ab­solute lead of this war.
  30. He showed the pin­na­cle the team com­bat and in­di­vid­u­al­is­tic hero­ism, mak­ing her stay be­hind the in­deli­ble mem­ory.
  31. „I de­cided! The lead of next opera was he!” Vicke is grasp­ing the fist earnest say/way.
  32. „War had ended, but that side At­lantis had/left the point to write, I must pass now.” Dawn said, op­er­ates the bat­tle­ship to turn around to go south.
  33. „Did Star-Spawn run?” Vicke is some­what ner­vous.
  34. If, that may be bad in this case.
  35. „No, R'lyeh has van­ished for­ever.” Dawn shakes the head, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion said as be­fore calmly: „But, At­lantis sub­merged.”
  36. „? Prob­a­bly this is also very bad.” Vicke stares.
  37. The At­lantis sub­mer­sion means two mat­ters, At­lantis sub­merged, the Un­der­ground City sky col­lapsed.
  38. Ac­cu­rate......
  39. Should be the Un­der­ground City above pre­sented a hole.
  40. Links up chan­nel be­tween Un­der­ground City and Nolan con­ti­nent makes a con­nec­tion, more­over pos­si­bly is an in­com­pa­ra­bly giant cave en­trance.
  41. In Un­der­ground City, ac­tu­ally not every­one knows Nolan con­ti­nent to exist, this se­cret only saves in in a class.
  42. If two be­tween chan­nels made a con­nec­tion, what will in­flu­ence have, Vicke does not dare to imag­ine.
  43. „...... Do such words, later want to come Nolan con­ti­nent to be eas­ier? Did not need to take risk to pass through the space crack as be­fore.” Vicke thought of the in­flu­ence in an­other as­pect.
  44. In this case, has prob­a­bly not imag­ined is so bad.
  45. ......
  46. „Your majesty, At­lantis is still tenes­mus­ing, the suc­tion is ex­ces­sively strong, is un­able to work loose mael­strom!”
  47. At­lantis at this mo­ment, fell into the fear.
  48. They first feel the stren­u­ous vi­bra­tion from seabed, then wit­nessed to have the Heaven Reach­ing Pil­lar col­lapses of in­nu­mer­able years.
  49. The seabed as if turned into huge mael­strom, en­tire draws un­ex­pect­edly to­ward under At­lantis.
  50. Boun­ti­ful by the strength of his majesty the king 10th Rank pow­er­house, is in­ca­pable of work­ing loose that fear­ful suc­tion as be­fore.
  51. The king is pale, that fear­ful suc­tion has gone be­yond his area of com­pe­tence, that is the strength of the world, ex­ceeds prin­ci­ple that he com­pre­hended.
  52. After ex­pe­ri­enc­ing dark­ness, the light reap­pears.
  53. They saw the clouds, Sun of three burn­ing hots......
  54. What is more fear­ful, these things un­ex­pect­edly in their under!
  55. They fell in the sky from the seabed!
  56. The king and hid the At­lantis clans­men nearby im­pe­r­ial city to be shocked.
  57. It is not able to un­der­stand that this is what con­di­tion.
  58. The women and chil­dren can­not bear sob, starts to sus­pect that they had died, is going to the heaven.
  59. ......
  60. „Sir Fer­di­nand, the day broke, has Nolan con­ti­nent to­gether to fall fast to the ground.” Staff half steps ar­rive side front­line di­rec­tion fight Fer­di­nand, trem­bling sound said.
  61. „Makes array mas­ter first dec­o­rate the sky, mak­ing the first fleet fall stone ex­plo­sion to break to pieces!” Fer­di­nand stands in a R'lyeh for­mer site in con­fu­sion, raises head to look at the sky, nar­rowed eyes slightly.
  62. In that over­lap­ping clouds, pre­sented a small sunspot . More­over the sunspot is en­larg­ing fast.
  63. „But Sir, the ex­am­i­na­tion re­turn, on that land has the in­tel­li­gent life body, may be came from the At­lantis Mer­man clan.” The staff also said.
  64. „What?” A Fer­di­nand slightly star­tled, after silent mo­ment, then speed way: „Makes the first fleet all send out, is close to that land from, sup­ports con­ti­nent using the bat­tle­ship, guar­an­tees that con­ti­nent to be able the se­cu­rity where­abouts.”
  65. „Yes!” The staff half step de­parts.
  66. Quick, sev­eral hun­dred bat­tle­ships lift off, in that sunspot to­ward the sky flies.
  67. „Does the sky col­lapsed also even, what make a race is? Can the se­cret that Un­der­ground City has, un­able to keep even­tu­ally?”
  68. Fer­di­nand brow tight wrin­kle, but or­dered array mas­ter to come the set up for­ma­tion quickly.
  69. R'lyeh misma all around has dis­si­pated, but ur­gently needed not being able to melt dense fog, are cut off now the guest cu­ri­ous vi­sion of an­other piece of con­ti­nent.
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