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Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. grandpaToday at 10:05 AM
  2. I’ve been thinking a lot about the hornsmen and Horang’s specific draw to all of them
  3. To each of them rather
  4. cyrithToday at 10:06 AM
  5. UUUUU U Uu uu uuuuUU
  6. i have to go pick up my contacts BUT PLEASE DO TELL ME
  7. grandpaToday at 10:08 AM
  8. And lmfao the few things that are in common is just that being able to share each other’s attention was just totally okay upfront
  9. And that nothing was seriously love or romance, for the most part it was all comfort and physical attention and desire for intimacy
  10. But Agni in the beginning was this glamorous man who set the tone that the contestants in this show were not all bad and awful people
  11. So it was gonna be hard for him to concentrate on winning
  12. Agni is this guy who must have had at least some of his life together and he was beautiful and charming
  13. Horang felt like he could open up to him and that they maybe had the same fiery feelings about life
  14. Horang was just a doused out flame in the beginning u_u(edited)
  15. Stellar was also glamorous, but was better than Agni at conveying internal emotions
  16. Stellar was beautiful but was shy and got embarrassed and Horang could draw him out through dancing and singing and doing his makeup for him that one time
  17. I think asking Stellar out specifically was because Horang wanted this moment of confidence because he knew he liked Stellar and at Least they were gonna get to know each other
  18. Eventually Horang became fond of him in this protective way
  19. He’s seen a few situations with people using pills to cope and it was hard to be in the same capacity with again but he didn’t want Stellar to be the friend they were too late finding
  20. With Cinder, they can totally just joke around and be a couple of memes even though Horang doesn’t understand actual memes
  21. He’s comfortable around them in a totally mischievous and fun way but he also feels like Cinder looks into people in the deepest ways and can lay someone completely out
  22. But definitely mostly him
  23. Horang is not that hard to understand but Cinder gets every piece of him
  24. Also being someone with a history with family issues, that stuff just clicks, although he had boy privilege
  25. Horang’s loan shark was a guy named Mr. Ro and he was really poetic
  26. Horang hates that he picked up having a poetic mindset from him but sometimes thinking of the hornsmen as good sights and feelings and people in general ended up solidifying how much he adores all of them
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