

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aA"
  3. set {prestige::%uuid of player%} to 0
  4. set {rank.%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  5. set {shortrank.%player's uuid%} to "&rUser"
  7. command /rankup:
  8. trigger:
  10. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&aA":
  11. if player's balance >= 100:
  12. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&bB"
  13. remove 100 from player's balance
  14. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &bB."
  15. stop
  16. else:
  17. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  19. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&bB":
  20. if player's balance >= 350:
  21. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&cC"
  22. remove 350 from player's balance
  23. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &cC."
  24. stop
  25. else:
  26. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  28. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&cC":
  29. if player's balance >= 500:
  30. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&dD"
  31. remove 500 from player's balance
  32. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &dD."
  33. stop
  34. else:
  35. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  37. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&dD":
  38. if player's balance >= 750:
  39. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&eE"
  40. remove 750 from player's balance
  41. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &eE."
  42. stop
  43. else:
  44. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  46. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&eE":
  47. if player's balance >= 1000:
  48. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&fF"
  49. remove 1000 from player's balance
  50. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &fF."
  51. stop
  52. else:
  53. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  55. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&fF":
  56. if player's balance >= 1250:
  57. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aG"
  58. remove 1250 from player's balance
  59. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &aG."
  60. stop
  61. else:
  62. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  64. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&aG":
  65. if player's balance >= 1500:
  66. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&bH"
  67. remove 1500 from player's balance
  68. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &bH."
  69. stop
  70. else:
  71. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  73. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&bH":
  74. if player's balance >= 1750:
  75. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&cI"
  76. remove 1750 from player's balance
  77. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &cI."
  78. stop
  79. else:
  80. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  82. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&cI":
  83. if player's balance >= 2000:
  84. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&dJ"
  85. remove 2000 from player's balance
  86. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &dJ."
  87. stop
  88. else:
  89. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  91. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&dJ":
  92. if player's balance >= 2500:
  93. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&eK"
  94. remove 2500 from player's balance
  95. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &eK."
  96. stop
  97. else:
  98. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  100. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&eK":
  101. if player's balance >= 3000:
  102. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&fL"
  103. remove 3000 from player's balance
  104. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &fL."
  105. stop
  106. else:
  107. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  109. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&fL":
  110. if player's balance >= 3500:
  111. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aM"
  112. remove 3500 from player's balance
  113. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &aM."
  114. stop
  115. else:
  116. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  118. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&aM":
  119. if player's balance >= 4000:
  120. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&bN"
  121. remove 4000 from player's balance
  122. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &bN."
  123. stop
  124. else:
  125. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  127. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&bN":
  128. if player's balance >= 5000:
  129. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&cO"
  130. remove 5000 from player's balance
  131. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &cO."
  132. stop
  133. else:
  134. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  136. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&cO":
  137. if player's balance >= 6000:
  138. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&dP"
  139. remove 6000 from player's balance
  140. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &dP."
  141. stop
  142. else:
  143. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  145. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&dP":
  146. if player's balance >= 7000:
  147. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&eQ"
  148. remove 7000 from player's balance
  149. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &eQ."
  150. stop
  151. else:
  152. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  154. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&eQ":
  155. if player's balance >= 8000:
  156. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&fR"
  157. remove 8000 from player's balance
  158. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &fR."
  159. stop
  160. else:
  161. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  163. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&fR":
  164. if player's balance >= 9000:
  165. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aS"
  166. remove 9000 from player's balance
  167. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &aS."
  168. stop
  169. else:
  170. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  172. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&aS":
  173. if player's balance >= 10000:
  174. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&bT"
  175. remove 10000 from player's balance
  176. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &bT."
  177. stop
  178. else:
  179. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  181. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&bT":
  182. if player's balance >= 10750:
  183. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&cU"
  184. remove 10750 from player's balance
  185. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &cU."
  186. stop
  187. else:
  188. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  190. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&cU":
  191. if player's balance >= 11500:
  192. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&dV"
  193. remove 11500 from player's balance
  194. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &dV."
  195. stop
  196. else:
  197. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  199. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&dV":
  200. if player's balance >= 12250:
  201. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&eW"
  202. remove 12250 from player's balance
  203. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &eW."
  204. stop
  205. else:
  206. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  208. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&eW":
  209. if player's balance >= 13000:
  210. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&fX"
  211. remove 13000 from player's balance
  212. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &fX."
  213. stop
  214. else:
  215. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  217. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&fX":
  218. if player's balance >= 13750:
  219. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aY"
  220. remove 13750 from player's balance
  221. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &aY."
  222. stop
  223. else:
  224. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  226. if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "&aY":
  227. if player's balance >= 14500:
  228. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&6&lZ"
  229. remove 14500 from player's balance
  230. message "&c&lHaste &8» &c%player% &7has ranked up to &6&lZ."
  231. message "&c&lHaste &8» &aCongratulations! You can now prestige by typing &b/prestige"
  232. stop
  233. else:
  234. message "&c&lHaste &8» &7You do not have enough money to advance."
  236. command /reset:
  237. trigger:
  238. set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "&aA"
  239. set {prestige::%uuid of player%} to 0
  241. on chat:
  242. cancel event
  243. broadcast "&8[&c%{prestige::%uuid of player%}%&8] %{rank.%player's uuid%}%&8[%{rank::%uuid of player%}%&8] &7%player% » %message%"
  245. command /rank [<offline player>]:
  246. permission: server.rank
  247. trigger:
  248. if arg-1 is not set:
  249. send "&cInvalid usage!"
  250. else if arg-1 is set:
  251. open chest with 5 rows named "&8Rank Selection &8(&n%arg-1%)" to player
  252. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&bModifying %arg-1%" with lore "||&rIn this GUI you can modify||&r%arg-1%'s rank.||||&bCurrent Rank||&r &r● &r%{shortrank.%arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  253. format slot 22 of player with paper named "&bRanks" to be unstealable
  254. format slot 29 of player with book named "&cAdmin" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto owner." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% admin"]
  255. format slot 30 of player with book named "&2Moderator" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto moderator." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% mod"]
  256. format slot 31 of player with book named "&9Helper" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto helper." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% helper"]
  257. format slot 32 of player with book named "&6Youtuber" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto youtuber." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% yt"]
  258. format slot 33 of player with book named "&3Build Team" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto build team." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% bt"]
  259. format slot 40 of player with book named "&7User" with lore "||&rClick to change %arg-1%'s rank||&rto user." to close then run [make player execute "¶rank %arg-1% user"]
  261. command /¶rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  262. permission: haste.rank
  263. trigger:
  264. if arg-1 isn't set:
  265. message "&cIncorrect usage."
  266. if arg-1 is set:
  267. if arg-2 is "admin":
  268. if player has permission "server.rank":
  269. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&c[ADMIN] &C"
  270. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rAdministrator"
  271. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&c[ADMIN] &C%player%"
  272. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bAdmin &eprevious rank removed."
  273. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bAdmin&e!" to arg 1
  274. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  275. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
  276. if arg-2 is "yt":
  277. if player has permission "server.rank":
  278. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&6[YT] &6"
  279. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rYoutuber"
  280. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&6[YT] &6%player%"
  281. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bYoutuber &eprevious rank removed."
  282. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bYoutuber&e!" to arg 1
  283. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  284. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
  285. if arg-2 is "mod":
  286. if player has permission "server.rank":
  287. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&2[MOD] &2"
  288. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rModerator"
  289. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&2[MOD] &2%player%"
  290. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bMod &eprevious rank removed."
  291. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bMod&e!" to arg 1
  292. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  293. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
  294. if arg-2 is "helper":
  295. if player has permission "server.rank":
  296. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&9[HELPER] &9"
  297. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rHelper"
  298. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&9[HELPER] &9%player%"
  299. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bHelper &eprevious rank removed."
  300. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bHelper&e!" to arg 1
  301. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  302. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
  303. if arg-2 is "user":
  304. if player has permission "server.rank":
  305. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7"
  306. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rUser"
  307. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&7%player%"
  308. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bUser &eprevious rank removed."
  309. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bUser&e!" to arg 1
  310. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  311. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
  312. if arg-2 is "bt":
  313. if player has permission "server.rank":
  314. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&3[BUILD TEAM] &3"
  315. set {shortrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rBuild Team"
  316. set tab list name of arg 1 to "&3[BUILD TEAM] &3%player%"
  317. send "&eSuccessfully updated &b%arg-1%'s &euser rank to &bBuild Team &eprevious rank removed."
  318. send "&eYour server rank has been set to &bBuild Team&e!" to arg 1
  319. if player doesn't have permission "server.manager":
  320. send "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command!"
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