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Apr 9th, 2019
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  1. from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, CallbackQueryHandler
  2. from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton
  3. import requests, os, telegram, datetime
  4. import psycopg2 as sql
  6. up = Updater("728506589:AAEwkNES9a9koAm8CKaOqUDorarnRJaeFY4")
  7. dp = up.dispatcher
  8. bd = sql.connect(host="", dbname="d94l6q6a6g2mvm", user="jguojvyjehytsn", password="2fa3407deca1f2bc920fefc973912b3ed4388f727c6bd88039552d6032a458d9")
  9. cur= bd.cursor()
  11. #___________________Commands Settings____________________________________________________#
  12. def start(bot, up):
  13. bot.sendMessage(, text="Hello. Bot works👌\nUse `/help` to get to know with functions this bot can perform", parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
  14. bot.sendDocument(chat_id=up.message.chat_id, document='CAADAQAD4AEAAkWQ0AeCTzUa7LnRbQI')
  15. check_id(
  16. def help(bot, up):
  17. bot.sendMessage(, text="*Hey✌️ I am an assistant bot 🤖*\nI can help you to monitor your health, show the weather and later will be able to remind you to do smth.\n - Use `/med_panel` to put your parameters (weight, height and age) and then use 'My Health' button 🏥\n - Use `/weather` to get current weather in Tashkent☀️", parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
  18. def echo(bot, up):
  19. button_check(bot, up)
  21. #___________________ID + BD Settings_____________________________________________________#
  22. def check_id(id): # Занесение ID в базу данных data
  23. cur.execute("SELECT id from data;")
  24. data_id = cur.fetchall()
  25. if (id,) not in data_id:
  26. cur.execute("INSERT into data (id) VALUES({0});".format(id))
  27. bd.commit()
  28. def db_add(number, param, id_db): # Занесение параметров пользователя в data
  29. cur.execute(f"UPDATE data SET {param} = {number} WHERE id = {id_db};")
  30. bd.commit()
  32. #___________________Panel + Buttons Settings_____________________________________________#
  33. remove=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
  34. force=telegram.ForceReply()
  35. med_keyb=[["Weight","Height", "Age"],["My Health"],["EXIT"]] # Med Settings
  36. med_panel_set=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(med_keyb,resize_keyboard=True,one_time_keyboard=True)
  38. def buttons():
  39. keys = [[InlineKeyboardButton('Tomorrow', callback_data='1'), InlineKeyboardButton('No, thanks!', callback_data='2')]]
  40. return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keys)
  41. def med_panel(bot, up):
  42. bot.sendMessage(,"Choose:",reply_markup=med_panel_set)
  44. #___________________Functions Processing_________________________________________________#
  45. def body_surface_area(weight, height):
  46. body_surface_area_number = float(((weight*height)**(1/2))/60)
  47. return("{0:.10f}".format(body_surface_area_number))
  49. def body_mass_index(weight, height):
  50. body_mass_index_number = float((weight*10000)/(height*height))
  51. return("{0:.10f}".format(body_mass_index_number))
  53. def body_mass_index_spec(bmi):
  54. if bmi <= 16:
  55. return("Acute Underweight.")
  56. elif bmi > 16 and bmi <= 18.5:
  57. return("Underweight.")
  58. elif bmi > 18.5 and bmi <= 25:
  59. return("Standard.")
  60. elif bmi > 25 and bmi <= 30:
  61. return ("Overweight.")
  62. elif bmi > 30 and bmi <= 35:
  63. return("First Degree Obesity.")
  64. elif bmi > 35 and bmi <= 40:
  65. return("Second Degree Obesity.")
  66. elif bmi > 40:
  67. return("Third Degree Obesity.")
  69. def get_health(id):
  70. cur.execute(f"SELECT * from data where id={id};")
  71. health_param = cur.fetchone()
  72. bsa=body_surface_area(float(health_param[3]), float(health_param[1])) #bsa=body_surface_area
  73. bmi=body_mass_index(float(health_param[3]), float(health_param[1])) #bmi=body_mass_index
  74. bmi_specification=body_mass_index_spec(float(bmi))
  75. message_text=f"*Your BSA = {bsa}\nYour BMI = {bmi} | {bmi_specification}*"
  76. return message_text
  78. def get_weather(api):
  79. settings = {'q': 'Tashkent', 'units': 'metric', 'lang': 'en', 'APPID': api}
  80. r = requests.get('', params=settings)
  81. return(r.json())
  83. def try_except(function):
  84. def wrapper(*args):
  85. try:
  86. function(*args)
  87. except:
  88. args[0].sendMessage(chat_id=args[1], text="Ooops, sorry, incorrect data. Try again! ┐('~`;)┌", reply_markup=remove)
  89. return wrapper
  90. #_________________________________________________________________________________________________#
  91. @try_except
  92. def button_check(bot, up): # Panel Processing
  93. if up.message.text=="EXIT":
  94. bot.sendMessage(,"Exit 😥",reply_markup=remove)
  96. elif up.message.text=="Weight": # Weight Processing
  97. bot.sendMessage(, text="Enter your weight (use point with floating point numbers):", reply_markup=force)
  98. elif up.message.text=="Height": # Height Processing
  99. bot.sendMessage(, text="Enter your height in integers:", reply_markup=force)
  100. elif up.message.text=="Age": # Age Processing
  101. bot.sendMessage(, text="Enter the number of years and months since your last birthday (use strictly this order with a space between them):", reply_markup=force)
  103. elif up.message.text=="My Health":
  104. health_text=get_health(
  105. bot.sendMessage(, text=health_text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
  106. elif up.message.reply_to_message.text == "Enter the number of years and months since your last birthday (use strictly this order with a space between them):": # Answer Processing
  107. years_months=up.message.text.split() #splitting the answer into separated words
  108. db_add((int(years_months[0]))*12+int(years_months[1]), 'age',
  109. bot.sendMessage(, "Your age is added. Check the table!👌", reply_markup = remove)
  110. elif up.message.reply_to_message.text == "Enter your weight (use point with floating point numbers):" and (float(up.message.text))>=0:
  111. db_add(float(up.message.text), 'weight',
  112. bot.sendMessage(, "Your weight is added. Check the table!👌", reply_markup = remove)
  113. elif up.message.reply_to_message.text == "Enter your height in integers:" and (int(up.message.text))>0:
  114. db_add(int(up.message.text), 'height',
  115. bot.sendMessage(, "Your height is added. Check the table!👌", reply_markup = remove)
  117. else:
  118. bot.sendMessage(, text="Ooops, sorry, incorrect data. Try again! ┐('~`;)┌", reply_markup=remove)
  120. #_________________________________________________________________________________________________#
  121. @try_except
  122. def weather(bot, up): # Tashkent Weather
  123. data=get_weather('0f798fa08e77c5b4a2ad9d1bcbf5d700')
  124. bot.sendMessage(chat_id=up.message.chat_id, text=f"Current weather in Tashkent: {int(data['list'][0]['main']['temp_max'])}°C", reply_markup=buttons())
  126. @try_except
  127. def get_callback_from_button(bot, up): # Buttons Processing
  128. if int( == 1:
  129. up.callback_query.answer()
  130. data = get_weather('0f798fa08e77c5b4a2ad9d1bcbf5d700')
  131. bot.sendMessage(, text=f"Tomorrow's weather in Tashkent: {int(data['list'][1]['main']['temp_max'])}°C")
  132. elif int( == 2:
  133. up.callback_query.answer()
  134. bot.sendMessage(, text="You're welcome 🤗")
  136. #___________________Dispatcher settgings_________________________________________________#
  137. dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
  138. dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help))
  139. dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("med_panel", med_panel))
  140. dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("weather", weather))
  141. dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, echo))
  142. dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(get_callback_from_button))
  144. #___________________webhook settings_____________________________________________________#
  145. PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT', '5000'))
  146. TOKEN = "728506589:AAEwkNES9a9koAm8CKaOqUDorarnRJaeFY4"
  147. up.start_webhook(listen='', port=PORT, url_path=TOKEN)
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