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Jan 22nd, 2020
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  1. Game 3
  2. In-Game
  3. kiss boys: nope
  4. kiss boys: he has 0 magic resistance
  5. kiss boys: he is vulnerable.
  6. kiss boys: i gank
  7. kiss boys: lol
  8. kiss boys: okay open
  9. kiss boys: yep
  10. kiss boys: retreating
  11. kiss boys: any1 else/
  12. kiss boys: sylas come to ur red
  13. kiss boys: yeah
  14. kiss boys: thanks bro
  15. kiss boys: as he fking should.
  16. kiss boys: fkin kill the man
  17. kiss boys: virgin
  18. kiss boys: kill him fast
  19. kiss boys: griefer twitch?
  20. kiss boys: comin thru
  21. kiss boys: blue for me
  22. kiss boys: uhh
  23. kiss boys: ah
  24. kiss boys: so i guess
  25. kiss boys: sylas has
  26. kiss boys: this
  27. kiss boys: so he
  28. kiss boys: kills me in 1 rotation
  29. kiss boys: gosh im bored now
  30. kiss boys: can we ff
  31. kiss boys: i will save bot lane
  32. kiss boys: lol
  33. kiss boys: perfectly executed mechanics
  34. kiss boys: why does
  35. kiss boys: his ult do more damage
  36. kiss boys: than yours
  37. kiss boys: when you are 3 levels over him
  38. kiss boys: its so insane
  39. kiss boys: how useless
  40. kiss boys: twitch passive is
  41. kiss boys: dorans shield literally outregens i
  42. kiss boys: uh
  43. kiss boys: not rly confident
  44. kiss boys: in my lee sin actually
  45. kiss boys: i 1v1
  46. kiss boys: this laner
  47. kiss boys: feel like
  48. kiss boys: u can q him here
  49. kiss boys: and save me
  50. kiss boys: but its ok sion u just live ur own life
  51. kiss boys: right im b ack
  52. kiss boys: put my pie in the oven
  53. kiss boys: cant wait
  54. kiss boys: feel like u are a bit tanky
  55. kiss boys: rip krepo
  56. kiss boys: big Boris
  57. kiss boys: who
  58. kiss boys: stop deadnaming my best friend
  59. kiss boys: WATCH THIS
  60. kiss boys: LEE SIN
  61. kiss boys: PLAYER
  62. kiss boys: dog
  63. kiss boys: sit on your hands
  64. kiss boys: imagine u duo
  65. kiss boys: twitch lulu
  66. kiss boys: in normals
  67. kiss boys: yeah thats a cool one
  68. kiss boys: they changed him so now he does a lot of dmg :)
  69. kiss boys: and he heals for 100000 i think
  70. kiss boys: uh oh
  71. kiss boys: its pentakilll
  72. kiss boys: ?
  73. kiss boys: this is Rat IRL on the controller?
  74. kiss boys: or what
  75. kiss boys: maybe go back to soraka after this game
  76. kiss boys: im ready for my big play
  77. kiss boys: 1v9 machine incoming
  78. kiss boys: lets just ff
  79. kiss boys: enemies are too smart for us
  80. kiss boys: it seems
  81. kiss boys: any1 want to do baro with me
  82. kiss boys: watch this lol
  83. kiss boys: i think maybe i misplayed this
  84. kiss boys: but not sure how
  85. kiss boys: next time maybe syndra is playing the game
  86. kiss boys: they are rly doing a bit too much damage
  87. kiss boys: ah
  88. kiss boys: yes
  89. kiss boys: truly irresistable
  90. kiss boys: keep ur eyes peeled
  91. kiss boys: cus i might make the winning play at a moments notice
  92. kiss boys: nvm ff
  93. kiss boys: nice try noobs
  94. kiss boys: yep
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