
Vulnrability Analysis

Jul 15th, 2015
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  1. root@Khoiruddin:~ # uniscan -u -qweds
  2. ####################################
  3. # Uniscan project #
  4. # #
  5. ####################################
  6. V. 6.2
  9. Scan date: 15-7-2015 23:35:6
  10. ===================================================================================================
  11. | Domain:
  12. | Server: nginx/1.2.1
  13. | IP:
  14. ===================================================================================================
  15. |
  16. | Directory check:
  17. ===================================================================================================
  18. |
  19. | File check:
  20. | [+] CODE: 200 URL:
  21. | [+] CODE: 200 URL:
  22. ===================================================================================================
  23. |
  24. | Check robots.txt:
  25. |
  26. | Check sitemap.xml:
  27. ===================================================================================================
  28. |
  29. | Crawler Started:
  30. | Plugin name: phpinfo() Disclosure v.1 Loaded.
  31. | Plugin name: E-mail Detection v.1.1 Loaded.
  32. | Plugin name: Timthumb <= 1.32 vulnerability v.1 Loaded.
  33. | Plugin name: Code Disclosure v.1.1 Loaded.
  34. | Plugin name: Web Backdoor Disclosure v.1.1 Loaded.
  35. | Plugin name: Upload Form Detect v.1.1 Loaded.
  36. | Plugin name: FCKeditor upload test v.1 Loaded.
  37. | Plugin name: External Host Detect v.1.2 Loaded.
  38. | [+] Crawling finished, 31 URL's found!
  39. |
  40. | PHPinfo() Disclosure:
  41. | [+] phpinfo() page:
  42. | [+] phpinfo() page:
  43. | System: Linux nginx-php-fastcgi 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64
  44. | PHP version: 5.4.4-14+deb7u5
  45. | allow_url_fopen: On
  46. | allow_url_include: Off
  47. | disable_functions: pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,
  48. | OpenSSL Library Version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
  49. |
  50. | E-mails:
  51. | [+] E-mail Found: thm14-07-2015_news280615155824@250.jpg
  52. | [+] E-mail Found:
  53. | [+] E-mail Found: 14-07-2015_news280615155824@250.jpg
  54. |
  55. | Timthumb:
  56. |
  57. | Source Code Disclosure:
  58. |
  59. | Web Backdoors:
  60. |
  61. | File Upload Forms:
  62. |
  63. | FCKeditor File Upload:
  64. |
  65. | External hosts:
  66. | [+] External Host Found:
  67. | [+] External Host Found:
  68. |
  69. | Ignored Files:
  70. ===================================================================================================
  71. | Dynamic tests:
  72. | Plugin name: Learning New Directories v.1.2 Loaded.
  73. | Plugin name: FCKedior tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  74. | Plugin name: Timthumb <= 1.32 vulnerability v.1 Loaded.
  75. | Plugin name: Find Backup Files v.1.2 Loaded.
  76. | Plugin name: Blind SQL-injection tests v.1.3 Loaded.
  77. | Plugin name: Local File Include tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  78. | Plugin name: PHP CGI Argument Injection v.1.1 Loaded.
  79. | Plugin name: Remote Command Execution tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  80. | Plugin name: Remote File Include tests v.1.2 Loaded.
  81. | Plugin name: SQL-injection tests v.1.2 Loaded.
  82. | Plugin name: Cross-Site Scripting tests v.1.2 Loaded.
  83. | Plugin name: Web Shell Finder v.1.3 Loaded.
  84. | [+] 2 New directories added
  85. |
  86. |
  87. | FCKeditor tests:
  88. |
  89. |
  90. | Timthumb < 1.33 vulnerability:
  91. |
  92. |
  93. | Backup Files:
  94. |
  95. |
  96. | Blind SQL Injection:
  97. | [+] Vul [Blind SQL-i]:[CENSORED]
  98. | [+] Vul [Blind SQL-i]:[CENSORED]
  99. | [+] Keyword: Seruduk
  100. | [+] Keyword: Siapkan
  101. | [+] Vul [Blind SQL-i]:[CENSORED]
  102. | [+] Keyword: Ditutup
  103. | [+] Vul [Blind SQL-i]:[CENSORED]
  104. | [+] Keyword: Melawi
  105. | [+] Vul [Blind SQL-i]:[CENSORED]
  106. | [+] Keyword: mengantisipasi
  107. |
  108. |
  109. | Local File Include:
  110. |
  111. |
  112. | PHP CGI Argument Injection:
  113. |
  114. |
  115. | Remote Command Execution:
  116. |
  117. |
  118. | Remote File Include:
  119. |
  120. |
  121. | SQL Injection:
  122. |
  123. |
  124. | Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
  125. |
  126. |
  127. | Web Shell Finder:
  128. ===================================================================================================
  129. | Static tests:
  130. | Plugin name: Local File Include tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  131. | Plugin name: Remote Command Execution tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  132. | Plugin name: Remote File Include tests v.1.1 Loaded.
  133. |
  134. |
  135. | Local File Include:
  136. |
  137. |
  138. | Remote Command Execution:
  139. |
  140. |
  141. | Remote File Include:
  142. ===================================================================================================
  143. Scan end date: 15-7-2015 23:45:28
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