
2 Lesta Nediam LNC2018-03-25 1335 +Agent Ice

Mar 24th, 2018
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2018-03-25 1335 +Agent Ice
  4. __
  6. +Agent Ice __ I imagine there are a lot of things you don't notice going on. On account of you being a retard and all.
  9. __________
  10. 2018-03-30 1330
  12. +Agent Ice __ What you wrote is a good example of projection from the mind of someone who admits to not having a clue.
  16. __________
  17. 2018-04-01 0430
  19. +Agent Ice __ Your *first* message on this thread was this *worthless* remark: _"can't say I see a whole lot of that going on...ο»Ώ"_ in response to the comment "[here] where people are thinking critically." So what did you expect? Did you expect me to praise you for leaving that kind of garbage? No, you do not talk to me or others on my posts like that.
  21. If you look at any thread where I have reacted negatively, all you have to do is scroll up to find the loser who started trouble. I react to negative comments - I do not initiate them.
  23. If someone cannot begin by being positive, civil, thoughtful, and respectful, then I reserve the right to take the gloves off straight away because that seems to be all that troublemakers and retards can understand. I will not assume that someone who is rude or sarcastic isn't a troublemaker.
  25. You showed up as a troublemaker and now you're b!tching about being treated like one. If you're not a troublemaker, then don't hijack other people's threads announcing yourself as one. If you have a genuine criticism with the ideas I present, then by all means express your criticism with civility. Otherwise keep them to yourself.
  27. Over the years there have been many people who have had *positive* interactions with me and if you haven't been one of them, then the fault is with you and not me.
  29. Your questions do not deserve an answer from me. If you had kept up with what I am doing, then you would know the answers. You would know why I wrote the essay about "outer space". *Did you read the essay? Did you read over the original thread which prompted it?* If you did you'd have many of the answers you've asked. If you didn't, it's not my job to personally get you up to speed.
  31. Not when you keep writing garbage. You are not worth a response. You have been negative, sarcastic, and disrespectful for practically every interaction I have ever had with you. All dozen of our exchanges since our first interaction in August of 2016. I keep a record of these things and I know who is worth spending time on. You are not one of those people. You are an unpleasant troublemaker.
  33. And no - that does not mean you have to "kiss my a$$" to get a respectful response. If you can be positive, civil, thoughtful, and respectful - then I will respond in kind. Things would be different. But you can't seem to bring yourself to be decent with me. You've had a chip on your shoulder when it comes to me since the outset and that's something you need to work through - with or without your psychiatrist.
  35. Everyone gets the Lesta they deserve, and this has been the response *you* have deserved.
  39. __________
  40. 2018-04-01 1800
  42. +Agent Ice __ *No.* You are consistently rude to me. You have also been rude to others. You then expect your questions to be answered but when I point out that a rude little worm like you isn't worthy of a response you claim I am "deflecting". *This is why you are not worth any meaningful use of my time.* Even if I took the time to respond to you (as I have done in the past) there is every chance you would either ignore it or just find a way to misunderstand and be annoying.
  44. _"What if you actually hated the people that buy into everything you say?"_ - Wow - nice way to twist what I have pointed out about the leading flat Earth proponents. I do not "hate" anyone who "does not buy into what I have to say". Those who "don't buy into it" or "do not understand" usually get a detailed reply, often lengthy, to help them understand.
  46. There are plenty of people who have asked questions and been satisfied with my responses. You either ignore those people or call them sycophants. *So f_kc you.*
  48. Meaningful use of my limited time does not extend to negative little worms like you. Everyone gets the Lesta that they deserve and this is what you deserve. If you cannot change the appalling way you interact with me, then stop. Be positive, constructive, sincere, genuine, respectful if you want a positive, constructive, sincere, genuine, and respectful response.
  52. __________
  53. 2018-04-01 1810
  55. +Agent Ice __ You are a joker. I first came to know you as a White Knight for "Peekay". "Peekay" is a guy who reflexively blocks and bans those who dare to criticise him. "Peekay" is a guy who abuses, swears, talks over, and rants about anyone who disagrees with him. "Peekay" is very much guilty of what you accuse me of but yet you wrote the following to me and not him: _"Obviously, for all the intelligence you want people to believe you have, *you cannot either comprehend that anyone that stumbles across you and sees your behavior will essentially be turned off and disregard whatever it is you have to say and that it makes others doing similar work and those "followers" of yours look bad by association, or that you simply do not care."*_
  57. If that is true of me, then it is triply true of "Peekay". So why didn't you ever say things like that to him? There is an obvious reason: it is because you are a dishonest little trouble-making worm. You are only here to stir up sh!t and complain when I keep putting you in your place.
  59. Anyone who interacts with me in a decent way ends up having a decent experience. It is only insecure and jealous losers like you who end up having a bad experience. My patience with you has run out - go away - or I will begin to treat you like "Peekay" treats people. You'd be okay with that, right?
  63. ____________________________________________________________
  64. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  75. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  76. What exists - exists to always exist.
  77. As it is written - so it is done.
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