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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. when the Chicago LGBT-group banned Jewish flags from their pride march because it could potentially make people feel unsafe, uncomfortable or remind them of their oppression this shouldn't be taken at face value. it's not because they are pro-palestinian people and attempted to save palestinian LGBTs from an episode of rage over their supposed oppression and colonization at the hand of the Jewish state. if they were concerned about how Palestinians or Muslims would feel about them, they wouldn't have held an LGBT march at all. to the contrary, the people that are feeling uncomfortable, unsafe or oppressed with the david star LGBT flag around are themselves. it's them that are colonized and oppressed by the david star. the damaged and degenerated subject who is forced to turn one's self into the most efficient material bearer of abstract work, faced with an overbearing and oppressive hierarchy he cannot escape, cannot help but personify the society towards which he is hopelessly extradited to as manipulated by those who profit. the world appears towards him as one of infinite riches (Marx), yet he is structurally prevented from enjoying them. but when there are all these riches, who manages to enjoy them? is it not the bearers of the torch of modernization, unnatural social organization and cosmopolitanism? he, the subject, who works but yet doesn't enjoy, who acts rationally yet faces no rational yield from it, who is transformed from human into worker necessarly, but yet is forced to see himself as the master of his own actions, as an "individual actor" in the global market cannot help but make out a sinister actor as the culprit causing destruction in a world that seemingly is controlled by individuals. the jews and with them israel cannot help it,
  2. for historical reasons they were put into a position in which they seemingly profit the most from society, in which they appear as the personification thereof. israel cannot be anything but brutal destruction of natural made bonds for the sake of abstract for greed, a colonizer and oppressor. the jews, that, in order to exist have to defy what after completed capitalist individuation seems like the solution to the troubles of the subjects - biological and cultural bonds allowing one to be at least "member of culture" and not merely material for capital are then, of course, are easily personified as the sole cause of the impossibility of said biological or cultural bond allowing the better world. what the david star triggers then is not merely the palestinians, it triggers everyone and reminds them of their own colonization by capital. the resistance against the david star, then, is a necessary consequence of beings destroyed by commodity exchange: having to prove one is still an individual being capable of free will, then, the jew, as the culprit of the attacks on said individualism and free will, lets one feel unsafe, weak and - as a consequence - has to be resisted .
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