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Constitution of the Republic of Jefferson

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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Jefferson
  3. Constitution Of the Republic Of Jefferson
  5. We the people of the Republic of Jefferson, In order to protect the rights of man given to them by Nature and Nature’s God, do ordain this Constitution for the Republic.
  7. Article 1
  9. Section 1. The legislature, or Congress, shall consist of representatives from all the States within the union. Congress shall be divided into two bodies, namely the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state shall send one such representative to represent them in each legislative body. Representatives shall hold office during the term of four months, and shall only serve three terms.
  11. Section 2. Congress shall have the power to pass laws within the limits stated in this document. A bill must pass both houses of Congress and be ratified by the President of the Republic of Jefferson in order to become law.
  13. Section 3. Congress shall have the power to establish militias for the common defense.
  15. Article 2
  17. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the Republic of Jefferson. He shall hold his office during the term of three months, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows:
  19. Each state shall appoint one elector by popular vote. These electors shall each cast their vote for their favored Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. The candidate with the most electoral votes shall be elected. If no such majority exists, then the winner shall be decided by the House of Representatives.
  21. Only citizens of the Republic shall be eligible as candidates for President or Vice President.
  23. If the President is unable to act out his duties, then a successor shall be chosen by the Senate.
  25. A President shall only serve for two terms.
  27. Section 2. The President shall have the power to direct war and other military actions, and to make treaties, with the express consent of Congress.
  29. Section 3. All civil officers, Including but not limited to the President and Vice President, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
  31. Article 3
  33. Section 1. No taxes shall be issued in the Republic of Jefferson. Instead, citizens shall only be charged a fee for services rendered.
  35. Section 2. States and individuals shall not be forced to join the Republic. Only those who have given explicit consent to be governed by the Republic shall be considered Citizens.
  37. Section 3. States may separate themselves from the union through a popular vote. Individuals may separate themselves through declaration. Any property owned by these individuals will thus be considered independent and sovereign, outside of the Republic’s jurisdiction. Said sovereignties will be treated by the government of the Republic as they would any other sovereign nation.
  39. Section 4. The right of states and citizens to form militias as they see fit will not be infringed. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
  41. Section 5. Citizens shall be free to separate themselves from states within the union and to form new ones.
  43. Section 6. No state or local laws shall be at odds with the federal constitution, which shall take precedence over any other laws.
  45. Article 4
  47. Section 1. The right to property shall not be infringed. Every person, and potential person (i.e. testificates, and similar individuals), is entitled to the ownership of their own body. Voluntary exchanges and arrangements between consenting adults shall not be interfered with. The federal government will not interfere with the creation of independent currencies.
  49. Section 2. Property shall be defined as a person’s own body, and land or materials that they have either mixed their labor with or gained from others through peaceful means.
  51. Section 3. The act of murder shall be punished by death, pearling and/or a fine.
  53. Article 5
  55. Section 1. This constitution may be amended through either Congress or a convention of the states. An amendment shall be passed with the consent of three-fourths of the representatives. No amendment shall be passed which affects this article, Article 3, Article 4, Article 6, or Article 7, or Amendments 1 through 8.
  57. Article 6
  59. Section 1. The federal government reserves the right to print a national currency, and to be paid in said currency. This currency shall be based on the gold standard, or similar rare materials of value. The amount of money shall not exceed ten dollars to one gold ingot.
  61. Article 7
  63. Section 1. If at any point any number of officials violate the terms of this constitution, their authority shall be automatically rendered null and void.
  65. Amendment 1
  67. Congress shall make no law establishing an official religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  69. Amendment 2
  71. Again, the right of the people to keep and bear arms as they see fit shall not be infringed, nor the right to form militia as they see fit.
  73. Amendment 3
  75. No soldier shall be quartered in any household or other property without the consent of the owner.
  77. Amendment 4
  79. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
  81. Amendment 5
  83. No person shall be held to answer for a crime without being brought before an arbitrator. No person shall be forced to be a witness against himself. No action shall be taken against any suspect without due process.
  85. Amendment 6
  87. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
  89. Amendment 7
  91. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Rights shall not be used to negate other rights.
  93. Amendment 8
  95. The powers not delegated to the Republic, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
  97. Amendment 9
  99. Section 1. The legislative and executive branches shall be replaced with a council, whose members shall be chosen by the states/commonwealths/etc., with a limit of one councilor per state.
  101. Section 2. This council shall be endowed with the same powers, limits, and responsibilities previously held by the President and Congress. The limit of terms shall be repealed.
  103. Section 3. The council shall have the power to elect a Captain General for a certain stated period with full control over the military, and full power to impeach him at any time. The Captain General shall have the power to do anything which does not conflict with this constitution.
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