
SCP-1471-A#01 Level 3 version

Jul 24th, 2019
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  4. Item #: SCP-1471-A#01
  5. Object Class: Keter
  7. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1471-A#01 is to be contained esoterically as standard containment guidelines are nigh impossible to follow, instead the entire site inhabited by the member of Foundation personnel known as SCP-1471-B#01 is to be classed as the containment area, Under no circumstances is -B allowed off site without authorisation from at least two (2) senior Foundation members. In the event of an unauthorised breach SCP-1471-B#01 and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be terminated on sight. Both -B#01 and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be equipped with permanent explosive collars, removal of these are grounds for immediate termination. Both collars can be detonated with orders from any high ranking personnel. If the entity is seen without -B present or without direct orders from -B then it is to be terminated. SCP-1471-A#01 is just as vulnerable to damage and harm as a normal non anomalous human.
  9. Description: SCP-1471-A#01 an instance of SCP-1471-A that has progressed to a point of higher manifestation that all others on Foundation record. It has manifested and is bound to Foundation operative SCP-1471-B#01 as he received the app from [REDACTED] after realising what was occuring he attempted self application of amnestics which proved unsuccessful as the entity manifested in the mirror in his private quarters after 80 hours of exposure.The instance progressed from there and managed to manifest on a greater level it has been theorised that this is due to frequent positive interaction with -B. The entity can now manifest in two forms; it's "standard" well documented form where it appears in the mirrored surface closest to its downloader and in their peripheral vision and its "physical" form, where it can exit any mirrored surface within sight of -B that is large enough to fit at least 85% of its full body in, and manifest fully. it has been documented to have two seperate form of manifestation when in its physical form, one where it is unable to interact with physical objects and can only be perceived by its installer. Its second and altogether more dangerous form, it manifests completely and can act like a normal human, it has been observed speaking and interacting with objects in this form. It has currently expressed no current hostile intent nor intent to breach, it seems to follow all orders given to it from -B and is thought to be generally benign with little to no goals of its own apart from becoming -B's "friend". Medical x-rays have revealed the subjects bone structure to be similar to that of a human with a few key differences in the legs to accomodate a digitigrade stance and construction, preliminary blood sampling was hard as subject proceed to "fade out" of its physical form seemingly out of fear, after two failed attempts -B had to apply the procedure. The results were abnormal as the composition of SCP-1471-A#01's blood is more akin to a cooling fluid than anything else,it is a dark opaque grey in coloration and contains no standard blood cells, it is theorised that -A#01's cells can produce its own energy through poorly understood means, the fluid is used more to regulate temperature than carry oxygen around the body, it seems that -A instances can still become fatigued and require rest however they possess slightly above average stamina. The usual organs are present and function as expected, yet seem to be of little practical use as the instances do not require food or water. The flesh and tissues of SCP-1471-A instances are functionally similar to humans, yet with a dark black-purple colouration. The "fur" on the instances is black in colour and doesn't shed easily, it is a short and rather dense coat but lengthens and smooths out on the crown of the skull to form long hair, that seems to be of high quality and lustre. The creatures skull is smooth and of a white coloration with slight yellowing, with a few chips and notches that seem to be natural wear, the teeth are unusually sharp and easily draw blood, they appear to be extremely durable showing the ability to put dents in a standard combat knife and -A can exert immense bite force. The hands of an instance are tipped with clawlike nails that are composed of keratin, the same material as human nails,although sharp the claws are rather short extending no more than half a centimetre from the ends of the fingers.
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