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a guest
May 22nd, 2019
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  1. NoConsole: "&cThis command can be used only in-game."
  2. NoPerm: "&4This ain't it, Cheif. No access."
  3. ShowXp: "&4%player% &6has &c%xp% &6exp (level &c%level%&6) and needs &c%morexp% &6more exp to level up."
  4. PlayerNotOnline: "&cThat guy ain't here."
  5. XpSet: "&4%player%&6's xp has been set to &c%xp%"
  6. LevelsSet: "&4%player%&6's level has been set to &c%level%"
  7. XpAdded: "&6Level up!You've been given &c%xp% &6xp."
  8. LevelsAdded: "&6You've been given &c%level% &6levels of xp"
  9. Feed: "&6You ate food. Congrats."
  10. FedBy: "&4%player%&6 fed you.."
  11. YouFed: "&6You gave &4%player%&6 food."
  12. FlyEnabled: "&6Set fly mode &cenabled &6for &4%player%&6."
  13. FlyDisabled: "&6Set fly mode &cdisabled &6for &4%player%&6."
  14. GmSet: "&6Set game mode &c%gamemode% &6for &4%player%&6."
  15. GiveMe: "&6Giving &c%amount% &6of &c%item%&6."
  16. NumberNotValid: "&cThat ain't a valid number."
  17. ItemNotValid: "&4%item% &c ain't a valid item."
  18. GiveOthers: "&6Giving &c%amount% &6of &c%item%&6 to &4%player%&6."
  19. GodMeEnabled: "&6Blasphemy &cenabled&6."
  20. GodMeDisabled: "&6Blasphemy &cdisabled&6."
  21. GodOthersEnabled: "&6Blasphemy mode &cenabled &6for &4%player%&6."
  22. GodOthersDisabled: "&6Blasphemy mode &cdisabled &6for &4%player%&6."
  23. HatInHand: "&4You can't wear air. Trust me, I tried"
  24. EnjoyHat: "&6Your new hat looks ugly"
  25. RetrievedHat: "&6You retrieved your hat."
  26. YouHealed: "&6You have been healed."
  27. Healed: "&6Healed &4%player%&6."
  28. Repaired: "&6You're a step away from your run-of-the-mill carpenter."
  29. NoItemRepair: "&6You should probably see a doctor if you need your hand repaired"
  30. SkullGiven: "&6You have been given the skull of &c%player%&6. Gross"
  31. List: "&6There are &c%online% &6out of maximum &c%max% &6players online.\n&6Players&f: %players%"
  32. Me: "&5* &f%player% &5%message%"
  33. ClearInv: "&6Stole all the sh*t from &4%player%&6."
  34. TimeSetDayNight: "&6The time was set to &c%time% &6in &c%world%&6."
  35. TimeSetTicks: "&6The time was set to &c%time% &6in &c%world%&6."
  36. Broadcast: "&6[&cBroadcast&6] &a"
  37. Kill: "&6Killed &4%player%&6."
  38. Suicide1: "&6Cleanup on isle three!"
  39. Suicide2: "&6Player &4%player% &6offed themselves."
  40. DefaultKick: "You've been kicked. Don't act dumb."
  41. DefaultBan: "&cYou have been banned. Appeal on the Discord or contact ImNegan#4413 on there.\n&f"
  42. YouBanned: "&cYour @$$ is grass!.\n &6Reason:&r"
  43. NotBanned: "&6That player is not banned"
  44. Unbanned: "&6Player &4%player% &6unbanned &c%target%&6."
  45. BalancePlayer: "&aBalance: &c%money_sign%%money%"
  46. BalanceTarget: "&aBalance of &4%player%&a: &c%money_sign%%money%"
  47. EconomyGiveP: "&a%money_sign%%money% added to &4%player% &aaccount. New balance: %money_sign%%balance%"
  48. EconomyGiveT: "&a%money_sign%%money% has been added to your account."
  49. EconomySetP: "&aYou set &4%player%&a's balance to %money_sign%%balance%."
  50. EconomySetT: "&aYour balance was set to %money_sign%%balance%."
  51. EconomyTakeP: "&a%money_sign%%money% taken from &4%player% &aaccount. New balance: %money_sign%%balance%."
  52. EconomyTakeT: "&a%money_sign%%money% has been taken from your account."
  53. ConfigReload: "&6All the files have been reloaded."
  54. HomeSet: "&6Home set to current location."
  55. NoMoreHomes: "&cYou can't have more homes, you're not Saudi."
  56. Homes: "&6Your homes: &c"
  57. DeleteHome: "&6Home &c%home% &6was deleted."
  58. Teleport: "&6You have been teleported to &4%target%"
  59. Warps: "&6Warps available: &f"
  60. WTele: "&6You have been teleported to &4%warp%"
  61. WarpNotExist: "&6Warp machine broke"
  62. WarpExist: "&6That warp already exists"
  63. WarpCreated: "&4%warp% &6succesfully created."
  64. WarpDeleted: "&4%warp% &6succesfully deleted."
  65. Jails: "&6Jails available: &c%jails%"
  66. AlreadyJailed: "&4%player% &6is already jailed."
  67. NoJail: "&4%jail% &6does not exist"
  68. Jailed: "&6Well, you done f***ed up now!"
  69. Released: "&6You have been released from jail. Don't make the same mistake twice"
  70. Unjailed: "&4%player% &6unjailed."
  71. Setjail: "&6Jail &c%jail% &6has been set."
  72. DelJail: "&6Jail &c%jail% &6has been removed."
  73. JailLeft: "&6You have &c%time% &6left."
  74. Vanished: "&6Vanish for &4%player%&6: enabled"
  75. Unvanished: "&6Vanish for &4%player%&6: disabled"
  76. Muted: "&6You muted &c%player%&6."
  77. NoLongerMuted: "&6You are no longer muted. Don't make the same mistake twice"
  78. Gotmuted: "&6You have been muted. Nice."
  79. BeenMuted: "&6Your brail gag will go away in &c%time%"
  80. GaveMoney: "&6You gave &c%money_sign%%money% &6to &c%player%"
  81. ReceivedMoney: "&6You received &c%money_sign%%money% &6from &c%player%"
  82. NotEnoughMoney: "&6You're broke, pal."
  83. PayYourself: "&6Only bosses can pay themselves, good try though"
  84. SetNick: "&6Your new nickname is &r%nick%"
  85. SetSNick: "&6You set &c%player%&6's nickname to &r%nick%"
  86. RemovedNick: "&6Look, I dunno what you did in order to get your nickname removed of all things, but it happened."
  87. RealName: "&4%player%&6's real name is &f%name%"
  88. MessageSent: "&6[&cme &6-> &4%player%&6] &r%message%"
  89. MessageReceived: "&6[&4%player% &6-> &cme&6] &r%message%"
  90. NoReply: "&6You have nobody to reply to"
  91. IsAFK: "&7* &4%player% &7is now AFK."
  92. IsNotAFK: "&7* &4%player% &7is back."
  93. SetSpawn: "&6You've set the spawn to your location."
  94. TpSpawn: "&6You're at the spawn now."
  95. ClearedChat: "&6Chat has been cleared by &c%player%"
  96. CommandBlock: "&cThis ain't it, Chief"
  97. CreateKit: "&6Created kit with name: &c%name%"
  98. KitExists: "&cThat kit already exists!"
  99. KitNoExists: "&cThat kit doesn't exist!"
  100. KitGiven: "&6Kit &c%kit% &6given to &c%player%&6."
  101. Kits: "&6These are the kits available: &c%kits%"
  102. KitNoPerm: "&cNo dice."
  103. KitDeleted: "&6You deleted the kit &c%kit%&6."
  104. CommandsCooldown: "&6That command is in cooldown. Remaining: &c%remaining% seconds"
  105. TpaSent: "&6Tpa request sent."
  106. NoTpa: "&6You have no tpa request active."
  107. YouMoved: "&6Now why'd you move? We gotta do that timer all over again!"
  108. Teleporting: "&6Teleporting..."
  109. TpaDeny: "&6Tpa request cancelled."
  110. Tpa: "&c%player% &6 wants to be where you are.\n&6To teleport, type &c/tpaccept&6.\n&6To deny this request, type &c/tpdeny&6. or say 'hell no' in the chat"
  111. Speed: "&6Your &c%flywalk% &6speed was set to &c%speed%&6."
  112. SpeedSet: "&6Your &c%flywalk% &6speed was set to &c%speed% &6by &c%player%&6."
  113. Fly: "fly"
  114. Walk: "walk"
  115. Teleportcd: "&6Teleporting in &c%time% &6seconds."
  116. NoTp: "&cYou have not teleported yet to go back."
  117. WeatherSet: "&6Weather set to &c%weather%&6."
  118. Sun: "sun"
  119. Rain: "rain"
  120. Storm: "storm"
  121. BoughtSign: "&6You bought &c%amount% %item% &6for &c%price%&6."
  122. SoldSign: "&6You sold &c%amount% %item% &6for &c%price%&6."
  123. NotEnoughOrNotItemSign: "&cYou don't have %item% or not enough."
  124. NoMessage: "&6&6Acel player nu primeste mesaje acum."
  125. MessageReceive: "&6Acum o sa primesti mesaje private."
  126. MessageNoReceive: "&6Acum nu o sa mai primesti mesaje private."
  127. Reserved: "&c A reserved player has entered and you were randomly picked to take the piss. Sorry, pal"
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