
File 05: Floor 2's main area

Sep 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. [NOTE: These first three blocks are the same on all five floors. We should take care to be consistent with these]
  3. すか?
  4. はい
  5. いいえ
  6. Want to battle?
  7. Yes
  8. No
  10. [Talking to Kaiba's bodyguards/black suit dudes in front of the boss room]
  11. この ダ-クゲ-トの むこうに
  12. ダ-クマスタ-がいます
  13. The Dark Master is behind this Dark Gate.
  15. ようこそ!
  16. スタ-チップを とびらの あなに
  17. はめてください...
  18. Welcome!
  19. Please place your Star Chips into the slots on this door.
  21. ===================================================
  23. [Talking to Imori - creepy classmate of Yugi's who researches the occult and knows about the power of the Millennium Puzzle. In the manga, he wanted to win the Puzzle and become the "Guardian of Darkness". He's kind of an anti-social dick that was willing to kill people to get the dark power of the Puzzle.]
  24. [First time]
  25. こんにちは ゆうぎくん
  26. きみが このたいかいに さんか
  27. するってきいて やってきたんだ...
  28. フフ... スタ-チップは あつまって
  29. いるのかな?
  30. よかったら ボクと バトル
  31. しようよ
  32. Hello Yugi.
  33. I came here when I heard you were participating in this tournament.
  34. Heh heh... Are you collecting Star Chips?
  35. If you're up for it, let's battle! [TN: Literally "If you don't mind, let's battle", but that sounds weird to me]
  37. [After battling him once]
  38. .........あ
  39. ゆうぎくん ちょうしは どう?
  40. また ボクと バトルしたいってワケ?
  41. ....Ah. Yugi, how are you doing?
  42. Do you want to battle me again?
  44. [Whenever you beat him]
  45. く... まけた...!!
  46. Tch... I lost!
  48. [Whenever you lose to him]
  49. ハハハハ やったぞ-!
  50. ゆうぎを たおしたんだ-!!
  51. Hahahaha! Awesome!
  52. I beat Yugi!
  54. ===================================================
  56. [Talking to Kokurano - boastful fake psychic character from the manga]
  57. [First time]
  58. ゆうぎ...!!
  59. みせてやるぞ!
  60. ボクの ちょうのうりょくを~~!
  61. ちょうのうりょくしゃである ボクが
  62. ゲ-ムで まけることなど
  63. ありえないのだ~っ!!
  64. Yugi! I'll show you! My psychic ability~!
  65. With my psychic powers, I can't lose this game!
  67. [After battling him once]
  68. ふふふ ボクにはみえるぞ-
  69. キミが ムシのばけものに
  70. はいぼくする すがたが~~~~~~
  71. まけろ~
  72. まけろ~~
  73. Hehehe, I can see it~
  74. A vision of you, defeated by bug monsters... [TN: The boss of floor 2 uses insects, so he might be referencing that]
  75. Lose. Loooose~
  77. [NOTE: His win and loss text is identical to the win and loss text on floor 1]
  79. [Whenever you beat him]
  80. フ... フハハ...
  81. ...バカな... ボクは
  82. ちょうのうりょくしゃなんだぞ!
  83. Heh... Heh heh...
  84. Impossible... I have psychic powers!
  86. [Whenever you lose to him]
  87. ひ--っひひひ
  88. ちょうのうりょくが あるかぎり
  89. ボクは むてきなんだ-っ!!
  90. Hehehe!
  91. As long as I have psychic powers, I am invincible!
  93. ===================================================
  95. [NOTE: Sozoji is very hard for me to get more than a rough translation for. His Japanese dialogue is written out with a lot of extended endings, "like thissssss!", probably to accentuate his loudness. That, combined with his dialect, makes some of these a bit unclear. Did my best to get a good rough translation]
  97. [Talking to Sozoji - a brash, loud bully who loves singing despite being terrible at it. He forces people to attend his live karaoke shows]
  98. [First time]
  99. コラ まてや!!
  100. ゆうぎ!
  101. ワシの ライブに かおも ださねぇで
  102. こんなところで ゲ-ムとはなぁぁ!!
  103. しょうぶだ ゆうぎいいい!!
  104. ワシが かったら あさまで
  105. ライブに つきあってもらうぜぇぇぇ!
  106. Hey! Wait!
  107. [Something like "Yugi, instead of attending my live show, you're playing games in a place like this!"]
  108. Let's battle, Yugi!
  109. If I win, you have to attend my next live show!
  111. [After battling him once]
  112. クク...... そんなに
  113. ワシの うたが ききたいかぁぁ!?
  114. かくごせいやぁぁぁ!!
  115. Heh heh... You want to listen to my song that badly?
  116. Get ready!
  118. [Whenever you beat him]
  119. なにぃぃ!?
  120. みとめねえぞ ワシは!!
  121. ちくしょぉぉ~~!!
  122. What!?
  123. I don't accept this! [TN: Very unsure about this line being 100% accurate.]
  124. Dammit!
  126. [Whenever you lose to him]
  127. ゲハハハハ
  128. おまえには ライブの パ-けんを
  129. さばいてもらうぞ!
  130. Gwa ha ha ha!
  131. You'll have to prepare the tickets for my next live performance! [TN: In the manga, he bullied Yugi (and others historically) by forcing them to take a bunch of tickets to his karaoke shows, and to try to resell them to others. I think that's what this is referencing]
  133. ===================================================
  135. [These paragraphs are all different random NPC's you can battle. There's one more random NPC near the bottom of the file too]
  137. キミ キミ!
  138. オレと バトルしようぜ!!
  139. You, you! Battle with me!
  141. [TN: This NPC is a girl. All others in this block are boys]
  142. 『わざカプセル』を つかうと
  143. モンスタ-の『わざ』が
  144. つよくなるの あなた しってた?
  145. Did you know, if you use a Skill Capsule, your monster's skill becomes stronger?
  147. 『ちけいこうか』で パワ-アップ!!
  148. ...あ キミ いまのはなし きいてた?
  149. みんなには ないしょだよ!!
  150. Power up with Field Power!
  151. ...Eh, you heard me just now?
  152. Keep it a secret from everyone! [TN: Yes, this is literally the exact same line from the Zelda games]
  154. 『Pカプセル』を つかって
  155. パラメ-タ- アップだ!!
  156. さいきょうの MCを つくるぞ!
  157. Using P-Capsules increases your stats! [TN: Literally "Using P-Capsules 'parameter up's!"]
  158. I'm gonna make the best MC!
  160. かいばさまって かっこいいよね!
  161. ボクも あれくらい ゲ-ムが
  162. つよければなぁ...
  163. Kaiba's so cool!
  164. I wish I was that good at games...
  166. ===================================================
  168. [Hobson, the creepy butler, greets you after reaching F2 for the first time]
  169. ホホホ......
  170. モクバさまには しょうしょう
  171. にが おもすぎましたかな?
  172. しかし たおさねばならない
  173. ダ-クマスタ-は あと4にん...
  174. あなたが ここで ちからつきぬよう
  175. いのっておりますぞ
  176. ヒヒヒ......
  177. Heh heh...
  178. Was it a bit too much for Mokuba? [TN: Could be reworded, the concept is that being the Dark Master of 1F, or possibly the goal of beating Yugi, was too challenging for Mokuba to handle]
  179. But you still need to beat 4 more Dark Masters...
  180. I pray your strength doesn't run out...
  181. Heh heh...
  183. ===================================================
  185. [Talking to Mako Tsunami ("Kajiki" in Japanese) - a bold, confident, and strategic duelist who uses water types. Unlike other NPC's, he challenges you to an unavoidable duel whenever you walk next to him, not just when you talk to him]
  186. ゆうぎ! デュエルじゃ!
  187. おまえを しとめてやる!!
  188. Yugi! Let's duel! I'll take you down!
  190. [Yugi responds]
  191. あ...
  192. カジキくん...!?
  193. Ah... Mako?
  195. [Mako responds]
  196. ザコには
  197. あきあきしていたところじゃ-!
  198. おまえは にがさね-!
  199. I'm tired of small fry!
  200. I won't fail to catch you! [TN: Could be "won't miss/release". It's fish puns in Japanese.]
  202. [Yugi responds]
  203. ...わかった
  204. うけてたつよ!
  205. ...I understand. I accept your challenge!
  207. ===================================================
  209. [Mako Tsunami, whenever you beat him]
  210. くあ-っ!!
  211. オレの まけじゃあ-!!
  212. ......へ
  213. おめ- スゲ- つええな~!!
  214. やっぱ おおものじゃあ-!
  215. Gah! It's my loss!
  216. ...Heh.
  217. You're amazing! You're a big one! [TN: The Japanese word used is like, a big fish worthy of being caught. Should try to find a way to keep that connotation, of Mako praising Yugi with fish puns]
  219. [Mako Tsunami, whenever you lose to him]
  220. ワハハハ-!
  221. たいりょう たいりょう~!!
  222. ゆうぎを しとめたぜよ----!!
  223. うみでは オレは むてきじゃ-!!
  224. Wahahaha!
  225. A big haul, a big haul! [TN: I used 'haul' here, the Japanese word specifically means catching a lot of fish. Not sure if English has a real word for that]
  226. I took Yugi down!
  227. I'm invincible on the sea!
  229. ===================================================
  231. [NOTE: The intro/outro to the MC Help Counter lady's dialogue is the same on all floors. We should be consistent with how we translate that]
  233. [MC Help Counter lady]
  234. こちらは
  235. 『MCそうだんカウンタ-』
  236. です
  237. MCについて
  238. わからないことが あったら
  239. なんでも きいてね!
  240. This is the MC Advice Counter.
  241. If there's anything you don't understand about MC, ask me! [TN: Same dialogue as on F1]
  243. なにか ききたいこと ある?
  244. ききたい
  245. やめる
  246. 『このフロアについて』
  247. 『ワンポイントアドバイス』
  248. つぎのしつもん
  249. 『フィ-ルドこうかってなに?』
  250. 『しえんこうかってなに?』
  251. つぎのしつもん
  252. 『ぞくせいってなに?』
  253. 『けいけんちについて』
  254. つぎのしつもん
  255. 『しんかカプセルってなに?』
  256. 『わざカプセルってなに?』
  257. つぎのしつもん
  258. 『クリティカルってなに?』
  259. 『ファンブルってなに?』
  260. やめる
  261. Is there anything you want to ask about?
  262. Ask
  263. Stop
  264. "About this floor"
  265. "Pro tip" [TN: Literally "one-point advice". Could also just mean hint/tip/advice, translate this however it makes the most sense]
  266. Next questions
  267. "What's Field Power?"
  268. "What's Support Power?" [TN: Bonus ATK + accuracy for flanking, basically. If an enemy is in the attack range of 2+ of your MC, you get a bonus when attacking that enemy]
  269. Next questions
  270. "What are attributes?"
  271. "About experience"
  272. Next questions
  273. "What are Evolution Capsules?"
  274. "What are Skill Capsules?"
  275. Next questions
  276. "What are critical hits?"
  277. "What are fumbles?"
  278. Stop
  280. わからないことが あったら
  281. いつでも きいてね!
  282. If there's anything you don't understand, ask me anytime!
  284. [TN: This is a reference to the fact that you get an ATK + ACC bonus if your monster is attacking from a tile that matches the monster's attribute. On this floor, and in the Monster World RPG of this floor especially, most of the tiles in battle will be Forest tiles, powering up Forest-attribute monsters]
  285. このフロアの モンスタ-ワ-ルドは
  286. 『もり』フィ-ルドが メインです
  287. 『もり』ぞくせいの MCを
  288. もっていくと ゆうりに せんとうが
  289. できるでしょう
  290. せんとうには なれましたか?
  291. たいかいは はじまったばかりです
  292. がんばって くださいね!
  293. The main Monster World of this floor is a Forest field.
  294. Forest-attribute MC are more favourable in battle. [TN: Might be something more like "If you bring Forest-attribute MC to battle, you're in a better position", or the like]
  295. Are you getting used to battle? The tournament's just getting starting!
  296. Good luck! [TN: "Do your best please" literally]
  298. MCは たおされると
  299. なくなってしまいます
  300. また ワ-ルドでは
  301. いちど とおると もどれない
  302. ばしょも あります
  303. とりかえしの つかないことに
  304. なるまえに こまめに セ-ブするよう
  305. こころがけましょう
  306. MC defeated in battle are gone. [TN: Teaching about perma-death]
  307. Also, there are places in Monster World that you can't return to after leaving. [TN: There are some places you can't revisit - for example, the Monster World map on this floor has a forest that, once you enter, you can't exit. So any items in the previous areas that you didn't pick up are inaccessible]
  308. You should save frequently, before things become irreversible.
  310. [TN: Teaching about the concept that monsters get an ATK + ACC bonus while they stand on a tile that matches their attribute]
  311. バトルで そのMCが
  312. とくいなフィ-ルドに たつと
  313. こうげきが パワ-アップします
  314. たとえば そうげんの ぞくせいをもつ
  315. MCが そうげんフィ-ルドで
  316. こうげきを すると
  317. フィ-ルドパワ-を えて
  318. めいちゅうりつと こうげきりょくが
  319. いちじてきに アップします
  320. これを『フィ-ルドこうか』
  321. と いいます
  322. In battle, if your MC is in a certain field, their attack powers up.
  323. For example, if a grasslands-attribute MC is in a grasslands field when they attack, their accuracy and strength goes up.
  324. This is "Field Power".
  326. [TN: Flanking - if Monster X is in a position where right now it could be hit by either Enemy Monster A or by Enemy Monster B, then the enemy gets an ATK + ACC bonus for threatening you with two monsters at once]
  327. バトルで じぶんの こうげきはんいと
  328. みかたの こうげきはんいが
  329. かさなっている ばあい
  330. いちじてきに めいちゅうりつと
  331. こうげきりょくを アップさせて
  332. こうげき することが できます
  333. これを なかまの『しえんこうか』
  334. と いいます
  335. In battle, when your attack range and an ally's attack range overlap, your accuracy and strength goes up when attacking. [TN: This is a kinda literal translation, but doesn't really explain it well, I don't think. This could be reworded for clarity]
  336. This is "Support Power".
  338. MCは それぞれ ことなった
  339. 『ぞくせい』を もっています
  340. MCどうしの ぞくせいの
  341. あいしょうによって
  342. あたえる ダメ-ジに さがつきます
  343. たとえば 『もり』ぞくせいは
  344. 『そうげん』ぞくせいに たいして
  345. つよいので バトルでは
  346. 『もり』ぞくせいの MCは
  347. 『そうげん』ぞくせいの MCに
  348. おおく ダメ-ジを あたえられます
  349. Each MC has a different attribute.
  350. Each MC has an attribute they do extra damage to. [TN: Each attribute is strong against 1 or more other attributes]
  351. For example, forest-attribute MC are strong in battle against grasslands-attribute MC.
  352. Forest-attribute MC do extra damage to grasslands-attribute MC.
  353. [TN: The above dialogue box is very repetitious, saying the same thing twice basically. We can pare that down as needed]
  355. せんとうで かくとくする
  356. けいけんちは じぶんのレベルが
  357. たかいほど すくなくなります
  358. 1ばん レベルのたかい MCが
  359. きじゅんに なっているので レベルの
  360. ひくいMCを そだてたいときは
  361. そだてたい MCだけを せんとうに
  362. さんかさせると よいでしょう
  363. After you win in battle, your experience level goes up.
  364. [TN: Can't translate this next line perfectly, but the rough idea of it is "Because the experience you gain is based on the highest level MC you send into battle, make sure to only send the low level MC you want to train".]
  365. [Basically, when grinding, if you just use a bunch of level 1 MC, you would get a lot of XP. If you use a bunch of level 1 MC and one level 6 MC, you get the same XP as if you just sent a bunch of level 6 MC.]
  367. [TN: For example, if you use an Evolution Capsule on a L7+ Beeton, it becomes a L1 Hyper Beeton. If you use it on a L30+ Gaia the Fierce Knight, it becomes a L1 Gaia the Dragon Champion. If you use it on a Dark Magician, nothing happens, because Dark Magician is not a monster that can evolve]
  368. 『しんかカプセル』は ときどき
  369. カプセルマシンから でてきたり
  370. モンスタ-ワ-ルドで てにいれます
  371. しんかカプセルを とくていの
  372. MCに つかうと
  373. つよいMCに しんかします
  374. ただし しんかさせるには
  375. いっていの レベルに ならないと
  376. できないので ちゅういがひつようです
  377. どのMCが しんかできるかは
  378. さがしてみてください
  379. Evolution Capsules sometimes come out of Capsule Machines, and can be found in Monster World.
  380. If you use an Evolution Capsule on certain MC, they will evolve into a stronger MC.
  381. However, to evolve, they must first reach a certain level.
  382. Try to find which MC can evolve.
  384. [TN: Skill Capsules change a monster's attack, usually leveling it up into something more powerful. Note that a new skill might reduce range in one direction while increasing range in other directions - for example, see the diagrams I added to the bottom of this file that show the range of Catapult Turtle's base attack "Water Shot", their attack after they use one Skill Capsule "Bomb Crusher", and their attack "Castle Crusher" after they use two Skill Capsules]
  385. [Also note, some MC replace their attack with support magic after they use a Skill Capsule. For example, Thousand Dragon's basic attack hits a few tiles in a diagonal direction forward. After using one Skill Capsule, his attack now hits all enemies in a straight line in front of him. After using two Skill Capsules, he now can no longer attack, but instead gets the ability to heal all adjacent allies]
  386. 『わざカプセル』は ときどき
  387. カプセルマシンから でてきたり
  388. モンスタ-ワ-ルドで てにいれます
  389. わざカプセルを MCに つかうと
  390. わざが レベルアップして
  391. こうげきはんいと こうげきりょくが
  392. つよく なります
  393. ただし モンスタ-によっては
  394. ちがうタイプの わざに
  395. へんかする ばあいもあります
  396. Skill Capsules sometimes come out of Capsule Machines, and can be found in Monster World.
  397. If you use a Skill Capsule on an MC, their skill will level up.
  398. Their attack range and strength increases.
  399. However, some monsters might change their skill completely. [TN: Some monsters don't get more powerful attacks, their attacks become support magic instead. They can heal adjacent allies, debuff an enemy's ATK for the battle, cause an enemy to damage themselves, or prevent an enemy from moving/acting for a couple of turns]
  401. [TN: Roll 1-9 on attacks to deal double damage. Roll 0 to deal triple damage.]
  402. バトルで ダイスロ-ルをすると
  403. ときどき『クリティカル』
  404. と でるばあいが あります
  405. クリティカルは ダイスロ-ルの めが
  406. 9~0 のばあいに でるものです
  407. ダイスのめ としては
  408. よい すうちなので こうげきが
  409. パワ-アップします
  410. Sometimes when rolling dice in battle, you get a critical hit.
  411. A critical hit is when the dice roll 9-0. [TN: That's literal, but I think 0-9 reads more naturally in English than 9-0]
  412. Because the dice rolled such a good number, your attack strength goes up.
  414. [TN: Roll 95-99 on attacks are auto-misses regardless of accuracy, and you damage yourself with your attack]
  415. バトルで ダイスロ-ルをすると
  416. ときどき 『ファンブル』
  417. と でるばあいが あります
  418. ファンブルは ダイスロ-ルの めが
  419. 95~99 のばあいに でるものです
  420. ダイスのめ としては
  421. わるい すうちなので こうげきが
  422. しっぱいします
  423. Sometimes when rolling dice in battle, you get a fumble.
  424. A fumble is when the dice roll 95-99.
  425. Because the dice rolled such a bad number, you suffer a blunder.
  427. ===================================================
  429. [One more NPC boy you can battle. Dunno why his dialogue is separated]
  430. モンスタ-ワ-ルドに はいってからは
  431. MCの ほじゅうは できないから
  432. いまのうちに あつめておこうっと!
  433. Since you can't replenish your MC after entering Monster World, you should stock up now!
  435. ===================================================
  437. [Dummy text]
  438. ダミ-
  440. ===================================================
  442. [Note: All of the below are the same as all of the other floors. We should be consistent.]
  444. カプセルマシンだ!
  445. スタ-チップを 1まい いれますか?
  446. はい
  447. いいえ
  448. It's a Capsule Machine!
  449. Insert a Star Chip?
  450. Yes
  451. No
  453. [Use Capsule Machine with max capsules]
  454. これいじょう MCを もてない!
  455. いらない MCを
  456. せいりしてから こよう!
  457. I can't hold any more MC than this!
  458. Trash unwanted MC, then come back!
  460. [Use Capsule Machine]
  461. {var}の
  462. カプセルを てにいれた!!
  463. Got a X Capsule!
  465. [Use Capsule Machine with only 1 Star Chip]
  466. ...スタ-チップが 1まいしかない
  467. この1まいを つかうと
  468. バトルが できなくなる!!
  469. ...You only have 1 Star Chip.
  470. If you use this 1, you won't be able to battle!
  472. エレベ-タ-がある
  473. なんかいに いきますか?
  474. 1F 2F
  475. なんかいに いきますか?
  476. 1F 2F 3F
  477. なんかいに いきますか?
  478. 1F 2F 3F
  479. 4F
  480. なんかいに いきますか?
  481. 1F 2F 3F
  482. 4F 5F
  483. Where would you like to go?
  485. もうすこし このフロアに いよう...
  486. Let's stay on this floor for a little longer...
  488. [Examine the Dark Gate to the boss room]
  489. このおくに ダ-クマスタ-がいる...
  490. とびらの セキュリティロックは
  491. みぎのはしらにある...
  492. There's a Dark Master inside here.
  493. The door's security lock is on the right side...
  495. ダ-クマスタ-ル-ムへの
  496. とびらがある...
  497. This is the door to the Dark Master's room...
  499. ダ-クマスタ-ル-ムへ いきますか?
  500. はい
  501. いいえ
  502. Enter the Dark Master's room?
  503. Yes
  504. No
  506. スタ-チップを はめこみますか?
  507. はい
  508. いいえ
  509. Insert a Star Chip?
  510. Yes
  511. No
  513. スタ-チップを はめこんだ!
  514. とびらをひらくには スタ-チップが
  515. あと {var}まい ひつようだ...
  516. Inserted a Star Chip!
  517. You need X more Star Chips to open the door...
  519. ===================================================
  521. [NOTE: Again, lots of these are identical to the other floors (Juice vending machine, bench, plant). Aim for consistency]
  523. [Examine vending machine]
  524. ジュ-スの はんばいきがある
  525. It's a juice vending machine.
  527. おかねをいれて ジュ-スをかった!
  528. ...ゴク ......ゴク
  529. フゥ... おいしかった!
  530. You buy some juice with your money.
  531. *Glug glug*...
  532. Ahhh... Delicious!
  534. [Examine the vending machine twice in a row]
  535. ジュ-スは さっき のんだばかりだ!
  536. I just drank juice! [TN: As in, "I don't need any more, I just had some!"]
  538. [Examine bench, plant, games...]
  539. きれいな ベンチがある
  540. It's a nice bench.
  542. かんようしょくぶつだ!
  543. It's a houseplant!
  545. ===================================================
  547. いま ハヤリの
  548. かくとうゲ-ムだ!
  549. It's a popular fighting game!
  551. パズルゲ-ムだ!
  552. It's a puzzle game!
  554. シュ-ティングゲ-ムだ!
  555. おおきな がめんだと
  556. はくりょくが ちがう!!
  557. It's a shooting game!
  558. The big screen makes it feel different!
  560. [TN: For this line and the below ones, this floor has rows of like 5-6 arcade machines in a row. Each row is different, but each machine in a row has the same dialogue. So that's what it means by "This area is just X": All machines in that row are X genre]
  561. このへんは かくとうゲ-ム
  562. ばかりだ!!
  563. This area's just fighting games!
  565. このへんは パズルゲ-ム
  566. ばかりだ!!
  567. This area's just puzzle games!
  569. このへんは スポ-ツゲ-ム
  570. ばかりだ!!
  571. This area's just sports games!
  573. このへんは シュ-ティングゲ-ム
  574. ばかりだ!!
  575. This area's just shooting games!
  577. かわいらしい せんとうきが
  578. がめんを とびまわっている
  579. A cute fighter jet is flying across the screen
  581. このへんは マ-ジャンゲ-ム
  582. ばかりだ!!
  583. This area's just mahjong games!
  585. ===================================================
  588. Note that, while the attack is more powerful with each skill capsule used, and the forward range grows, the total number of tiles hit and the backwards range weakens between steps 1-2.
  591. x
  592. x x xxx xxx
  593. x xxx
  594. o o o
  595. x x x
  596. xxx
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