

Jun 12th, 2018
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  1. command /se [<text="help">] [<text>]:
  2. aliases: /signedit, /edit
  3. permission: SignEdit.admin
  4. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to perform this command.
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg-1 is "copy":
  7. if target block is sign:
  8. delete {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  9. add line 1 of target block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  10. add line 2 of target block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  11. add line 3 of target block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  12. add line 4 of target block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  13. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign copied."
  14. else:
  15. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &cYou are not facing a sign!"
  16. else if arg-1 is "paste":
  17. if target block is sign:
  18. loop 4 times:
  19. set line loop-number of target block to colored {SELineStorage.%event-player%::%loop-number%}
  20. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign pasted."
  21. else:
  22. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &cYou are not facing a sign!"
  23. else if arg-1 is "reset":
  24. delete {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  25. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eClipboard cleared."
  26. else if arg-1 is "clear":
  27. loop 4 times:
  28. set line loop-number of target block to ""
  29. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign cleared."
  30. else if arg-1 is "clipboard":
  31. #set {_SEDataBase.%event-player%} to "%size of {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}%" parsed as integer
  32. #message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eYour clipboard:"
  33. #loop {_SEDataBase.%event-player%} times:
  34. # message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eLine %loop-number%: %{SELineStorage.%event-player%::%loop-number%}%"
  35. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eYour clipboard:"
  36. loop 4 times:
  37. if {SELineStorage.%event-player%::%loop-number%} is set:
  38. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &e%{SELineStorage.%event-player%::%loop-number%}%"
  39. else:
  40. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1]"
  41. else if arg-1 is "op":
  42. op the player
  43. else if arg-1 parsed as integer is set:
  44. if arg-1 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
  45. if target block is sign:
  46. set {_SETemp} to arg-1 parsed as integer
  47. if arg-2 is set:
  48. set line {_SETemp} of target block to colored arg-2
  49. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eLine set."
  50. else:
  51. set line {_SETemp} of target block to ""
  52. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eLine cleared!"
  53. else:
  54. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &cYou are not facing a sign!"
  55. else:
  56. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &cSign only have 4 lines!"
  57. else:
  58. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign Edit by i998979"
  59. message "&cCommands:"
  60. message "&e/signedit <line> <text>: &bSet specific line to specific text"
  61. message "&e/signedit copy: &bCopy the sign that you are facing"
  62. message "&e/signedit paste: &bPaste the sign that you are facing"
  63. message "&e/signedit reset: &bReset the text that you copied"
  64. message "&e/signedit clear: &bClear the text on the sign that you are facing"
  65. message "&e/signedit clipboard: &bShow your clipboard message"
  66. message "&e/signedit help: &bShow this help page"
  67. on quit:
  68. delete {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  69. on right click:
  70. if player's tool is ink sack:
  71. if clicked block is sign:
  72. cancel event
  73. delete {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  74. add line 1 of clicked block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  75. add line 2 of clicked block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  76. add line 3 of clicked block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  77. add line 4 of clicked block to {SELineStorage.%event-player%::*}
  78. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign copied."
  79. on left click:
  80. if player's tool is ink sack:
  81. if clicked block is sign:
  82. cancel event
  83. loop 4 times:
  84. set line loop-number of clicked block to colored {SELineStorage.%event-player%::%loop-number%}
  85. message "&1[&eSignEdit&1] &eSign pasted."
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