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Feb 4th, 2019
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  1. 02:41:18.940 [Core] Session started.
  2. 02:41:18.941 [Core] Memory::Init
  3. 02:41:18.942 [Core] DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe 00400000
  4. 02:41:18.973 [Core] InitConfig
  5. 02:41:18.974 [Core] LoadConfig
  6. 02:41:18.974 [Core] System::Assets::Init
  7. 02:41:18.975 [Core] System::Input::Init
  8. 02:41:18.975 [Core] MAIN_GAMEPAD * 642E0BC8
  9. 02:41:18.976 [Core] MAIN_GAMEPAD * 642E0DC8
  10. 02:41:18.976 [Core] MAIN_GAMEPAD * 642E0FC8
  11. 02:41:18.977 [Core] MAIN_GAMEPAD * 642E11C8
  12. 02:41:18.977 [Core] System::Input::ToggleEnableBackgroundInput
  13. 02:41:18.977 [Core] System::Memory::Init
  14. 02:41:18.978 [Core] System::Window::Init
  15. 02:41:18.978 [Core] Game_Actor_Init
  16. 02:41:18.979 [Core] Game::Actor::BuildFunctions
  17. 02:41:18.979 [Core] Hooks::Install
  18. 02:41:18.979 [Core] GetImport
  19. 02:41:18.980 [Core] user32.dll RegisterClassExW 00F732F0
  20. 02:41:18.980 [Core] GetImport
  21. 02:41:18.981 [Core] user32.dll CreateWindowExW 00F73328
  22. 02:41:18.981 [Core] GetImport
  23. 02:41:18.981 [Core] d3d10.dll D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain 00F733CC
  24. 02:41:18.982 [Core] DirectInput8::Init
  25. 02:41:19.160 [Core] Windows::Hook::RegisterClassExW 19D7E4
  26. 02:41:19.161 [Core] Windows::Hook::CreateWindowExW 0 19CA08 19CA04 CA0000 0 0 1926 1109 0 0 400000 0
  27. 02:41:19.163 [Core] System::Window::UpdateWindowSize 1926 1109
  28. 02:41:19.176 [Core] D3D10::Hook::CreateDeviceAndSwapChain 0 0 0 0 29 2AC1FD68 1E1644C8 1E1644C0
  29. 02:41:19.262 [Core] System::Window::UpdateWindowSize 1920 1071
  30. 02:41:19.270 [Core] D3D10::Hook::Present 744E520 0 1
  31. 02:41:20.711 [Core] D3D10::Hook::ResizeBuffers 744E520 1 1920 1080 28 2
  32. 02:41:20.711 [Core] D3D10::RemoveRenderTarget
  33. 02:41:20.712 [Core] D3D10::CreateRenderTarget
  34. 02:41:20.712 [Core] System::Window::UpdateWindowSize 1920 1080
  35. 02:41:54.846 [Core] System::Assets::LoadAssets
  36. 02:42:09.305 [Core] Game::Actor::SpawnFirstActor
  37. 02:42:09.306 [Core] Game::Actor::SpawnActorsThread
  38. 02:42:09.536 [Core] Game::Actor::SetProtagonist
  39. 02:42:09.665 [Core] Game::Actor::SetProtagonist
  40. 02:42:12.346 [Core] Game::Actor::SpawnActors
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