
Player Profile #7 Juushichi

Feb 2nd, 2016
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  1. Player Name: SUGOI | Juushichi
  2. Character(s): Sheik
  3. First Tournament: [Unknown, started in 1.0]
  4. Description: Juushichi is the most seasoned Project M player in the area as a result of his early introduction into Project M. A former PMDev member, he is known for his patient, deliberate style of play, general game knowledge and ability to play almost every member of the cast at an acceptable level.
  5. Notable Results or Average Placings: Juushichi's placements are generally consistent around Top 8 locally with some fluctuation between them and Top-16 finishes. At large, multi-region tournaments, he has yet to crack Top-32 with 33rd place finishes at Shots Fired 1 and UFGT X. Notable wins are Fizzle, Carls and Yata!.
  6. Current Conflicts: The current conflict that this player faces is elevating his level of play. Equally known for technical miscues at inopportune times as he is for his patient play, Juushichi struggles to close out sets against the stronger competition that he faces.
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