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- window.onload = function () {
- Particles.init({
- selector: ".background"
- });
- };
- const particles = Particles.init({
- selector: ".background",
- color: ["#03dac6", "#ff0266", "#000000"],
- connectParticles: true,
- responsive: [
- {
- breakpoint: 768,
- options: {
- color: ["#faebd7", "#03dac6", "#ff0266"],
- maxParticles: 43,
- connectParticles: false
- }
- }
- ]
- });
- class NavigationPage {
- constructor() {
- this.currentId = null;
- this.currentTab = null;
- this.tabContainerHeight = 70;
- this.lastScroll = 0;
- let self = this;
- $(".nav-tab").click(function () {
- self.onTabClick(event, $(this));
- });
- $(window).scroll(() => {
- this.onScroll();
- });
- $(window).resize(() => {
- this.onResize();
- });
- }
- onTabClick(event, element) {
- event.preventDefault();
- let scrollTop =
- $(element.attr("href")).offset().top - this.tabContainerHeight + 1;
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop }, 600);
- }
- onScroll() {
- this.checkHeaderPosition();
- this.findCurrentTabSelector();
- this.lastScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
- }
- onResize() {
- if (this.currentId) {
- this.setSliderCss();
- }
- }
- checkHeaderPosition() {
- const headerHeight = 75;
- if ($(window).scrollTop() > headerHeight) {
- $(".nav-container").addClass("nav-container--scrolled");
- } else {
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--scrolled");
- }
- let offset =
- $(".nav").offset().top +
- $(".nav").height() -
- this.tabContainerHeight -
- headerHeight;
- if (
- $(window).scrollTop() > this.lastScroll &&
- $(window).scrollTop() > offset
- ) {
- $(".nav-container").addClass("nav-container--move-up");
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--top-first");
- $(".nav-container").addClass("nav-container--top-second");
- } else if (
- $(window).scrollTop() < this.lastScroll &&
- $(window).scrollTop() > offset
- ) {
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--move-up");
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--top-second");
- $(".nav-container-container").addClass("nav-container--top-first");
- } else {
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--move-up");
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--top-first");
- $(".nav-container").removeClass("nav-container--top-second");
- }
- }
- findCurrentTabSelector(element) {
- let newCurrentId;
- let newCurrentTab;
- let self = this;
- $(".nav-tab").each(function () {
- let id = $(this).attr("href");
- let offsetTop = $(id).offset().top - self.tabContainerHeight;
- let offsetBottom =
- $(id).offset().top + $(id).height() - self.tabContainerHeight;
- if (
- $(window).scrollTop() > offsetTop &&
- $(window).scrollTop() < offsetBottom
- ) {
- newCurrentId = id;
- newCurrentTab = $(this);
- }
- });
- if (this.currentId != newCurrentId || this.currentId === null) {
- this.currentId = newCurrentId;
- this.currentTab = newCurrentTab;
- this.setSliderCss();
- }
- }
- setSliderCss() {
- let width = 0;
- let left = 0;
- if (this.currentTab) {
- width = this.currentTab.css("width");
- left = this.currentTab.offset().left;
- }
- $(".nav-tab-slider").css("width", width);
- $(".nav-tab-slider").css("left", left);
- }
- }
- new NavigationPage();
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