

Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. Nioki: He faces the standing moose, and the black threads, all at once, vanish.
  2. CROM: Nioki: Luxomancy. +3 from maneuver. Tagging mind over matter for +2. AP spent for special attack. A pale, flickering indigo light appears around the moose, and patches of its fur turn the empty black of Alanoch's threads. He fills it with light.: 7 (4df+10=-, 0, -, -)
  3. Nioki: 4df+10 Luxomancy. +3 from maneuver. Tagging mind over matter for +2. AP spent for special attack. A pale, flickering indigo light appears around the moose, and patches of its fur turn the empty black of Alanoch's threads. He fills it with light.
  4. Tag for a reroll.
  5. Last AP.
  6. CROM: Nioki: Don't joke with me, Crom.: 6 (4df+10=-, -, -, -)
  7. Nioki: 4df+10 Don't joke with me, Crom.
  8. ...
  9. @Dexanote: Snippeted.
  10. Spending one of my AP to reroll yours
  11. TroyL: Quit that.
  12. @Dexanote: go again.
  13. no?
  14. ok
  15. TroyL: The moose seems to flare brightly with light for a moment, and it appears as if it's going to brust into flame for a moment. The creature's fur glows, appearing to shimmer and sparkle, falling to the ear as it cries out in pain and anger. After a moment, it shrinks back into a smaller moose, more agile and calm, kinder. Gentler. No longer infected with the mind controlling lycanthropy,
  16. it's free! Delightfully, happily free! It runs over and noses Alanoch, kissing his forehead, and the trots off away from the woods, making out on the other side of the road, running at top, happy moose speed! :D
  17. Nioki: Alanoch just stands there.
  18. He has the blankest look on his face.
  19. @Dexanote: "..." Myr looks out of the battle-turret at the moose. "... Wat."
  20. TroyL: He always had the blankest look on his face.
  21. @Dexanote: <<Wat.>>
  22. Tom90deg: Zoe is watching from the shadows, with just the what face.
  23. TroyL: The other moose has made it to the edge of the woods and is retreating.
  24. Nioki: "I..."
  25. "What just..."
  26. TroyL: And it's gotten away.
  27. @Dexanote: <<... Alanoch what the fuck did you do?>>
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