
The Show Must Go On

Oct 1st, 2019
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  2. Also (love saying that) here is some motivational prose I wrote. Hopefully to ease the tension and mood, but it might be a bit tasteless or pompous-sounding to those who are demoralized, or otherwise just jaded. But I already wrote it and I'm not deleting it:
  3. -------------------------------------------------------
  5. The FBI is currently monitoring all white nationalists; including mere sympathizers, people who just plain-old don't see them as monsters, and those who do not carelessly equate them with violent supremacists.
  7. Since I totally understand why nationalists (white, civic, or otherwise) are absolutely livid and why they would like SOMEWHERE to go and live autonomously, but can't, I am undoubtedly on that list, as well as the domestic terrorist list of Q supporters, and whatever lists there are for researchers of all things paranormal and conspiracy.
  9. This is already life or death for me. If our side loses, I may never be able earn a living or travel for the rest of my life. If we lose, and they establish the social credit system, and the myriad of increasingly fluid hatespeech laws, then I may very well end up in prison, or dead. Elderly Canadian women from Canada can go to prison in Germany just for denying or questioning the Holocaust at home.
  11. Beware, but don't be a coward. If there is a hill worth dying on, it's this. Is keeping one's head down and accepting the world they are imposing, a world worth living in at all?
  13. Did you know the globally recognized definition of genocide includes "cultural genocide"?
  15. It's the same people, THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE, ruining all of our countries. They ruined South America and the Middle East/Africa, and then George Soros and various rabbis went around promising lavish welfare offered to refugees by the western countries, to those affected by their very schemes.
  17. So, they ruined the refugee's countries in a domino-strategy to ruin all the countries, including ours. And by importing these people, and playing on our fears and sympathies alike, they have successfully conquered us through division. Though, we were all quite obviously born into an occupied government from the beginning.
  19. And, surely, you don't think they had NOTHING to do with the slave trade? Or Nazism? Or cronyist capitalism or socialism or communism alike? They had everything to do with each of those. They even tailored the hippie counter culture movement, and all of the cultural movements since. Their ethics did not change; rather, their tactics changed as the phases of their multi-century strategies deemed them necessary.
  21. And this occupying force is only able to act at full mobility and potency when we are distracted; whether against each other, or asleep. And it is BECAUSE our division is so justified, that they can keep getting away with it; year after year, decade after decade, nation after nation, empire after empire. Like chameleons or phantoms, they strike others from behind and over our shoulder, so that when the others look, they see only us.
  23. White supremacy has always been an invention and tool of Zionism. Look into Termudi. The Nazi occult Thule Society was based on Kabbalist occultism, and party members were silenced by Goebbels for inquiring about this fact. It was Wall Street and the bankers who funded Hitler. Fritz Springmeier's declassified book on their Bloodlines speculated that Hitler was a Rothschild scion; or plant/seed. One can see the cult's methods to this day, with Angela Merkel having Hitler's same face and same neurodegenerative disease, violent shakes and all.
  25. The Zionists, who are ultimately one more faction of Satanists, projected THEIR OWN belief of THEIR racial supremacy, onto the German and European peoples. Projecting one's guilt onto one's opponent is one of the defining tactics of the Democrat playbook; Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. One's foe is left too distracted defending themselves to be able to take the offensive. And since very real harm is done, and the perpetrators are shapeshifters and chameleons, it becomes nearly impossible to discern the true culprit, and yet a culprit must be named regardless.
  27. But, it's easy, if you are aware of shapeshifting chameleons. Literal vampires; flesh and blood monsters. Those who say they are Jews, but are not --- those who say they are humans, but are not.
  29. Nobody wants to hate Jews. We want to protect ourselves and hold our saboteurs accountable. If we started blaming all Jews, instead of individuals, and organizations, directly and provably responsible, then we will have fallen into the Satanist's hands one more damned time.
  31. On the other hand, Jewish people play an integral role to all of this; perhaps tempted by nepotism, but integral all the same. They control our medias, governments, schools, financial systems, and most industries, and they systematically corrode every nation on Earth until they are inevitably exiled --- and yet, because they are only a shield and scapegoat for the true beast, the world never truly changes, even when they are exiled, or even, regrettably, purged outright.
  33. Make no mistake; the Cabal acts through Catholics via the Vatican and some Protestants, Muslims via Saudi Arabia and Isis, and atheists via academia and Marxists, but none of those groups hold quite the grasp, nor have quite the privilege, that Jews do.
  35. I implore those of Jewish faith to turn the other cheek if they truly feel victimized by anti-semitism. Explain the true nature of things and make your stance against the Cabal known, and be willing to sacrifice the worldly gains you would otherwise be granted by nepotism if you were to appease the beast.
  37. Many Jews have done exactly that and I welcome them among our ranks all the same. Rather, many Jews have done so before me, so I suppose it is them welcoming me as much as the reverse. Such as Bobby Fischer.
  39. We are at a point where we are out of excuses to forgive these organizations. Separate yourselves from them, and denounce the deflections and projections of their own guilty consciences.
  41. Whites, blacks, and asians, and religious groups, have to do the same. The Satanists do not operate solely through the Jewish people. They will use the vices and virtues of ALL peoples against themselves.
  43. They give us the rope, and they give us the encouragement, but it is US who ties the knot, fastens the noose, and takes the plunge. They load the gun, they put it in our hands, dock it in our mouths, but it is us who pulls the trigger.
  45. Of course, no one elects to kill themselves. They create the life that is worse than death.
  47. They play on our basest of instincts. They stack insurmountable odds against us from birth. And yet, they can consider themselves guiltless, because it is our God-given free-will that ultimately destroys us.
  49. Perhaps the Jewish people are historically the most vulnerable to this (read the Bible, Moses and Jesus were pissed at their people and for good reason), and thus the most suitable vessels.
  51. I don't know.
  53. But what I can say is, if we make them our scapegoats, when they have only been tricked and subdued just as we have, then we will be commiting a grave sin.
  55. Everyone must be given a choice to decide which side they are on.
  57. Make the stakes clear. Make the sides clear.
  59. And then, only then, when everyone knows what side is what, may we have the clarity to manifest justice and deliver retribution.
  61. When you understand that one side sacrifices children, harvests their organs, and enslaves them sexually, there will be no more room for moral relativism. Left and right, christian and atheist, jew and muslim, will all dissolve away. There will only be right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.
  63. If you believe in God, then you know that our world's sorrowful and wicked state is only allowed to persist thanks to God's mercy and forgiveness. If you don't believe in God, then know that mercy and forgiveness are qualities of goodness all the same.
  65. The side of goodness has a whole wide world of mercy and understanding for our different ways. But that requires boundaries. That requires individual rights and nations in which groups of individuals can determine their group boundaries.
  67. They have justified invading the boundaries of our privacies, whether we absent-mindedly "signed" (clicked) in agreement, or not --- there certainly was no agreement for what the CIA and NSA, MI6 and Mossad, China and Russia, et cetera, do to us. They even threaten to violate the sanctity of our own minds, where even holding or sharing a thought without acting on it, is a crime.
  69. Yes, it's all very confusing now, but soon, let the sides be made clear. On that day, being neither Republican nor Democrat alone should suffice to explain as to whether you are innocent or guilty; with good, or with evil.
  71. When Q, Trump, and followers say
  73. "Where we go one, we go all."
  75. they mean it full-heartedly. There is enough room in this world for all of us to exist within our own boundaries, within our own nations with customs and laws that reflect the common values of its people.
  77. The New World Order and its globalist kingmakers would dissolve those boundaries and force those of wildly incompatible cultures and customs to live overtop one another; a slow-boil genocide of all peoples and all customs, all at the same time.
  79. So, in summary, trust me when I say our side is not what they make us out to be. If we put our attentions against every minor infraction of our own personal codes, we would ALL be endlessly divided against countless enemies, and all each inevitably perish.
  81. We have one common enemy: those who worship death and wish to inflict it upon us as cattle for seasonal harvest.
  83. When we defeat the cult behind every war of the last six millennia (and beyond?), perhaps we can finally live within our own boundaries, and otherwise find new ones among the stars?
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