
[Verdant] - Yog-Sothoth, The Terminus

Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. Yog-Sothoth, The Terminus-
  3. Dancing, glittering orbs which reflect the death of the universe. An Outer God whose existence boggles time and space, while also encompassing it. Neutral. Yog-Sothoth is a god which is capable of taking Trollian or human form, often offering trolls forbidden knowledge of the universe by parting The Veil Of Comprehension. Yog-Sothoth is a god of knowledge, due to his inherent omniscience. Yog-Sothoth is tied to clockwork, winding paths, and endings. Pleasing Yog-Sothoth might result in boons of great importance, revolving around intellect and illumination. Though the God is not malevolent, the knowledge he grants his willing followers can often result in madness and despair. Looking upon him does not cause insanity; peering through the veil at the secrets of the universe can.
  5. Sacrifices:
  6. 1. A well-written-in diary must be pierced with a wooden stake and bled upon, sealing a pact of knowledge and blood.
  7. 2. A shameful secret must be told to someone who it concerns or is involved, sealing a pact of forbidden knowledge and truth.
  8. 3. A key which unlocks a special place, be it a bedroom door, a safe, or a journal, to be melted into a metal sigil of Yog-Sothoth, representing his nature as the gatekeeper and revealer of truth.
  9. 4. A clock, broken after being worn around the neck for seven days, to be destroyed on the seventh day's end, representing Yog-Sothoth's nature as God of Time and the Knowable.
  11. Boons:
  12. 1. The caster gains knowledge of their ancestor in full, knowing all of their thoughts and experiences as if they had lived it as a past life.
  13. 2. The caster gains the ability to understand the passing of time intimately. They will be able to note the time at any given moment without a clock, and are able to -perceive- it as slowly or quickly as they desire.
  14. 3. The caster gains the ability to unlock any locked door or object. This includes things locked without a key--safes locked by dials and codes, or thick doors barred by heavy iron.
  15. 4. The caster is able to see through another troll's eyes at their desire once a day--they may pick one troll per day, are allowed to repeat trolls, and may view through the troll's eyes intermittently throughout the day for as long as they please.
  17. Curses:
  18. 1. The caster's appearance changes entirely and they resemble someone unknown to them.
  19. 2. The caster entirely forgets all of their quadrantmates.
  20. 3. The caster finds themselves unable to enter the threshold of their home (the one which they called home at the time of the ritual), their quadrantmate's homes (at the time of the ritual), or Mirthful Churches: as if compelled by an aura of protection or 'otherness'.
  21. 4. The caster hears every second tick within their ears, experience insomnia due to this, and may only solve this problem by praying for deafness from Yog-Sothoth, therefore losing their hearing.
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