

Feb 8th, 2017
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  1. Asmodeus Shenron
  2. Race: Dragon
  3. Bio: He is a shadow dragon created by an unknown scientist who used the dna of many different beings along with shrinking the super dragon balls to fit the dragons body. He also uses the dark negative energy of the super dragon balls to enhance his power to an unknown level. Very Few Beings can defeat him.
  4. Powers: Janembas reality warping and dimensional powers, the ice jins ability to breath in space and have huge endurance and easy to get stronger by training, a namekians regenerative abilities, garlic jrs immortality, a cell like beings ability to even live from His own self destruction and get stronger, a saiyans power to get stronger the more damage he take and zenkai boosts from each near death, a majins ability to absorb and even learn moves just by seeing them once, the healing, reviving, creation powers of a supreme kai, the extremely deadly destruction power of the god of destruction, a humans knowledge along with the knowledge of kais and namekians, the time skip vital hit attacks from a legendary assassin, an guardian angels ability to rewind time, a shenrons ability to grant wishes and become much stronger with each dragon ball in possession, an androids limitless ki power and ki absorbtion, a demon gods ability to mind control and possess demon god power, and the negative energy of the super dragon balls.
  5. Attacks: Dark Star Ball, Dark Nova, Super Black Kamehameha, Dark Beam Cannon, Negative Destruction Sphere, Dark Creation Blast, Dark Rewind, Negative Time Skip, Dark Dragon Fist, Dark Wrath, Dark Freeze, Negative Bolt, Dark Dead Zone, Demon Fist, Dark Fang Fist, Demon Quake, Destruction Hurricane Fury,
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