
A story with Destinox

Sep 25th, 2015
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  1. “Warning, approaching solar system in ten minutes” The ship's AI said again and again. Destinox finally getting up around the 34th time it said it. “Hrm, computer what did I say about waking me up prematurely during Hyper Sleep?” “Sleeping while in Hyperspace is not Hyper sleep. You were taking a nap, and told me to wake you up before we arrive.” Destinox stretched his long metal legs, and his upper body soon after. “Did I? I don't remember that.” The second after he said that a hologram appeared in his sleeping pod, it was him a few hours earlier. “Computer, wake me up 10, 15 minutes before we get to the planet.” He then disappears. “Huh, remind me to get the sass removed from you.” “Yes Captain” Destinox walks up to the control deck. “So, what's this planet's name, dominant language?” A large hologram of the planet appeared before him. The ship speaking soon after.“According to multiple sources, Sarvth. Dominant language is known as Ongon.” Destinox sits down looking out the front window, The pure white of Hyperspace slowly turning black, stars and planets filling the sky. He appeared right next to a gas giant. “Man, look those storms, remind me to get a picture." “Yes Captain. We shall be at Sarvth in 5 minutes” Destinox got up, walking towards the middle of the ship, getting ready to be teleported down. "Good, well do a final items check." “Yes Captain” The computer responded. “Gun?, Check, Plasma staff? Check. Universal translator? Check, unless it breaks again. Give me my location” "Yes sir. The Sarvth capital." "Alright, I'm ready...uh, why am I here again?" "You are here to find a council fugitive known as Vanish." "Vanish, that's a name that give me hope I'll find him, or her, or it. Any pictures?" "No Captain" "Gre-" He was cut off by the teleportation.
  3. Sarvth, a planet long into its space age, Emloa already having them join the Council long ago. Destinox appearing in a flash of light "-at. What the? God I can never finish a sentence can-" He was cut off by the sounds of screams, not the festive kind, the kind of death. "I swear. Every time." Destinox ran, thanks to the metal legs he managed to get there before too big a crowd gathered, he got his first site of the planets people here, a dead one sadly. The species was reddish brown, clawed feet and a thick tail sticking out. On the back two small one clawed arms. The head had two large forked ears, and horns on each side of the face, growing down from under the ears and near the chin, normally they had yellow glowing eyes, but these were dark, no life in them. "Man I...don't see any signs of death? What?" Destinox looked up, seeing the others gathering around, all horrified. He stood up, turning on his translator. "I'm sorry to the one who lost this man, but I'm apart of the Council. I need to ask any information anyone can give, Any witnesses?" No one answered him, they looked on in horror before just going back to their everyday lives. "Uh, excuse me? Anyone?...Alright, might as well scan this poor sap." He scanned the body for any signs of death, stab wounds, he may have been shot. But only one thing was wrong. "No heart. His heart is missing. But, how there's no mark of entry, even laser surgery leaves something." "You won't find out by asking out loud will you?" The voice was gruff, experienced, the voice of a commander. Destinox got up to look at whoever was talking to him, "Look buddy I have this under, con...trol." The man had the Council sign of a high ranking officer on his armor, Destinox Commander, Captain Venstar. "Look alive Destinox, your on my planet now."
  5. "Captain Venstar! Its a surprise to see you sir." Destinox stood up, slamming his right hand on his chest. "Its my planet why wouldn't I be here. Question is why are you here?" Venstar asked as he walked towards the body, not giving any eye contact to Destinox, then giving it a look over. "Anything that stands out solider?" Venstar asked, still not looking at Destinox. "Yes sir, the victim has no heart, or sign of removal. Its just gone. And I'm here on a mission for the Council, looking for someone called Vanish." "Vanish? Yeah right, the Council would of just told me to look for her, not send some fool who can't even walk without help." Venstar stood back up, he was about a foot taller then Destinox. "Well, yes sir I'm originally aquatic I had a----For crying out loud." "DON'T BACK TALK ME SOLIDER! Now, this isn't the first murder like this, organs stolen with no proof of how. Give me your arm solider" "Uuuh, yes sir." Destinox held out his arm, Venstar grabbing it as if he was going to pull it off. "Not so tight my legs may be robotic But I'll like to keep my arms normal!" Venstar raised his two small arms on his back, Fantastic blue wings growing from them. "You sure? My ship is located a mile from here, I wouldn't want to drop you!" "I, uhhg, whatever you say sir." "GOOD" He squeezed Destinox arm and took flight, Destinox nearly being ripped in half on the way. Venstar's ship was in the air, and large, nearly 300 yards long, 200 wide, 100 tall. Why this is a ship for a single man Destinox will never know. "How do you not have a crew?" "Who needs one, my AI does all I need her to do." "Her? Oh great you're on of those people" "What's that suppose to mean?" "We have different views?" "Just remember you're a few good miles up solider"
  7. Venstar and Destinox landed on the ship, it opening up to let them in. The inside smooth and circular, not a straight line in sight. "You're one of the circle types I see, clashes with your armor don't you think?" Destinox asked Venstar. "Its my ship, it'll look how I damn well please." "Hit a nerve? Can I have my arm back?" Venstar raised Destinox in the air, then let him go, Destinox's falling on his back. "Thanks. So, why are we here and not looking for who ever the murder is, or Vanish, knowing how things like this go they're probably the same person, that'll save us some time" "I highly doubt it. Now, I'm guessing your computer didn't have a picture of Vanish?" "Yes sir, not sure why the Council gave me this job when I have no information. Is it a test?" "I don't know, I do know I have a picture of her. Just, be ready" The picture appeared on the main screen "Ready? She must be pretty hoooAAAH! Good god what is that?!" The creature was semitransparent, and was on the wall, four long boney arms hanging on, two relatively stubby legs. The body was huge and fat to hold all the different organs, all kinds of tubes, color, and juices, The neck was long and thick, her head was ovular, dozens of eyes travailing down from the head, looking as is she had some sort of sickness, each eye staring right at the camera. "Oh god, glad I didn't have a picture of her. Why do you have this on your database?" "I have more, if we're going to catch her we need all angles" "Please no" It was to late as another picture of her appeared on screen, a different angle like Venstar said, this was one of her side, still having to many eyes and organs. "Wait, can you pull up both pictures Captain?" "I don't see why not." Both pictures were side by side. "Look, in this one she has a Vulgas heart, I know cause I studied Biology before the whole, you know...b-but in the other one she doesn't. What exactly can she do?" "She has the ability to become invisible and intangible, hence the name Vanish." "Think she can make other things intangible, like say, someone organs?" "Yes yes, but why would she do that? What use are organs?" "She could sell them to someone who needs a transplant, people who want a snack, experimenters, knowing the right times and place she could make a fortune" "While innocents die. We need to figure out how to capture her. I'm not letting another die" "We better get going then Captain" "Agreed, we'll go the morgue." Venstar turned to walk deeper into the ship. "You have a morgue?" Destinox asked
  9. Destinox and Venstar were at the morgue, bodies being kept in carbon lock, stopping them from decomposing. "Basic Carbon lock, not bad. shame the bodies are like coal. How long will it take to disperse?" Venstar selected three bodies to be looked over. "A few minutes, organic matter-even dead- doesn't respond well to Carbon Locking
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