
Summary SE Charlotte

Oct 12th, 2018
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  1. Friese and Shephard are subordinates of Charlotte that admire her dearly. Both fought for affection and got jealous of each other regularly. Grandshelt was on the midst of reconstruction but due to lack of manpower it was not progressing. They asked for help from other nations but no replies yet.
  3. One day on their mission, they encountered an airship from Dirnado. Evan and some dwarfs were on it but they were chased by a horde of monsters. Charlotte and the duo fended off the monsters. To their delight, Evan and the dwarfs were delivering supplies to help Grandshelt's reconstruction. The dwarfs planned to give Grandshelt the airship itself too. Then they were reminded that they did not think of how to go back to Dirnado...
  5. Dwarfs the Grandshelt soldiers were shorthanded in unloading the airship and Lawrence was forced to help. Lawrence tried to push to Shephard but Friese brought in information regarding pirates spotted and Charlotte's team had to set off. The pirates were said to originate from Olderion and settled down near Grandshelt recently. When they reached the ship, Mercedes explained that they owed Rain and Lasswell a debt. So they were there to help. They would protect the safety of Grandshelt coast while they were at it. (protected by pirates, uh are we One Piece now) Mercedes jokingly said who was the one Charlotte liked between Rain and Lasswell, since her expression changed when she heard their names, to Charlotte's embarrassed denial.
  7. Next up they received help from Zoldaad. According to Emperor Shiera, he wanted to change the image of Zoldaad from a military-focused country that always invades others for what they want to a country that yearns for peace. So although Zoldaad was also having a difficult time he must still help Grandshelt and plead Grandshelt King to accept his help. Meanwhile he entrusted Zoldaad to Abel and Jean from Jake's former rebel group Raven, as well as Ozetta.
  9. Ayaka chat with Gouken, wondering where Yuri and Ouga went. Goukan said they went to Grandshelt to spy on the situation. Yuri's intention was to use as an excuse to skip training, to Ouga's dismay. When they reached, Ouga was amazed that Dirnado dwarfs, Olderion pirates, Zoldaad soldiers were helping out with the reconstruction. Then they were found out by Charlotte. Then Ouga proposed to offer assistance to Grandshelt's reconstruction, to Yuri's surprise and annoyance.
  11. Charlotte visited Lorraine in training ground. Lorraine retired from the front line and focused on training new soldiers. Charlotte asked Lorraine if she ever intended to return. Lorraine replied that it's the era of young people now and training new soldiers was also an important duty. However she was disappointed at the lack of talents in Grandshelt. Charlotte offered to look for new recruits beyond Grandshelt, and Lorraine supported her proposal.
  13. Ema saw the recruitment and said she wanted to join. However her aunt made her promise that to care for her own safety. As she was heading towards Grandshelt, she spotted the mad scientist Dr. Lazarov. As she was thinking whether to give chase, she decided to ask for help from Grandshelt knights. She believed that they would listen to her like Rain and Lasswell, then she happened to find Charlotte.
  15. Ema led Charlotte and her two subordinates and found Dr. Lazarov. It was found out that Dr. Lazarov was impressed by the Chaos of Darkness that covered the sky and wanted to create one of his own. With the intention to ruin the world, he ended up inventing Chaos Machine, which collapsed the cave they were in as he activated it.
  17. The Chaos Machine stopped in a lone island in the sea. But it's sending hordes of monsters towards Grandshelt. Charlotte said that since it's in the region of Grandshelt, Grandshelt knights have the duty to exterminate it. She told her soldiers that those who care for their lives can remain and she would not question. She was prepared to face it alone if she must. Then Emperor Shiera (along with Amelia, Emilia, Forren, Illus and Camille) and Mercedes lead their troops saying to join the battle. Ouga and Yuri offered to server as messenger around Lapis to look for strong forces, as it concerns the fate of the star.
  19. As they comprehend the sheer number of enemies, Xyle fired cannon at them while Amy and William prepared for attacks. Evan and dwarfs helped by distributing war supplies with the airship. Ozetta, Jean and Abel led Zoldaad troops to Grandsheld to help. Marie arrived to support with her green magic. Ayaka also arrived to handle healing duty along with Illus. Eileen and Gillian arrived to handle weapon repair. Other people who showed up: Ulrica, Heretic, Helena, Ruruka, Roy, Luminui.
  21. As people of Lapis got united and combined their powers, they prevailed against Chaos machine.
  23. After battle ended, Ema got enlisted to train under Lorraine. The people from other countries returned to their countries respectively. So reconstruction would take some time. She silently asked where Rain and Lasswell were. But she said the future of this star was bright and they could rest assured by entrusting Lapis to them.
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