

Sep 7th, 2017
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  1. command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: command.rank
  3. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to execute this command!
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is set:
  6. if arg-2 is set:
  7. if arg-2 is "owner":
  8. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rOwner"
  9. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&4Owner&7] &4"
  10. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  11. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  12. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rOwner" to player
  13. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rOwner" to arg-1
  14. else if arg-2 is "manager":
  15. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rManager"
  16. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&4Manager&7] &4"
  17. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  18. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  19. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rManager" to player
  20. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rManager" to arg-1
  21. else if arg-2 is "admin":
  22. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rAdmin"
  23. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&cAdmin&7] &c"
  24. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  25. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  26. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rAdmin" to player
  27. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rAdmin" to arg-1
  28. else if arg-2 is "mod+":
  29. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rMod Plus"
  30. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&3Mod+&7] &3"
  31. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  32. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  33. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rMod Plus" to player
  34. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rMod Plus" to arg-1
  35. else if arg-2 is "mod":
  36. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rMod"
  37. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&5Mod&7] &5"
  38. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  39. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  40. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rMod" to player
  41. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rMod" to arg-1
  42. else if arg-2 is "tmod":
  43. set {displayrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&rTrial Mod"
  44. set {rank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "&7[&dTrial-Mod&7] &d"
  45. set {staffuser.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  46. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{rank.%arg-1's uuid%}%%arg-1%"
  47. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Set rank of &r%arg-1% &7to &rTrial ModMod" to player
  48. message "&7[&c&l*&7] Rank updated to &rTrial Mod" to arg-1
  49. else:
  50. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Optional]"
  51. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/rank <player> [rank]"
  52. else:
  53. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Optional]"
  54. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/rank <player> [rank]"
  56. on chat:
  57. cancel event
  58. set tab list name of player to "%{rank.%player's uuid%}%%player%"
  59. broadcast "&7(%{level.%player's uuid%}%&7) %{rank.%player's uuid%}%%player% &7%message%"
  61. command /is:
  62. trigger:
  63. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Island Menu" to player
  65. format slot 10 of player with page named "&cIsland Creation" with lore "||&rCreate your own island.||&rAlso works as a method of||&rtransporting to your island." to close then run [make player execute "island"]
  66. format slot 11 of player with page named "&cIsland Settings" with lore "||&rChange your island||&rsettings." to close then run [make player execute "island settings"]
  67. format slot 12 of player with page named "&cIsland Reset" with lore "||&rRemove and start your||&risland over again." to close then run [make player execute "island reset"]
  68. format slot 13 of player with empty map named "&cIsland Lock" with lore "||&rLock your island from||&rother players." to close then run [make player execute "island lock"]
  69. format slot 14 of player with page named "&cIsland Top" with lore "||&rView the top island." to close then run [make player execute "island top"]
  70. format slot 15 of player with page named "&cIsland Challenges" with lore "||&rView all the island||&rchallenges." to close then run [make player execute "island challenges"]
  71. format slot 16 of player with page named "&cTeam Menu" with lore "||&rView the team menu||&rAdd, remove and chat||&rto your island members." to close then run [make player execute "team"]
  73. command /team:
  74. trigger:
  75. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Team Menu" to player
  77. format slot 11 of player with page named "&cInvite Members" with lore "||&rInvite members to join||&ryou on your island." to close then run [execute player command "/island invite"]
  78. format slot 12 of player with page named "&cAccept Members" with lore "||&rAccept members to join||&ryou on your island." to close then run [execute player command "/island accept"]
  79. format slot 13 of player with empty map named "&cTeam" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "/island team"]
  80. format slot 14 of player with page named "&cTeam Chat" with lore "||&rCommunicate with your||&risland team." to close then run [execute player command "/island teamchat"]
  81. format slot 15 of player with page named "&cGo back" with lore "&||&rReturn to the island menu" to run [make player execute command "/is"]
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