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a guest
Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. <$.265D87F>
  2. pushad
  3. call @f
  4. @@:
  5. pop ebp
  6. sub ebp, 0x265D885 ; newentry+5-imagebase
  8. ; Store imagebase
  9. call @f
  10. @getimagebase:
  11. mov ebp, 0xFFFFFFFF
  12. ret
  13. @@:
  14. pop eax
  15. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+1],ebp
  17. ; Get API addresses
  18. mov ebx, dword ptr ds:[ebp+0x267104C] ; OutputDebugStringA
  19. lea esi, dword ptr ds:[ebp+0x26710A4] ; VirtualProtect
  21. ; change page protection
  22. call @f
  23. "\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; oldprotect
  24. @@:
  25. push 0x40 ; newprotect
  26. push 0x50 ; size
  27. push ebx ; OutputDebugStringA
  28. call dword ptr ds:[esi] ; VirtualProtect
  30. ; IAT Hook VirtualProtect
  31. call @vp_hook_end
  33. @hook_VirtualProtect:
  34. pushad
  35. pushfd
  36. call @getimagebase
  38. ; restore IAT hook
  39. push esi
  40. push eax
  41. lea esi, dword ptr ds:[ebp+0x26710A4] ; VirtualProtect
  42. call @getvirtualprotect
  43. xchg dword ptr ds:[esi],eax
  44. pop eax
  45. pop esi
  47. ; go to the user code
  48. jmp @usercode
  50. @vp_hook_end:
  51. pop ebp
  52. xchg dword ptr ds:[esi],ebp
  54. ; store old VirtualProtect
  55. call @f
  56. @getvirtualprotect:
  57. mov eax,0xFFFFFFFF
  58. ret
  59. @@:
  60. pop eax
  61. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+1],ebp
  63. ; hook OutputDebugStringA
  64. call @od_skip
  65. @od_original_bytes:
  66. call @f
  67. "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90"
  68. @@:
  69. jmp short @od_hook_back
  70. @od_skip:
  71. pop edi
  72. add edi,5
  73. mov esi,ebx
  74. mov ecx,5
  75. rep movsb
  76. sub esi,5
  77. mov byte ptr ds:[esi],0xE9
  78. call @od_hook_end
  80. @hook_OutputDebugStringA:
  81. call @f
  82. "\x02" ;counter
  83. @@:
  84. pop eax
  85. dec byte ptr ds:[eax]
  86. jz short @od_execute_hook
  87. xor eax,eax
  88. inc eax
  89. ret 4
  90. @od_execute_hook:
  91. push edi
  92. push esi
  93. push ecx
  94. push ebp
  95. jmp short @od_original_bytes
  96. @od_hook_back:
  97. pop esi
  98. call @getimagebase
  99. mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebp+0x267104C] ; OutputDebugStringA
  100. mov edi,eax
  101. mov ecx,5
  102. rep movsb
  103. pop ebp
  104. pop ecx
  105. pop esi
  106. pop edi
  108. ; patch CRC values
  109. push eax
  110. mov dword ptr ds:[ebp-0x10],0x5F58585C
  111. mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esp+4]
  112. mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0xA8]
  113. mov dword ptr ds:[eax],0x3A9F40A
  114. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+4],0x46378432
  115. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+8],0xE0218646
  116. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+0xC],0x28CDAE89
  117. pop eax
  119. jmp eax ; OutputDebugStringA
  121. ; continue hooking OutputDebugStringA
  122. @od_hook_end:
  123. pop eax
  124. sub eax,5
  125. sub eax,esi
  126. mov dword ptr ds:[esi+1],eax
  128. ; restore registers and jmp to oep
  129. popad
  130. jmp $.260FB4E ;rva of oep
  132. @md5_patch:
  133. mov eax, dword ptr ds:[esp-8]
  134. mov eax, dword ptr ds:[eax]
  135. cmp eax,0x37303330 ; 21
  136. jne short @skip0
  137. mov eax,0xB92ECBC4
  138. jmp short @md5_patch_end
  139. @skip0:
  140. cmp eax,0x33313539 ; 23
  141. jne short @skip1
  142. mov eax,0x9DEAC94F
  143. jmp short @md5_patch_end
  144. @skip1:
  145. @md5_patch_end:
  146. "\xE9\0\0\0\0"
  147. @cert_patch:
  148. cmp dword ptr ds:[eax],0xF1377EF3
  149. je short @replace
  150. ret
  151. @replace:
  152. pushad
  153. lea edi, dword ptr ds:[eax+0x4C7]
  154. lea esi, dword ptr ds:[@patch0]
  155. mov ecx, 0x4E
  156. rep movsb
  157. lea edi, dword ptr ds:[eax+0x51B]
  158. lea esi, dword ptr ds:[@patch1]
  159. mov ecx, 0x50
  160. rep movsb
  161. popad
  162. ret
  163. @patch0:
  164. "\xCF\x58\xE6\x78\x5D\x9A\xC3\x3F\xEC\xBC\xC3\xC3\x1C\x46\x19\xB0\x57\xE8\x9C\x7F\xAC\x3B\x3D\x17\x8A\x29\xF9\x4E\x63\x8A\x62\x47\x66\x20\x2E\x7C\x0E\x60\xF5\x1C\x66\xC8\xF5\xA5\xD0\xBC\xEA\x48\xEC\x9E\x43\xDA\xD3\xF1\xA0\x76\x4C\xD3\x3F\x1A\xA2\xBC\x34\xF9\xB1\x96\x86\x71\xE5\x7D\x05\xCF\x75\x57\x81\xAD\x30\x13\0"
  165. @patch1:
  166. "\x22\xC6\x94\xE1\x86\x04\x70\x71\x94\xA7\x7D\x06\x9E\x5D\x87\x54\xEE\x0F\x3E\x8A\xD3\xF2\xDB\xD2\xEC\xDC\x1D\x17\x3E\x81\x24\xF3\xC3\xCD\xAB\xBA\xE9\xC9\xF0\x7C\xCB\x0C\x6D\x11\x17\x9E\x0B\x83\x0B\x27\x4F\xE6\x73\x8A\xB3\x84\x4D\xEC\x35\x4B\x70\x00\xFB\xD0\x46\xAC\xA7\xDD\x87\x89\xFF\x96\x88\xB0\x86\x61\x0F\x1B\x8D\x81\0"
  170. @usercode:
  171. ;PLACE YOUR CODE AFTER THIS (security base is in EDX, imagebase in EBP)
  172. lea edi, dword ptr ds:[EDX+0x8B6A4]
  173. mov byte ptr [edi], 0xE9
  174. lea ebx, dword ptr ds:[@cert_patch]
  175. sub ebx, edi
  176. lea ebx, dword ptr ds:[ebx-5]
  177. mov dword ptr [edi+1], ebx
  178. lea edi, dword ptr ds:[EDX+0x6D8C4]
  179. mov word ptr ds:[edi], 0xE990
  180. lea ebx, dword ptr ds:[@md5_patch]
  181. sub ebx, edi
  182. lea ebx, dword ptr ds:[ebx-6]
  183. mov dword ptr ds:[edi+2], ebx
  184. inc edi
  185. lea ebx, dword ptr ds:[@md5_patch_end]
  186. mov eax, ebx
  187. sub edi, eax
  188. mov dword ptr ds:[eax+1], edi
  190. popfd
  191. popad
  192. call @getvirtualprotect
  193. jmp eax
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