
Pre Broweek 2 Update

Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. Alright! Thought I'd bring you guys with a pre Broweek 2 update!
  3. So Broweek is starting really soon, and I'm super excited for it! I've put a lot of time and effort into making this amazing, and it has effected how much i have been streaming (also PUBG a little bit shhhh). Obviously I will be streaming a lot during Broweek 2 so get excited for 8-12 hour streams DAILY during it.
  5. so Broweek 2 is the September 27th till October 15th, but we will be having a 5 day break in between due to an upcoming trip during the 4th to the 8th. With how Broweek 2 is, i will be streaming till i leave and streaming almost as soon as i get back, so these new few weeks are going to be extremely busy for me.
  7. Did i say weeks? I expect i will be busy for easily 2 months, as when Broweek 2 ends, my twitchcon trip starts. And a few days after twitchcon, Super Mario Odyssey comes out. As you probably can expect, i plan on spending a lot of time on that game. If its as good as a speedgame as i think its going to be, i will probably devote most my time to it. But here is where you ask "whens the sub goal incentives going to be done?". here is my plan for November regarding that: I will do one every 2 weeks (on a friday/saturday or whatnot) knocking down all these goals. I have some other promises as well and longer runs i want to finish, so i think this balance could be really good. If you are wondering about what runs / streams i have to do, the list is now MAGICALLY BELOW!!!:
  9. -Super Mario 64 chaos 120
  10. -Crash 312%
  11. -Super Mario sunshine Any%
  12. -20 Hour Stream
  13. -Pokemon Channel 100%
  14. -MGTT 100%
  16. So right there is 6 to 8 weeks of plans. Should be a lot of fun! I also want to add more casual games to my stream, going to hit you up with another hot list:
  18. -finish rabbids
  19. -Sonic garden thing
  20. -world of final fantasy
  21. -Havest moon 64
  22. -stardew valley (Probably will wait till multiplayer mod comes out)
  23. -Xenoblade Chronicles
  24. -A hat in time
  25. -Yooka Laylee
  26. -Probably lots more i am forgetting LUL
  28. NOW, I'm going to be that guy and ask for a bit of help. Broweek 2 has ended up costing me A LOT more than i expected, and i am running on fumes till i get paid next, which would be near the end of Broweek 2. Until then, i am kinda scared about the travel expenses of my next trip, and even more scared about paying for food during the 2nd half of Broweek 2. I honestly don't need too much to survive off of, so i am going to doing a stream to try and raise a bit of food money tomorrow, September 25th. The plan for that stream is to do a run of Breath of the Wild: All Quests (18+ hour est.) Anyone that donates 5 dollars or more during that run can request me to record any voice line they want, for any use they want (p4ntzLewd). I dont want to make promises if any goals are met, due to how much i have on my plate already, and how much more i could have during Broweek 2s hardcore incentives, so i am honestly just asking for a bit of help to get me through the rough times of waiting forever to get bit money.
  30. (really i was skimming the bottom of the barrel money wise as is, but i found out one of my games went missing, costing me about 80 usd to get it replaced and here before Broweek 2, and that really was the push to put me under, i decided to put Broweek 2 before my mental and physical health, which i shouldn't have, but i really want this to be a huge fun event. I am hoping to get ahead financially soon, so this doesn't happen again, as i HATE asking for help when it comes to money.)
  32. ANYWAY thank you for reading this, its nice to clear my mind and give you guys updates on the future, and i hope you are looking forward to the future as much as i am! i think things are going to be HYPE!
  34. ~P4ntz
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