
AFTERLIFE AF - Lee Myeong.

May 16th, 2018
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  3. ⌠ ˢᴬᵞ ᴴᴱᴸᴸᴼ ᵀᴼ ᴹᵞ ᴴᴼᴾᴱ ᵂᴼᴿᴸᴰ ⌡
  5. 彡USERNAME:: matchimochi
  6. 彡PASSWORD:: underrated
  10. ⌠ ᴵ ᵂᴵˢᴴ ᴵ ᶜᴼᵁᴸᴰ ᴮᴱ ᴬ ᴾᴵᴱᶜᴱ ᴼᶠ ᴾᴱᴬᶜᴱ ⌡
  12. 彡FULL NAME:: Lee Myeong
  13. 彡NICKNAME:: Mye. - His fathers nickname for him.
  14. 彡GENDER:: Male
  15. 彡AGE:: 24
  16. 彡BIRTHDATE:: 04/08/95
  18. 彡HEIGHT:: 178cm
  19. 彡WEIGHT:: 69kg
  20. 彡BLOODTYPE:: O Negative
  21. 彡NATIONALITY:: South Korean
  22. 彡ETHNICITY:: Korean
  24. ⌠ ᴹᵞ ᶜᴴᴬᴿᴬᶜᵀᴱᴿ’ˢ ᴸᴵᴷᴱ ᴴᴬᴸᶠ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴴᴬᴸᶠ. ᵂᴴᴼ ᴷᴺᴼᵂˢ? ⌡
  26. 彡PERSONALITY:: Myeong is a person with little care for himself and relatively annoyed at his own life. He's empathetically empty and represses many of his emotions, as he fears that caring too much will lead to the inevitable demise of another. With how closely death is intertwined with his life and with those who get too close to him, he's forced himself to isolate and stamp down his emotions, as they make the sorrow in his heart grow even further, to the point where he's drowning in it. He's self-destructive, as a personal punishment for the hurt and harm he causes to the things and the people around him. This ties into his thrill-seeking nature, and his cravings for adrenaline rushes; a form of personal justice. The fear and threat of danger make him feel as though he's paying for the deaths in his life. Antisocial and introverted, he has excuses for his habits of shying away from people; as he fears their demise if they get too close to him. Due to this, he can seem rude and blunt, as he pushes people away relatively harshly and unthinkingly. Outwardly he has a relatively calm disposition, a front to the shame and sorrow boiling under his skin, and tends to keep to himself; he struggles with expressing what he wants to say, so often doesn't say anything. Despite all of this, Myeong has a strong moral compass and is quietly curious and courageous. He believes that he should take action for what he needs done, and for what he deserves, and stands by and follows his values quite closely. He's intelligent in the ways of the world, if not people, and has a practical set of knowledge gained by his thrill and danger seeking nature. He has a realistic thought process and is careful and cautious with his choices. His paranoid traits can be a good thing, as he tends to have a good idea of when someone is lying to him, and he has good instincts and hunches. And, despite his adamancy about not getting too close to people, he still likes to observe them as they are in the world.
  27. 彡BACKGROUND:: Myeong has been stalked by death since his birth. His own personal curse, it seemed that anyone who got too close to him would meet their fate far too early. Beginning with the death of his mother in childbirth, he grew up with his father, a full-time worker, and relatively alone. He had to grow up himself, and figure things out for himself, leading to his overwhelming curiosity throughout his later life. While his father was relatively absent, he still took time to care for his son, and to make sure he was safe and well looked after. While up until this point it seemed as though his mother's death had simply been her time to leave, when he turned five, it began to seem as though that was not the case. First, it was his pet fish, then the middle-aged aunt and uncle that came to visit, who got into a car crash on the way home from staying at his house for the week. And then it just wouldn't stop. Throughout his childhood he watched friends and classmates, teachers and relatives fall prey to the waiting arms of death as if somehow just being close to him was enough to put them in fates eyes. His curiosity overwhelmed him, along with his sorrow, and he almost went mad with trying to figure out what was happening. And then he realised. It was him. He began to pull away from society at this point; a form of coping and trying to hide and prevent whatever was happening to him and those around him. He hid his emotions away, and cut himself off from the world; the only problem was, he'd become so attached to the world as it was and his curiosity was stronger than his fear of self-destruction. His call to danger lead him to his regular haunts around the city, the fear of what was hiding in the shadows, the threat of injury as he climbed over one fence to another prevailing over the sorrow in his system, and the self-hatred he dealt with; however in a way, the injuries and threats he did face seemed to him like a form of justice, as if he was paying back what losses he'd caused. But people are just that; people; and there is only so much that they can handle before it all becomes too much. And that's exactly what happened with Myeong. Self-destruction, a searching for adrenaline and suppressed emotions aren't the best coping mechanisms, and they did much more harm than good in the long run. With death embracing all those around him, with none of them deserving of it, and he let the guilt take over him, the sorrow that he'd stamped down bursting to the surface and overwhelming him. This time, instead of trying to treat the symptoms, he targeted the cause. It was truly unfair that others suffered for him, so this time he faced his fears of the unknown head-on. Lee Myeong was discovered on the pavement in front of an old warehouse in the industrial district of Seoul on the 20/04/17 and was pronounced dead upon arrival at the Seoul University hospital. Classified as a suicide, death removed his target, and his world began to spin again.
  28. ↳FAMILY:: Lee Sung-min ; Father ; 48 ; Prosthetic technician
  29. Lee Ji-young ; Mother ; 37 (deceased); Personal assistant
  31. 彡DATE OF DEATH:: 19/04/17
  32. 彡CAUSE OF DEATH:: Suicide by falling.
  33. 彡FEARS:: Heights and falling. The constant overwhelming feeling of knowing that something is your fault. The death and destruction of those who you care about, and the knowledge that it was because of you. The unknown, the concept of not knowing what will happen, what will become of you, and what will become of the world around you in reaction to it.
  35. ⌠ ᴵ ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ ᴺᴱᴱᴰ ᵞᴼᵁᴿ ᴴᴬᵀᴱ ᶜᴼᴰᴱ ⌡
  37. 彡LIKES::
  38. - The feeling of having an answer to the question you've been asking yourself for the past two days, important or otherwise.
  39. - The freedom of sprinting through the dark streets, lit only by traffic lights and neon signs. Having no responsibilities for just a little while.
  40. -The ocean. He likes to just sit on the beach and watch the waves crash on the rocks, the cold spray of seawater, the knowledge that he can be close to something without bringing its fate.
  41. -The feeling of self-punishment as he deserves, the destruction of yourself as repentance for the sorrow you cause to others.
  42. -Adrenaline rushes, the feeling of something, anything making you feel something again, the blood boiling in your veins and drowning out the guilt and sorrow in your heart.
  43. -Love sweet foods and anything remotely sugary; however, he couldn't stand the flavour of artificial sweeteners.
  44. -While he was never good at it, he enjoyed art history at his school; while he enjoyed most and all subjects, it had a special spot in his heart for the information it taught him.
  45. -Bright lights and colours; while he exclusively wore dark colours in order to stay unnoticed, he still liked the neon signs spotted outside bars and tattoo parlours, the traffic lights burning through the nights darkness.
  46. 彡DISLIKES::
  47. -The knowledge of failure, of knowing that you could have done something to help the situation but didn't.
  48. -Really loud noises; take, for example, doors slamming, car horns honking, jumpscare noises, when everything is too quiet and all you can hear is your heart pumping in your ears and the static in your head.
  49. -Actually doesn't really like salty foods. Just never liked the taste or effect they had.
  50. - Even though he keeps himself separate from people, he can't appreciate it when others fail to accept people for who they are and who they identify as.
  51. -When the weather is too hot and you have no energy; when you can see the pavement waving in the heat and the cicadas are on full volume.
  52. -Never liked using headphones or listening to music at all, really. Preferred to listen to all the noises around him that came from the city and the people around him. He took in more that way.
  53. -Cats. He hates them, nothing else said.
  54. 彡TRIVIA::
  55. - Serial hair colourist; continually destroyed his hair and roots but refused to stop bleaching it.
  56. -Asexual. Realised at one point that while he did have an aversion to people, he never had any sexual desire to be with anyone. It never really bothered him though; one less reason to get close to people.
  57. -Had four floor to ceiling bookshelves in his room, all packed to the pint there were books so tightly crammed in you wouldn't be able to get them out again. A mix of genres and styles, from encyclopedias and nonfiction, to murder mysteries and Shakespeare.
  58. -Owned no less than 7 fish when he was four, all with extremely thought out names and starring parts in the plays he put on for his father every few nights.
  59. - Can't fall asleep with the lights on. They HAVE to be off, or else he gets retina burn and a headache, along with sleep deprivation.
  60. - The slacker in classes at school yet still managed to get some of the highest scores in the school, except for in fine arts.
  61. - Would drink through an average of two litres of tea in a day. Too sugary, and with no milk, he'd happily just sit there all day with a mug and kettle.
  64. ↳BACKUP::
  67. ↳BACKUP:: ENVY
  70. ⌠ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴵ ᶠᴸᵞ ᵂᴵᵀᴴᴼᵁᵀ ᴴᴱˢᴵᵀᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ, ᴵᴺ ᵀᴴᴬᵀ ᴬᴵᴿᴾᴸᴬᴺᴱ ⌡
  73. 彡STRENGTHS::
  74. - Adaptable to situations out of his depth.
  75. - Curious and good at taking in information. Has a love of learning.
  76. - Fair in his perceptions of people, and doesn't make opinions until he's sure he knows what kind of person they are.
  77. - Realistic thought process, instead of pessimistic.
  78. -Cautious and patient. Good instincts in terms of catching out untruths and suspicious activity and situations.
  79. -Physically fit and has stamina.
  80. -Relatively fearless in certain situations, other than those relating to his phobias and fears (in points above.)
  82. - Tends to push people away, and isn't a good team player. Has no interest in other people due to being used to staying away from them.
  83. -Stubborn as hell and adamant in his decisions.
  84. - Self-destructive and harmful as a form of repentance for what he believes he caused.
  85. -Can be reckless in terms of his own wellbeing.
  86. - A matryr complex.
  87. -Lack of empathy and care for himself and most other people.
  88. -Easily bored.
  90. 彡SOUL COLOR:: A golden bronze, the colour of cheap jewellery and the glow of the yellow streetlights on cars.
  91. 彡LINKED VIRTUE:: Humility
  92. 彡LINKED SIN:: Pride
  94. ⌠ ᴵ ᵂᴬᴺᵀ ᵀᴼ ᴴᴼᴸᴰ ᵞᴼᵁ, ᴱᵛᴱᴺ ᴵᶠ ᵞᴼᵁ ˢᴬᵞ ᵂᴱ ᶜᴬᴺ'ᵀ ⌡
  96. 彡ANYTHING I'VE MISSED?:: Nope!!!!!! This was a really well thought out form!
  97. 彡MESSAGE FOR YOUR NEW FUTURE?:: Get ready.
  98. 彡MESSAGE TO ME?:: i'm so HYPED this is such a cool idea and i really hope that i get to be a part of it! good luck with everything!
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