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Dec 25th, 2018
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  1. application:
  2. "Android"
  3. appStore.ios: "iOS"
  4. bound.aircrafts.789: "Boeing 789"
  5. bound.aircrafts.B739: "Boeing 737-900"
  6. "Business"
  7. bound.bookingClasses.economy: "Economy"
  8. bound.bookingClasses.label: "Choose your seat"
  9. bound.bookingClasses.premium: "Premium"
  10. "Business"
  11. bound.cabinTypes.economy: "Economy"
  12. bound.cabinTypes.first: "First"
  13. bound.cabinTypes.premium: "Premium"
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  16. bound.fareFamilies.flexible: "Flexible"
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  23. bound.meals.category.HM: "Healthful Meals"
  24. bound.meals.category.SM: "Special Meals"
  25. "Vegetarian Hindu meal"
  26. "Vegetarian Hindu meal"
  27. "Child meal"
  28. "Child meal"
  29. "Chicken meal"
  30. "Chicken meal"
  31. "Diabetic-Low Sugar meal"
  32. "Diabetic-Low Sugar meal"
  33. "Fruit platter meal"
  34. "Fruit platter meal"
  35. "Fish meal"
  36. "Fish meal"
  37. "Glutten Intolerant meal"
  38. "Glutten Intolerant meal"
  39. "Greek meal"
  40. "Greek meal"
  41. "Mehadrin Regal Vegetarian meal"
  42. "Mehadrin Regal Vegetarian meal"
  43. "Hindu meal"
  44. "Hindu meal"
  45. "Mehadrin Regal Child meal"
  46. "Mehadrin Regal Child meal"
  47. "Mehadrin Kosher fish meal"
  48. "Mehadrin Kosher Fish meal"
  49. "Low Salt meal"
  50. "Low Salt meal"
  51. "Low Lactose meal"
  52. "Low Lactose meal"
  53. "Mehadrin Regal Fish meal"
  54. "Mehadrin Regal Fish meal"
  55. "Mehadrin Regal meal"
  56. "Mehadrin Regal meal"
  57. "Mehadrin Kosher meal"
  58. "Mehadrin Kosher meal"
  59. "Salad meal"
  60. "Salad meal"
  61. "Vegetarian-Vegan meal"
  62. "Vegetarian-Vegan meal"
  63. "Vegetarian Jain meal"
  64. "Vegetarian Jain meal"
  65. "Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo meal"
  66. "Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo meal"
  67. bound.meals.coldMeal: "Cold"
  68. bound.meals.dinner: "Dinner"
  69. bound.meals.hotMeal: "Hot"
  70. bound.meals.lunch: "Lunch"
  71. bound.meals.refreshments: "Refreshments for purchase"
  72. bound.meals.snack: "Snack"
  73. bound.reservationStatus.DK: "Confirmed"
  74. bound.reservationStatus.HK: "Confirmed"
  75. bound.reservationStatus.HL: "Waiting List"
  76. bound.reservationStatus.HN: "Waiting List"
  77. bound.reservationStatus.KK: "Confirmed"
  78. bound.reservationStatus.KL: "Confirmed"
  79. bound.reservationStatus.LK: "Confirmed"
  80. bound.reservationStatus.NK: "Confirmed"
  81. bound.reservationStatus.RR: "Confirmed"
  82. bound.reservationStatus.SA: "Stand By"
  83. bound.reservationStatus.TK: "Confirmed"
  84. bound.reservationStatus.TL: "Waiting List"
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  86. ""
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  88. cookiesAlert.message: "By using our website, you are consenting to our use of cookies according to our "
  89. cookiesAlert.privacyPolicy.label: "Privacy policy"
  90. ""
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  109. countries.SP: "Spain"
  110. countries.TH: "Thailand"
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  112. countries.US.states.AK: "Alaska"
  113. countries.US.states.AL: "Alabama"
  114. countries.US.states.CA: "California"
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  153. "Apple Calendar"
  154. "Google Calendar"
  155. "Windows Calendar"
  156. errors.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  157. errors.default.title: "Error"
  158. errors.session.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  159. errors.session.default.title: "Error"
  160. errors.translation.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  161. errors.translation.default.title: "Error"
  162. errors.userInfo.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  163. errors.userInfo.default.title: "Error"
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  190. locales.fr_CA: "French"
  191. locales.fr_FR: "Français"
  192. locales.he_IL: "Hebrew"
  193. locales.pt_BR: "Portuguese"
  194. passenger.types.ADT.description: "From %1$d years old"
  195. passenger.types.ADT.label.plural: "Adults"
  196. passenger.types.ADT.label.singular: "Adult"
  197. passenger.types.CHD.description: "%1$d to %2$d years old"
  198. passenger.types.CHD.label.plural: "Children"
  199. passenger.types.CHD.label.singular: "Child"
  200. passenger.types.INF.description: "under %2$d years old"
  201. passenger.types.INF.label.plural: "Infants"
  202. passenger.types.INF.label.singular: "Infant"
  203. passenger.types.TNG.description: "%1$d to %2$d years old"
  204. passenger.types.TNG.label.plural: "Teenagers"
  205. passenger.types.TNG.label.singular: "Teenager"
  206. passenger.types.YTH.description: "%1$d to %2$d years old"
  207. passenger.types.YTH.label.plural: "Young adults"
  208. passenger.types.YTH.label.singular: "Young adult"
  209. person.civilities.dr: "Dr."
  210. "Mr."
  211. "Ms."
  212. "Prof."
  213. person.companionTypes.colleague: "Colleague"
  214. "Family"
  215. person.companionTypes.friend: "Friend"
  216. person.genders.boy: "Boy"
  217. person.genders.girl: "Girl"
  218. "Man"
  219. person.genders.woman: "Woman"
  220. "ID"
  221. person.travelDocument.passport: "Passport"
  222. phone.prefixes.+1: "United States (+1)"
  223. phone.prefixes.+33: "France (+33)"
  224. phone.prefixes.+34: "Spain (+34)"
  225. phone.prefixes.+39: "Italia (+39)"
  226. phone.prefixes.+44: "United Kingdom (+44)"
  227. phone.prefixes.+49: "Germany (+49)"
  228. phone.prefixes.+54: "Argentina (+54)"
  229. phone.prefixes.+61: "Australia (+61)"
  230. phone.prefixes.+972: "Israel (+972)"
  231. policy.bookingPNRFooter.label: "© EL AL Israel Airlines."
  232. policy.checkbox.links.fullPurchaseConditions.label: "full purchase conditions"
  233. policy.checkbox.links.hazardousMaterials.label: "hazardous materials restrictions"
  234. "#"
  235. policy.checkbox.links.termsOfTheContract.label: "terms of the contract"
  236. "#"
  237. policy.checkbox.text1: "I have read and accept the"
  238. policy.checkbox.text2: "and the"
  239. policy.furtherInfo: "For further information please see:"
  240. policy.legalLinks.airportInformation.label: "AIRPORT INFORMATION"
  241. ""
  242. policy.legalLinks.contactUs.label: "CONTACT US"
  243. ""
  244. policy.legalLinks.faq.label: "FAQ"
  245. ""
  246. policy.legalLinks.fullPurchaseConditions.label: "FULL PURCHASE CONDITIONS"
  247. "#"
  248. policy.legalLinks.legalGuidance.label: "LEGAL GUIDANCE"
  249. ""
  250. policy.legalLinks.passportAndVisa.label: "PASSPORT AND VISA"
  251. ""
  252. policy.legalLinks.privacyPolicy.label: "FULL PURCHASE CONDITIONS"
  253. "#"
  254. policy.legalLinks.taxesAndFees.label: "TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES DETAILS"
  255. "#"
  256. policy.paragraph: "The price displayed is the total amount for one adult passenger and is guaranteed only once you have purchased your ticket. This includes taxes, fees and surcharges.↵            Seat reservation is available up to 4 hours before the flight.↵            You can purchase a baggage reservation for one additional suitcase at a discount, up to 6 hours before your flight.↵            By law, chargeable seating services on your itinerary may not be canceled. Not all seat and meal options are offered on all flights."
  257. policy.privacy.description: "© EL AL Israel Airlines. Your privacy and the privacy of passengers accompanying you on your flight is important to us.↵                Please familiarize yourselves with our"
  258. policy.privacy.label: "privacy policy"
  259. ""
  260. policy.title: "Our Policies"
  261. price.currencies.AUD: "Australian"
  262. price.currencies.BRL: "Brazilian Real"
  263. price.currencies.CAD: "Canadian Dollar"
  264. price.currencies.CHF: "Swiss Franc"
  265. price.currencies.CZK: "Czech Koruna"
  266. price.currencies.EUR: "Euro"
  267. price.currencies.HKD: "Hong Kong Dollar"
  268. price.currencies.ILS: "New shekel"
  269. price.currencies.JPY: "Japanese Yen"
  270. price.currencies.KRW: "South Korean Won"
  271. price.currencies.NZD: "New Zealand Dollar"
  272. price.currencies.RUB: "Russian Ruble"
  273. price.currencies.SEK: "Swedish Krona"
  274. price.currencies.TRY: "Turkish Lira"
  275. price.currencies.UAH: "Ukrainian hryvnia"
  276. price.currencies.USD: "US Dollar"
  277. price.currencies.ZAR: "South African Rand"
  278. price.notAvailable: "N/A"
  279. price.pointsSuffix: "points"
  280. price.toggleLabel: "Show prices in"
  281. "cash"
  282. price.types.points: "points"
  283. travelTypes.multiCity: "Multicity"
  284. travelTypes.oneWay: "One way"
  285. travelTypes.roundTrip: "Round trip"
  286. "Gold"
  287. user.matmidTier.platinum: "Platinum"
  288. user.matmidTier.silver: "Silver"
  289. user.matmidTier.topPlatinum: "Top Platinum"
  290. wizardBar.customize: "Trip extras"
  291. "Flights"
  292. "Pay"
  293. "Search"
  294. wizardBar.travellers: "Travellers"
  297. common:
  298. currencyConverter.subtitle: "Your bank may use a different conversion rate at time of transaction."
  299. currencyConverter.title: "The currency conversion is provided for information purposes only."
  300. exitSeat.applyCta: "Yes"
  301. exitSeat.cancelCta: "No"
  302. exitSeat.confirmCheckbox: "I confirm that i meet all the requirements above and therefore qualify for a seat reservation at the exit row"
  303. exitSeat.listItem1: "Passenger must be at least 16 years old"
  304. exitSeat.listItem2: "Be able to read and understand instructions in English language, and comply with crew instructions in the event of an emergency"
  305. exitSeat.listItem3: "Be willing and capable to assist in the unlikely event of an emergency"
  306. exitSeat.listItem4: "Have the capacity to perform required duties without the assistance of a companion, parent, or other relative"
  307. exitSeat.listItem5: "Not be travelling with someone whe needs thier assistance in an emergency"
  308. exitSeat.listItem6: "Not have a condition or responsibility that might prevent them form performing these functions or cause them to suffer bodily harm while performing these functions"
  309. exitSeat.title: "In order to reserve a seat at emergency exit, you must fulfill the following criteria:"
  310. flightNoResult.soldOutFlight.shopFlightsCta: "Shop other flights"
  311. flightNoResult.soldOutFlight.subtitle: "Please select a different flight."
  312. flightNoResult.soldOutFlight.title: "We are sorry but the flight you have selected is sold out or no longer available."
  313. flightNoResult.startNewSearchCta: "Start new search"
  314. flightNoResult.unavailableFare.shopFaresCta: "Shop other fares"
  315. flightNoResult.unavailableFare.subtitle: "Please select a different fare."
  316. flightNoResult.unavailableFare.title: "We are sorry but the flight fare you have selected is sold out or no longer available."
  317. flightNoResult.unavailableFlight.title: "We are sorry but we could not find any flights for the search you have selected. Please try a new search and adjust your search parameters."
  318. infantBassinet.addBassinetCta: "Add Bassinet"
  319. infantBassinet.applyCta: "Yes"
  320. infantBassinet.applyCtaLegend: "I'll seat the infant in lap or car seat"
  321. infantBassinet.cancelCta: "No"
  322. infantBassinet.cancelCtaLegend: "Reserve a bassinet Seating Restrictions may apply"
  323. infantBassinet.confirmationLabel: "I confirm the Infant's Date of Birth and understand there may be seating restrictions"
  324. infantBassinet.mandatoryModeSubtitle: " NOTE: Seat selection restrictions may apply."
  325. infantBassinet.mandatoryModeTitle: "It looks as if your infant passenger is younger than 9 months. Travel restrictions require the infant be seated in a bassinet."
  326. infantBassinet.optionalModeActionTitle: "Do you wish to reserve a bassinet for the infant ?"
  327. infantBassinet.optionalModeSubtitle: "You have the option to seat the infant in a bassinet. NOTE: Seat selection restrictions may apply."
  328. infantBassinet.optionalModeTitle: "It looks as if your infant passenger is 9 months or older."
  329. lockPrice.learnMoreCta: "Learn More"
  330. lockPrice.mainCta: "Lock the price for %1$dH + %2$s"
  331. lockPrice.paragraph1: "The price of this flight may go up in the next few hours. Do you need time to think about it? Still can’t buy it? "
  332. lockPrice.paragraph2: "Lock the current price for %1$d hours from just %2$s per traveler each way."
  333. lockPrice.title: "Need time to think ?"
  334. paymentConfirmation.cancelCTA: "Cancel"
  335. "Cash:"
  336. paymentConfirmation.continueCTA: "Continue"
  337. paymentConfirmation.points: "Points:"
  338. paymentConfirmation.pointsIncentive: "Next step takes you to payment and you have chosen to pay only in cash. Do you wish to proceed?"
  339. paymentConfirmation.subtitle: "Next step takes you to payment. Please confirm the below payment ratio before proceeding."
  340. saveSearch.confirmationText1: "We have just and e-mail to "
  341. saveSearch.confirmationText2: " with the link and the instructions to continue the booking later on another computer."
  342. "Contact"
  343. "Email"
  344. saveSearch.fields.lastName.label: "Last name"
  345. saveSearch.fields.matmidNumber.label: "Matmid club number"
  346. saveSearch.fields.newsletterOptIn.label: "Subscribe to ElAl Newsletter"
  347. saveSearch.or: "Or"
  348. saveSearch.saveSearchCta: "Save my search"
  349. saveSearch.searchMoreFlightsCta: "Search more flights"
  350. saveSearch.sendAgainCta: "Send again"
  351. saveSearch.title: "You can save your search and continue later on another device. We need a name and email so we can send you a link and instructions on how to continue."
  352. timeToThink.actionTitle: "Save booking and process to Traveler Details?"
  353. timeToThink.applyCta.label: "Yes"
  354. timeToThink.cancelCta.label: "No"
  355. timeToThink.cancelCta.legend: "Take me back to my current Flight Selection"
  356. timeToThink.confirmLabel: "I want to secure my booking for just %1$s"
  357. timeToThink.costLabel: "This reservation will cost %1$s"
  358. timeToThink.note: "NOTE: To secure your flights, you must complete Traveler Detail Information for all passengers before payment."
  359. timeToThink.title: "The booking will be secured for %1$d hours until %2$s (Local time at departure airport)."
  360. timeout.actionTitle: "Are you ready to continue?"
  361. timeout.applyCta.label: "Yes"
  362. timeout.applyCta.legend: "Restart the timer"
  363. timeout.cancelCta.label: "No"
  364. timeout.cancelCta.legend: "I’ll continue on another computer"
  365. timeout.popupTitle: "Alert"
  366. timeout.sessionEnds: "Session ends in %1$s."
  367. timeout.subtitle: "Or, you can also save your search and continue later."
  368. timeout.title: "You can restart the timer to keep shopping."
  371. Header:
  372. bookWithPointsCta: "Book with points"
  373. language: "Language"
  374. loginCta: "Log in"
  375. loginIncentive.label: "View a world of benefits by logging in"
  376. loginIncentive.loginCta: "Log In "
  377. loginIncentive.registerCta: "Sign-up here"
  378. loginIncentive.registerLabel: "Not a Matmid member ?"
  379. manageTripCta: "Manage Trip"
  380. matmidClub: "Matmid club"
  381. matmidLoyalty: "MATMID %1$s Loyalty Member"
  382. matmidPoints: "Points you've earned for %2$s tier: %1$d"
  383. "Explore"
  384. ""
  385. "Freqently Flyer Club"
  386. ""
  387. "Manage trips"
  388. ""
  389. "Plan and book"
  390. ""
  391. "Service"
  392. ""
  393. noUpcomingTrips: "No upcoming trips"
  394. otherCountries: "Other countries"
  395. selectLanguage: "Select Language"
  396. signOut: "Sign out"
  397. viewAllFlightsCta: "View All Flights"
  398. yourPointsBalance: "Your points balance"
  399. yourUpcomingTrips: "Your upcoming trips"
  402. search:
  403. autoComplete.citiesAirports: "Cities"
  404. autoComplete.from: "from"
  405. autoComplete.nearby: "Nearby"
  406. autoComplete.noAirportsFound: "No airports found"
  407. autoComplete.recent: "Recent"
  408. autoComplete.tripTheme: "Trip Theme"
  409. "Deal"
  410. calendar.from: "From"
  411. calendar.oneWay: "One-way price"
  412. calendar.reset: "Reset dates"
  413. calendar.roundTrip: "Roundtrip price"
  414. calendar.submit: "Done"
  415. calendar.summary.taxes: "Taxes and surcharges from"
  416. "Total from"
  417. calendar.tabLabel: "Calendar"
  418. calendarLearnMore.description: "Displayed price applies to one adult passenger including taxes, fees and surcharges. Prices are estimated and are not guaranteed"
  419. calendarLearnMore.label: "Learn More"
  420. "#"
  421. ctaLabel: "Submit"
  422. dates.inbound.label: "Depart"
  423. dates.multi.flight: "Flight %s"
  424. dates.multi.label: "Date"
  425. dates.outbound.label: "Return"
  426. dates.placeholder: "Select date"
  427. errors.calendarCash.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  428. errors.calendarCash.default.title: "Error"
  429. errors.calendarPoints.101.description: "Error while getting price in points"
  430. errors.calendarPoints.101.title: "Error"
  431. errors.calendarPoints.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  432. errors.calendarPoints.default.title: "Error"
  433. errors.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  434. errors.default.title: "Error"
  435. errors.destination.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  436. errors.destination.default.title: "Error"
  437. errors.fastCash.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  438. errors.fastCash.default.title: "Error"
  439. errors.fastPoints.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  440. errors.fastPoints.default.title: "Error"
  441. errors.origin.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  442. errors.origin.default.title: "Error"
  443. errors.pax.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  444. errors.pax.default.title: "Error"
  445. from.geoloc: "Use my current location"
  446. from.label: "From"
  447. from.placeholder: "Where are you coming from?"
  448. graph.from: "From"
  449. graph.noPrices: "No prices are defined yet"
  450. graph.tabLabel: "Prices"
  451. graph.tabOneMonth: "1 month"
  452. graph.tabOneWeek: "1 week"
  453. graph.tabSixMonths: "6 months"
  454. graph.tabThreeMonths: "3 months"
  455. inspiration.budgetInputlabel: "Amount / Traveler"
  456. inspiration.budgetTitle: "What is your budget?"
  457. inspiration.dateInputLabel: "Specific Date"
  458. inspiration.dateInputPlaceholder: "Specific Date"
  459. inspiration.inspiredDestinationSubtitle: "Just click a city to complete your search destination"
  460. inspiration.inspiredDestinationTitle: "Inspired Destinations"
  461. inspiration.lengthOfStayLabel: "Length of stay (%1$s to %2$s nights)"
  462. inspiration.monthInputLabel: "Month"
  463. inspiration.monthInputPlaceholder: "Select month"
  464. inspiration.or: "Or"
  465. inspiration.passengersInputLabel: "Passengers"
  466. inspiration.searchTitle: "Where to?"
  467. inspiration.submitCta: "Search flights"
  468. inspiration.timeLabel: "Time Between"
  469. inspiration.travellersLabel: "Travellers"
  470. inspiration.travellersTitle: "Who is going with you?"
  471. promoCode: "Promo code"
  472. recentSearches.closeLabel: "Close"
  473. recentSearches.error: "There is no previous search data."
  474. recentSearches.label: "Recent Searches"
  475. "Flights"
  476. tabs.inspiration: "Inspire me"
  477. to.label: "To"
  478. to.placeholder: "Where are you going?"
  479. travellers.countPassengers.plural: "%1$d passengers"
  480. travellers.countPassengers.singular: "%1$d passenger"
  481. travellers.details.label: "Passengers"
  482. travellers.details.more.label: "More info"
  483. "#"
  484. travellers.label: "Travellers"
  485. travellers.result.plural: "%d passengers"
  486. travellers.result.singular: "%d passenger"
  487. travellers.submit: "Done"
  490. bookingFlights:
  491. bound.additionalTax: "Additional tax: %1$s for all passengers"
  492. bound.aircraft: "Aircraft: "
  493. bound.allCabinsSoldOut: "All cabins sold out"
  494. bound.arrival: "Arrival"
  495. bound.arrivalCityTime: "Arrival City Time"
  496. bound.benefits.ASS.icon: "advanced seat selection"
  497. bound.benefits.ASS.label: "Advanced Seat Selection"
  498. "others"
  499. bound.benefits.BLT.icon: "bolt"
  500. bound.benefits.BLT.label: "Priority Check-in"
  501. "others"
  502. bound.benefits.CBAG.icon: "checked-baggage"
  503. bound.benefits.CBAG.label: "1 x Checked baggage"
  504. "baggage"
  505. bound.benefits.ELU.icon: "arrow-up"
  506. bound.benefits.ELU.label: "Eligible for upgrade"
  507. "others"
  508. bound.benefits.FEES.icon: "money"
  509. bound.benefits.FEES.label: "Booking changes entail a fee"
  510. "fees"
  511. bound.benefits.FRRE.icon: "free"
  512. bound.benefits.FRRE.label: "Rebooking for free"
  513. "others"
  514. bound.benefits.HBAG.icon: "hand-baggage"
  515. bound.benefits.HBAG.label: "2 x Hand baggage"
  516. "baggage"
  517. bound.benefits.MAT.icon: "badge"
  518. bound.benefits.MAT.label: "Matmid Points"
  519. "others"
  520. bound.benefits.MEAL.icon: "fork-knife"
  521. bound.benefits.MEAL.label: "Include Meals"
  522. "others"
  523. bound.benefits.MMM.icon: "money"
  524. bound.benefits.MMM.label: "Booking changes entail a fee"
  525. "fees"
  526. bound.benefits.REE.icon: "refund"
  527. bound.benefits.REE.label: "Refundable"
  528. "others"
  529. bound.benefits.RRR.icon: "calendar-deny"
  530. bound.benefits.RRR.label: "Rebooking Not Possible"
  531. "others"
  532. bound.benefits.SEAT.icon: "seat-selection"
  533. bound.benefits.SEAT.label: "Seat Selection"
  534. "others"
  535. bound.benefits.TLB.icon: "ticket-bolt"
  536. bound.benefits.TLB.label: "Priority Boarding"
  537. "others"
  538. bound.benefits.WIF.icon: "wifi"
  539. bound.benefits.WIF.label: "Wifi"
  540. "others"
  541. bound.bestValue: "Best Value"
  542. bound.departure: "Departure"
  543. bound.departureCityTime: "Departure City Time"
  544. bound.detailsCta: "Flight details"
  545. bound.meal: "Meal: "
  546. bound.mixedCabin: "Mixed Cabin"
  547. bound.notAvailable: "Not Available"
  548. bound.operatedBy: "operated by"
  549. bound.recommendation: "Our recommendation"
  550. bound.searchSeatsIn: "Search seats in %1$s"
  551. bound.seatLeft.plural: "%1$d Seats left"
  552. bound.seatLeft.singular: "%1$d Seat left"
  553. bound.seatPreviewCta: "View seats"
  554. bound.seatSelection.backCta: "Back"
  555. bound.seatSelection.description: "You'll be able to select your seat after you enter your passenger information, or when you check in for your flight (seat availability may differ at check-in). Seat availability and prices can vary at time of purchase based on the fare selected and Matmid status."
  556. bound.seatSelection.flightDetailsCta: "Flight details"
  557. bound.seatSelection.fromTo: "%1$s to %2$s"
  558. bound.seatSelection.label: "It's not time to select your seat just yet."
  559. bound.seatsCta: "Seats"
  560. bound.selectCta: "Select"
  561. bound.soldOut: "Sold out"
  562. bound.stops.none: "NonStop"
  563. bound.stops.plural: "%1$d stops"
  564. bound.stops.singular: "%1$d stop"
  565. bound.terminal: "Terminal: "
  566. bound.time: "Time: "
  567. bound.travelTime: "Total travel time: "
  568. bound.upgradeCta: "Upgrade"
  569. bound.yourFlight: "Your Flight"
  570. changeFlight.actionTitle: "Are you sure to proceed ?"
  571. changeFlight.applyCta.label: "Yes"
  572. changeFlight.applyCta.legend: "Cancel current selections and change flights"
  573. changeFlight.cancelCta.label: "No"
  574. changeFlight.cancelCta.legend: "Take me back to my current flight selection"
  575. changeFlight.detailsTitle: "Please Note:"
  576. changeFlight.moreInfo: "For more information, please refer to our "
  577. changeFlight.title: "It looks as if you want to change flights. We want to remind you that prices may change according to your flight combination and date selection."
  578. closeSearchCta: "Hide search"
  579. errors.availabilitySeatMap.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  580. errors.availabilitySeatMap.default.title: "Error"
  581. errors.conditions.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  582. errors.conditions.default.title: "Error"
  583. errors.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  584. errors.default.title: "Error"
  585. errors.fare.121.description: "No fare, show a best pricing"
  586. errors.fare.121.title: "Error"
  587. errors.fare.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  588. errors.fare.default.title: "Error"
  589. errors.inboundCash.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  590. errors.inboundCash.default.title: "Error"
  591. errors.inboundPoints.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  592. errors.inboundPoints.default.title: "Error"
  593. errors.outboundCash.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  594. errors.outboundCash.default.title: "Error"
  595. errors.outboundPoints.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  596. errors.outboundPoints.default.title: "Error"
  597. errors.tbarCash.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  598. errors.tbarCash.default.title: "Error"
  599. errors.tbarPoints.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  600. errors.tbarPoints.default.title: "Error"
  601. openSearchCta: "Start a new search"
  602. panel.arrivalSelection: "Please select your return flight"
  603. panel.changeFlightCta: "Change this flight"
  604. panel.departureSelection: "Please select your departing flight"
  605. panel.directFlights: "Direct flights"
  606. panel.fromTo: "%1$s to %2$s"
  607. panel.hideSectionCta: "Hide this section"
  608. panel.indirectFlights: "Indirect flights"
  609. panel.learnAboutFaresCta.label: "Learn about our fares"
  610. "#"
  611. panel.pricePerPerson: "Price per person"
  612. panel.showMoreCta: "Show More Flights"
  613. panel.showSectionCta: "Show this section"
  614. panel.sort.duration: "Sort by duration"
  615. panel.sort.price: "Sort by price"
  616. panel.sort.stops: "Sort by stops"
  617. panel.sort.time: "Sort by departure time"
  618. "to"
  621. bookingPassengers:
  622. contact.informationNotice: "We will use the contact details below to send you your ticket and any important information related to your flight."
  623. contact.recieveInformation: "I am interested in receiving promotional information from the EL AL Group and third parties via:"
  624. contact.title: "Contact Information"
  625. errors.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  626. errors.default.title: "Error"
  627. errors.pax.1001.description: "Title not allowed"
  628. errors.pax.1001.title: "Important"
  629. errors.pax.1005.description: "Email not in a valid format Email format is not valid (e.g."
  630. errors.pax.1005.title: "Important"
  631. errors.pax.1006.description: "Too many characters for full name. Can't exceed 420"
  632. errors.pax.1006.title: "Important"
  633. errors.pax.1007.description: "Date of birth is missing. Date of birth field is mandatory"
  634. errors.pax.1007.title: "Important"
  635. errors.pax.1008.description: "Passenger condition: infant is more than 2 years in the date of the return flight"
  636. errors.pax.1008.title: "Important"
  637. errors.pax.1009.description: "age is less than 12 years"
  638. errors.pax.1009.title: "Important"
  639. errors.pax.1010.description: "age is less than 15 years"
  640. errors.pax.1010.title: "Important"
  641. errors.pax.1011.description: "Passenger condition, number of inf higher than number of adults. The number of babies must be less than or equal to the number of passengers > 15"
  642. errors.pax.1011.title: "Important"
  643. errors.pax.1012.description: "Passenger condition, no adults. At least one adult must be on input"
  644. errors.pax.1012.title: "Important"
  645. errors.pax.1013.description: "Gender is missing. Geneder Field is mandatory"
  646. errors.pax.1013.title: "Important"
  647. errors.pax.1014.description: "Passenger condition: Name and surname too long for request"
  648. errors.pax.1014.title: "Important"
  649. errors.pax.3003.description: "First name must contain only English letters"
  650. errors.pax.3003.title: "Important"
  651. errors.pax.3005.description: "Last name must contain only English letters"
  652. errors.pax.3005.title: "Important"
  653. errors.pax.4339.description: "Matmid number is invalid!"
  654. errors.pax.4339.title: "Important"
  655. errors.pax.43726.description: "The selected flight is no longer available"
  656. errors.pax.43726.title: "Error"
  657. errors.pax.4343421.description: "For segment NOT AVAILABLE AND WAITLIST CLOSED"
  658. errors.pax.4343421.title: "Error"
  659. errors.pax.4343500.description: "Not HK segment:[NN] for segment:1:from MAD to TLV"
  660. errors.pax.4343500.title: "Error"
  661. errors.pax.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  662. errors.pax.default.title: "Error"
  663. errors.paxInfo.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  664. errors.paxInfo.default.title: "Error"
  665. errors.paxValidFF.43101.description: "Unknown error during conversation"
  666. errors.paxValidFF.43101.title: "Error"
  667. errors.paxValidFF.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  668. errors.paxValidFF.default.title: "Error"
  669. errors.prefix.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  670. errors.prefix.default.title: "Error"
  671. fields.birthDay.label: "Date of birth"
  672. fields.birthDay.placeholder: "Enter a date"
  673. fields.civility.label: "Civility"
  674. "Email"
  675. "Email"
  676. fields.firstName.label: "First name"
  677. fields.firstName.placeholder: "Your first name"
  678. fields.gender.label: "Gender"
  679. fields.lastName.label: "Last name"
  680. fields.lastName.placeholder: "Your last name"
  681. fields.matMidNumber.label: "MatMid Club Number"
  682. fields.matMidNumber.placeholder: ""
  683. fields.middleName.label: "Middle name"
  684. fields.middleName.placeholder: "Your middle name"
  685. fields.newsletterOptInEmail.label: "Email"
  686. fields.newsletterOptInPhone.label: "Phone"
  687. "Phone"
  688. "Phone"
  689. "Country"
  690. information.clearForm.label: "It is not you?"
  691. "Clear form"
  692. information.notices.paragraph1: "Enter the name of each individual passenger. Make sure that the spelling is the same as in the travel document."
  693. information.notices.paragraph2: "This will prevent problems when checking in and on entry."
  694. information.notices.paragraph3: "Travel documents are a vital part of a successful journey."
  695. information.notices.paragraph4: "It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your documents (e.g. passport and/or visa) are valid for entry into or transit through each country on your itinerary."
  696. information.title: "Information"
  697. matmid.login.label: "You could earn up to 100 points for this trip, just"
  698. "log in"
  699. matmid.notice: "Registering for Matmid Club will be offered to all eligible passengers who do not enter a Matmid Number. Your Matmid Frequent Flyer number is 6 or 8 digits long."
  700. matmid.register.label: "Not a member?"
  701. "Create a frequent flyer account"
  702. matmid.title: "MatMid Membership"
  703. save.column1Title: "Select passenger(s) for record*"
  704. save.column2Title: "Relation"
  705. save.fields.confirmPassword.label: "Confirm password"
  706. "Email"
  707. "Email"
  708. save.fields.matmidNumber.label: "Matmid club number"
  709. save.fields.matmidNumber.placeholder: "Matmid club number"
  710. save.fields.password.label: "Password"
  711. save.or: "Or"
  712. save.provideValidEmail: "Provide a valid email address to associate with contact access"
  713. save.securedBy: "Secured by Verisign"
  714. save.selectRelationship: "Select relationship"
  715. save.skipStepCta: "Skip this step"
  716. save.subtitle: "Save time on your next visit, we’ll store each passenger’s details as you have entered."
  717. save.title: "Save Traveler Information"
  718. specialAssistance.alertMessages.assistanceDogOptions: "You will have to provide recent documentation to our Call Center at least 48 hours before the flight"
  719. specialAssistance.alertMessages.customerService: "One of our Customer Service agents will contact you after booking is completed"
  720. specialAssistance.alertMessages.mobilityImpaired: "Please let us know at least 48 hours before the flight about essential mobility accessories"
  721. specialAssistance.assistanceDog.label: "I'll be accompanied by an assistance dog"
  722. specialAssistance.assistanceDogOptions.emotionalDog: "Emotional support dog"
  723. specialAssistance.assistanceDogOptions.serviceDog: "Service dog"
  724. specialAssistance.assistanceDogWeight.label: "Please tell us your dog's weight"
  725. specialAssistance.assistanceDogWeight.placeholder: "99kg"
  726. specialAssistance.clearForm: "Clear form"
  727. specialAssistance.customerService.label: "I would like customer service to contact me regarding additional special needs at the airport and/or onboard"
  728. specialAssistance.hearingImpaired.label: "I'm hearing impaired"
  729. specialAssistance.hearingImpairedOptions.escortHearing: "I require escort assistance within the airport"
  730. specialAssistance.hidePanelCta: "Hide this section"
  731. specialAssistance.learnMore.label: "Learn more"
  732. "#"
  733. specialAssistance.mobilityImpaired.label: "I'm mobility impaired"
  734. specialAssistance.mobilityImpairedOptions.remainStanding: "I cannot remain in a standing position for extended periods"
  735. specialAssistance.mobilityImpairedOptions.stairs: "I cannot go up or down the stairs"
  736. specialAssistance.mobilityImpairedOptions.wheelchair: "I have my own wheelchair"
  737. specialAssistance.notice: "Special assistance requests are available only on flights operated by EL AL."
  738. specialAssistance.showPanelCta: "Show this section"
  739. specialAssistance.title: "Special Assistance"
  740. specialAssistance.visuallyImpaired.label: "I'm visually impaired"
  741. specialAssistance.visuallyImpairedOptions.escortVisual: "I require escort assistance within the airport"
  742. title: "Passenger(s) Information"
  745. bookingAncillaries:
  746. addToCartCta: "Add to cart %1$s"
  747. applyForAllFlights: "Apply for all flights"
  748. applyForPassengers: "Apply for remaining travelers"
  749. baggage.addBaggageCta: "Add Baggage"
  750. baggage.confirmationLabel.plural: "%1$s bags"
  751. baggage.confirmationLabel.singular: "%1$s bag"
  752. baggage.confirmationLabelBundle.plural: "%1$s bags (%2$s)"
  753. baggage.confirmationLabelBundle.singular: "%1$s bag (%2$s)"
  754. baggage.legendTitle: "Add baggage to your flight"
  755. baggage.noticeHeader: "1 bag is included with the price of your ticket. Need to bring more? Pay for your bags now and save."
  756. baggage.policyLink: "Read full baggage policy"
  757. baggage.summaryLabel: "Baggage"
  758. baggage.title: "Add Baggage"
  759. baggagePolicy.label: "Baggage policy"
  760. "#"
  761. bundle.getBundleCta: "Get Bundle"
  762. bundle.itemPrice: "%1$s per person"
  763. bundle.legendTitle: "Choose your Bundle"
  764. bundle.noticeHeader: "Save when you add more items like seats, baggage, pets, lounge access, WiFi and more to your custom experience."
  765. bundle.policyLink: "Read our internal policy"
  766. bundle.summaryLabel: "Bundle"
  767. bundle.title: "Bundle and save!"
  768. bundleTitle: "Pick a bundle, save money!"
  769. cancelCta: "No Thanks"
  770. changeCta: "Change"
  771. chooseCta: "Choose"
  772. connectingFlight.description: "This flight is not selectable because it is being carried out by another airline.  You may contact this airline directly to make arrangements with your baggage at"
  773. connectingFlight.label: "Connecting Flight - Seat Restriction"
  774. continueCta: "Continue"
  775. customizeTitle: "Trip extras"
  776. doneCta: "Done"
  777. errors.catalog.AH_1010.description: "Error connecting remote system"
  778. errors.catalog.AH_1010.title: "Error"
  779. errors.catalog.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  780. errors.catalog.default.title: "Error"
  781. errors.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  782. errors.default.title: "Error"
  783. errors.saveAncillariesSelection.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  784. errors.saveAncillariesSelection.default.title: "Error"
  785. errors.seatMap.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  786. errors.seatMap.default.title: "Error"
  787. header.bestChoiceTag: "Best Choice"
  788. header.defaultMainCta: "Choose"
  789. header.from: "From"
  790. header.included: "Included"
  791. header.matmidOfferTag: "MatMid Offer"
  792. header.perPersonPerLeg: "/ person per leg"
  793. included: "Included"
  794. includedIn: "Included in %1$s"
  795. meal.addMealCta: "Add"
  796. meal.confirmationLabel.plural: "You have included %1$s meals"
  797. meal.confirmationLabel.singular: "You have included %1$s meal"
  798. meal.legendTitle: "In-flight food and beverages"
  799. meal.noticeHeader: "Enjoy a tasty meal on ElAl flight"
  800. meal.paragraph1: "Our guests are invited to enjoy a rich varied menu, with palate-pleasing specialties created by EL AL"
  801. meal.paragraph2: "We will be delighted to indulge your palate with delicacies created for you from choice ingredients that combine to create divers Israeli and international menus, always suited to the time of your flight."
  802. meal.summaryLabel: "Meals"
  803. meal.title: "Choose your meal"
  804. mobileChooseCta: "Choose"
  805. moreOptionsTitle: "Need more options?"
  806. nextFlightCta: "Next Flight"
  807. nextPassengerCta: "Next Passenger"
  808. notSelectable: "Not selectable"
  809. platinumCompanion.legend: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis ante odio, a condimentum magna eleifend."
  810. platinumCompanion.legendTitle: "Choose your companion"
  811. platinumCompanion.noticeHeader: "As a platinum member, you can choose a platinum companion"
  812. platinumCompanion.selectCompanionCta: "Select Companion"
  813. platinumCompanion.summaryLabel: "Platinum Access"
  814. platinumCompanion.title: "Platinum Companion"
  815. platinumMemberTitle: "Platinum Member"
  816. removeFromCartCta: "Remove from cart"
  817. seat.adjacentSeats: "Available adjacent seats"
  818. seat.bassinet: "Bassinet"
  819. seat.characteristics.1A: "Seat Not Allowed For Infant"
  820. seat.characteristics.1B: "Seat Not Allowed For Medical"
  821. seat.characteristics.1C: "Seat Not Allowed For Unaccompanied Minor"
  822. seat.characteristics.1D: "Restricted Recline"
  823. seat.characteristics.1M: "Seat With Movie View"
  824. seat.characteristics.1W: "Window Seat Wothout Window"
  825. seat.characteristics.3: "Individual Video Screen-Choice Of Movies"
  826. seat.characteristics.A: "Aisle Seat"
  827. seat.characteristics.AM: "Individual Movie Screen-No Choice Of Movie"
  828. seat.characteristics.B: "Seat With Bassinet Facility"
  829. seat.characteristics.BC: "Business Class Bed Seat"
  830. seat.characteristics.BS: "Business Class  Seat"
  831. seat.characteristics.C: "Suitable For Crew"
  832. seat.characteristics.CH: "Chargable Seat"
  833. seat.characteristics.E: "Exit Row Seat"
  834. seat.characteristics.EC: "Electronic Connection For Laptop Or Fax Machine"
  835. seat.characteristics.EK: "Economy Comfort"
  836. seat.characteristics.EP: "Economy Plus Seat"
  837. seat.characteristics.ES: "Economy Seat"
  838. seat.characteristics.FB: "First Class Bed Seat"
  839. seat.characteristics.FC: "Front Of Cabin Class / Compartment"
  840. seat.characteristics.H: "Seat With Facility For Handicapped/ Incapacitate"
  841. seat.characteristics.IE: "Seat Not Suitable For Child"
  842. seat.characteristics.K: "Bulkhead Seat"
  843. seat.characteristics.L: "Leg Space Seat"
  844. seat.characteristics.LE: "Left Facing Lie Flat Seat More Left Angle"
  845. seat.characteristics.LL: "Left Facing LieFlat Seat"
  846. seat.characteristics.LR: "Right Facing Lie Flat Seat"
  847. seat.characteristics.LT: "Right Facing Lie Flat Seat More Right Angle"
  848. seat.characteristics.M: "Seat Without Movie View"
  849. seat.characteristics.NA: "Narrow seat"
  850. seat.characteristics.NM: "Fixed arm rest"
  851. seat.characteristics.O: "Preferential Seat"
  852. seat.characteristics.OW: "Overwing Seat"
  853. seat.characteristics.PC: "Pet Cabin"
  854. seat.characteristics.PE: "Premium Class Seat"
  855. seat.characteristics.Q: "Seat In Quiet Zone"
  856. seat.characteristics.SC: "Seat With Facility For Stretcher"
  857. seat.characteristics.U: "Seat Suitable For Unaccompanied"
  858. seat.characteristics.UP: "Upper Deck Seat"
  859. seat.characteristics.V: "Seat To Be Left Vacant Or Offered Last"
  860. seat.characteristics.W: "Window Seat"
  861. seat.characteristics.X: "No Facility Seat (indifferent seat)"
  862. seat.confirmationLabel.plural: "%1$s seats"
  863. seat.confirmationLabel.singular: "%1$s seat"
  864. seat.confirmationLabelBundle.plural: "%1$s seats (%2$s)"
  865. seat.confirmationLabelBundle.singular: "%1$s seat (%2$s)"
  866. seat.emergencyExit: "Emergency Exit"
  867. seat.expandSeatMap: "Expand Seat Map"
  868. seat.galley: "Galley"
  869. "Business"
  870. seat.labelCodes.businessExtra: "Business Extra"
  871. seat.labelCodes.businessPreference: "Business Preference"
  872. seat.labelCodes.ecoEmergencyExit: "Eco emergency exit"
  873. seat.labelCodes.ecoExtraSpace: "Eco extra space"
  874. seat.labelCodes.ecoPlus: "Eco plus"
  875. seat.labelCodes.ecoPreference: "Eco preference"
  876. seat.labelCodes.ecoStandard: "Eco standard"
  877. seat.labelCodes.economy: "Economy"
  878. seat.labelCodes.economyPlus: "Economy Plus"
  879. seat.labelCodes.firstClass: "First Class"
  880. seat.labelCodes.firstExtra: "First Extra"
  881. seat.labelCodes.firstPreference: "First Preference"
  882. seat.labelCodes.preferred: "Preferred"
  883. seat.labelCodes.premium: "Premium"
  884. seat.lavatory: "Lavatory"
  885. seat.legendTitle: "Seat legend"
  886. seat.noticeHeader: "Choose your preferred seat before you fly. You can always edit your choice later."
  887. seat.seatLegendTitle: "Useful Informations"
  888. seat.seatNotAvailable: "Not Available"
  889. seat.seatSelected: "Selected"
  890. seat.seatmapPlanTitle: "Seat Selection"
  891. seat.selectAdjacentSeat: "Select adjacent seat(s) for remaining passenger(s)"
  892. seat.selectSeatCta: "Select Seat"
  893. seat.shrinkSeatMap: "Shrink Seat Map"
  894. seat.summaryLabel: "Seats"
  895. seat.title: "Seat Selection"
  896. seatingPolicy.label: "Seating policy"
  897. "#"
  898. selectFlight: "Select Flight"
  899. sport.addSportEquipmentCta: "Sport equipment"
  900. sport.confirmationLabel.plural: "%1$s equipments"
  901. sport.confirmationLabel.singular: "%1$s equipment"
  902. sport.confirmationLabelBundle.plural: "%1$s equipments (%2$s)"
  903. sport.confirmationLabelBundle.singular: "%1$s equipment (%2$s)"
  904. sport.contactElal: "Contact ElAl call center at:"
  905. sport.legendTitle: "Sport equipment"
  906. sport.noticeHeader: "Sports equipment - weighing up to 50 kilos (33 to 110 pounds) and measuring 277 cm (110 inches)."
  907. sport.paragraph1: "SKI, SNOWBOARD or REGULAR EQUIPMENT"
  908. sport.paragraph2: "One set of Ski or  Snowboard is free on all EL AL flights and in all cabins."
  909. sport.paragraph3: "BIKE OR LARGE EQUIPMENT"
  910. sport.paragraph4: "Bike can be requested but is possible only if there is enough quota onboard."
  911. sport.summaryLabel: "Sport"
  912. sport.title: "Add Sport Equipment"
  913. to: "to"
  914. wifi.confirmationLabel.plural: "%1$s wifi access"
  915. wifi.confirmationLabel.singular: "%1$s wifi access"
  916. wifi.confirmationLabelBundle.plural: "%1$s wifi access (%2$s)"
  917. wifi.confirmationLabelBundle.singular: "%1$s wifi access (%2$s)"
  918. wifi.itemPrice: "%1$s per person"
  919. wifi.legend: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis ante odio, a condimentum magna eleifend."
  920. wifi.legendTitle: "Choose your WiFi plan"
  921. wifi.noticeHeader: "Relax before your flight in comfort. Available at select Airports"
  922. wifi.summaryLabel: "Wifi Access"
  923. wifi.title: "Wifi Access"
  926. manageMyBooking:
  927. ancillaries.title: "Trip extras"
  928. bookingSummary.action.addToCalendar: "Add to calendar"
  929. bookingSummary.action.checkIn: "Check in"
  930. bookingSummary.action.manageTrip: "Manage trip"
  931. bookingSummary.action.printBoardingPass: "Print boarding pass"
  932. bookingSummary.action.share: "Share"
  933. bookingSummary.panelTitle: "Upcoming Trip to %1$s"
  934. bookingSummary.reference: "REF #%1$s"
  935. bookingSummary.title: "Trip Confirmation"
  936. cost.columnCharges: "Air transportation charges"
  937. cost.columnTaxes: "Taxes, fees and charges"
  938. cost.columnTotal: "Total"
  939. cost.columnTraveler: "Traveler"
  940. cost.currencyConverterCta: "Open Currency Converter"
  941. cost.title: "Costs"
  942. "Total"
  943. cost.totalCost: "Total cost: %1$s"
  944. dangerousGood.paragraph1: "Passenger baggage must not contain any articles or substances that may present a danger during transport, including those shown below.  Some exceptions apply."
  945. dangerousGood.paragraph2: "Please check the hazardous materials conditions. You may also visit the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website for a list of items that can and cannot be transported on passenger aircraft."
  946. dangerousGood.title: "Dangerous good"
  947. downloadAppIncentive.description: "Manage your trip experience at every step with the El Al Travel App. Available for Google Android and Apple iOS."
  948. downloadAppIncentive.label: "You booked your flights, now get the app!"
  949. errors.confirmation.default.description: "There was an error confirming your request"
  950. errors.confirmation.default.title: "Payment Failed"
  951. errors.default.description: "Something happened on the page. Please try again later."
  952. errors.default.title: "Error"
  953. errors.frequentFlyer.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  954. errors.frequentFlyer.default.title: "Error"
  955. errors.manageMyBooking.5.description: "TICKET RECONCILIATION NEEDED"
  956. errors.manageMyBooking.5.title: "Error"
  957. errors.manageMyBooking.6.description: "Error get information PNR"
  958. errors.manageMyBooking.6.title: "Error"
  959. errors.manageMyBooking.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  960. errors.manageMyBooking.default.title: "Error"
  961. flights.cancelReservation.long: "Cancel reservation"
  962. flights.cancelReservation.small: "Cancel"
  963. flights.changeFlightsCta: "Change flights"
  964. flights.closePanelCta: "Close"
  965. flights.fromTo: "%1$s to %2$s"
  966. flights.removeUpgradeCta: "Remove the upgrade"
  967. flights.title: "Flights"
  968. flights.upgradeCta: "Upgrade to classic seat"
  969. hotelAndCar.title: "Hotel and Car"
  970. passengers.earnPoints: "You will earn %1$s points"
  971. "Email"
  972. "Email"
  973. passengers.fields.matMidNumber.label: "MatMid"
  974. passengers.fields.matMidNumber.placeholder: "MatMid Number"
  975. "Phone Number"
  976. "Phone Number"
  977. passengers.platinumMember: "Platinum Member"
  978. passengers.purchasedOptions: "References for purchased options"
  979. passengers.ticketNumber: "Ticket # %1$s"
  980. passengers.title: "Traveler Details and Extras"
  981. passengers.travelWith: "This infant will travel with %1$s"
  982. passengers.updateCta: "Update"
  983. paymentConfirmation.sendAgainCta: "Send Again"
  984. paymentConfirmation.subtitle: "We sent a confirmation email to %1$s"
  985. paymentConfirmation.title: "Thank you for your payment."
  986. travelGuide.title: "Travel guide"
  989. cart:
  990. bottom.checkoutCta: "Checkout"
  991. bottom.closeCta: "Close cart"
  992. bottom.continueCta: "Continue"
  993. bottom.currencyConverter: "Currency converter"
  994. bottom.defaultMainCta: "Checkout"
  995. bottom.hideCta: "Hide cart"
  996. bottom.inCart: "Total to pay"
  997. bottom.loginCta: "Login to continue"
  998. bottom.nextPassengerCta: "Next Passenger"
  999. bottom.openCta: "Open cart"
  1000. bottom.payCta: "Pay"
  1001. bottom.showCta: "Show cart"
  1002. errors.conversionRate.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  1003. errors.conversionRate.default.title: "Error"
  1004. errors.default.description: "Something happened on the page. Please try again later."
  1005. errors.default.title: "Error"
  1006. errors.paymentUrl.15.description: "Error Call Lognet getPaymentPageUrl : Transport error: 520 Error: Unknown Error"
  1007. errors.paymentUrl.15.title: "Error"
  1008. errors.paymentUrl.16.description: "Error Call Payment Hub :404 Not Found"
  1009. errors.paymentUrl.16.title: "Error"
  1010. errors.paymentUrl.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  1011. errors.paymentUrl.default.title: "Error"
  1012. errors.shoppingBasket.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  1013. errors.shoppingBasket.default.title: "Error"
  1014. errors.sliderSpend.default.description: "Something happened while processing your request"
  1015. errors.sliderSpend.default.title: "Error"
  1016. panel.ancillaries: "Trip extras"
  1017. panel.bundles: "Bundle"
  1018. panel.cartIsEmpty: "Cart is empty. Select a flight."
  1019. panel.discounts: "Discount and promos"
  1020. "Flights"
  1021. panel.others: "Others"
  1022. panel.passengers: "Travellers"
  1023. "Price breakdown"
  1024. panel.priceBreakdown.text: "View the"
  1025. "Full purchase conditions"
  1026. panel.purchaseConditions.text: "Read the"
  1027. panel.remove: "Remove from cart"
  1028. panel.title: "Cart"
  1029. panel.upgrade: "Upgrade to %1$s"
  1030. panel.upgrades: "Flights upgrades"
  1031. priceBreakdown.details: "Details"
  1032. priceBreakdown.fare: "Fare"
  1033. priceBreakdown.passengerType: "Passenger type"
  1034. priceBreakdown.pricesPerPassenger: "Prices per passenger"
  1035. priceBreakdown.taxCodes.AR: "AR"
  1036. priceBreakdown.taxesAndCarrierImposedFeed: "Taxes and carrier imposed feed"
  1037. "Grand total"
  1038. priceBreakdown.totalPerPassenger: "Total price"
  1039. slider.errorMessages.max: "Airport taxes cannot be purshased using points"
  1040. slider.errorMessages.min: "You dont have enough points"
  1041. slider.links.maxPointsCta: "Use max points"
  1042. slider.loginIncentive.label: "To use points as part of your payment please login or create a Matmid Club account."
  1043. slider.loginIncentive.loginCta: "Login"
  1044. slider.text1: "Select how many points you want to use for your trip ("
  1045. slider.text2: ")"
  1048. bookingPNR:
  1049. ctaLabel: "See my bookings"
  1050. formFields.bookingCode.label: "Booking code"
  1051. formFields.bookingCode.placeholder: "Booking code (6 characters code)"
  1052. formFields.lastName.label: "Last name"
  1053. formFields.lastName.placeholder: "Last name"
  1054. information.description: "Complete or modify your personal information contact details,↵            Matmid card number, emergency contact..."
  1055. information.title: "My information"
  1056. loaderTitle: "Loading booking..."
  1057. myBookings.description: "View your current bookings, change your flight, treat yourself to an option or get a refund↵            for a plane ticket, all in the Your reservations section of the website."
  1058. myBookings.title: "My Bookings..."
  1059. options.description: "Get a bigger seat, bring more baggage items or sample an ElAl menu.↵            With our Options, create a trip that's perfect for you!"
  1060. options.title: "My options"
  1061. reservations.description: "Schedules, departure terminal, number of baggage items permitted.↵            Find all the information about your next trips here!"
  1062. reservations.title: "My reservations"
  1063. subtitle: "Choose an access option to find and display your bookings."
  1064. title: "Manage my booking"
  1067. formValidators:
  1068. invalidMessages.alerts.message: "The combined character length of your name has exceeded the limit. Please fill out your surname as it appears in your passport and leave out the last letters of your first name"
  1069. invalidMessages.alerts.title: "Important"
  1070. invalidMessages.alphaNumeric: "%1$s must contain English letters and/or digits only"
  1071. invalidMessages.birthDay: "Max age is 100"
  1072. invalidMessages.bottomMissing: "At least one missing field is required"
  1073. invalidMessages.digitsOnly: "%1$s must contain only digits"
  1074. invalidMessages.dogWeight.message: "Dog Weight Field is Required"
  1075. invalidMessages.dogWeight.title: "Important"
  1076. "Email format is not valid (e.g."
  1077. invalidMessages.exactLetters: "%1$s must contain exactly %2$s characters"
  1078. invalidMessages.lettersOnly: "%1$s must contain only English letters"
  1079. invalidMessages.matmidLength: "%1$s should be %2$s or %3$s digits"
  1080. invalidMessages.maxRequiredLetters: "Maximum of %2$s letters required"
  1081. invalidMessages.minRequiredLetters: "Minimum of %2$s letters required"
  1082. invalidMessages.required: "%1$s is mandatory"
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