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MCAuthenticator Config

a guest
Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. #The plugin now supports 2 types of 2fa: standard (Google Authenticator) based 2fa,
  2. #as well as the Yubikey.
  4. #'2fa'- "Google Authenticator" type 2fa
  5. #'yubikey' - Yubikey based authentication
  7. #To enable/disable each type of authentication, simply comment/uncomment each line
  8. #in question
  9. authenticators:
  10. - "2fa"
  11. #- "yubikey"
  13. #Yubikey configuration: Only needs to be filled in if you are using yubikey auth
  14. yubikey:
  15. clientId: -1 #Your client id
  16. clientSecret: secret #Your client secret
  18. #2fa configuration: Only needs to be filled in if you are using 2fa auth
  19. 2fa:
  20. #This is the key that will be by default displayed in the user's authentication
  21. #app. This may be whatever you want, but we suggest making it your server name
  22. #or some other identifier.
  23. serverIp: "Untuned's SMP Server"
  25. #If this option is true, the plugin will not factor into account the last IP of the player, and will force the player to
  26. #log in each time they are authenticated
  27. forceSameIPAuthentication: false
  29. #If this option is false, the plugin will not tamper with the player inventory, and all authentication will be chat based.
  30. #If this option is true, the plugin will stash away the player inventory and display the QR code in a map.
  31. #Leaving this option at true is recommended but may conflict with other inventory manager plugins.
  32. inventoryTampering: true
  34. #Sets the bungee configuration parameters. If bungee is enabled, players will only need to authenticate once on one of
  35. #servers
  36. bungee:
  37. # Whether bungee mode is enabled. Plugin must be on bungee server with same channel
  38. enabled: false
  39. # Channel to send messages over. Must be same on Bungee
  40. channel: "MCAuthenticator"
  42. dataBacking:
  43. # This plugin supports 3 independant datastorage mechanisms. At the current time, there is no way to convert between the
  44. # two, however, this may be added in the future.
  46. #Types:
  47. # - single: Saves all data in one single file. Good for most installations
  48. # - directory: Saves each player in their own file within a directory
  49. # - mysql: Saves each player's data within a mysql database
  50. type: single
  52. #If type is single, this specifies which file to save it in.
  53. file: "playerData.json"
  55. #If type is directory, this specifies which directory to save the data in.
  56. directory: "playerData"
  58. #If type is mysql, this specifies login details
  59. mysql:
  60. url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db"
  61. username: "test"
  62. password: "test"
  64. #Messages section. Each message uses standard '&' color codes.
  65. #A message can be split into multiple lines using the \n character.
  66. messages:
  67. prefix: "&8[&4Auth&8] "
  69. #Displayed in normal use
  70. authenticationPrompt: "&4This account has 2FA enabled on it. Please enter your authentication code."
  71. ipPreAuthenticated: "&7You are already authenticated since your IP matched your last log in IP."
  73. notAuthed: "&4You are not authenticated! Please enter your 2FA code."
  74. authenticated: "&7You have been authenticated"
  75. authFailed: "&4That was not a valid code. You are not yet authenticated."
  78. #Displayed after successful commands
  80. selfDisabled: "&cYou have disabled 2FA on your account."
  81. selfReset: "&cYou have reset 2FA on your account. Please enter the code shown on your device from the new code."
  83. #Other Success
  84. otherEnable: "&4%player%&c has enabled 2FA on your account!"
  85. otherDisable: "&4%player%&c has disabled 2FA on your account!"
  86. otherReset: "&4%player%&c has reset the 2FA on your account!\n &4Please enter the code generated by the app from the QR code."
  88. #Command errors
  89. alreadyEnabled: "&cYou already have 2FA enabled!"
  90. alreadyDisabled: "&cYou already have 2FA disabled!"
  91. disableForced: "&cYou are not permitted to disable 2FA on your account!"
  92. resetDisabled: "&cYour account has 2FA disabled."
  93. resetNotAuthed: "&cYou cannot reset your account until you authenticate!"
  94. resetForced: "&cYou are not permitted to reset 2FA on your account!"
  96. #Gauth specific messages
  97. sendAuthCode: "&7This server has 2FA support enabled. Your temporary code is\n&7%code%\n&7which is also viewable at\n&8%url%\n&7To use 2FA, enter the code generated by your device:"
  99. #Yubikey specific messages
  100. yubikeyInitPrompt: "&7This server has Yubikey support enabled for your 2FA! You may set up 2FA for this account by pressing your yubikey in the chat box:"
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