
Text Adventure Chapter 48 Log

Jul 11th, 2014
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  1. >Before you close the door, you want to say one more thing that pops into your head.
  2. “Hey Twilight? We made a friend here in the Crystal Empire named Wheaties, and she also has a sample of the shadow’s substance that we got from a thief that tried to rob us before. She said something about seeing it in the plains and wanted to do some research on it, so if you wanted to check that out before you went to the hospital, she’d most likely give you that sample for any experiments you might want to do.”
  3. >Twilight smiles with a sparkle in her eyes.
  4. >You think there’s a joke in there somewhere.
  5. >”Thank you Anon, that’d really help out with all of this. I’ll be sure to stop by at some point, just not sure when…”
  6. “And uuh, sorry we haven’t checked in more often. Our entourage actually went into the Winter Tundra to check leads on Dash, being rather busy and all that, but we ended up fighting this huge god of hatred or whatever and we fought it off by apologizing to each other… Crazy, huh?”
  7. >”Wait… Was it turning you guys into ice?”
  8. “Yeah. If I can recall, Pinkie said something about a Windigo?”
  9. >Twilight’s mouth drops once more, forehooves on the table in amazement.
  10. >”Anon, you’re lucky that you didn’t get frozen for good! At least Pinkie and AJ were there. The six of us actually performed a play for Hearth’s Warming Eve and the legend of the Windigo was one of the main issues, so we studied up. Well, more like I made everyone else read, but yeah. I’m glad to see you’re still standing.”
  11. >So the Windigo is a big threat even in a magical land like Equestria.
  12. >No wonder it was able to do what it did.
  13. >You begin to wonder about the progress that your group’s made not only in the trek to end Bane’s terror, but how far you’ve come together.
  14. >To be able to stop a god like that? Your group must be getting closer than you realize.
  15. >After this train of thought, Twilight reaffirmed her decision to go to Wheaties’ and shooes you out so she can continue her research, sending you and Redheart out of her office.
  16. >As soon as you look at Red to speak, you hear a familiar voice echo out from the lobby.
  17. >”That’s Berry…”
  18. >You and Redheart take a minute to get down the millions of crystal steps that the library insists on having, and you rejoin with Berry, who is sucking on her flask like a baby bottle, even cradled up next to the wall and supporting it with her legs.
  19. “....Hello?”
  20. >Berry’s eyes open and gloss over you and Redheart, and she pushes herself forward, setting the flask on the ground with her still wrapped around it, even making that little cartoonish spin when things barely keep their balance.
  21. >She pulls her lips off of the neck with a light sucking noise, and waves at you.
  22. >”Hi… I’m sho happy to shee you guysh…”
  23. >Now that you hear her speech, and see her glassy eyes, she’s much more drunk than you’ve ever seen her.
  24. >”I wash jus’ uh…. walkin’... thought I’d come here cuz’ I heard a lil’ tiny voice tellin’ me…”
  25. “You uhh, realize you were supposed to come back here, right?”
  26. >”...Do what now?”
  27. >She must’ve taken the meeting with the guards a little hard.
  28. >Delivering bad news like that and dealing with the aftermath isn’t healthy for any soul.
  29. >What would you like to do?
  33. “Uh, how did the guard station go?”
  34. >She becomes unresponsive, her lips wrapping around the bottleneck once more.
  35. >Yeah, she did this because of what happened.
  36. >You should’ve gone down there and done it yourself.
  37. “Are you alright, Berry? I don't like telling you what to do, but... could you slow down your drinking? I prefer you being a part of this world, so don't make me worry.”
  38. >As she looks back up at you, you put on your best, most warm smile you can to show her you care.
  39. >She props her head back up nods with a happy, toothy grin.
  40. >But it looks like she’s a teensy little bit absolutely smashed to even understand what you were asking.
  41. >”I had… I had a drinkin’ buddy with me, an’ he was reaaal tall, and he had… blue fur, and horns… I think he was horny.”
  42. >Berry starts laughing hysterically, pounding her hoof on her flask repeatedly and beginning to whoop and howl as she spun around.
  43. >You and Redheart look at each other with a bit of embarrassment, and then you hear another voice behind you near the lobby desk.
  44. >”Keep it down there ya hooligan! Drinks aren’ allowed in here no how no ways, get her outta here!”
  45. >The receptionist did not sound pleased.
  46. >Well, so much for her seeing your dick, guess she already forgot about it.
  47. >Redheart catches your attention.
  48. >”Maybe we should take her someplace where she can sober up… We do have work to do, don’t we?”
  49. >That’s true, but you sort of needed this time to look for a few more books, or read what you have.
  50. >Should you let Berry do her thing and let the receptionist deal with her and do what you need to do, or help her out?
  54. >With all the things going through your mind right now, you’re a bit dazed.
  55. >You quickly get over this and begin by turning back to the receptionist.
  56. “We’re just here to look for a few books while we wait for the rest of our party to get back. As soon as we’re all here we’re going over to Princess Cadance to assess her medical condition and we’ll be out of your hair. Thing is, Berry here is drinking away the memories of her having to go down to the local guard station and tell them their officer, Tidal Wave, passed away from our journey out to the Winter Tundra. Do you mind letting her sleep here, like on a table or something? I’ll take away her flask and everything.”
  57. >The receptionist adjusts her glasses and starts chewing on her dentures in frustration.
  58. >”...D’oohh, your little sob story better be true… She can use the bench right there, it’s cushioned anyhows… Ya better keep her from hollerin’ all over the place!”
  59. “Will do, ma’am.”
  60. >You look over at Redheart.
  61. “So… any ideas on how to handle her in the state she’s in?”
  62. >Redheart shrugs, a bit lost for words.
  63. >”I’ve never really dealt with drunkards, no offense to her… I’ve always been the nurse attending to the surgeons and the more serious stuff.”
  64. >She was working the graveyard shift when you first met her.
  65. >That means you can only do this the one way you know how.
  66. >You walk up to Berry and kneel down next to her, to which she spins off her bottle and tries to adjust her mane like it was a hat.
  67. “Berry… I know it was hard doing what you did, but it needed to be done. Now listen, you need to take it easy. I really don’t want to see you getting hurt whether it be by fighting or drinking, and you’ve been drinking a little too much.”
  68. >She doesn’t respond again.
  69. >Instead, she moans softly and presses her face into her flask.
  70. >The sight nearly breaks your heart for the second time today.
  71. >You try something else, and you take her by her withers.
  72. >You hug her tightly with all the warmth and care you have for her, and by damn if it isn’t a lot.
  73. >In fact, you can feel the warmth yourself.
  74. >You open your eyes for a moment to see that your markings are glowing once more, the soft white that they were back when you destroyed the shadow.
  75. >The glow begins to slowly pour away from your body, wrapping around hers like a breeze of peace and tranquility.
  76. >The warmth almost melts Berry in your arms, and her sobs of sorrow quickly turn into comforted coos, and from there become light snores.
  77. >Wow… Looks like your markings really were made for something besides war.
  78. [UNLOCKED BLESSING OF HARMONY: (-10 MP, releases a powerful magical spell that soothes, rejuvenates and calms anyone that the blessing is given to, and removes all mental and spiritual status effects.)]
  79. >Berry is asleep in your arms, now.
  80. >You slowly lift her away from her flask, to which Redheart quickly trots over and takes it for safe keeping.
  81. >You carry Berry over to the soft, cushioned bench and gently place her down, the soft snores turning into rather loud ones as she tosses and turns to find a comfortable spot, ending up in two of her hooves hanging off and her mess of a mane covering the rest of her face.
  82. >It’s sort of cute.
  83. >Nothing you’d PURSUE, however, keep that in mind.
  84. >Your eyes return to Red and you smile at her.
  85. >”Well, that’s a trick you could’ve used with Pinkie.”
  86. “Yeah, tell me about it… Alright, I think I need to go searching a little more.”
  87. >She nods, and the two of you return back to the depths of the library.
  88. >You steal a quick glance at the outer windows before leaving, and see that Iron Will was out in the distance, having met up with Gable and coming back to the library.
  89. >...
  90. >It is currently 4:35 P.M., five minutes after the agreed rendezvous.
  91. >There were aisles all the way from AA to ZZ.
  92. >Which aisle should you look in for subjects pertaining to psychology?
  96. >Inspect Blessing of Harmony
  97. [Your markings have begun to unlock their hidden potential that can help others as well as fight off the shadow, this ability being the first of many so long as you do the right things at the right time. (-10 MP, releases a powerful magical spell that soothes, rejuvenates and calms anyone that the blessing is given to, and removes all mental and spiritual status effects.)]
  99. >Status
  100. >ANONYMOUS (cc) / SIR DUCKSALOT [HP: 25/25]
  101. [HP: 130/130][MP: 10/20][Stats: 20 PD, 25 MD / +10 PA, +15 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  103. >Inspect Small Mana Crystal
  104. [This little gem has a variety of purposes. You can use it to aid a pony to enchant your items and increase their potency, use it in alchemy for various recipes that are magic-related, or use it as a substitute mana potion that will restore you for 33% of your total MP. You can combine 3 small mana crystals into a medium mana crystal, and 3 medium mana crystals into a large mana crystal.]
  106. “Finally… I have something that I can use to help others, instead of destroying everything.”
  107. >Redheart smiles and pats you gently.
  108. >”Well, even you need a little break from the action sometimes. I know you have plenty of that.”
  109. >Ooh, that didn’t sound nice.
  110. >Then again, she’s probably going to be distant until you apologize to Pinkie.
  111. >At least the situation is stable.
  112. >At this point, you get a thought and backtrack a bit, going back to the desk.
  113. >”Excuse me miss, but I was looking for books on psychology, and I was wondering if I’d go down aisle PS for that?”
  114. >The librarian shakily turns around and looks you straight in the eye.
  115. >”Wait a tick… I remember you now!”
  116. >Oh shit.
  117. >”You’re that one back in ZZ who was mas-”
  118. “Mastering the restoration arts, yes! But I need psychology now, so can you direct me to that?”
  119. >Redheart looks between the two of you in confusion.
  120. >Your eyes plead with the librarian not to say anything about it.
  121. >After a very long, tense moment of subtle charades, she finally makes an O shape with her lips in understanding and points out.
  122. >”You and your uh, marefriend, can try FF, for Flank Fort, greatest doctor in this old gal’s time… Uh… clean up when you’re done, please.”
  123. >Redheart looks at you as you quickly nod and leave with her in tow.
  124. >”What did she mean by that?”
  125. “Oh, I snuck in a little juice and spilled it a few nights ago in here, caught me red handed and had to clean it up, just a little minor misshap with no big problems just a little bit of a mistake yes siree Oh here we are at FF what do you know I’m gonna go look for him why don’t you keep guard just in case okay bye!”
  126. >You run out of breath right as you leave her at the edge of the aisle, completely bewildered.
  127. >You did not want her finding out about that night, things were intense between you already.
  128. >You look down FF and look for Flank Fort, browsing through the double F’s until you finally reach his name.
  129. >He seems to have 5 books here on wildly different subjects of psychology:
  130. -Dr. Frank Fort’s Psychology 102: For Dummies
  131. -Dr. Frank Fort’s Love is in the Air: You and Your Ponymate
  132. -Dr. Frank Fort’s Back in Time: Guide to your Childhood
  133. -Dr. Frank Fort’s Post-Trotmatic Stress of Magic: When Spells Attack
  134. -Dr. Frank Fort’s Depression, Anxiety and All Those Unfortunate Thingamajigs: What to Do for a Friend Near You
  136. >Which book(s) should you take?
  140. >You’re gonna need all five.
  141. >Gotta hoard those books.
  142. >Well, you have an actual reason in terms of preparation, because you never know when you’re going to need them.
  143. >And these books are going to really start weighing you down.
  144. >Gotta hoard those books.
  145. [You take all five books.]
  146. >Shifting them inside your pack, you feel it getting excessively heavy.
  147. >With all the things you have in there, it’s no wonder the pack itself split.
  148. >It feels as if you’re nearing your limit, so you’ll need to be careful what you take from now on, unless you find a place to store your unnecessary items.
  149. >You walk back to the aisle and wave sheepishly at Red, still confused by your actions.
  150. >That took about 5 minutes, and Gable and Iron Will are probably at the lobby by now, wondering why Berry’s laid out on the bench.
  151. >What would you like to do?
  155. >You beckon Redheart and you make your way back to the lobby, the stairs grinding further and further on your patience.
  156. >When Gable and Iron Will see you, they both wave at you and Red, and when you get within talking distance, Iron points out Berry.
  157. >”Good to see you brother, but why is my sweetcheeks all tuckered out? I figure she got the easiest job, ain’t that right?”
  158. >No it ain’t right.
  159. “Not exactly, let’s just say she’s had a long day. In fact…”
  160. >You remove your coat as you approach her sleeping form and drape it over her, the only response being a cute little yawn.
  161. >You can smell the rum from where you’re standing, and it’s not so cute anymore.
  162. >When you turn around, Gable’s holding out that chest you gave him, magical chain completely gone.
  163. “Now that’s progress.”
  164. >”Remember that unlocker’s fee, Anon.”
  165. “Right, right. Let’s see what we got here…”
  166. >You slowly undo the latch of the chest and take its contents.
  167. [You receive 1,363 bits, 4 small gems, 6 medium gems, 4 large gems, and Neck-Ring of Kinich Ahau: (Increases MD by 40, decreases fire damage by 10%, Grants ability Scorch)]
  169. >Wow, that is a nice set!
  170. >Oh, right.
  171. [You give Gable 136 bits and a large gem.]
  172. >He picks up his cut of the cash and stows it in his pocket with an uncharacteristically large grin.
  173. >”Don’t you just love the sound of money in your pocket? I could’ve had more, but you just had to have those saviour-of-the-world markings.”
  174. “Yeah, sorry about that…”
  175. >You then turn to Iron Will, and the sight beheld is pretty nice.
  176. >It’s a Yeti fur… coat that’s wrapped around his muscles, looking glamorous as ever.
  177. ”I thought you were making armor with it?”
  178. >Iron simply shrugs, still feeling the fur between his fingers.
  179. >”Iron Will likes his fashion. Plus, I could only get the armor base, which is what this is. Gotta haul it down to the Protected Wither if I want the real armor, and I wasn’t sure if you were alright with me spendin’ your well-picked bits.”
  180. “Well, thanks for the concern.
  181. [Iron Will gives you 2,400 bits.]
  182. “Holy shit.”
  183. >”That’s about what I felt when she told me. Ms. Stringtie’s gonna be adjustin’ a lot of attitudes with her new pizazz line of Gem Leopard Gems. You started her a whole new season, and she says thank you from the bottom of her sweet little mare heart.”
  184. >Very kind…
  185. “Hey Iron? Thanks for doing this. I owe you one.”
  186. >He raises a single eyebrow, and you very reluctantly hand him a share.
  187. [You give Iron Will 240 bits.]
  188. Total bit pouch: (3,387 bits, 4 small gems, 6 medium gems, 4 large gems)
  189. >”You owe me jack squat, doctor. Now, what’s the plan?”
  190. >Pinkie and AJ have not yet arrived, but they should be here soon.
  191. >Twilight left a while back for Wheaties’ and the hospital.
  192. >It is currently 4:50 P.M.
  193. >What would you like to do?
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