
Jinko Awakening Chapter 1

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. I stepped into the locker room, and toweled the sweat off of my face; today had been a long day of running, and I was particularly winded. As I took of my shorts, I noticed my abdoment area was slightly warmer than usual. I discounted it as nothing, and went back to changing. I splashed some warer on my face, and took a good lookin the mirror. My long light-brown hair was clinging to my shoulders, thanks to the sweat I worked up from practice. The shirt I wore was too tight, but I didn't have any other option since the laundromat was closed today; it hugged my sides and showed off my musculature, and somehow comtained my large bust. I splashed some more water on my face, and for some reason my body refused to cool down to nromal levels. I shrugged and walked out of the locker room. I must've not been watching my step, as I collided with a man, almost knocking him down in the process. I yelped in surprise, and quick looked down to see if he was okay. He smelled nice, a mix of smells I couldn't quite pick out from one another that blended together into a mixture that just seemed... pleasant; there was no other way to describe it. I said a quick apology, before asking if he was okay
  3. He looked up and stuttered out a "Y-yeah, I'm fine," before looking away uncomfortably. 'Damn, he's so cute like that' I thought to myself. my mind started to drift before I heard a cough, and looked down again. "Hey, could you let me go?" I give him a puzzled look before realizing that to steady myself, I had wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry, I haven't really been myself today."
  5. He straightened himself with a slightly ticked-off look on his face. "Yeah, yeah, just watch out man..." He grabbed my things off the ground and walked away. Before turing round the corner away from me, he shot a glance back towards me, then stormed off in a huff.
  7. I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts as he walked away, but I couldn't. The way he walked, the way he acted, it was as if it was burned into my mind. Even after he left, I could still faintly smell his scent, like a lingering aftertaste. I was finally able to focus once he was out of my sight, and I walked towards my car. 'That's really odd.' I thought to myself. 'It was like I was frozen, I couldn't get ahold of myself.' I shifted gears out of the parking lot, and drove home.
  9. I stepped inside and hoped the air conditioning would help to relieve some of the heat I felt. Even after drinking some cold water though, the feeling still persisted. I tried to put it out of my mind as I sat down to start homework. I opened up my Calculus book, and turned to the ending chapter page. As I looked down the rows of problems, my thoughts started to drift back to that man. I gritted my teeth and forced those thoughts out of my mind before returning to work on the problems. Five minutes later, the thoughts crept back. I tired to ignore them, but combined with the heat radiating from my lower abdomen and the weird feeling I had had most of the day, I couldn't help myself.
  11. I reached a paw downwards to where the heat was concentrated, and ran a hand across my thigh. I shivered with a bestial excitement, and slowly moved my hand closer to where my legs met. As my paw brushed the midsection of my pants, I felt almost electrifying pleasure; my legs tensed, and I let out a short moan
  13. As I rubbed a paw across my crotch, my back arched and I let out another moan, this one slightly louder. I pressed harder, grinding the material of my shorts against my sensitive area. My paw tightened, and I gasped as my claws dug into the material and raked across the firm flesh of my ass
  15. Dragging my claws across my skin produced a different sensation; instead of the forceful grinding of my paws, it felt light and tingly, like what I imagined a human hand would feel like. That strange man once again pervaded my thoughts, as I imagined his hand mimicking the movements of my paw. I reached a hand up to my chest, and lightly drug my claws across one of my breasts. As one of my claws glanced over the hard nipple, a shock ran down my spine.
  17. I could feel something building up within me, like torrents of water straining against a dam that would burst any minute. My legs shook uncontrolably, and my breath came in hot shaky bursts. My whole body was trembling with this newfound pleasure, and a trail of saliva fell from the corner of my mouth onto the one-size-too-small shirt that was bunched up around my collarbone.
  19. With an explosive snap akin to that of a whip cracking, a pulse of pure white-hot pleasure ripped through my body from my crotch outwards, followed by another pulse to rival the first, half a second later. The third and fourth continued in that same way, as my paws squeezed reflxively. The squeezing motion ground the material of my shorts against my crotch, which sent another white-hot wave through my body, tearing the breath from my lungs and leaving my gasping for air. With each pulse my muscles contracted in what seemed to be a continual cycle. After a minute, the waves of pleasure finally subsided; my muscles ached from the contraction, my throat hurt from the moaning, and my shirt was soaked with drool. I moved my paw slightly, and another smaller wave rippled through my body, the hypersensitivity almost forcing me back into another fit of orgasms. I noticed a wetness saturating my paw, and looked down to see my shorts drenched with some sort of fluid. My mind too cloudy to form a coherent thought, I let my eyes droop closed, and began to drift off to sleep
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