
Über Jason vs his clone

Nov 1st, 2023
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  1. Omar Wing found the urge to join Jason Voorhees in the carnage almost irresistible. His insides seemed to be boiling with it. Once or twice, he started to move forward and barely managed to stop himself.
  3. What he had to do was stop Jason Voorhees; he had to stop the killing. Except he knew that if he let himself move, it wouldn't be to stop him but to join in.
  5. He was weakening even more. The sight of all that death, the blood, the pain, the screams was crushing the last bit of life out of him, and yet he couldn't look away. If he turned from the sight, he would lose his hold and then he would be gone.
  7. Something touched his leg. He turned sharply and saw the human he had been holding high in the air by his neck.
  9. "Dr Wing," the soldier said in a barely audible rasp. "Can't you help?"
  11. He had a fleeting sensation of weightlessness. Then he woke up.
  13. There was no reason for it. Like everything else that had happened, it didn't make any sense, but he wasn't going to waste any time thinking about sense. Somehow, things had flipped and he was suddenly the dominant force in this mutant, traitor body. That was all he had to think about, and he didn't think about it for long.
  15. He strode across the room, refusing to look down at what was under his feet, found his way through the weapons and the wounded and the dead, batted away the few humans, and finally took hold of the one he resonated with and who resonated with him. Then, without really knowing how he was doing it, he told the nanos inside both of them what he wanted.
  17. There was a flash that Wing felt rather than saw, and Jason Voorhees suddenly crashed to the floor, paralyzed.
  19. Wing rolled him over onto his back, intending to pick him up and then paused; the monster's eyes seemed to burn as they looked directly into his. The paralysis wouldn't last indefinitely; he could tell that Jason knew it as well as he did.
  21. Just last long enough, he begged silently. Long enough for me to get to where I need to go.
  23. Chapter 23
  25. Wing was more than staggering; Carol saw him go down on one knee. Dan Numinen went to him, put his hands on the big, thick shoulders briefly. Wing shook him off, seemed to hesitate, and then reached for the creature's feet. With an enormous effort, he heaved himself to a standing position and started to roll the monster over backwards into the payload.
  27. Abruptly, Jason Voorhees' hands shot out and grabbed hold of either side of the open hatch. Wing froze in obvious surprise. Jason kicked out with both legs and Wing let go, staggering backwards several feet into Numinen and knocking him down. He strained to regain his balance with an effort, seemed to be on the verge of righting himself, and then fell squarely on top of Numinen. Before Carol could even react, the speakers in the console gave a loud crackle.
  29. ...
  31. Inside Omar Wing, the dark was rising. He could feel it even more vividly than he felt the blows from that creature, or even the impact of his own fists against the thing. And it was pointless. They could have fought each other like this for fifty years to no effect whatsoever. Except he wasn't going to last fifty years. He wasn't going to last another fifty seconds and he knew it.
  33. All at once, he became aware of a deep, rumbling sound growing in volume, building into a roar. The walkway began to shudder violently and he realized that with or without Jason Voorhees, the rocket was about to launch.
  35. The realization sent a surge of mindless panic through him like an electric current. Exactly like an electric current; he actually felt it tear through the traitor body, leap out, and cross over into Jason Voorhees.
  37. Abruptly, Wing let go of him and Jason suddenly jerked backwards with such force that his feet came up off the floor of the walkway. He actually flew backwards several feet and then caught himself on the open hatch again. Wing reached towards him, intending to use his last seconds as a human being to shove the monster in.
  39. Just as he reached out, Jason and everything in front of him disappeared in a strange burning cloud of gas.
  41. Jason X: The Experiment, chapter 23
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