

Jan 2nd, 2014
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  1. SophieeStar has joined the chat
  2. AveryLillard has joined the chat
  3. SophieeStar: -Cam sat back laughing a bit and rolled his eyes playfully.- "Nachoes, two." -He grinned his signature smile up at the waitress as she waited for their order then tilted his head flirtily.- "So, yea. What up?"
  4. AveryLillard: -She shrugs her shoulders.-"So this radio thing you were talking about where would we hold it?"-she looks at the waitress-"and rootbeer too"
  5. SophieeStar: "Hell, I don't know. Ain't that a woman thing? Ya know to organize shit?"
  6. AveryLillard: -Avery looks at him.-"Hey not all women organize shit. but maybe we find a place like a little stuido or something for rent"
  7. LoganSethMathews has joined the chat
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Justin pulled up into the diner parking lot, quickly getting out and hurrying inside and out of the cold. He approached the counter quickly, pulling his wallet from his back pocket and looking to the hostess. "Picking up. Reiger?" The woman nodding, turning and walking back through the door and into the kitchen. He leaned forward onto the counter, resting his forearm as he scanned the diner's occupants. -
  9. SophieeStar: -Cam pointed to her and opened his mouth nodding- "YES! THAT! See, organizing shit..woman's job."
  10. ZoeyAnnMathews has joined the chat
  11. AveryLillard: -Avery rolls ehr eyes as the waitress brings their order to them and she grabs a nacho-"I saw a little place we could use for sale..I could probably get a loan or something..or ask my dad for some help."-she shrugs her shoulders.-
  12. SophieeStar: "Or I could just swipe my debit card..Yea, leggo." -Cam smiled and shook his head running a hand through his tousled hair-
  13. AveryLillard: -Avery looks over seeing justin-"Ain't that bry's boyfriend."-she really didnt know his name. she shrugs.-"alright you can pay for it then.."
  14. ZoeyAnnMathews: Zoey pulled into the parking lot of the Greasy Spoon. pulling into and empty space she turned the engine off before climbing out of the car. She pushed her hands through he chocolate locks as she walked into the diner. Standing in the doorway she looked around the Diner seeing Avery and Cam, Smiling she waved
  15. Alexithymiaa: -He spotted Cam seated at a booth with the girl from the bar last night, lifting a hand in recognition to wave at him as the hostess returned with a foam take out box. He inhaled deeply, smelling the burgers as he handed the hostess the cash. -
  16. AveryLillard: -Avery smiles and waves zoey over. she shoves a nacho in ehr mouth and chews licking her lips-
  17. LoganSethMathews: Logan climbed out of Zoey's jeep, following her into the Greasy Spoon. He saw Avery and Cam as he went inside, smiling and waved at them before he headed over to the counter. He waited in line as he looked over his shoulder at Zoey. "What are you having hun?" He asked before he looked up at the menu, then to the guy in front of him paying for his food, recognising him from before but he never had the chance to properly talk to him. Shrugging his shoulders he attempted to talk to him. "Hey." Was all he said for now.
  18. SophieeStar: -Cam tilted his head towards the guy and then shrugged having never actually met him. He grabbed a nacho then popped it in his mouth and licked the cheese off-
  19. Alexithymiaa: (Dude they've met like a million times when the girls were together)
  20. SophieeStar: (Oh well, strike that then)
  21. ZoeyAnnMathews: "I'm going to go sit down and look at the menu." she said to Logan before walking across the diner to where Avery and Cam were sitting. Sliding into the booth next to Avery."Hey sweets" she said making her scoot over
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Justin turned around, looking at the male behind him as he took his food and was greeted. He recognized him from the bar the night before, returning the casual greeting. "Hey, man. What's up?"-
  23. AveryLillard: -Avery whines as zoe made her scoot over away from the nachos-"bitch..."-she grins and kisses zoe's cheek.-"Cam and I are talking about having a school radio station."
  24. ZoeyAnnMathews: "That would be Awesome." SHe said smiling before stealing one of the nachos popping it into her mouth. Grabbing the menu she started looking over it trying to decide what she wanted to eat.
  25. SophieeStar: -cam laughed and threw up a hand back at Justin then turned back towards the girls- "Ayee, oh we could call it Wicked Radio."
  26. LoganSethMathews: "But I just asked you if you wanted-" He stopped as Zoey walked away he sighed a little bit before he turned his attention to Justin. "Not much, getting something to eat, as you do." He said with a slight smirk. "I know we've met somewhere before, but I don't think we actually got a chance to really talk." He said looking at the table where Zoey sat down. "Well I better go see what she wants, I'm buying for her." He said before he nodded to Justin and walked over to the table with the others. Sliding into the booth next to Cam.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -He tipped his head down into a deep nod at Logan, sending the residents of the booth across the diner a quick wave before walking out the door, climbing back into his jeep and peeling out of the parking lot.-
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